############################################################################# # ERS default configuration file # Jiri Bittner 2003 ############################################################################# Scene { # filename glasgow1.x3d # filename vienna.x3d # filename ../data/vienna/vienna-simple.x3d # filename ../data/vienna/vienna-buildings.x3d #filename ../data/vienna/vienna-buildings.x3d;../data/vienna/vienna-roofs.x3d #;../data/vienna/vienna-plane.x3d # filename ../data/vienna/viewcells-25-sel.x3d # filename ../data/atlanta/atlanta2.x3d # filename ../data/soda/soda.dat filename ../data/soda/soda5.dat } Preprocessor { # stored sample rays samplesFilename rays.out useGlRenderer false # type sampling type vss # type rss detectEmptyViewSpace true } VssPreprocessor { samplesPerPass 100000 initialSamples 0 vssSamples 0 vssSamplesPerPass 500000 useImportanceSampling true loadInitialSamples false storeInitialSamples false useViewSpaceBox false # testBeamSampling true } SamplingPreprocessor { totalSamples 500000 samplesPerPass 3 } VssTree { useRss false epsilon 1e-6 maxDepth 40 minPvs 30 minRays 800 minSize 0.001 maxCostRatio 1.5 maxRayContribution 0.5 maxTotalMemory 50 maxStaticMemory 20 splitType regular # splitType heuristic # splitType hybrid splitUseOnlyDrivingAxis true interleaveDirSplits true dirSplitDepth 0 numberOfEndPointDomains 10000 ct_div_ci 0.0 randomize false refDirBoxMaxSize 0.1 } RssPreprocessor { samplesPerPass 100000 #initialSamples 500000 #vssSamples 10000000 #for view cell construction initialSamples 0 vssSamples 0 vssSamplesPerPass 500000 useImportanceSampling true directionalSampling true objectBasedSampling false Export { pvs false rssTree false rays true numRays 5000 } useViewcells true updateSubdivision true loadInitialSamples false storeInitialSamples false } RssTree { epsilon 1e-6 maxDepth 40 minPvs 3 minRays 30 minSize 0.001 maxCostRatio 1.0 maxRayContribution 0.5 maxRays 1000000 maxTotalMemory 200 maxStaticMemory 100 # splitType regular # splitType heuristic splitType hybrid splitUseOnlyDrivingAxis true importanceBasedCost false interleaveDirSplits true dirSplitDepth 0 numberOfEndPointDomains 10000 ct_div_ci 0.0 randomize false refDirBoxMaxSize 0.1 } Limits { threshold 1e-6 small 1e-6 infinity 1e9 } Unigraphics { meshGrouping 1 } KdTree { sahUseFaces true Termination { minCost 1 maxDepth 18 maxCostRatio 0.9 ct_div_ci 0.5 } # splitMethod spatialMedian splitMethod SAH splitBorder 0.01 } MeshKdTree { Termination { minCost 1 maxDepth 18 maxCostRatio 0.9 ct_div_ci 0.5 } # splitMethod spatialMedian splitMethod SAH splitBorder 0.01 } ViewCells { # samples used for view cell construction Construction { samples 0 samplesPerPass 50000 } #number of active view cells active 1024 maxStaticMemory 40 exportToFile false loadFromFile false #type kdTree #type vspKdTree type bspTree #type vspBspTree #type sceneDependent height 5.0 maxViewCells 3000 #percentage of total visible objects where pvs is considered invalid maxPvsRatio 1.0 pruneEmptyViewCells false processOnlyValidViewCells false PostProcess { # how much samples are used for post processing samples 300000 renderCostWeight 1.0 maxCostRatio 0.1 minViewCells 1 avgCostMaxDeviation 0.01 maxMergesPerPass 5000 useRaysForMerge false refine false compress true merge false } Visualization { # how much samples we use for visualization samples 100000 #colorCode PVS #colorCode MergedLeaves #colorCode MergedTreeDiff colorCode Random exportRays false exportGeometry true exportMergedViewCells false useCuttingPlane true cuttingPlaneAxis 1 } # filename ../data/atlanta/atlanta_viewcells_large.x3d # filename ../data/vienna/viewcells-25-sel.x3d # filename ../data/vienna/viewcells-25.x3d # filename ../data/vienna/viewcells-large-sel.x3d # filename ../scripts/viewcells_vienna.xml filename ../scripts/viewcells_atlanta.xml } Simulation { objRenderCost 1.0 vcOverhead 1.0 # always between 0 and 1 moveSpeed 0.0001 } VspKdTree { epsilon 1e-6 Construction { samples 500000 } Termination { maxDepth 40 minPvs 0 minRays 1 minSize 0.001 maxCostRatio 5.9 maxViewCells 169 missTolerance 4 maxRayContribution 2.5 } maxTotalMemory 100 maxStaticMemory 40 splitType regular #splitType heuristics splitUseOnlyDrivingAxis true ct_div_ci 0.0 # maximal cost for merging a view cell PostProcess { maxCostRatio 0.005 minViewCells 10000 maxPvsSize 5000 } Visualization { } } VspBspTree { Construction { samples 500000 epsilon 0.00005 randomize false renderCostWeight 1.0 } # random polygon = 1 # axis aligned = 2 # least ray splits = 256 # balanced rays = 512 # pvs = 1024 splitPlaneStrategy 1024 # maximal candidates for split planes maxPolyCandidates 100 usePolygonSplitIfAvailable false # maximal tested rays for split cost heuristics maxTests 10000 maxTotalMemory 50 maxStaticMemory 50 # factors for evaluating split plane costs Factor { leastRaySplits 1.0 balancedRays 1.0 pvs 1.0 } Termination { # parameters used for autopartition minRays -15 minPolygons -1 maxDepth 25 minPvs -15 minProbability 0.00000001 maxRayContribution 1.8 maxCostRatio 1.8 missTolerance 6 maxViewCells 10000 # used for pvs criterium ct_div_ci 0.0 AxisAligned { minRays 50000 maxRayContribution 9.9 } } useCostHeuristics true splitUseOnlyDrivingAxis false usePolygonSplitIfAvailable false Visualization { # x3d visualization of the split planes exportSplits false } } BspTree { Construction { samples 500000 epsilon 0.005 } # random polygon = 1 # axis aligned = 2 # least splits = 4 # balanced polygons = 8 # balanced view cells = 16 # largest polygon area = 32 # vertical axis = 64 # blocked rays = 128 # least ray splits = 256 # balanced rays = 512 # pvs = 1024 # least splits + balanced polygons #splitPlaneStrategy 12 #axis aligned + vertical axis #splitPlaneStrategy 66 # axis aligned + balanced view cells # splitPlaneStrategy 18 # largest polygon area #splitPlaneStrategy 32 # axus aligned + balanced polygons #splitPlaneStrategy 72 # axis aligned + blocked rays #splitPlaneStrategy 130 #splitPlaneStrategy 384 #splitPlaneStrategy 130 splitPlaneStrategy 32 maxPolyCandidates 100 maxRayCandidates 0 maxTests 10000 # factors for evaluating split plane costs Factor { verticalSplits 1.0 largestPolyArea 1.0 blockedRays 1.0 leastRaySplits 1.0 balancedRays 1.0 pvs 1.0 leastSplits 1.0 balancedPolys 1.0 balancedViewCells 1.0 } Termination { # parameters used for autopartition minRays -1 minPolygons 1 maxDepth 30 minPvs -1 minProbability 0.00001 maxRayContribution 9999 maxViewCells 10000 # used for pvs criterium ct_div_ci 0.0 maxCostRatio 0.9 # axis aligned splits AxisAligned { minPolys 5000 minRays 500 minObjects 10 ct_div_ci 0.5 } } AxisAligned { splitBorder 0.01 } Visualization { # x3d visualization of the split planes exportSplits false } }