10/10/05 15:23:32 (19 years ago)

queries are realized as templates

1 edited


  • trunk/VUT/work/ogre_changes/OgreMain/include/OgreSceneManager.h

    r183 r316  
    136136                */ 
    137137                void _deleteRenderedQueueGroups(int leavePassesInQueue = 0); 
    138                 /** Internal method used by _renderVisibleObjects to deal with renderables 
     138                /** Wrapper for useRenderableViewProjMde with is an  
     139                        Internal method used by _renderVisibleObjects to deal with renderables 
    139140            which override the camera's own view / projection materices.  
    140                         @remark made public by matt  
    141                 */ 
    142         void useRenderableViewProjMode(Renderable* pRend); 
    143                 /** Method for setting up the renderstate for a rendering pass. 
     141                */ 
     142        void useRenderableViewProjModeWrapper(Renderable* pRend); // HACK 
     143                /** HACK: A public wrapper method for setting up the renderstate for a rendering pass. 
    144144            @param 
    145145                pass The Pass details to set. 
    149149                        @remark made public by matt 
    150150        */ 
    151         virtual Pass* setPass(Pass* pass); 
     151        virtual Pass* setPassWrapper(Pass* pass); 
    153153                /** Renders an Ogre Entity. 
    273273        /** Retrieves the internal render queue. */ 
    274274        virtual RenderQueue* getRenderQueue(void); 
    275 #ifndef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE // made public, is found in the modfified section 
    276276        /** Internal method for setting up the renderstate for a rendering pass. 
    277277            @param 
    282282        */ 
    283283        virtual Pass* setPass(Pass* pass); 
    284 #endif 
    285285        /// A pass designed to let us render shadow colour on white for texture shadows 
    286286        Pass* mShadowCasterPlainBlackPass; 
    357357        AnimationList mAnimationsList; 
    358358        AnimationStateSet mAnimationStates; 
    359 #ifndef GTP_VISIBILITY_MODIFIED_OGRE // made public, is found in the modfified section 
    360360        /** Internal method used by _renderVisibleObjects to deal with renderables 
    361361            which override the camera's own view / projection materices. */ 
    362362        void useRenderableViewProjMode(Renderable* pRend); 
    363 #endif 
    364364        /// Controller flag for determining if we need to set view/proj matrices 
    365365        bool mCamChanged; 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.