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XMLEntityDecl Class Reference

This class defines that core information that defines an XML entity, no matter what validator is used. More...

Inheritance diagram for XMLEntityDecl:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for XMLEntityDecl:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Methods

void setId (const unsigned int newId)
 XMLEntityDecl (MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Deafult Constructor. More...

 XMLEntityDecl (const XMLCh *const entName, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Constructor with a const entity name. More...

 XMLEntityDecl (const XMLCh *const entName, const XMLCh *const value, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Constructor with a const entity name and value. More...

 XMLEntityDecl (const XMLCh *const entName, const XMLCh value, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Constructor with a const entity name and single XMLCh value. More...

virtual ~XMLEntityDecl ()
 Default destructor. More...

The pure virtual methods in this interface.
virtual bool getDeclaredInIntSubset () const=0
 Get the 'declared in internal subset' flag. More...

virtual bool getIsParameter () const=0
 Get the 'is parameter entity' flag. More...

virtual bool getIsSpecialChar () const=0
 Get the 'is special char entity' flag. More...

Getter methods
unsigned int getId () const
 Gets the pool id of this entity. More...

const XMLCh * getName () const
 Returns a const pointer to the name of this entity decl. More...

const XMLCh * getNotationName () const
 Gets the notation name, if any, declared for this entity. More...

const XMLCh * getPublicId () const
 Gets the public id declared for this entity. More...

const XMLCh * getSystemId () const
 Gets the system id declared for this entity. More...

const XMLCh * getBaseURI () const
 Gets the base URI for this entity. More...

const XMLCh * getValue () const
 This method returns the value of an internal entity. More...

unsigned int getValueLen () const
 This method returns the number of characters in the value returned by getValue(). More...

bool isExternal () const
 Indicates that this entity is an external entity. More...

bool isUnparsed () const
 Indicates whether this entity is unparsed. More...

MemoryManagergetMemoryManager () const
 Get the plugged-in memory manager. More...

Setter methods
void setName (const XMLCh *const entName)
 This method will set the entity name. More...

void setNotationName (const XMLCh *const newName)
 This method will set the notation name for this entity. More...

void setPublicId (const XMLCh *const newId)
 This method will set a new public id on this entity. More...

void setSystemId (const XMLCh *const newId)
 This method will set a new sysetm id on this entity. More...

void setBaseURI (const XMLCh *const newId)
 This method will set a new baseURI on this entity. More...

void setValue (const XMLCh *const newValue)
 This method will set a new value for this entity. More...

Setter methods
const XMLCh * getKey () const
 This method allows objects of this class to be used within a standard keyed collection used commonly within the parser system. More...

Detailed Description

This class defines that core information that defines an XML entity, no matter what validator is used.

Each validator will create a derivative of this class which adds any extra information it requires.

This class supports keyed collection semantics via the getKey() method which extracts the key field, the entity name in this case. The name will have whatever form is deemed appropriate for the type of validator in use.

When setting the fields of this class, you must make sure that you do not set conflicting values. For instance, an internal entity cannot have a notation name. And an external entity cannot have a value string. These rules are defined by the XML specification. In most cases, these objects are created by validator objects as they parse a DTD or Schema or whatever, at which time they confirm the correctness of the data before creating the entity decl object.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XMLEntityDecl::XMLEntityDecl MemoryManager *const    manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager

Deafult Constructor.

XMLEntityDecl::XMLEntityDecl const XMLCh *const    entName,
MemoryManager *const    manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager

Constructor with a const entity name.

entName  The new name to give to this entity.
manager  Pointer to the memory manager to be used to allocate objects.

XMLEntityDecl::XMLEntityDecl const XMLCh *const    entName,
const XMLCh *const    value,
MemoryManager *const    manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager

Constructor with a const entity name and value.

entName  The new name to give to this entity.
value  The new value to give to this entity name.
manager  Pointer to the memory manager to be used to allocate objects.

XMLEntityDecl::XMLEntityDecl const XMLCh *const    entName,
const XMLCh    value,
MemoryManager *const    manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager

Constructor with a const entity name and single XMLCh value.

entName  The new name to give to this entity.
value  The new value to give to this entity name.
manager  Pointer to the memory manager to be used to allocate objects.

virtual XMLEntityDecl::~XMLEntityDecl   [virtual]

Default destructor.

Member Function Documentation

const XMLCh * XMLEntityDecl::getBaseURI   const

Gets the base URI for this entity.

virtual bool XMLEntityDecl::getDeclaredInIntSubset   const [pure virtual]

Get the 'declared in internal subset' flag.

Gets the state of the flag which indicates whether the entity was declared in the internal or external subset. Some structural description languages might not have an internal subset concept, in which case this will always return false.

unsigned int XMLEntityDecl::getId   const

Gets the pool id of this entity.

Validators maintain all decls in pools, from which they can be quickly extracted via id.

virtual bool XMLEntityDecl::getIsParameter   const [pure virtual]

Get the 'is parameter entity' flag.

Gets the state of the flag which indicates whether this entity is a parameter entity. If not, then its a general entity.

virtual bool XMLEntityDecl::getIsSpecialChar   const [pure virtual]

Get the 'is special char entity' flag.

Gets the state of the flag that indicates whether this entity is one of the special, intrinsically supported character entities.

const XMLCh * XMLEntityDecl::getKey   const

This method allows objects of this class to be used within a standard keyed collection used commonly within the parser system.

The collection calls this method to get the key (usually to hash it) by which the object is to be stored.

MemoryManager * XMLEntityDecl::getMemoryManager   const

Get the plugged-in memory manager.

This method returns the plugged-in memory manager user for dynamic memory allocation/deallocation.

the plugged-in memory manager

const XMLCh * XMLEntityDecl::getName   const

Returns a const pointer to the name of this entity decl.

This name will be in whatever format is appropriate for the type of validator in use.

const XMLCh * XMLEntityDecl::getNotationName   const

Gets the notation name, if any, declared for this entity.

If this entity is not a notation type entity, it will be a null pointer.

const XMLCh * XMLEntityDecl::getPublicId   const

Gets the public id declared for this entity.

Public ids are optional so it can be a null pointer.

const XMLCh * XMLEntityDecl::getSystemId   const

Gets the system id declared for this entity.

The system id is required so this method should never return a null pointers.

const XMLCh * XMLEntityDecl::getValue   const

This method returns the value of an internal entity.

If this is not an internal entity (i.e. its external), then this will be a null pointer.

unsigned int XMLEntityDecl::getValueLen   const

This method returns the number of characters in the value returned by getValue().

If this entity is external, this will be zero since an external entity has no internal value.

bool XMLEntityDecl::isExternal   const

Indicates that this entity is an external entity.

If not, then it is assumed to be an internal entity, suprise.

bool XMLEntityDecl::isUnparsed   const

Indicates whether this entity is unparsed.

This is meaningless for internal entities. Some external entities are unparsed in that they refer to something other than XML source.

void XMLEntityDecl::setBaseURI const XMLCh *const    newId

This method will set a new baseURI on this entity.

This will then control the URI used to resolve the relative system Id.

newId  The new base URI to give to the entity.

void XMLEntityDecl::setId const unsigned int    newId

void XMLEntityDecl::setName const XMLCh *const    entName

This method will set the entity name.

The format of this name is defined by the particular validator in use, since it will be the one who creates entity definitions as it parses the DTD, Schema, ect...

entName  The new name to give to this entity.

void XMLEntityDecl::setNotationName const XMLCh *const    newName

This method will set the notation name for this entity.

By setting this, you are indicating that this is an unparsed external entity.

newName  The new notation name to give to this entity.

void XMLEntityDecl::setPublicId const XMLCh *const    newId

This method will set a new public id on this entity.

The public id has no particular form and is purely for client consumption.

newId  The new public id to give to this entity.

void XMLEntityDecl::setSystemId const XMLCh *const    newId

This method will set a new sysetm id on this entity.

This will then control where the source for this entity lives. If it is an internal entity, then the system id is only for bookkeeping purposes, and to allow any external entities referenced from within the entity to be correctly resolved.

newId  The new system id to give to the entity.

void XMLEntityDecl::setValue const XMLCh *const    newValue

This method will set a new value for this entity.

This is only valid if the entity is to be an internal entity. By setting this field, you are indicating that the entity is internal.

newValue  The new value to give to this entity.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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