16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
visibility solution loader for jiris preprocessor
worked on poisson disc …
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
started dof implementation (not working yet!)
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on sampling pattern
16 years |
mattausch |
fast and cool
not using kernel for high convergence
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on sampling / convergence
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on submission
16 years |
mattausch |
versio for paper submission
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on stats
16 years |
mattausch |
found error that made it slower
16 years |
mattausch |
added some statistics stuff, but ssao slower than before (probably because …
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on video replay function
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on lense flare, cleaned up code a little bit
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on lense flare
16 years |
mattausch |
lense flare starting to work
16 years |
mattausch |
made ssao parameters more flexible
started to implement lense flare
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
restricted ssao to 0.1 so tone mapping artifacts for completely black …
16 years |
mattausch |
working quite well with adaptive sampling
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
as good as i cab do it right now but flickering when dynamic object enters …
16 years |
mattausch |
debug version showing a visualization of the confidence
16 years |
mattausch |
only adapting filter size left …
16 years |
mattausch |
finally found bvh tighter bounds bug
16 years |
mattausch |
still searching for error
16 years |
mattausch |
ssao working ok but now seasrching for culling bug
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
removed some visual bugs (trees against sky), flickering much better now
16 years |
mattausch |
debug version:still some problems with house corner geometry and ssao
16 years |
mattausch |
obviously solved filtering problem, but still problems with building edges
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
prepared meeting
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on adaptive sampling .. changed to using real number of samples for …
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
szirmay |
16 years |
szirmay |
16 years |
szirmay |
16 years |
szirmay |
16 years |
szirmay |
16 years |
szirmay |
16 years |
szirmay |
16 years |
szirmay |
16 years |
szirmay |
16 years |
szirmay |
16 years |
szirmay |
16 years |
szirmay |
16 years |
szirmay |
this will be the place for all the standalone demos
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
have to remove culling bug at given view point
16 years |
mattausch |
removed bug (second aa output), normsl normalization now during mrt output
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
nearly no more errors but slow
16 years |
mattausch |
good values
16 years |
mattausch |
good quality now for current settings
16 years |
mattausch |
getting better results using the position for the filter
16 years |
mattausch |
playing around with filter: returning to world space depth difference for …
16 years |
mattausch |
not working .…
16 years |
mattausch |
working quite well, put filter size adaptation factor from 10 to 5, still …
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
sample checking working good now
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
pixel check working better now
16 years |
mattausch |
improved valid sample detection not workign yet
16 years |
mattausch |
normal mappingt: first working version
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on ssao for interpolated normals
16 years |
mattausch |
cleaned up ssao code, removed fixed kernel + jitter and rotation stuff …
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
done a little cleanup
16 years |
mattausch |
updated shader loading
16 years |
mattausch |
normal mapping hack not working yet. found problems with ssao if the …
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
working on normal mapping
16 years |
mattausch |
managed to remove halo by modifying depth / normal discontinuity filter
16 years |
mattausch |
changed filter, halo region very small
16 years |
mattausch |
good parameters, transition between filter and no filter not visible …
16 years |
mattausch |
would take this if it were faster
16 years |
mattausch |
filter working ok but slow
16 years |
mattausch |
also ok with update
16 years |
mattausch |
working ok
16 years |
mattausch |
fixed antialiasing, but ssao not working at that point (depth)
16 years |
mattausch |
working ok (most of the aa is also there for not-ssao mode, so it is …
16 years |
mattausch |
filtering working more nicely now