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Ogre::Math Member List

This is the complete list of members for Ogre::Math, including all inherited members.
Abs(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
Abs(const Degree &dValue)Ogre::Math [static]
Abs(const Radian &rValue)Ogre::Math [static]
ACos(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
AngleUnit enum nameOgre::Math
AngleUnitsToDegrees(Real units)Ogre::Math [static]
AngleUnitsToRadians(Real units)Ogre::Math [static]
ASin(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
ATan(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
ATan2(Real fY, Real fX)Ogre::Math [static]
AU_DEGREE enum valueOgre::Math
AU_RADIAN enum valueOgre::Math
buildReflectionMatrix(const Plane &p)Ogre::Math [static]
buildTrigTables()Ogre::Math [protected]
calculateBasicFaceNormal(const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2, const Vector3 &v3)Ogre::Math [static]
calculateBasicFaceNormalWithoutNormalize(const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2, const Vector3 &v3)Ogre::Math [static]
calculateFaceNormal(const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2, const Vector3 &v3)Ogre::Math [static]
calculateFaceNormalWithoutNormalize(const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2, const Vector3 &v3)Ogre::Math [static]
calculateTangentSpaceVector(const Vector3 &position1, const Vector3 &position2, const Vector3 &position3, Real u1, Real v1, Real u2, Real v2, Real u3, Real v3)Ogre::Math [static]
Ceil(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
Cos(const Radian &fValue, bool useTables=false)Ogre::Math [static]
Cos(Real fValue, bool useTables=false)Ogre::Math [static]
DegreesToAngleUnits(Real degrees)Ogre::Math [static]
DegreesToRadians(Real degrees)Ogre::Math [static]
Exp(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
fDeg2RadOgre::Math [static]
Floor(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
fRad2DegOgre::Math [static]
getAngleUnit(void)Ogre::Math [static]
HALF_PIOgre::Math [static]
IAbs(int iValue)Ogre::Math [static]
ICeil(float fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
IFloor(float fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
intersects(const Ray &ray, const Plane &plane)Ogre::Math [static]
intersects(const Ray &ray, const Sphere &sphere, bool discardInside=true)Ogre::Math [static]
intersects(const Ray &ray, const AxisAlignedBox &sphere)Ogre::Math [static]
intersects(const Sphere &sphere, const AxisAlignedBox &box)Ogre::Math [static]
intersects(const Plane &plane, const AxisAlignedBox &box)Ogre::Math [static]
intersects(const Ray &ray, const std::vector< Plane > &planeList, bool normalIsOutside)Ogre::Math [static]
intersects(const Ray &ray, const std::list< Plane > &planeList, bool normalIsOutside)Ogre::Math [static]
intersects(const Sphere &sphere, const Plane &plane)Ogre::Math [static]
InvSqrt(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
ISign(int iValue)Ogre::Math [static]
Log(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
Math(unsigned int trigTableSize=4096)Ogre::Math
msAngleUnitOgre::Math [protected, static]
mSinTableOgre::Math [protected, static]
mTanTableOgre::Math [protected, static]
mTrigTableFactorOgre::Math [protected, static]
mTrigTableSizeOgre::Math [protected, static]
NEG_INFINITYOgre::Math [static]
PIOgre::Math [static]
pointInTri2D(Real px, Real pz, Real ax, Real az, Real bx, Real bz, Real cx, Real cz)Ogre::Math [static]
POS_INFINITYOgre::Math [static]
Pow(Real fBase, Real fExponent)Ogre::Math [static]
RadiansToAngleUnits(Real radians)Ogre::Math [static]
RadiansToDegrees(Real radians)Ogre::Math [static]
RangeRandom(Real fLow, Real fHigh)Ogre::Math [static]
RealEqual(Real a, Real b, Real tolerance=std::numeric_limits< Real >::epsilon())Ogre::Math [static]
setAngleUnit(AngleUnit unit)Ogre::Math [static]
Sign(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
Sign(const Radian &rValue)Ogre::Math [static]
Sign(const Degree &dValue)Ogre::Math [static]
Sin(const Radian &fValue, bool useTables=false)Ogre::Math [static]
Sin(Real fValue, bool useTables=false)Ogre::Math [static]
SinTable(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [protected, static]
Sqr(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
Sqrt(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
Sqrt(const Radian &fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
Sqrt(const Degree &fValue)Ogre::Math [static]
SymmetricRandom()Ogre::Math [static]
Tan(const Radian &fValue, bool useTables=false)Ogre::Math [static]
Tan(Real fValue, bool useTables=false)Ogre::Math [static]
TanTable(Real fValue)Ogre::Math [protected, static]
TWO_PIOgre::Math [static]
UnitRandom()Ogre::Math [static]

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Last modified Sun Feb 12 13:01:04 2006