material Examples/MorningSkyBox { technique { pass { lighting off depth_write off texture_unit { cubic_texture morning.jpg separateUV tex_address_mode clamp } } } } material GameTools/Rockwall { technique { pass { lighting off texture_unit { texture rockwall.tga env_map cubic_normal //vertex_texture true } } } } material GameTools/PostProcBlack { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/PostProc1_VS { } fragment_program_ref GameTools/PostProc_Black { } } } } material GameTools/PostProc1 { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/PostProc1_VS { } fragment_program_ref GameTools/PostProc1_PS { } texture_unit { // filtering none texture rockwall.tga } } } } material GameTools/GlowCut { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/PostProc1_VS { } fragment_program_ref GameTools/GlowCut_PS { param_named_auto width viewport_width param_named_auto height viewport_height } texture_unit { //filtering none texture rockwall.tga } texture_unit { //filtering none texture rockwall.tga } } } } material GameTools/Luminance { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/PostProc1_VS { } fragment_program_ref GameTools/Luminance_PS { param_named_auto width viewport_width param_named_auto height viewport_height } texture_unit { //filtering none texture rockwall.tga } } } } material GameTools/GlowBlurH { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/PostProc1_VS { } fragment_program_ref GameTools/GlowBlurH_PS { param_named_auto width viewport_width param_named_auto height viewport_height param_named Stretch float 3.2 } texture_unit { tex_address_mode mirror texture rockwall.tga } } } } material GameTools/GlowBlurV { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/PostProc1_VS { } fragment_program_ref GameTools/GlowBlurV_PS { param_named_auto width viewport_width param_named_auto height viewport_height param_named Stretch float 3.2 } texture_unit { tex_address_mode mirror texture rockwall.tga } } } } material GameTools/TextureCopy { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/PostProc1_VS { } fragment_program_ref GameTools/TextureCopy_PS { param_named_auto width viewport_width param_named_auto height viewport_height } texture_unit { // filtering none texture rockwall.tga } } } } material GameTools/GlowAdd { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/PostProc1_VS { } fragment_program_ref GameTools/GlowAdd_PS { param_named_auto width viewport_width param_named_auto height viewport_height } texture_unit { // filtering none texture rockwall.tga } texture_unit { // filtering none texture rockwall.tga } } } } material GameTools/ToneMap { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/PostProc1_VS { } fragment_program_ref GameTools/ToneMap_PS { param_named_auto width viewport_width param_named_auto height viewport_height param_named Gain float 0.5 } texture_unit { // filtering none texture rockwall.tga } texture_unit { // filtering none texture rockwall.tga } texture_unit { // filtering none texture rockwall.tga } } } } material GameTools/UVShader { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/UV_VS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/UV_PS { param_named_auto ID custom 0 } } } } material GameTools/Caustic/Default { technique { pass { lighting off vertex_program_ref GameTools/Caustic/DefaultVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/Caustic/DefaultPS { param_named cubeMapCameraPosition float3 0 0 0 } texture_unit { filtering none } texture_unit { //filtering linear linear linear } } } } material GameTools/SoftShadowReciever/Default { technique { pass { lighting off vertex_program_ref GameTools/SoftShadow/VertexPrograms/DefaultVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/SoftShadow/FragmentPrograms/DefaultPS { param_named cubeMapCameraPosition float3 0 0 0 } texture_unit { texture rockwall.tga //texture cubbe.jpg } texture_unit { //filtering linear linear linear cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW env_map cubic_reflection } } } } material GameTools/SoftShadowReciever/Default2 { technique { pass { lighting off vertex_program_ref GameTools/SoftShadow/VertexPrograms/DefaultVS { param_named_auto world_IT inverse_transpose_world_matrix param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/SoftShadow/FragmentPrograms/Default2PS { param_named cubeMapCameraPosition float3 0 0 0 param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position param_named_auto lightPosition light_position 0 } texture_unit { //filtering linear linear linear cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW env_map cubic_reflection } } } } material GameTools/CausticSoftShadowReciever { technique { pass { lighting off vertex_program_ref GameTools/CausticSoftShadowVS { param_named_auto world_IT worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/CausticSoftShadowPS { //param_named_auto world_IT inverse_worldview_matrix param_named cubeMapCameraPosition float3 0 0 0 } texture_unit { //texture rockwall.tga texture cubbe.jpg } //texture_unit //caustic cubemap //{ // //filtering linear linear linear // cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW //} //texture_unit //softshadow cubemap //{ // //filtering linear linear linear // cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW //} texture_unit/bump { texture } } } } material GameTools/CubeMap/Default { technique { pass { lighting off vertex_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/VertexPrograms/DefaultVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/FragmentPrograms/DefaultPS { param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position } //Cube map for reflections and refractions texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW //env_map cubic_reflection } } } } material GameTools/CubeMap/Reduce { technique { pass { //depth_check off lighting off vertex_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/VertexPrograms/ReduceVS { // param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix // param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/FragmentPrograms/ReducePS { //param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position param_named nFace int 0 param_named CUBEMAP_SIZE int 256 //param_named RATE int 2 } //Cube map for reflections and refractions texture_unit { filtering point point point cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp // env_map cubic_reflection colour_op modulate } } } } material GameTools/CubeMap/Localized { technique { pass { IllumTechniques { RenderTechnique ColorCubeMap { update_interval 0 distance_calc true 3.5 } RenderTechnique DistanceCubeMap { update_interval 0 distance_calc true 3.5 } RenderTechnique CausticCaster { } } vertex_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/VertexPrograms/LocalizedVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/FragmentPrograms/LocalizedPS { param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position param_named_auto lightPosition light_position 0 } //Cube map for reflections and refractions texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } //Cube map of distances texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } } } } material GameTools/CubeMap/LocalizedBump { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/VertexPrograms/LocalizedBumpVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/FragmentPrograms/LocalizedBumpPS { param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position param_named_auto lightPosition light_position 0 } //Cube map for reflections and refractions texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } //Cube map of distances texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } //normal map texture_unit { texture //texture atheneNormalMap.png } texture_unit { texture atheneDisplacementMap.bmp } } } } material GameTools/CubeMap/Diffuse { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/DiffuseVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/DiffusePS { param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position param_named REDUCED_CUBEMAP_SIZE int 8 param_named lastCenter float3 0 0 0 } //Cube map for reflections and refractions texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } //Cube map of distances texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } } } } material GameTools/CubeMap/LocalizedMetal { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/VertexPrograms/LocalizedVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/FragmentPrograms/LocalizedMetalPS { param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position param_named n float3 0.21 0.96 1.17 param_named k float3 4.16 2.57 2.32 } //Cube map for reflections and refractions texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } //Cube map of distances texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } } } } material GameTools/DistanceShader { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/DistanceVS { param_named_auto worldView worldview_matrix param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/DistancePS { } } } } material GameTools/PhotonMapCaustic { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/VertexPrograms/LocalizedVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/PhotonMapCausticPS { param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position param_named lastCenter float3 0 0 0 } //Cube map for reflections and refractions texture_unit { cubic_texture filtering none //tex_address_mode clamp } } } } material GameTools/PhotonMapSoftShadow { technique { pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/CubeMap/VertexPrograms/LocalizedVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto world world_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/PhotonMapSoftShadowPS { param_named_auto cameraPos camera_position param_named lastCenter float3 0 0 0 } //Cube map for reflections and refractions texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace env_map cubic_reflection } //Cube map of distances texture_unit { cubic_texture cubemap.jpg combinedUVW tex_address_mode clamp colour_op replace } } } } material GameTools/SceneCameraDepthShader { technique { scene_blend none pass { vertex_program_ref GameTools/SceneCameraDepthVS { param_named_auto worldView worldview_matrix param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto farplane far_clip_distance } fragment_program_ref GameTools/SceneDepthPS { } } } } material GameTools/ShadowMapDepth { technique { scene_blend none pass { cull_hardware anticlockwise vertex_program_ref GameTools/ShadowMap/DepthVS { param_named_auto worldView worldview_matrix param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/ShadowMap/DepthPS { } } } } material GameTools/Cau { technique { pass cull_hardware none cull_software none lighting off scene_blend add scene_blend src_alpha one depth_write off vertex_program_ref GameTools/CauVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto worldView worldview_matrix param_named_auto Proj projection_matrix param_named_auto resolution viewport_width param_named CauSpriteSize float 1.0 } fragment_program_ref GameTools/CauPS { param_named CauSpriteIntens float 1.0 } texture_unit { vertex_texture true texture flare.png } texture_unit { texture } } } } material GameTools/SpriteShader { technique { pass { cull_hardware none cull_software none lighting off scene_blend add depth_write off vertex_program_ref GameTools/SpriteVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto worldView worldview_matrix param_named_auto Proj projection_matrix } fragment_program_ref GameTools/SpritePS { } texture_unit { texture flare.png } } } } material GameTools/SBB { technique { pass { lighting off scene_blend src_alpha one //scene_blend src_alpha one_minus_src_alpha depth_write off depth_check off vertex_program_ref GameTools/SBBVS { param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix param_named_auto worldView worldview_matrix param_named_auto Proj projection_matrix param_named_auto width viewport_width param_named_auto height viewport_height } fragment_program_ref GameTools/SBBPS { param_named_auto farplane far_clip_distance param_named_auto nearplane near_clip_distance } texture_unit { anim_texture smokealpha.tga 32 2.0 //texture flare.png } texture_unit { filtering none } texture_unit { texture planck.tga } } } }