18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
update culling manager first working version
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
removed dependency on ogre in gtpvisibility
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on randomupdatemanager
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
improved scenemanager config
18 years |
mattausch |
fixed problems of particle demo + visibility manager
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
debug version: please don't check out
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
removed using namespace std from .h
18 years |
mattausch |
implemented function for exact visibility queries
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
depth pass now done in findVisibleObjects. This makes it possible to …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
runs also under debug mode now
18 years |
mattausch |
worded on obj loading in Ogre
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
changed pvs loading: loading objects in a first pass
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
warning: debug version
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
loading geometry in scene manager
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on pvs
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
revived ogre engine pvs
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on integration manual
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on preprocessor with and without qt and threads
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
changed occlusion culling scene manager
the configuration goes to the …
18 years |
mattausch |
changed scenemanager: options are directly given to it
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on pvs heuristics
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on vsp osp methodsd
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
better now
18 years |
mattausch |
kinda working
18 years |
mattausch |
some shit happen
18 years |
mattausch |
removed vsposp bug
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
added demo hack
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
szydlowski |
added delete render queue for internal rendering
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on guided visibility sampling
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on triangle processing. logical units will be created by grouping …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
szydlowski |
per-frame-stats with internal rendering - use depth pass issue unresolved
18 years |
szydlowski |
final touches
18 years |
szydlowski |
18 years |
szydlowski |
Implemented PVS support in kdtree scene manager - not complete, defunct …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
szydlowski |
saving and loading entities to file
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
szydlowski |
Added the KdTerrainSceneManager?, a subclass of the KdTreeSceneManager? …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
szydlowski |
pre-big-changes-backup (TM)
working state before attempt to include …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
szydlowski |
implemented enhanced vis with early abort
also own frame & time counter in …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
19 years |
mattausch |
19 years |
mattausch |
19 years |
mattausch |
19 years |
mattausch |
added intel ray tracing
19 years |
szydlowski |
19 years |
szydlowski |
19 years |
szydlowski |
added kdtree camera class
19 years |
szydlowski |
enhanced visibility (none/full/partial) implemented for internal culling
19 years |
szydlowski |
enhanced visibility partially implemented
19 years |
szydlowski |
Demo mode complete, added command line parsing for easy benchmark …
19 years |
szydlowski |
certain types of movableobject (camera, frustum, light) now excluded from …
19 years |
szydlowski |
visualization workin' fine (TM)
demo recording/playback partially …
19 years |
mattausch |
bug fixed
19 years |
szydlowski |
pre-major-changes-backup (TM)
fixed node vis issues for internal culling
19 years |
szydlowski |
refined visualization a little
discovered camera node SNAFU, hack to fix …
19 years |
szydlowski |
visualization in test app working, some issues to resolve
19 years |
szydlowski |
19 years |
szydlowski |
occlusion queries in kdtree scene manager working, but performance issues …