FCDTMatrix Class Reference
[COLLADA Document Object Model.]

A COLLADA matrix transformation. More...

#include <FCDTransform.h>

Inheritance diagram for FCDTMatrix:

FCDTransform FCDObject FUObject List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FCDTMatrix (FCDocument *document, FCDSceneNode *parent)
 Constructor: do not use directly.
virtual ~FCDTMatrix ()
 Destructor: do not use directly.
virtual Type GetType () const
 Retrieves the transformation class type for the transformation.
FMMatrix44GetTransform ()
 Retrieves the matrix for the transformation.
const FMMatrix44GetTransform () const
 See above.
void SetTransform (const FMMatrix44 &mx)
 Sets the matrix for the transformation.
virtual FMMatrix44 ToMatrix () const
 Converts the transformation into a matrix.
virtual bool IsAnimated () const
 Retrieves whether the transformation matrix is animated.
virtual FCDAnimatedGetAnimated ()
 Retrieves the animated element for the transformation matrix.
virtual FCDTransformClone (FCDSceneNode *newParent)
 Creates a copy of the matrix transformation.
virtual FUStatus LoadFromXML (xmlNode *matrixNode)
 [INTERNAL] Reads in the matrix transformation from a given COLLADA XML tree node.
virtual xmlNode * WriteToXML (xmlNode *parentNode) const
 [INTERNAL] Writes out the matrix transformation to the given COLLADA XML tree node.

Detailed Description

A COLLADA matrix transformation.

This transformation contains a matrix that should be multiplied to the local transformation matrix.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FCDTMatrix::FCDTMatrix FCDocument document,
FCDSceneNode parent

Constructor: do not use directly.

Instead, use the FCDSceneNode::AddTransform function with the transformation type: MATRIX.

document The COLLADA document that owns the transformation.
parent The visual scene node that contains the transformation.

virtual FCDTMatrix::~FCDTMatrix  )  [virtual]

Destructor: do not use directly.

Instead, use the FCDSceneNode::ReleaseTransform function.

Member Function Documentation

virtual FCDTransform* FCDTMatrix::Clone FCDSceneNode newParent  )  [virtual]

Creates a copy of the matrix transformation.

newParent The visual scene node that will contain the clone.
The cloned matrix transformation.

Implements FCDTransform.

virtual FCDAnimated* FCDTMatrix::GetAnimated  )  [virtual]

Retrieves the animated element for the transformation matrix.

See also:
The animated element. This pointer will be NULL if the transformation matrix is not animated.

Implements FCDTransform.

FMMatrix44& FCDTMatrix::GetTransform  )  [inline]

Retrieves the matrix for the transformation.

All 16 values of the matrix may be animated.

The transformation matrix.

virtual Type FCDTMatrix::GetType  )  const [inline, virtual]

Retrieves the transformation class type for the transformation.

The class type: MATRIX.

Implements FCDTransform.

virtual bool FCDTMatrix::IsAnimated  )  const [virtual]

Retrieves whether the transformation matrix is animated.

Whether the transformation matrix is animated.

Implements FCDTransform.

virtual FUStatus FCDTMatrix::LoadFromXML xmlNode *  matrixNode  )  [virtual]

[INTERNAL] Reads in the matrix transformation from a given COLLADA XML tree node.

matrixNode The COLLADA XML tree node.
The status of the import. If the status is not successful, it may be dangerous to extract information from the transformation.

Implements FCDTransform.

void FCDTMatrix::SetTransform const FMMatrix44 mx  )  [inline]

Sets the matrix for the transformation.

mx The transformation matrix.

virtual FMMatrix44 FCDTMatrix::ToMatrix  )  const [inline, virtual]

Converts the transformation into a matrix.

For matrix transformations, that's simply the transformation matrix.

The transformation matrix.

Implements FCDTransform.

virtual xmlNode* FCDTMatrix::WriteToXML xmlNode *  parentNode  )  const [virtual]

[INTERNAL] Writes out the matrix transformation to the given COLLADA XML tree node.

parentNode The COLLADA XML parent node in which to insert the transformation.
The created XML tree node.

Implements FCDTransform.

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Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:44 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO