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Ogre::Vector3 Member List

This is the complete list of members for Ogre::Vector3, including all inherited members.
crossProduct(const Vector3 &rkVector) const Ogre::Vector3
directionEquals(const Vector3 &rhs, const Radian &tolerance) const Ogre::Vector3
dotProduct(const Vector3 &vec) const Ogre::Vector3
getRotationTo(const Vector3 &dest) const Ogre::Vector3
isZeroLength(void) const Ogre::Vector3
length() const Ogre::Vector3
makeCeil(const Vector3 &cmp)Ogre::Vector3
makeFloor(const Vector3 &cmp)Ogre::Vector3
midPoint(const Vector3 &vec) const Ogre::Vector3
NEGATIVE_UNIT_XOgre::Vector3 [static]
NEGATIVE_UNIT_YOgre::Vector3 [static]
NEGATIVE_UNIT_ZOgre::Vector3 [static]
normalisedCopy(void) const Ogre::Vector3
operator *(Real fScalar) const Ogre::Vector3
operator *(const Vector3 &rhs) const Ogre::Vector3
operator *(Real fScalar, const Vector3 &rkVector)Ogre::Vector3 [friend]
operator *=(Real fScalar)Ogre::Vector3
operator *=(const Vector3 &rkVector)Ogre::Vector3
operator!=(const Vector3 &rkVector) const Ogre::Vector3
operator+(const Vector3 &rkVector) const Ogre::Vector3
operator+=(const Vector3 &rkVector)Ogre::Vector3
operator-(const Vector3 &rkVector) const Ogre::Vector3
operator-() const Ogre::Vector3
operator-=(const Vector3 &rkVector)Ogre::Vector3
operator/(Real fScalar) const Ogre::Vector3
operator/(const Vector3 &rhs) const Ogre::Vector3
operator/=(Real fScalar)Ogre::Vector3
operator/=(const Vector3 &rkVector)Ogre::Vector3
operator<(const Vector3 &rhs) const Ogre::Vector3
operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Vector3 &v)Ogre::Vector3 [friend]
operator=(const Vector3 &rkVector)Ogre::Vector3
operator==(const Vector3 &rkVector) const Ogre::Vector3
operator>(const Vector3 &rhs) const Ogre::Vector3
operator[](size_t i) const Ogre::Vector3
operator[](size_t i)Ogre::Vector3
perpendicular(void) const Ogre::Vector3
positionEquals(const Vector3 &rhs, Real tolerance=1e-03) const Ogre::Vector3
randomDeviant(const Radian &angle, const Vector3 &up=Vector3::ZERO) const Ogre::Vector3
reflect(const Vector3 &normal) const Ogre::Vector3
squaredLength() const Ogre::Vector3
UNIT_SCALEOgre::Vector3 [static]
UNIT_XOgre::Vector3 [static]
UNIT_YOgre::Vector3 [static]
UNIT_ZOgre::Vector3 [static]
Vector3(Real fX, Real fY, Real fZ)Ogre::Vector3
Vector3(Real afCoordinate[3])Ogre::Vector3
Vector3(int afCoordinate[3])Ogre::Vector3
Vector3(const Real *const r)Ogre::Vector3
Vector3(const Vector3 &rkVector)Ogre::Vector3
ZEROOgre::Vector3 [static]

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Feb 12 13:04:55 2006