COLLADA Document Object Model.


class  FCDAnimated
 An animated element. More...
class  FCDAnimatedFloat
 A COLLADA animated single floating-point value element. More...
class  FCDAnimatedPoint3
 A COLLADA animated 3D vector element. More...
class  FCDAnimatedColor
 A COLLADA animated RGB color element. More...
class  FCDAnimatedAngle
 A COLLADA floating-point value that represents an angle. More...
class  FCDAnimatedAngleAxis
 A COLLADA animated angle-axis. More...
class  FCDAnimatedMatrix
 A COLLADA animated matrix. More...
class  FCDAnimatedCustom
 A COLLADA custom animated value. More...
class  FCDAnimation
 A COLLADA animation entity. More...
class  FCDAnimationChannel
 A COLLADA animation channel. More...
class  FCDAnimationCurve
 A COLLADA single-dimensional animation curve. More...
class  FCDAnimationMultiCurve
 A COLLADA multi-dimensional animation curve. More...
class  FCDCamera
 A COLLADA camera. More...
class  FCDEntity
 A COLLADA entity. More...
class  FCDEntityInstance
 A COLLADA entity instance. More...
class  FCDExternalReference
 A COLLADA external reference for an entity instance. More...
class  FCDETechnique
 A COLLADA extra tree technique. More...
class  FCDLibrary< T >
 A COLLADA library. More...
class  FCDLight
 A COLLADA light. More...
class  FCDMaterial
 A COLLADA material. More...
class  FCDMaterialInstance
 A COLLADA material instance. More...
class  FCDMaterialLibrary
 The shared COLLADA material and effect libraries. More...
class  FCDObject
 A basic COLLADA document object. More...
class  FCDObjectWithId
 A basic COLLADA object which has a unique COLLADA id. More...
class  FCDocument
 The top class for the COLLADA object model. More...
class  FCDSceneNode
 A COLLADA visual scene node. More...
class  FCDTransform
 A COLLADA transform. More...
class  FCDTTranslation
 A COLLADA translation. More...
class  FCDTScale
 A COLLADA non-uniform scale. More...
class  FCDTRotation
 A COLLADA angle-axis rotation. More...
class  FCDTMatrix
 A COLLADA matrix transformation. More...
class  FCDTSkew
 A COLLADA skew. More...

Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:44 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO