


19:14 Changeset [3192] by mattausch
worked on adaptive sampling .. changed to using real number of samples for …
04:35 Changeset [3191] by mattausch
04:14 Changeset [3190] by mattausch
02:14 Changeset [3189] by mattausch
00:22 Changeset [3188] by szirmay


22:54 Changeset [3187] by szirmay
22:54 Changeset [3186] by szirmay
22:53 Changeset [3185] by szirmay
22:53 Changeset [3184] by szirmay
22:53 Changeset [3183] by szirmay
22:52 Changeset [3182] by szirmay
22:52 Changeset [3181] by szirmay
22:50 Changeset [3180] by szirmay
22:50 Changeset [3179] by szirmay
22:14 Changeset [3178] by szirmay
22:13 Changeset [3177] by szirmay
22:12 Changeset [3176] by szirmay
this will be the place for all the standalone demos
20:45 Changeset [3175] by mattausch
20:25 Changeset [3174] by szirmay
I removed the post build copy event as it referred to a strange absolute …
20:23 Changeset [3173] by mattausch
20:18 Changeset [3172] by mattausch
20:16 Changeset [3171] by szirmay
I replaced the object saving code (to obj format) as texture coordinates …
19:43 Changeset [3170] by mattausch
10:48 Changeset [3169] by mattausch
have to remove culling bug at given view point


18:58 Changeset [3168] by mattausch
removed bug (second aa output), normsl normalization now during mrt output
18:14 Changeset [3167] by mattausch
14:20 Changeset [3166] by mattausch
nearly no more errors but slow
14:16 Changeset [3165] by mattausch
good values
13:49 Changeset [3164] by mattausch
good quality now for current settings
13:28 Changeset [3163] by mattausch
getting better results using the position for the filter
12:02 Changeset [3162] by mattausch
playing around with filter: returning to world space depth difference for …
02:37 Changeset [3161] by mattausch
not working .…
00:56 Changeset [3160] by mattausch
working quite well, put filter size adaptation factor from 10 to 5, still …


18:45 Changeset [3159] by mattausch
18:03 Changeset [3158] by mattausch
sample checking working good now
18:02 Changeset [3157] by mattausch
17:33 Changeset [3156] by mattausch
pixel check working better now
17:17 Changeset [3155] by mattausch
improved valid sample detection not workign yet


21:31 Changeset [3154] by mattausch
normal mappingt: first working version


17:43 Changeset [3153] by mattausch
09:19 Changeset [3152] by mattausch


18:40 Changeset [3151] by mattausch
worked on ssao for interpolated normals
13:44 Changeset [3150] by mattausch
cleaned up ssao code, removed fixed kernel + jitter and rotation stuff …
13:14 Changeset [3149] by mattausch
13:09 Changeset [3148] by mattausch
done a little cleanup
12:56 Changeset [3147] by mattausch
updated shader loading
10:12 Changeset [3146] by mattausch
normal mapping hack not working yet. found problems with ssao if the …


18:44 Changeset [3145] by mattausch
17:37 Changeset [3144] by mattausch
working on normal mapping
02:35 Changeset [3143] by mattausch
managed to remove halo by modifying depth / normal discontinuity filter


23:35 Changeset [3142] by mattausch
changed filter, halo region very small
18:23 Changeset [3141] by mattausch
good parameters, transition between filter and no filter not visible …
17:52 Changeset [3140] by mattausch
would take this if it were faster
17:40 Changeset [3139] by mattausch
filter working ok but slow
17:29 Changeset [3138] by mattausch
also ok with update
17:26 Changeset [3137] by mattausch
working ok
16:24 Changeset [3136] by mattausch
fixed antialiasing, but ssao not working at that point (depth)
12:30 Changeset [3135] by mattausch
working ok (most of the aa is also there for not-ssao mode, so it is …
11:28 Changeset [3134] by mattausch
filtering working more nicely now


19:43 Changeset [3133] by mattausch
16:41 Changeset [3132] by mattausch
reordered functions: antialiasing comes after initial shading pass and …
10:48 Changeset [3131] by mattausch
08:47 Changeset [3130] by mattausch
worked on reducing flickering try: use box filter instead of poisson …


23:57 Changeset [3129] by mattausch
tried different techniques for smoothing the flickering for moving objects …
03:46 Changeset [3128] by mattausch


17:22 Changeset [3127] by mattausch


18:48 Changeset [3126] by mattausch
started to include normal mapping
13:14 Changeset [3125] by mattausch
changed tm so no values out of bounds, somehow occlusion error missing …
12:43 Changeset [3124] by mattausch


17:56 Changeset [3123] by mattausch
working on ssao for dynamic objects, found error with tight bounds
13:05 Changeset [3122] by mattausch
still problems with noise
10:18 Changeset [3121] by mattausch
reordered ssao function to redcude flikering with one kernel but not …
01:47 Changeset [3120] by mattausch
worked on filtering now trying to reduce flickering (have to reorder ssao …


19:14 Changeset [3119] by mattausch
16:22 Changeset [3118] by mattausch
found error with mrts
12:18 Changeset [3117] by mattausch
strange errors
00:46 Changeset [3116] by mattausch
tree animation works somehow with flow vector


18:43 Changeset [3115] by mattausch
10:10 Changeset [3114] by mattausch
worked on dynamic objects: now ook, but have to work on render queue
02:39 Changeset [3113] by mattausch
problm with technique system


23:06 Changeset [3112] by mattausch
played around with indexing for offset vector, but now choosing different …
13:34 Changeset [3111] by mattausch
worked on dynamic objects indexing not working yet


16:40 Changeset [3110] by mattausch
worked on id for dynamic objects
10:15 Changeset [3109] by mattausch
working on incorporation of dynamic objects into ssao
01:48 Changeset [3108] by mattausch
eyespacedepth working at home computer


17:48 Changeset [3107] by mattausch
added converter for vbo format from ralf
16:38 Changeset [3106] by mattausch
reprojection working much better using 1 - eyespacedepth / …
15:14 Changeset [3105] by mattausch
now strafing up not working anymore!!!!
13:31 Changeset [3104] by mattausch
updated shader programs
10:41 Changeset [3103] by mattausch
still some error with ssao on edges bilateral filter slow


18:49 Changeset [3102] by mattausch
orthocam not working yet
15:14 Changeset [3101] by mattausch
depth queries not working
14:25 Changeset [3100] by mattausch
added per sample test
13:41 Changeset [3099] by mattausch
comparing eye linear depth
10:49 Changeset [3098] by mattausch
detected error on edges of buildings: why doing ssao there?
01:09 Changeset [3097] by mattausch
still problems with ssao on edges
00:39 Changeset [3096] by mattausch
00:35 Changeset [3095] by mattausch
probably improved temporal coherence but strange ssao


18:41 Changeset [3094] by mattausch
some error with reprojection when moving
17:42 Changeset [3093] by mattausch
found precision error: now working completely local
17:28 Changeset [3092] by mattausch
error much better
09:33 Changeset [3091] by mattausch
working on rigid objects
02:25 Changeset [3090] by mattausch
how can i get rid of the dawn flickering on the edges of objects? …
01:57 Changeset [3089] by mattausch
working better but stil not fully there


18:47 Changeset [3088] by mattausch
17:35 Changeset [3087] by mattausch
somehow working wih eye linear depth, but terrile precision (especially …


17:41 Changeset [3086] by mattausch
17:35 Changeset [3085] by mattausch
15:08 Changeset [3084] by mattausch
09:03 Changeset [3083] by mattausch
debug version


18:46 Changeset [3082] by mattausch
debug version: working on split up of ssao and reprojection
18:32 Changeset [3081] by mattausch
trying to get ssao to work with dynamic objects
10:46 Changeset [3080] by mattausch


18:21 Changeset [3079] by mattausch
10:19 Changeset [3078] by mattausch
01:08 Changeset [3077] by mattausch
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.