FCDocument Class Reference
[COLLADA Document Object Model.]

The top class for the COLLADA object model. More...

#include <FCDocument.h>

Inheritance diagram for FCDocument:

FUObjectContainer List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FCDocument ()
 Construct a new COLLADA document.
virtual ~FCDocument ()
 COLLADA document destructor.
FCDAsset * GetAsset ()
 Retrieves the asset information for this COLLADA document.
const FCDAsset * GetAsset () const
 See above.
FUFileManager * GetFileManager ()
 [INTERNAL] Retrieves the local file manager for the COLLADA document.
const FUFileManager * GetFileManager () const
 See above.
FCDSceneNodeGetVisualSceneRoot ()
 Retrieves the currently selected visual scene.
const FCDSceneNodeGetVisualSceneRoot () const
 See above.
FCDPhysicsSceneNode * GetPhysicsSceneRoot ()
 Retrieves the currently selected physics scene.
const FCDPhysicsSceneNode * GetPhysicsSceneRoot () const
 See above.
const FCDMaterialListGetMaterialList ()
FUSUniqueStringMapGetUniqueNameMap ()
 [INTERNAL] Retrieves the map of unique ids for this document.
const FUSUniqueStringMapGetUniqueNameMap () const
 See above.
const FMVector3GetUpAxis () const
float GetLengthUnit () const
float GetLengthUnitConversion () const
 [INTERNAL] Retrieves the conversion factor between the requested distance unit and the document's distance unit.
void SetLengthUnitWanted (float wantedLengthUnit)
 Sets the wanted distance unit factor, in meters, for this document.
bool HasStartTime () const
 Returns whether a start time is being enforced for the document.
float GetStartTime () const
 Retrieves the start time set for the document.
void SetStartTime (float time)
 Enforces a certain time as the start time for the document.
bool HasEndTime () const
 Returns whether a end time is being enforced for the document.
float GetEndTime () const
 Retrieves the end time set for the document.
void SetEndTime (float time)
 Enforces a certain time as the end time for the document.
FCDLayerListGetLayers ()
 Retrieves the list of entity layers.
const FCDLayerListGetLayers () const
 See above.
size_t GetLayerCount () const
 Retrieves the number of entity layers contained within the document.
FCDLayerGetLayer (size_t index)
 Retrieves a specific entity layer contained within the document.
const FCDLayerGetLayer (size_t index) const
FCDLayerAddLayer ()
 Adds an entity layer to the document.
void ReleaseLayer (FCDLayer *layer)
 Releases an entity layer from the document.
FCDAnimationLibraryGetAnimationLibrary ()
 Retrieves the animation library.
const FCDAnimationLibraryGetAnimationLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDAnimationClipLibraryGetAnimationClipLibrary ()
 Retrieves the animation clip library.
const FCDAnimationClipLibraryGetAnimationClipLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDCameraLibraryGetCameraLibrary ()
 Retrieves the camera library.
const FCDCameraLibraryGetCameraLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDControllerLibraryGetControllerLibrary ()
 Retrieves the controller library.
const FCDControllerLibraryGetControllerLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDGeometryLibraryGetGeometryLibrary ()
 Retrieves the geometry library.
const FCDGeometryLibraryGetGeometryLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDImageLibraryGetImageLibrary ()
 Retrieves the image library.
const FCDImageLibraryGetImageLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDLightLibraryGetLightLibrary ()
 Retrieves the light library.
const FCDLightLibraryGetLightLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDMaterialLibraryGetMaterialLibrary ()
 Retrieves the visual material library.
const FCDMaterialLibraryGetMaterialLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDMaterialLibraryGetEffectLibrary ()
 Retrieves the effect library.
const FCDMaterialLibraryGetEffectLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDVisualSceneNodeLibraryGetVisualSceneLibrary ()
 Retrieves the visual scene library.
const FCDVisualSceneNodeLibraryGetVisualSceneLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDPhysicsModelLibraryGetPhysicsModelLibrary ()
 Retrieves the physics model library.
const FCDPhysicsModelLibraryGetPhysicsModelLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDPhysicsMaterialLibraryGetPhysicsMaterialLibrary ()
 Retrieves the physics material library.
const FCDPhysicsMaterialLibraryGetPhysicsMaterialLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDPhysicsSceneLibraryGetPhysicsSceneLibrary ()
 Retrieves the physics scene library.
const FCDPhysicsSceneLibraryGetPhysicsSceneLibrary () const
 See above.
FCDSceneNodeAddVisualScene ()
 Insert a new visual scene within the visual scene library.
FCDPhysicsSceneNode * AddPhysicsScene ()
 Insert a new physics scene within the physics material library.
void FindAnimationChannels (const string &pointer, FCDAnimationChannelList &channels)
 [INTERNAL] Retrieves all the animation channels which include a given target pointer.
void FindAnimationChannelsArrayIndices (xmlNode *targetArray, Int32List &animatedIndices)
 [INTERNAL] Retrieves the array indices of animation channels which target the given XML node.
FCDAnimationFindAnimation (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the animation tree node that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDAnimationClip * FindAnimationClip (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the animation clip that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDCameraFindCamera (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the camera that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDControllerFindController (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the controller that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDEffectFindEffect (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the effect that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDGeometryFindGeometry (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the geometry that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDImageFindImage (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the image that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDLightFindLight (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the light that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDMaterialFindMaterial (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the visual material that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDTextureFindTexture (const string &daeId)
FCDSceneNodeFindVisualScene (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the visual scene that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDPhysicsSceneNode * FindPhysicsScene (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the physics scene that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDPhysicsMaterial * FindPhysicsMaterial (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the physics material that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDPhysicsModel * FindPhysicsModel (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the physics model that matches the given COLLADA id.
FCDSceneNodeFindSceneNode (const string &daeId)
 Retrieves the visual scene node that matches the given COLLADA id.
void RegisterAnimatedValue (FCDAnimated *animated)
 [INTERNAL] Registers an animated value with the document.
void UnregisterAnimatedValue (FCDAnimated *animated)
 [INTERNAL] Unregisters an animated value of the document.
bool LinkDriver (FCDAnimated *animated)
 [INTERNAL] Links the given animated value as a possible driver to other animated value(s).
FCDAnimatedFindAnimatedValue (float *ptr)
 Retrieves an animated value given an animatable value.
const FCDAnimatedFindAnimatedValue (const float *ptr) const
 See above.
const float * FindAnimatedTarget (const string &fullyQualifiedTarget)
 [INTERNAL] Retrieves an animated value given a COLLADA target pointer.
const FCDAnimatedFindNamedAnimated (const string &shader, const string &attribute) const
bool IsValueAnimated (const float *ptr) const
 Retrieves whether a given animatable value is animated.
FUStatus LoadFromFile (const fstring &filename)
 Loads a COLLADA file into this document object.
FUStatus LoadFromText (const fstring &basePath, const fchar *text)
 Loads a COLLADA string into this document object.
FUStatus LoadDocumentFromXML (xmlNode *colladaNode)
 [INTERNAL] Reads the full document information from the given XML node tree.
FUStatus WriteToFile (const fstring &filename) const
 Writes the document out to a file identified by its OS-dependent filename.
FUStatus WriteDocumentToXML (xmlNode *colladaNode) const
 [INTERNAL] Writes out the document to a XML node tree.
void WriteAnimatedValueToXML (const float *value, xmlNode *valueNode, const char *wantedSid, int32 arrayElement=-1) const
 [INTERNAL] Writes out the animation curves contained within an animated value to the given XML node tree.
const StringListGetPostProcessCmds () const
const FCDAnimatedListgetAnimatedValues ()

Detailed Description

The top class for the COLLADA object model.

This class holds all the COLLADA libraries, the scene graphs and the document's asset tag.

It also holds some global information, such as the animation start and end time and the layers. This global information is only exported by ColladaMaya right now.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual FCDocument::~FCDocument  )  [virtual]

COLLADA document destructor.

This clears out all the memory related to the document.

Member Function Documentation

FCDLayer* FCDocument::AddLayer  ) 

Adds an entity layer to the document.

The new layer.

FCDPhysicsSceneNode* FCDocument::AddPhysicsScene  ) 

Insert a new physics scene within the physics material library.

The new physics scene will be used as the root physics scene.

The newly created physics scene.

FCDSceneNode* FCDocument::AddVisualScene  ) 

Insert a new visual scene within the visual scene library.

The new visual scene will be used as the root visual scene.

The newly created visual scene.

const float* FCDocument::FindAnimatedTarget const string &  fullyQualifiedTarget  ) 

[INTERNAL] Retrieves an animated value given a COLLADA target pointer.

Used during the resolving of drivers/driven animated values.

fullyQualifiedTarget A valid COLLADA target pointer.
A pointer to the animatable value.

FCDAnimated* FCDocument::FindAnimatedValue float *  ptr  ) 

Retrieves an animated value given an animatable value.

ptr A pointer to an animatable value contained within the document.
The animated value. This pointer will NULL if no matching animated value was found.

FCDAnimation* FCDocument::FindAnimation const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the animation tree node that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The animation tree node. This pointer will be NULL if no matching animation tree node was found.

void FCDocument::FindAnimationChannels const string &  pointer,
FCDAnimationChannelList channels

[INTERNAL] Retrieves all the animation channels which include a given target pointer.

pointer A valid COLLADA target pointer. Example: "node01/translate.X".
channels A list to be filled with the animation channels which target the given pointer. This list is not emptied by the function. If no animation channels are found, this list will be empty.

void FCDocument::FindAnimationChannelsArrayIndices xmlNode *  targetArray,
Int32List animatedIndices

[INTERNAL] Retrieves the array indices of animation channels which target the given XML node.

targetArray A XML node that contains an array of animatable values.
animatedIndices A list to be filled with the array indices of the animation channels which target the given XML node. If no animation channel indices are found, this list will be empty.

FCDAnimationClip* FCDocument::FindAnimationClip const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the animation clip that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The animation clip. This pointer will be NULL if no matching animation clip was found.

FCDCamera* FCDocument::FindCamera const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the camera that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The camera. This pointer will be NULL if no matching camera was found.

FCDController* FCDocument::FindController const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the controller that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The controller. This pointer will be NULL if no matching controller was found.

FCDEffect* FCDocument::FindEffect const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the effect that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The effect. This pointer will be NULL if no matching effect was found.

FCDGeometry* FCDocument::FindGeometry const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the geometry that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The geometry. This pointer will be NULL if no matching geometry was found.

FCDImage* FCDocument::FindImage const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the image that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The image. This pointer will be NULL if no matching image was found.

FCDLight* FCDocument::FindLight const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the light that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The light. This pointer will be NULL if no matching light was found.

FCDMaterial* FCDocument::FindMaterial const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the visual material that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The visual material. This pointer will be NULL if no matching visual material was found.

const FCDAnimated* FCDocument::FindNamedAnimated const string &  shader,
const string &  attribute

Retrieves an animated value associated with a shader attribute, given the id of the material. Do not use this function. Instead, find the material/effect within its library, find the parameter and use the FindAnimatedValue function on its animatable value(s).
shader A valid material id.
attribute A valid attribute sub-id.
The animated value. This pointer will be NULL if no matching animated value was found.

FCDPhysicsMaterial* FCDocument::FindPhysicsMaterial const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the physics material that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The physics material. This pointer will be NULL if no matching physics material was found.

FCDPhysicsModel* FCDocument::FindPhysicsModel const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the physics model that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The physics model. This pointer will be NULL if no matching physics model was found.

FCDPhysicsSceneNode* FCDocument::FindPhysicsScene const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the physics scene that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The physics scene. This pointer will be NULL if no matching physics scene was found.

FCDSceneNode* FCDocument::FindSceneNode const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the visual scene node that matches the given COLLADA id.

This method searches through all the visual scenes within the visual scene library and their child visual scene nodes to find the correct visual scene node.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The visual scene node. This pointer will be NULL if no matching visual scene node was found.

FCDTexture* FCDocument::FindTexture const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the texture that matches the given COLLADA id.
daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The texture. This pointer will be NULL if no matching texture was found.

FCDSceneNode* FCDocument::FindVisualScene const string &  daeId  ) 

Retrieves the visual scene that matches the given COLLADA id.

daeId A valid COLLADA id.
The visual scene. This pointer will be NULL if no matching visual scene was found.

const FCDAnimatedList& FCDocument::getAnimatedValues  )  [inline]

Retrieves the list of the animated values defined within the document. Do not use this function: use FindAnimatedValue() instead.
The list of animated values defined within the document.

FCDAnimationClipLibrary* FCDocument::GetAnimationClipLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the animation clip library.

The animation clip library contains a list of animation clips. Each animation clip instantiates nodes from the animation library. Sections of the animation curves belonging to the instantiated animation nodes are thereby packaged together as animation clips.

The animation clip library.

FCDAnimationLibrary* FCDocument::GetAnimationLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the animation library.

The animation library contains the animation curves within a tree structure. To create and find animation curves, do not use the animation library directly: use the FCDAnimated class, the FindAnimatedValue() function and the RegisterAnimatedValue() function.

The animation library.

FCDAsset* FCDocument::GetAsset  )  [inline]

Retrieves the asset information for this COLLADA document.

The asset information should always be present.

A pointer to the asset information structure. This pointer should never be NULL.

FCDCameraLibrary* FCDocument::GetCameraLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the camera library.

The camera library contains a list of cameras, which may be instantiated within the scene graph. COLLADA supports two camera types: perspective and orthographic.

The camera library.

FCDControllerLibrary* FCDocument::GetControllerLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the controller library.

The controller library contains a list of controllers, which may be instantiated within the scene graph. COLLADA supports two controller types: skin and morph.

The controller library.

FCDMaterialLibrary* FCDocument::GetEffectLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the effect library.

The effect library contains a list of effects, which may be instantiated by materials. An effect defines an interface for a rendering shader. A ColladaFX effect may contain multiple passes and techniques for different platforms or level of details.

The effect library.

float FCDocument::GetEndTime  )  const [inline]

Retrieves the end time set for the document.

The document end time.

FUFileManager* FCDocument::GetFileManager  )  [inline]

[INTERNAL] Retrieves the local file manager for the COLLADA document.

Used to resolve URIs and transform file paths into their relative or absolute equivalent. May be deprecated in future versions.

The file manager for this COLLADA document. This pointer should never be NULL.

FCDGeometryLibrary* FCDocument::GetGeometryLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the geometry library.

The geometry library contains a list of basic geometries, which may be instantiated within the scene graph and may be used by controllers. COLLADA supports two geometry types: mesh and spline.

The geometry library.

FCDImageLibrary* FCDocument::GetImageLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the image library.

The image library contains a list of images. Images are used by effects for textures.

The image library.

FCDLayer* FCDocument::GetLayer size_t  index  )  [inline]

Retrieves a specific entity layer contained within the document.

index The index of the layer.
The entity layer. This pointer will be NULL if the index is out-of-bounds.

size_t FCDocument::GetLayerCount  )  const [inline]

Retrieves the number of entity layers contained within the document.

The number of layers.

FCDLayerList& FCDocument::GetLayers  )  [inline]

Retrieves the list of entity layers.

The list of entity layers.

float FCDocument::GetLengthUnit  )  const

Retrieves the length of 1 distance unit for this document, in meters. The default is 1.0, which means that the 1 unit in the document is equal to 1 meter. This information is now contained within the asset structure. Please use GetAsset()->GetLengthUnit().
The length of 1 distance unit for this document.

float FCDocument::GetLengthUnitConversion  )  const [inline]

[INTERNAL] Retrieves the conversion factor between the requested distance unit and the document's distance unit.

The distance unit conversion factor.

FCDLightLibrary* FCDocument::GetLightLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the light library.

The light library contains a list of light, which may be instantiated within the scene graph. COLLADA supports four light types: ambient, directional, point and spot lights.

The light library.

FCDMaterialLibrary* FCDocument::GetMaterialLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the visual material library.

The visual material library contains a list of visual materials, which are bound to mesh polygons within the scene graph. A visual material instantiates an effect and presets the effect parameters for a given visual result.

The visual material library.

const FCDMaterialList& FCDocument::GetMaterialList  ) 

Retrieves a list of all the visual materials contained by the document.
The materials contained by this document.

FCDPhysicsMaterialLibrary* FCDocument::GetPhysicsMaterialLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the physics material library.

The physics material library contains a list of physics material.

The physics material library.

FCDPhysicsModelLibrary* FCDocument::GetPhysicsModelLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the physics model library.

The physics model library contains a list of physics models.

The physics model library.

FCDPhysicsSceneLibrary* FCDocument::GetPhysicsSceneLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the physics scene library.

The physics scene library contains an acyclic directed graph of physics scene nodes.

The physics scene library.

FCDPhysicsSceneNode* FCDocument::GetPhysicsSceneRoot  )  [inline]

Retrieves the currently selected physics scene.

The currently selected physics scene structure.

const StringList& FCDocument::GetPostProcessCmds  )  const [inline]

Retrieves a list of post-processing commands.
The list of post-processing commands.

float FCDocument::GetStartTime  )  const [inline]

Retrieves the start time set for the document.

The document start time.

FUSUniqueStringMap* FCDocument::GetUniqueNameMap  )  [inline]

[INTERNAL] Retrieves the map of unique ids for this document.

The map of unique ids for this document.

const FMVector3& FCDocument::GetUpAxis  )  const

Retrieves the vector pre-determined by the document as the up-axis. This information is now contained within the asset structure. Please use GetAsset()->GetUpAxis().
A 3D vector for the up axis direction.

FCDVisualSceneNodeLibrary* FCDocument::GetVisualSceneLibrary  )  [inline]

Retrieves the visual scene library.

The visual scene library contains an acyclic directed graph of visual scene nodes: a visual scene node contains one or more parent nodes and zero or more child nodes. A visual scene node also contains 3D transformations: translation, rotation, scale, skew, as well as the compound transformations: lookAt and matrix. A visual scene node also contains instances of geometries, controllers, cameras and/or lights. Only one visual scene should be used at one time by the global scene.

The visual scene library.

FCDSceneNode* FCDocument::GetVisualSceneRoot  )  [inline]

Retrieves the currently selected visual scene.

The currently selected visual scene structure.

bool FCDocument::HasEndTime  )  const [inline]

Returns whether a end time is being enforced for the document.

Whether the document has a end time.

bool FCDocument::HasStartTime  )  const [inline]

Returns whether a start time is being enforced for the document.

Whether the document has a start time.

bool FCDocument::IsValueAnimated const float *  ptr  )  const

Retrieves whether a given animatable value is animated.

ptr The animatable value.
Whether the animatable value is animated.

bool FCDocument::LinkDriver FCDAnimated animated  ) 

[INTERNAL] Links the given animated value as a possible driver to other animated value(s).

This step is done during the import, after new animated values are imported. The whole list of animated values is checked for potential driven values.

animated The animated value to verify.
Whether a driver was found.

FUStatus FCDocument::LoadDocumentFromXML xmlNode *  colladaNode  ) 

[INTERNAL] Reads the full document information from the given XML node tree.

This step is done after a successfull import, by LibXML2, of the COLLADA string/file into a full XML node tree.

colladaNode The base XML node tree to parse.
The status of the import. If the status is not successful, it may be dangerous to extract information from the document.

FUStatus FCDocument::LoadFromFile const fstring &  filename  ) 

Loads a COLLADA file into this document object.

This function appends into the document object all the COLLADA assets found within the file identified by the given filename.

filename An OS-dependant filename.
The status of the import. If the status is not successful, it may be dangerous to extract information from the document.

FUStatus FCDocument::LoadFromText const fstring &  basePath,
const fchar *  text

Loads a COLLADA string into this document object.

This function appends into the document object all the COLLADA assets found within the given string. The string should be in XML format.

basePath The base file path for this import. Used when transforming the relative filenames found within the COLLADA string into absolute and OS-dependent filenames.
text The COLLADA string.
The status of the import. If the status is not successful, it may be dangerous to extract information from the document.

void FCDocument::RegisterAnimatedValue FCDAnimated animated  ) 

[INTERNAL] Registers an animated value with the document.

All animated values are listed within the document.

animated The new animated value to list within the document.

void FCDocument::ReleaseLayer FCDLayer layer  ) 

Releases an entity layer from the document.

layer The layer to release.

void FCDocument::SetEndTime float  time  )  [inline]

Enforces a certain time as the end time for the document.

time The document end time.

void FCDocument::SetLengthUnitWanted float  wantedLengthUnit  )  [inline]

Sets the wanted distance unit factor, in meters, for this document.

For example, Maya uses centimeters internally and sets the wanted distance unit factor to 0.01.

wantedLengthUnit The wanted distance unit, in meters.

void FCDocument::SetStartTime float  time  )  [inline]

Enforces a certain time as the start time for the document.

time The document start time.

void FCDocument::UnregisterAnimatedValue FCDAnimated animated  ) 

[INTERNAL] Unregisters an animated value of the document.

All animated values are listed within the document. This function must be called before deleting an animated value.

animated The animated value to un-list from the document.

void FCDocument::WriteAnimatedValueToXML const float *  value,
xmlNode *  valueNode,
const char *  wantedSid,
int32  arrayElement = -1

[INTERNAL] Writes out the animation curves contained within an animated value to the given XML node tree.

value An animatable value.
valueNode The XML node associated with the animatable value. This XML node is used to generate a valid COLLADA target pointer.
wantedSid The sub-id for the animatable value. If the animatable value is animated, this sub-id will be added as an attribute to the XML node. If another node, within the sid range already uses this sub-id, a unique sub-id will be generated using the wanted sub-id as a base.
arrayElement The array index for this animatable value. Defaults to -1, which implies that the animatable value does not belong to an array.

FUStatus FCDocument::WriteDocumentToXML xmlNode *  colladaNode  )  const

[INTERNAL] Writes out the document to a XML node tree.

This is the first step of the document export. This function traverses the full COLLADA document, writing all the entities into the given XML node tree.

colladaNode The base XML node tree to write to.
The status of the import. If the status is not successful, it may be dangerous to extract information from the document.

FUStatus FCDocument::WriteToFile const fstring &  filename  )  const

Writes the document out to a file identified by its OS-dependent filename.

This function is done in two steps. First, the document is fully translated into a XML node tree. Then, the XML node tree is written to a file by LibXML2.

filename The OS-dependent filename.
The status of the import. If the status is not successful, it may be dangerous to extract information from the document.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:43 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO