18 years |
mattausch |
improved object pvs
18 years |
mattausch |
implemented object space compression
18 years |
mattausch |
warning! changed pvs output because of paper hack
18 years |
mattausch |
fixed compress
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
warning: this version contains bugs!!
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
removed error in sample registration
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
bvhnode is now derived from Intersectable
18 years |
mattausch |
improved evaluation speed
18 years |
mattausch |
removed bug from exportviewcells
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
merge with new pvs
18 years |
mattausch |
pvs can be accessed through iterator
18 years |
mattausch |
removed bug from pvs merge
18 years |
mattausch |
exchanged pvs implementation: using vectors instead of maps
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
removed bug from dirtycandidates
18 years |
mattausch |
resolved coflicts
improved memory constant
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
implemented several accelleration svhemes for the gradient method
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
new visibility filter support
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on full render cost evaluation
warning: some change sin render cost …
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on full evaluation framework
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
removed memory leaks
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
found constant for ratio
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on pvs heuristics
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
updated priority meaurement: taking total cost and memory into account
18 years |
mattausch |
working on render cost evaluation framework for interleaved splits
18 years |
mattausch |
changed priority computation:
taking ratio render cost decrease / pvs size …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
added ratio for rc / storage
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on vsp osp methodsd
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
multiple path support for kd
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on gradient method for vsposp
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
added kd tree loading
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on gradient method
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
removed vsposp bug
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
added measurement for pvs entries size decrease during subdivision
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
fixed bug with view space box
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on guided visibility sampling
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
corrected raycasting bug for triangles because of ill defined triangles
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
fixed sah for objeect partition
loader for single triangles also for x3d
18 years |
mattausch |
debugged global sorting, worked on object-viewspace subdivision
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on triangle processing. logical units will be created by grouping …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
started osp mesh construction for obj files. Introduced new primitive …