18 years |
bittner |
18 years |
bittner |
demo updates
18 years |
bittner |
18 years |
bittner |
update after long time
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
vizrt_christian_seidl |
ADDED: Faster method for building BIH Tree
BUGFIX: Termination criteria …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
vizrt_christian_seidl |
Added some members for BIH
18 years |
vizrt_christian_seidl |
Added some members for BIH
18 years |
vizrt_christian_seidl |
some smaller changes
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
cleaned up project files
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
fixed new evaluation method
18 years |
vizrt_christian_seidl |
Added: BIHierarchy SceneManager?
BiTerrain? SceneManager?
18 years |
vizrt_christian_seidl |
Added: BIHierarchy SceneManager?
BITerrain SceneManager?
18 years |
mattausch |
debug version
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
implemented part of rendering estimation of wimmer et al. for view space / …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
update culling manager first working version
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
removed dependency on ogre in gtpvisibility
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on randomupdatemanager
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
improved scenemanager config
18 years |
mattausch |
fixed problems of particle demo + visibility manager
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on optimization. warning: not tested yet
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
added render cost bound for objects, improved undersampling compensation
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
improved performance of osp
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
using mutationsamples for evaluation
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
debug version: please don't check out
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
removed using namespace std from .h
18 years |
bittner |
18 years |
bittner |
18 years |
mattausch |
implemented function for exact visibility queries
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
preprocess visibility bat file added
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
improved hash performance with google hashmap
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
depth pass now done in findVisibleObjects. This makes it possible to …
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on traversal tree
18 years |
bittner |
rainbow color maps
18 years |
bittner |
18 years |
mattausch |
improved hash pvs timings
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
runs also under debug mode now
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
worded on obj loading in Ogre
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
implemented bit pvs (warnin: only worjs for preprocessing)
18 years |
mattausch |
implemented hashpvs
18 years |
mattausch |
changed pvs loading: loading objects in a first pass
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
warning: debug version
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |