
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002     Copyright (C) 2006 Feeling Software Inc
00003     MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
00004 */
00011 #ifndef _FU_DATETIME_H_
00012 #define _FU_DATETIME_H_
00021 class FCOLLADA_EXPORT FUDateTime
00022 {
00023 private:
00024     // To be more friendly, 'day' and 'month' are 1-indexed
00025     uint32 seconds;
00026     uint32 minutes;
00027     uint32 hour;
00028     uint32 day;
00029     uint32 month;
00030     uint32 year;
00032 public:
00034     FUDateTime();
00037     FUDateTime(const FUDateTime& time);
00039     ~FUDateTime();
00043     inline uint32 GetSeconds() const { return seconds; }
00046     inline uint32 GetMinutes() const { return minutes; }
00049     inline uint32 GetHour() const { return hour; }
00053     inline uint32 GetDay() const { return day; }
00056     inline uint32 GetMonth() const { return month; }
00060     inline uint32 GetYear() const { return year; }
00065     inline void SetSeconds(uint32 _seconds) { seconds = _seconds; }
00069     inline void SetMinutes(uint32 _minutes) { minutes = _minutes; }
00073     inline void SetHour(uint32 _hour) { hour = _hour; }
00077     inline void SetDay(uint32 _day) { day = _day; }
00081     inline void SetMonth(uint32 _month) { month = _month; }
00085     inline void SetYear(uint32 _year) { year = _year; }
00090     static FUDateTime GetNow();
00091 };
00093 #endif // _FU_DATETIME_H_

Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:39 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO