


22:01 Changeset [3349] by mattausch
changed back to old version
21:48 Changeset [3348] by mattausch
saving then changing back to 2 targets
21:44 Changeset [3347] by mattausch
1 rendertarget not working perfectly
17:56 Changeset [3346] by mattausch
komischer fehler mit einem rendertarget
17:08 Changeset [3345] by mattausch
trying to reduce render targets but something srange
12:16 Changeset [3344] by mattausch
works well with index
12:01 Changeset [3343] by mattausch
working really nicely
08:44 Changeset [3342] by mattausch
found error


23:24 Changeset [3341] by mattausch
nix geht


17:22 Changeset [3340] by mattausch
15:46 Changeset [3339] by mattausch
commiting changes after a long time (kenn mi nimma aus)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.