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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00003 This source file is part of OGRE
00004     (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
00005 For the latest info, see
00007 Copyright (c) 2000-2005 The OGRE Team
00008 Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html
00010 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
00011 the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
00012 Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
00013 version.
00015 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00016 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
00017 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
00019 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
00020 this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
00021 Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
00023 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00024 */
00025 #ifndef __Math_H__
00026 #define __Math_H__
00028 #include "OgrePrerequisites.h"
00030 namespace Ogre
00031 {
00037     class Radian
00038     {
00039         Real mRad;
00041     public:
00042         explicit Radian ( Real r=0 ) : mRad(r) {}
00043         Radian ( const Degree& d );
00044         const Radian& operator = ( const Real& f ) { mRad = f; return *this; }
00045         const Radian& operator = ( const Radian& r ) { mRad = r.mRad; return *this; }
00046         const Radian& operator = ( const Degree& d );
00048         Real valueDegrees() const; // see bottom of this file
00049         Real valueRadians() const { return mRad; }
00050         Real valueAngleUnits() const;
00052         Radian operator + ( const Radian& r ) const { return Radian ( mRad + r.mRad ); }
00053         Radian operator + ( const Degree& d ) const;
00054         Radian& operator += ( const Radian& r ) { mRad += r.mRad; return *this; }
00055         Radian& operator += ( const Degree& d );
00056         Radian operator - () { return Radian(-mRad); }
00057         Radian operator - ( const Radian& r ) const { return Radian ( mRad - r.mRad ); }
00058         Radian operator - ( const Degree& d ) const;
00059         Radian& operator -= ( const Radian& r ) { mRad -= r.mRad; return *this; }
00060         Radian& operator -= ( const Degree& d );
00061         Radian operator * ( Real f ) const { return Radian ( mRad * f ); }
00062         Radian operator * ( const Radian& f ) const { return Radian ( mRad * f.mRad ); }
00063         Radian& operator *= ( Real f ) { mRad *= f; return *this; }
00064         Radian operator / ( Real f ) const { return Radian ( mRad / f ); }
00065         Radian& operator /= ( Real f ) { mRad /= f; return *this; }
00067         bool operator <  ( const Radian& r ) const { return mRad <  r.mRad; }
00068         bool operator <= ( const Radian& r ) const { return mRad <= r.mRad; }
00069         bool operator == ( const Radian& r ) const { return mRad == r.mRad; }
00070         bool operator != ( const Radian& r ) const { return mRad != r.mRad; }
00071         bool operator >= ( const Radian& r ) const { return mRad >= r.mRad; }
00072         bool operator >  ( const Radian& r ) const { return mRad >  r.mRad; }
00073     };
00080     class Degree
00081     {
00082         Real mDeg; // if you get an error here - make sure to define/typedef 'Real' first
00084     public:
00085         explicit Degree ( Real d=0 ) : mDeg(d) {}
00086         Degree ( const Radian& r ) : mDeg(r.valueDegrees()) {}
00087         const Degree& operator = ( const Real& f ) { mDeg = f; return *this; }
00088         const Degree& operator = ( const Degree& d ) { mDeg = d.mDeg; return *this; }
00089         const Degree& operator = ( const Radian& r ) { mDeg = r.valueDegrees(); return *this; }
00091         Real valueDegrees() const { return mDeg; }
00092         Real valueRadians() const; // see bottom of this file
00093         Real valueAngleUnits() const;
00095         Degree operator + ( const Degree& d ) const { return Degree ( mDeg + d.mDeg ); }
00096         Degree operator + ( const Radian& r ) const { return Degree ( mDeg + r.valueDegrees() ); }
00097         Degree& operator += ( const Degree& d ) { mDeg += d.mDeg; return *this; }
00098         Degree& operator += ( const Radian& r ) { mDeg += r.valueDegrees(); return *this; }
00099         Degree operator - () { return Degree(-mDeg); }
00100         Degree operator - ( const Degree& d ) const { return Degree ( mDeg - d.mDeg ); }
00101         Degree operator - ( const Radian& r ) const { return Degree ( mDeg - r.valueDegrees() ); }
00102         Degree& operator -= ( const Degree& d ) { mDeg -= d.mDeg; return *this; }
00103         Degree& operator -= ( const Radian& r ) { mDeg -= r.valueDegrees(); return *this; }
00104         Degree operator * ( Real f ) const { return Degree ( mDeg * f ); }
00105         Degree operator * ( const Degree& f ) const { return Degree ( mDeg * f.mDeg ); }
00106         Degree& operator *= ( Real f ) { mDeg *= f; return *this; }
00107         Degree operator / ( Real f ) const { return Degree ( mDeg / f ); }
00108         Degree& operator /= ( Real f ) { mDeg /= f; return *this; }
00110         bool operator <  ( const Degree& d ) const { return mDeg <  d.mDeg; }
00111         bool operator <= ( const Degree& d ) const { return mDeg <= d.mDeg; }
00112         bool operator == ( const Degree& d ) const { return mDeg == d.mDeg; }
00113         bool operator != ( const Degree& d ) const { return mDeg != d.mDeg; }
00114         bool operator >= ( const Degree& d ) const { return mDeg >= d.mDeg; }
00115         bool operator >  ( const Degree& d ) const { return mDeg >  d.mDeg; }
00116     };
00124     class Angle
00125     {
00126         Real mAngle;
00127     public:
00128         explicit Angle ( Real angle ) : mAngle(angle) {}
00129         operator Radian();
00130         operator Degree();
00131     };
00133     // these functions could not be defined within the class definition of class
00134     // Radian because they required class Degree to be defined
00135     inline Radian::Radian ( const Degree& d ) : mRad(d.valueRadians()) {
00136     }
00137     inline const Radian& Radian::operator = ( const Degree& d ) {
00138         mRad = d.valueRadians(); return *this;
00139     }
00140     inline Radian Radian::operator + ( const Degree& d ) const {
00141         return Radian ( mRad + d.valueRadians() );
00142     }
00143     inline Radian& Radian::operator += ( const Degree& d ) {
00144         mRad += d.valueRadians();
00145         return *this;
00146     }
00147     inline Radian Radian::operator - ( const Degree& d ) const {
00148         return Radian ( mRad - d.valueRadians() );
00149     }
00150     inline Radian& Radian::operator -= ( const Degree& d ) {
00151         mRad -= d.valueRadians();
00152         return *this;
00153     }
00165     class _OgreExport Math 
00166     {
00167    public:
00173        enum AngleUnit
00174        {
00175            AU_DEGREE,
00176            AU_RADIAN
00177        };
00179     protected:
00180        // angle units used by the api
00181        static AngleUnit msAngleUnit;
00184         static int mTrigTableSize;
00187         static Real mTrigTableFactor;
00188         static Real* mSinTable;
00189         static Real* mTanTable;
00193         void buildTrigTables();
00195         static Real SinTable (Real fValue);
00196         static Real TanTable (Real fValue);
00197     public:
00203         Math(unsigned int trigTableSize = 4096);
00207         ~Math();
00209         static inline int IAbs (int iValue) { return ( iValue >= 0 ? iValue : -iValue ); }
00210         static inline int ICeil (float fValue) { return int(ceil(fValue)); }
00211         static inline int IFloor (float fValue) { return int(floor(fValue)); }
00212         static int ISign (int iValue);
00214         static inline Real Abs (Real fValue) { return Real(fabs(fValue)); }
00215         static inline Degree Abs (const Degree& dValue) { return Degree(fabs(dValue.valueDegrees())); }
00216         static inline Radian Abs (const Radian& rValue) { return Radian(fabs(rValue.valueRadians())); }
00217         static Radian ACos (Real fValue);
00218         static Radian ASin (Real fValue);
00219         static inline Radian ATan (Real fValue) { return Radian(atan(fValue)); }
00220         static inline Radian ATan2 (Real fY, Real fX) { return Radian(atan2(fY,fX)); }
00221         static inline Real Ceil (Real fValue) { return Real(ceil(fValue)); }
00230         static inline Real Cos (const Radian& fValue, bool useTables = false) {
00231             return (!useTables) ? Real(cos(fValue.valueRadians())) : SinTable(fValue.valueRadians() + HALF_PI);
00232         }
00240         static inline Real Cos (Real fValue, bool useTables = false) {
00241             return (!useTables) ? Real(cos(fValue)) : SinTable(fValue + HALF_PI);
00242         }
00244         static inline Real Exp (Real fValue) { return Real(exp(fValue)); }
00246         static inline Real Floor (Real fValue) { return Real(floor(fValue)); }
00248         static inline Real Log (Real fValue) { return Real(log(fValue)); }
00250         static inline Real Pow (Real fBase, Real fExponent) { return Real(pow(fBase,fExponent)); }
00252         static Real Sign (Real fValue);
00253         static inline Radian Sign ( const Radian& rValue )
00254         {
00255             return Radian(Sign(rValue.valueRadians()));
00256         }
00257         static inline Degree Sign ( const Degree& dValue )
00258         {
00259             return Degree(Sign(dValue.valueDegrees()));
00260         }
00269         static inline Real Sin (const Radian& fValue, bool useTables = false) {
00270             return (!useTables) ? Real(sin(fValue.valueRadians())) : SinTable(fValue.valueRadians());
00271         }
00279         static inline Real Sin (Real fValue, bool useTables = false) {
00280             return (!useTables) ? Real(sin(fValue)) : SinTable(fValue);
00281         }
00283         static inline Real Sqr (Real fValue) { return fValue*fValue; }
00285         static inline Real Sqrt (Real fValue) { return Real(sqrt(fValue)); }
00287         static inline Radian Sqrt (const Radian& fValue) { return Radian(sqrt(fValue.valueRadians())); }
00289         static inline Degree Sqrt (const Degree& fValue) { return Degree(sqrt(fValue.valueDegrees())); }
00294         static Real InvSqrt(Real fValue);
00296         static Real UnitRandom ();  // in [0,1]
00298         static Real RangeRandom (Real fLow, Real fHigh);  // in [fLow,fHigh]
00300         static Real SymmetricRandom ();  // in [-1,1]
00309         static inline Real Tan (const Radian& fValue, bool useTables = false) {
00310             return (!useTables) ? Real(tan(fValue.valueRadians())) : TanTable(fValue.valueRadians());
00311         }
00319         static inline Real Tan (Real fValue, bool useTables = false) {
00320             return (!useTables) ? Real(tan(fValue)) : TanTable(fValue);
00321         }
00323         static inline Real DegreesToRadians(Real degrees) { return degrees * fDeg2Rad; }
00324         static inline Real RadiansToDegrees(Real radians) { return radians * fRad2Deg; }
00332        static void setAngleUnit(AngleUnit unit);
00334        static AngleUnit getAngleUnit(void);
00337        static Real AngleUnitsToRadians(Real units);
00339        static Real RadiansToAngleUnits(Real radians);
00341        static Real AngleUnitsToDegrees(Real units);
00343        static Real DegreesToAngleUnits(Real degrees);
00366         static bool pointInTri2D(const Vector2& p, const Vector2& a, 
00367             const Vector2& b, const Vector2& c);
00393         static bool pointInTri3D(const Vector3& p, const Vector3& a, 
00394             const Vector3& b, const Vector3& c, const Vector3& normal);
00396         static std::pair<bool, Real> intersects(const Ray& ray, const Plane& plane);
00399         static std::pair<bool, Real> intersects(const Ray& ray, const Sphere& sphere, 
00400             bool discardInside = true);
00403         static std::pair<bool, Real> intersects(const Ray& ray, const AxisAlignedBox& box);
00427         static bool intersects(const Ray& ray, const AxisAlignedBox& box,
00428             Real* d1, Real* d2);
00454         static std::pair<bool, Real> intersects(const Ray& ray, const Vector3& a,
00455             const Vector3& b, const Vector3& c, const Vector3& normal,
00456             bool positiveSide = true, bool negativeSide = true);
00478         static std::pair<bool, Real> intersects(const Ray& ray, const Vector3& a,
00479             const Vector3& b, const Vector3& c,
00480             bool positiveSide = true, bool negativeSide = true);
00483         static bool intersects(const Sphere& sphere, const AxisAlignedBox& box);
00486         static bool intersects(const Plane& plane, const AxisAlignedBox& box);
00493         static std::pair<bool, Real> intersects(
00494             const Ray& ray, const std::vector<Plane>& planeList, 
00495             bool normalIsOutside);
00501         static std::pair<bool, Real> intersects(
00502             const Ray& ray, const std::list<Plane>& planeList, 
00503             bool normalIsOutside);
00508         static bool intersects(const Sphere& sphere, const Plane& plane);
00512         static bool RealEqual(Real a, Real b,
00513             Real tolerance = std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon());
00516         static Vector3 calculateTangentSpaceVector(
00517             const Vector3& position1, const Vector3& position2, const Vector3& position3,
00518             Real u1, Real v1, Real u2, Real v2, Real u3, Real v3);
00521         static Matrix4 buildReflectionMatrix(const Plane& p);
00523         static Vector4 calculateFaceNormal(const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, const Vector3& v3);
00525         static Vector3 calculateBasicFaceNormal(const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, const Vector3& v3);
00527         static Vector4 calculateFaceNormalWithoutNormalize(const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, const Vector3& v3);
00529         static Vector3 calculateBasicFaceNormalWithoutNormalize(const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, const Vector3& v3);
00531         static const Real POS_INFINITY;
00532         static const Real NEG_INFINITY;
00533         static const Real PI;
00534         static const Real TWO_PI;
00535         static const Real HALF_PI;
00536         static const Real fDeg2Rad;
00537         static const Real fRad2Deg;
00539     };
00541     // these functions must be defined down here, because they rely on the
00542     // angle unit conversion functions in class Math:
00544     inline Real Radian::valueDegrees() const
00545     {
00546         return Math::RadiansToDegrees ( mRad );
00547     }
00549     inline Real Radian::valueAngleUnits() const
00550     {
00551         return Math::RadiansToAngleUnits ( mRad );
00552     }
00554     inline Real Degree::valueRadians() const
00555     {
00556         return Math::DegreesToRadians ( mDeg );
00557     }
00559     inline Real Degree::valueAngleUnits() const
00560     {
00561         return Math::DegreesToAngleUnits ( mDeg );
00562     }
00564     inline Angle::operator Radian()
00565     {
00566         return Radian(Math::AngleUnitsToRadians(mAngle));
00567     }
00569     inline Angle::operator Degree()
00570     {
00571         return Degree(Math::AngleUnitsToDegrees(mAngle));
00572     }
00574     inline Radian operator * ( Real a, const Radian& b )
00575     {
00576         return Radian ( a * b.valueRadians() );
00577     }
00579     inline Radian operator / ( Real a, const Radian& b )
00580     {
00581         return Radian ( a / b.valueRadians() );
00582     }
00584     inline Degree operator * ( Real a, const Degree& b )
00585     {
00586         return Degree ( a * b.valueDegrees() );
00587     }
00589     inline Degree operator / ( Real a, const Degree& b )
00590     {
00591         return Degree ( a / b.valueDegrees() );
00592     }
00594 }
00595 #endif

Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:37:44 2006