FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitFactory Class Reference
[COLLADA Effect Classes [ColladaFX]]

[INTERNAL] The factory for COLLADA effect parameter surface initialization. More...

#include <FCDEffectParameterSurface.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  InitType {
 The supported initialization types. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitCreate (InitType type)
 [INTERNAL] Creates a new effect surface initialization parameter, given a type.

Detailed Description

[INTERNAL] The factory for COLLADA effect parameter surface initialization.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitFactory::InitType

The supported initialization types.

FROM  Loads a surface from one simple image file.

See also:
AS_NULL  No initialization.

This surface may be initialized by some future effect parameter override.

AS_TARGET  Initializes an engine-specific render target for offscreen rendering.

In this case, the dimensions should be provided by the surface effect parameter.

CUBE  Loads a cube-map from one complex image file or six simple image files.

See also:
VOLUME  Loads a 3D images for one image file.

See also:
PLANAR  Loads a surface from one simple image file.

Member Function Documentation

static FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInit* FCDEffectParameterSurfaceInitFactory::Create InitType  type  )  [static]

[INTERNAL] Creates a new effect surface initialization parameter, given a type.

type The type of initialization parameter to create.

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Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:42 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO