1 | #####################################################
2 | # environment file for the friendlyculling demo #
3 | #####################################################
4 |
5 |
6 | ################
7 | # misc stuff
8 |
9 | filename=sibenik
10 |
11 | useLODs=1
12 |
13 | # shadow map size
14 | shadowSize=1024
15 |
16 | # the filenames given to recorded frames (+ number.bmp)
17 | recordedFramesSuffix=frames/vienna_frame
18 |
19 | # the filename for the statistics
20 | statsFilename=mystats
21 | walkThroughSuffix=walkthrough_vienna
22 |
23 | # use potentially visible sets?
24 | usePvs=0
25 |
26 | viewCellsScaleFactor=1.0f
27 | useSkylightForIllum=0
28 |
29 |
30 | visibilitySolutionInitialState=500000000
31 | # renderMode: Frustum Culling, Stop And Wait, CHC, CHC ++
32 | renderMode=3
33 |
34 | ############
35 | ## chc++ options
36 |
37 | assumedVisibleFrames=10
38 | maxBatchSize=50
39 | # triangles per bvh leaf (influences hierarchy depth vs. occlusion power)
40 | #trianglesPerVirtualLeaf=300
41 | trianglesPerVirtualLeaf=0
42 | # max depth for searching for nodes for tight bounds
43 | maxDepthForTestingChildren=3
44 |
45 |
46 | ####################
47 | ## camera / light options
48 |
49 | # move speed
50 | keyRotation=0.5f
51 | keyForwardMotion=20.0f
52 | keyForwardMotion=30.0f
53 |
54 | camPosition=53.7718 -2.29418 8.67807
55 | camDirection=-0.994522 0.104525 -0
56 |
57 | #lightDirection=0.509293 0.784034 -0.35484
58 | #lightDirection=0.360937 0.0267167 -0.932207
59 | lightDirection=0.556361 0.559966 -0.613923
60 |
61 | #####################
62 | ## window options
63 |
64 | #winWidth=800
65 | #winHeight=600
66 |
67 | winWidth=1024
68 | winHeight=768
69 |
70 | useFullScreen=0
71 |
72 | # the used render method (forward, forward + depth pass, deferred, deferred + depth pass
73 | #renderMethod=2
74 | renderMethod=0
75 |
76 | #modelPath=data/city/model/
77 |
78 |
79 | ############
80 | ## shader options for deferred rendering
81 |
82 | # tone mapping
83 | useHDR=0
84 | # use antialiasing
85 | useAA=0
86 | # show lense flare
87 | useLenseFlare=0
88 | # use ssao / color bleeding
89 | useAdvancedShading=1
90 | # skylight turbitity
91 | turbitity=3.0f
92 | #turbitity=2.0f
93 | #sky dome scale factor
94 | skyDomeScaleFactor=15.0f
95 |
96 |
97 | ###############
98 | ## ssao options
99 |
100 | # use full resolution ssao (vs. half resoltion)
101 | ssaoUseFullResolution=1
102 | # ssao kernel radius
103 | ssaoKernelRadius=2.5f
104 | # ssao sample intensity
105 | #ssaoSampleIntensity=0.2f
106 | ssaoSampleIntensity=0.8f
107 | # ssao temporal coherence factor
108 | tempCohFactor=1500.0f
109 | # ssao filter radius
110 | ssaoFilterRadius=12.0f
111 |
112 |
113 | defaultAmbient=0.4 0.4 0.4
114 | defaultDiffuse=1.4 1.4 1.4