xof 0303txt 0032 // DirectX file generated by Ultimate Unwrap3D // Start of Templates template VertexDuplicationIndices { DWORD nIndices; DWORD nOriginalVertices; array DWORD indices[nIndices]; } template FVFData { DWORD dwFVF; DWORD nDWords; array DWORD data[nDWords]; } template Header { <3D82AB43-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433> WORD major; WORD minor; DWORD flags; } template Vector { <3D82AB5E-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433> FLOAT x; FLOAT y; FLOAT z; } template Coords2d { FLOAT u; FLOAT v; } template Matrix4x4 { array FLOAT matrix[16]; } template ColorRGBA { <35FF44E0-6C7C-11cf-8F52-0040333594A3> FLOAT red; FLOAT green; FLOAT blue; FLOAT alpha; } template ColorRGB { FLOAT red; FLOAT green; FLOAT blue; } template IndexedColor { <1630B820-7842-11cf-8F52-0040333594A3> DWORD index; ColorRGBA indexColor; } template Material { <3D82AB4D-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433> ColorRGBA faceColor; FLOAT power; ColorRGB specularColor; ColorRGB emissiveColor; [...] } template TextureFilename { STRING filename; } template MeshFace { <3D82AB5F-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433> DWORD nFaceVertexIndices; array DWORD faceVertexIndices[nFaceVertexIndices]; } template MeshTextureCoords { DWORD nTextureCoords; array Coords2d textureCoords[nTextureCoords]; } template MeshMaterialList { DWORD nMaterials; DWORD nFaceIndexes; array DWORD faceIndexes[nFaceIndexes]; [Material] } template MeshNormals { DWORD nNormals; array Vector normals[nNormals]; DWORD nFaceNormals; array MeshFace faceNormals[nFaceNormals]; } template MeshVertexColors { <1630B821-7842-11cf-8F52-0040333594A3> DWORD nVertexColors; array IndexedColor vertexColors[nVertexColors]; } template Mesh { <3D82AB44-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433> DWORD nVertices; array Vector vertices[nVertices]; DWORD nFaces; array MeshFace faces[nFaces]; [...] } template FrameTransformMatrix { Matrix4x4 frameMatrix; } template Frame { <3D82AB46-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433> [...] } template FloatKeys { <10DD46A9-775B-11cf-8F52-0040333594A3> DWORD nValues; array FLOAT values[nValues]; } template TimedFloatKeys { DWORD time; FloatKeys tfkeys; } template AnimationKey { <10DD46A8-775B-11cf-8F52-0040333594A3> DWORD keyType; DWORD nKeys; array TimedFloatKeys keys[nKeys]; } template AnimationOptions { DWORD openclosed; DWORD positionquality; } template Animation { <3D82AB4F-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433> [...] } template AnimationSet { <3D82AB50-62DA-11cf-AB39-0020AF71E433> [Animation] } // Start of Frames Frame SceneRoot0 { FrameTransformMatrix { 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000;; } Frame NoFrameName0 { FrameTransformMatrix { 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000;; } Frame SceneRoot { FrameTransformMatrix { 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000;; } Frame Body { FrameTransformMatrix { 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000;; } } } } Frame Body0 { FrameTransformMatrix { 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000;; } Mesh staticMesh { 12; -1600.000000; 0.000000; 0.000000;, -1600.000000; 0.000000; 1600.000000;, 0.000000; 0.000000; 0.000000;, 1600.000000; 0.000000; 0.000000;, 1600.000000; 0.000000; -1600.000000;, 0.000000; 0.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 0.000000; -1600.000000;, -1600.000000; 0.000000; -1600.000000;, 0.000000; 0.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 0.000000; 1600.000000;, 0.000000; 0.000000; 0.000000;, 1600.000000; 0.000000; 1600.000000;; 8; 3;0, 1, 2;, 3;3, 4, 5;, 3;6, 7, 8;, 3;7, 0, 8;, 3;8, 4, 6;, 3;1, 9, 10;, 3;10, 9, 3;, 3;9, 11, 3;; MeshNormals { 12; 0.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 1.000000; 0.000000;; 8; 3;0, 1, 2;, 3;3, 4, 5;, 3;6, 7, 8;, 3;7, 0, 8;, 3;8, 4, 6;, 3;1, 9, 10;, 3;10, 9, 3;, 3;9, 11, 3;; } MeshTextureCoords { 12; 0.000000; 0.500000;, 0.000000; 1.000000;, 0.500000; 0.500000;, 1.000000; 0.500000;, 1.000000; 0.000000;, 0.500000; 0.500000;, 0.500000; 0.000000;, 0.000000; 0.000000;, 0.500000; 0.500000;, 0.500000; 1.000000;, 0.500000; 0.500000;, 1.000000; 1.000000;; } MeshVertexColors { 12; 0; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;, 1; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;, 2; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;, 3; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;, 4; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;, 5; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;, 6; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;, 7; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;, 8; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;, 9; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;, 10; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;, 11; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000; 1.000000;; } MeshMaterialList { 1; 8; 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; Material { 0.000000; 0.501961; 1.000000; 1.000000;; 128.000000; 0.000000; 0.000000; 0.000000;; 0.000000; 0.000000; 0.000000;; } } } } }