#include "../shaderenv.h" #include "common.h" /*************************************************/ /* Filter for combining ssao with image */ /*************************************************/ struct fragment { float2 texCoord: TEXCOORD0; float3 view: TEXCOORD1; }; struct pixel { float4 illum_col: COLOR0; }; /** Filter taking into account depth and normal differences, and convergence of a sample */ float DiscontinuityFilter(float2 texCoord, float4 ao, float4 color, uniform sampler2D ssaoTex, uniform sampler2D normalsTex, uniform sampler2D colorsTex, uniform float2 filterOffs[NUM_SSAO_FILTER_SAMPLES], uniform float filterWeights[NUM_SSAO_FILTER_SAMPLES], float scale ) { float average = .0f; float total_w = .0f; const float eyeSpaceDepth = color.w; const float3 centerNormal = tex2Dlod(normalsTex, float4(texCoord, 0, 0)).xyz; float4 aoSample; float3 sampleNorm; float3 samplePos; float w; float4 sampleTexCoord; float depthFactor; float normalFactor; float convergenceFactor; float sampleDepth; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SSAO_FILTER_SAMPLES; ++ i) { sampleTexCoord = float4(texCoord + filterOffs[i] * scale, 0, 0); aoSample = tex2Dlod(ssaoTex, sampleTexCoord); sampleNorm = tex2Dlod(normalsTex, sampleTexCoord).xyz; // check depth discontinuity sampleDepth = tex2Dlod(colorsTex, sampleTexCoord).w; //sampleDepth = aoSample.w; //depthFactor = 1.0f / max(abs(eyeSpaceDepth - sampleDepth), 1e-2f); depthFactor = 1.0f - step(1e-2f, abs(1.0f - eyeSpaceDepth / sampleDepth)); //normalFactor = max(step(0.6f, dot(sampleNorm, centerNormal)), 1e-3f); normalFactor = max(dot(sampleNorm, centerNormal), 1e-3f); //convergenceFactor = min(100.0f, aoSample.y); convergenceFactor = aoSample.y + 1.0f; // combine the weights w = filterWeights[i] * convergenceFactor * depthFactor * normalFactor; //w = normalFactor * convergenceFactor; average += aoSample.x * w; total_w += w; } average /= max(total_w, 1e-6f); return saturate(average); } /** Filter taking into account depth and normal differences, and convergence of a sample */ float DiscontinuityFilter2(float2 texCoord, float4 ao, float4 color, uniform sampler2D ssaoTex, uniform sampler2D normalsTex, uniform sampler2D colorsTex, uniform float2 filterOffs[NUM_SSAO_FILTER_SAMPLES], float scale, float3 bl, float3 br, float3 tl, float3 tr) { float average = .0f; float total_w = .0f; //const float3 centerPos = ReconstructSamplePos(ssaoTex, texCoord, bl, br, tl, tr); const float3 centerPos = ReconstructSamplePos(colorsTex, texCoord, bl, br, tl, tr); const float3 centerNormal = tex2Dlod(normalsTex, float4(texCoord, 0, 0)).xyz; float4 aoSample; float3 sampleNorm; float3 samplePos; float w; float4 sampleTexCoord; float spatialFactor; float normalFactor; float convergenceFactor; float len; const float convergenceThresh = 200.0f; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SSAO_FILTER_SAMPLES; ++ i) { sampleTexCoord = float4(texCoord + filterOffs[i] * scale, .0f, .0f); aoSample = tex2Dlod(ssaoTex, sampleTexCoord); //sampleNorm = tex2Dlod(normalsTex, sampleTexCoord).xyz; // check spatial discontinuity // note: using the depth from the color texture is not 100% correct as depth was // not scaled with the interpolated view vector depth yet ... samplePos = ReconstructSamplePos(colorsTex, sampleTexCoord.xy, bl, br, tl, tr); //samplePos = ReconstructSamplePos(ssaoTex, sampleTexCoord.xy, bl, br, tl, tr); len = min(SqrLen(centerPos - samplePos), 1e2f); spatialFactor = 1.0f / max(len, 1e-3f); //normalFactor = max(step(.2f, dot(sampleNorm, centerNormal)), 1e-2f); convergenceFactor = aoSample.y + 1.0f; // combine the weights w = convergenceFactor * convergenceFactor * spatialFactor;// * normalFactor; average += aoSample.x * w; total_w += w; } average /= max(total_w, 1e-6f); return saturate(average); } /** Function combining image and indirect illumination buffer using a depth and normal aware discontinuity filter. */ pixel combine(fragment IN, uniform sampler2D colorsTex, uniform sampler2D ssaoTex, uniform sampler2D normalsTex, uniform float2 filterOffs[NUM_SSAO_FILTER_SAMPLES], uniform float filterWeights[NUM_SSAO_FILTER_SAMPLES], uniform float4x4 modelViewProj, uniform float3 bl, uniform float3 br, uniform float3 tl, uniform float3 tr ) { pixel OUT; float4 col = tex2Dlod(colorsTex, float4(IN.texCoord, 0, 0)); float4 ao = tex2Dlod(ssaoTex, float4(IN.texCoord, 0, 0)); // get the minimum convergence by exactly sampling the 4 surrounding // texels in the old texture, otherwise flickering because convergence // will be interpolated when upsampling and filter size does not match! float4 texelCenterConv; //const float w = 512.0f; const float h = 384.0f; //const float w = 128.0f; const float h = 96.0f; const float w = 16.0f; const float h = 12.0f; const float xoffs = .5f / w; const float yoffs = .5f / h; // get position exactly between old texel centers float2 center; center.x = (floor(IN.texCoord.x * w - .5f) + 1.0f) / w; center.y = (floor(IN.texCoord.y * h - .5f) + 1.0f) / h; //center=IN.texCoord; texelCenterConv.x = tex2Dlod(ssaoTex, float4(center + float2( xoffs, yoffs), 0, 0)).y; texelCenterConv.y = tex2Dlod(ssaoTex, float4(center + float2( xoffs, -yoffs), 0, 0)).y; texelCenterConv.z = tex2Dlod(ssaoTex, float4(center + float2(-xoffs, -yoffs), 0, 0)).y; texelCenterConv.w = tex2Dlod(ssaoTex, float4(center + float2(-xoffs, yoffs), 0, 0)).y; const float m1 = min(texelCenterConv.x, texelCenterConv.y); const float m2 = min(texelCenterConv.z, texelCenterConv.w); const float minConvergence = min(m1, m2); const float convergence = minConvergence; //const float convergence = 0; //const float convergence = ao.y; // filter reaches size 1 pixel after thres samples: // afterwards we do not use the filter anymore const float thres = 500.0f; // filter up to a certain convergance value and leave out background (sky) by checking depth if ((convergence < thres) && (col.w < 1e10f)) { const float distanceScale = 1.0f; // descend to zero filter size after reaching thres pixels const float convergenceWeight = thres / (SSAO_FILTER_WIDTH - 1.0f); const float convergenceScale = convergenceWeight / (convergence + convergenceWeight); const float scale = SSAO_FILTER_WIDTH * convergenceScale * distanceScale; // the filtered ssao value ao.x = DiscontinuityFilter2(IN.texCoord, ao, col, ssaoTex, normalsTex, colorsTex, filterOffs, scale, bl, br, tl, tr); } if (col.w < 1e10f) OUT.illum_col.xyz = col.xyz * ao.x; else OUT.illum_col.xyz = col.xyz; //OUT.illum_col.xyz = float3(ao.x, ao.x, step(thres, convergence)); OUT.illum_col.xyz = float3(0, convergence, 0); //OUT.illum_col.xyz = float3(abs(center.x - IN.texCoord.x) * 16.0f, abs(center.y - IN.texCoord.y) * 12.0f, 0); //OUT.illum_col.xyz = float3(0, clamp(1.0f - ao.y * 1e-3f, 0, 1), 1); //OUT.illum_col.xyz = float3(0, 1.0f - step(0.5f + NUM_SAMPLES, convergence), 1); OUT.illum_col.w = col.w; return OUT; } /** Function combining image and indirect illumination buffer using a depth and normal aware discontinuity filter. */ pixel SmoothSsao(fragment IN, uniform sampler2D ssaoTex) { pixel OUT; float4 ao = tex2Dlod(ssaoTex, float4(IN.texCoord, 0, 0)); float4 dummy; const float xoffs = .5f / 1024.0f; const float yoffs = .5f / 768.0f; // get positions exactly between old texel centers dummy.x = tex2Dlod(ssaoTex, float4(IN.texCoord + float2(xoffs, 0), 0, 0)).y; dummy.y = tex2Dlod(ssaoTex, float4(IN.texCoord + float2(0, -yoffs), 0, 0)).y; dummy.z = tex2Dlod(ssaoTex, float4(IN.texCoord + float2(-xoffs, 0), 0, 0)).y; dummy.w = tex2Dlod(ssaoTex, float4(IN.texCoord + float2(0, yoffs), 0, 0)).y; const float m1 = min(dummy.x, dummy.y); const float m2 = min(dummy.z, dummy.w); ao.y = min(ao.y, min(m1, m2)); return OUT; }