Deprecated List

Member FCDEffectParameter::GetBindSymbol () const
Retrieves the program bind symbol for this parameter. This information should be available per-shader, in the FCDEffectPassShader class.

Member FCDEffectParameter::IsFragment () const
Retrieves whether the program bind symbol attached to this parameter belongs to a fragment/pixel shader. This information is available per-shader, in the FCDEffectPassShader class.

Member FCDEffectParameter::SetBindSymbol (const string &_bindSymbol)
Sets the program bind symbol for this parameter. This information is available per-shader, in the FCDEffectPassShader class.

Member FCDEffectParameter::SetFragment (bool _isFragment)
Sets whether the program bind symbol attached to this parameter belongs to a fragment/pixel shader. This information is available per-shader, in the FCDEffectPassShader class.

Member FCDEffectPass::GetMeshData () const
Retrieves the list of mesh data bindings. This patches bad export data in ColladaMaya and will be removed soon.

Member FCDEffectPass::LoadFromXML (xmlNode *passNode, xmlNode *techniqueNode, xmlNode *profileNode)
bad interface : this dependency must be taken out[3]

Member FCDEffectPass::LoadFromXML (xmlNode *passNode, xmlNode *techniqueNode, xmlNode *profileNode)
bad interface : this dependency must be taken out[2]

Member FCDEffectProfileFX::GetIncludeFilename () const
Retrieves the filename of the file that contains the code for this effect profile. Instead, look through the FCDEffectCode object, using the GetCodeList function and retrieve the correct object and its filename string.

Member FCDEffectTechnique::LoadFromXML (xmlNode *techniqueNode, xmlNode *profileNode)
bad interface : this dependency must be taken out.

Member FCDEntity::GetPostProcessCmds ()
Retrieves the like of post-processing commands. Used only in ColladaMaya and should be taken out.

Member FCDGeometry::Clone (FloatList &newPositions, uint32 newPositionsStride, FloatList &newNormals, uint32 newNormalsStride)
[INTERNAL] Clones the geometry entity. Works only on mesh geometry. Creates a full copy of the geometry, with the vertices overwritten by the given data: this is used when importing COLLADA 1.3 skin controllers. You will need to release the cloned entity.

Member FCDGeometryPolygons::FindIndicesForIdx (uint32 idx)
Instead, use the FindIndices function.

Member FCDGeometrySource::GetSourceId () const
Retrieves the COLLADA id for the source. Use the class parent's GetDaeId function instead.

Member FCDGeometrySource::GetSourceNode ()
[INTERNAL] Retrieves the XML tree node that represent this source. This is used when computing the list of animated values.

Member FCDLibrary::GetPostProcessCmds () const
[INTERNAL] Retrieves the list of post-processing commands for the entities of this library.

Member FCDocument::FindNamedAnimated (const string &shader, const string &attribute) const
Retrieves an animated value associated with a shader attribute, given the id of the material. Do not use this function. Instead, find the material/effect within its library, find the parameter and use the FindAnimatedValue function on its animatable value(s).

Member FCDocument::FindTexture (const string &daeId)
Retrieves the texture that matches the given COLLADA id.

Member FCDocument::getAnimatedValues ()
Retrieves the list of the animated values defined within the document. Do not use this function: use FindAnimatedValue() instead.

Member FCDocument::GetLengthUnit () const
Retrieves the length of 1 distance unit for this document, in meters. The default is 1.0, which means that the 1 unit in the document is equal to 1 meter. This information is now contained within the asset structure. Please use GetAsset()->GetLengthUnit().

Member FCDocument::GetMaterialList ()
Retrieves a list of all the visual materials contained by the document.

Member FCDocument::GetPostProcessCmds () const
Retrieves a list of post-processing commands.

Member FCDocument::GetUpAxis () const
Retrieves the vector pre-determined by the document as the up-axis. This information is now contained within the asset structure. Please use GetAsset()->GetUpAxis().

Member FCDSkinController::GetWeightedMatches ()
Will be replaces by GetVertexInfluences.

Member FCDTexture::GetSubId () const
Retrieves the sub-id of the texture.

Member FCDTexture::SetSubId (const string &_subId)
Sets the sub-id of the texture.

Member MeshDataList
A dynamically-sized array of mesh bindings. These should be bound using the <bind> element, at the instantiation level!

Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:44 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO