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Ogre::GLTexture Class Reference

#include <OgreGLTexture.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ogre::GLTexture:

Ogre::Texture Ogre::Resource Ogre::StringInterface List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GLTexture (ResourceManager *creator, const String &name, ResourceHandle handle, const String &group, bool isManual, ManualResourceLoader *loader, GLSupport &support)
virtual ~GLTexture ()
void loadImage (const Image &img)
 Loads the data from an image.

void createRenderTexture ()
HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr getBuffer (size_t face, size_t mipmap)
 This buffer can then be used to copy data from and to a particular level of the texture.
face Face number, in case of a cubemap texture. Must be 0 for other types of textures. For cubemaps, this is one of +X (0), -X (1), +Y (2), -Y (3), +Z (4), -Z (5)
mipmap Mipmap level. This goes from 0 for the first, largest mipmap level to getNumMipmaps()-1 for the smallest.
A shared pointer to a hardware pixel buffer
The buffer is invalidated when the resource is unloaded or destroyed. Do not use it after the lifetime of the containing texture.

GLenum getGLTextureTarget (void) const
GLuint getGLID () const
virtual void setTextureType (TextureType ttype)
 Sets the type of texture; can only be changed before load().

virtual TextureType getTextureType (void) const
 Gets the type of texture.

virtual size_t getNumMipmaps (void) const
 Gets the number of mipmaps to be used for this texture.

virtual void setNumMipmaps (size_t num)
 Sets the number of mipmaps to be used for this texture.

virtual bool getMipmapsHardwareGenerated (void) const
 Are mipmaps hardware generated?

virtual float getGamma (void) const
 Returns the gamma adjustment factor applied to this texture.

virtual void setGamma (float g)
 Sets the gamma adjustment factor applied to this texture.

virtual unsigned int getHeight (void) const
 Returns the height of the texture.

virtual unsigned int getWidth (void) const
 Returns the width of the texture.

virtual unsigned int getDepth (void) const
 Returns the depth of the texture (only applicable for 3D textures).

virtual unsigned int getSrcHeight (void) const
 Returns the height of the original input texture (may differ due to hardware requirements).

virtual unsigned int getSrcWidth (void) const
 Returns the width of the original input texture (may differ due to hardware requirements).

virtual unsigned int getSrcDepth (void) const
 Returns the original depth of the input texture (only applicable for 3D textures).

virtual void setHeight (unsigned int h)
 Set the height of the texture; can only do this before load();.

virtual void setWidth (unsigned int w)
 Set the width of the texture; can only do this before load();.

virtual void setDepth (unsigned int d)
 Set the depth of the texture (only applicable for 3D textures); ; can only do this before load();.

virtual int getUsage () const
 Returns the TextureUsage indentifier for this Texture.

virtual void setUsage (int u)
 Sets the TextureUsage indentifier for this Texture; only useful before load().

virtual void createInternalResources (void)
 Creates the internal texture resources for this texture.

virtual void freeInternalResources (void)
 Frees internal texture resources for this texture.

virtual void copyToTexture (TexturePtr &target)
 Copies (and maybe scales to fit) the contents of this texture to another texture.

virtual void loadRawData (DataStreamPtr &stream, ushort uWidth, ushort uHeight, PixelFormat eFormat)
 Loads the data from a raw stream.

virtual void enable32Bit (bool setting=true)
virtual PixelFormat getFormat () const
 Returns the pixel format for the texture surface.

virtual void setFormat (PixelFormat pf)
 Sets the pixel format for the texture surface; can only be set before load().

virtual bool hasAlpha (void) const
 Returns true if the texture has an alpha layer.

virtual size_t getNumFaces () const
 Return the number of faces this texture has.

virtual void load (void)
 Loads the resource, if it is not already.

virtual void reload (void)
 Reloads the resource, if it is already loaded.

bool isReloadable (void) const
 Returns true if the Resource is reloadable, false otherwise.

bool isManuallyLoaded (void) const
 Is this resource manually loaded?

virtual void unload (void)
 Unloads the resource; this is not permanent, the resource can be reloaded later if required.

size_t getSize (void) const
 Retrieves info about the size of the resource.

virtual void touch (void)
 'Touches' the resource to indicate it has been used.

const StringgetName (void) const
 Gets resource name.

ResourceHandle getHandle (void) const
bool isLoaded (void) const
 Returns true if the Resource has been loaded, false otherwise.

const StringgetGroup (void)
 Gets the group which this resource is a member of.

void changeGroupOwnership (const String &newGroup)
 Change the resource group ownership of a Resource.

ResourceManagergetCreator (void)
 Gets the manager which created this resource.

const StringgetOrigin (void) const
 Get the origin of this resource, e.g.

void _notifyOrigin (const String &origin)
 Notify this resource of it's origin.

ParamDictionarygetParamDictionary (void)
 Retrieves the parameter dictionary for this class.

const ParamDictionarygetParamDictionary (void) const
const ParameterListgetParameters (void) const
 Retrieves a list of parameters valid for this object.

virtual bool setParameter (const String &name, const String &value)
 Generic parameter setting method.

virtual void setParameterList (const NameValuePairList &paramList)
 Generic multiple parameter setting method.

virtual String getParameter (const String &name) const
 Generic parameter retrieval method.

virtual void copyParametersTo (StringInterface *dest) const
 Method for copying this object's parameters to another object.

Static Public Member Functions

void cleanupDictionary ()
 Cleans up the static 'msDictionary' required to reset Ogre, otherwise the containers are left with invalid pointers, which will lead to a crash as soon as one of the ResourceManager implementers (e.g.

Protected Member Functions

void createInternalResourcesImpl (void)

void loadImpl (void)

void freeInternalResourcesImpl (void)

void _createSurfaceList ()
 internal method, create GLHardwarePixelBuffers for every face and mipmap level.

size_t calculateSize (void) const

virtual void _loadImages (const std::vector< const Image * > &images)
 Generic method to load the texture from a set of images.

void unloadImpl (void)
 Default implementation of unload which calls freeInternalResources.

bool createParamDictionary (const String &className)
 Internal method for creating a parameter dictionary for the class, if it does not already exist.

Protected Attributes

unsigned long mHeight
unsigned long mWidth
unsigned long mDepth
size_t mNumRequestedMipmaps
size_t mNumMipmaps
bool mMipmapsHardwareGenerated
float mGamma
TextureType mTextureType
PixelFormat mFormat
int mUsage
unsigned short mSrcBpp
unsigned long mSrcWidth
unsigned long mSrcHeight
unsigned long mSrcDepth
unsigned short mFinalBpp
bool mHasAlpha
bool mInternalResourcesCreated

String mName
 Unique name of the resource.

String mGroup
 The name of the resource group.

ResourceHandle mHandle
 Numeric handle for more efficient look up than name.

bool mIsLoaded
 Is the resource currently loaded?

size_t mSize
 The size of the resource in bytes.

bool mIsManual
 Is this file manually loaded?

String mOrigin
 Origin of this resource (e.g. script name) - optional.

 Optional manual loader; if provided, data is loaded from here instead of a file.

String mParamDictName
 Class name for this instance to be used as a lookup (must be initialised by subclasses).

Static Protected Attributes

ParamDictionaryMap msDictionary
 Dictionary of parameters.

Private Types

typedef std::vector< HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtrSurfaceList
 Vector of pointers to subsurfaces.

Private Attributes

GLuint mTextureID
SurfaceList mSurfaceList

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr> Ogre::GLTexture::SurfaceList [private]

Vector of pointers to subsurfaces.

Definition at line 79 of file OgreGLTexture.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::GLTexture::GLTexture ResourceManager creator,
const String name,
ResourceHandle  handle,
const String group,
bool  isManual,
ManualResourceLoader loader,
GLSupport support

virtual Ogre::GLTexture::~GLTexture  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void Ogre::GLTexture::_createSurfaceList  )  [protected]

internal method, create GLHardwarePixelBuffers for every face and mipmap level.

This method must be called after the GL texture object was created, the number of mipmaps was set (GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL) and glTexImageXD was called to actually allocate the buffer

virtual void Ogre::Texture::_loadImages const std::vector< const Image * > &  images  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Generic method to load the texture from a set of images.

This can be used by the specific implementation for convience. Implementations might decide not to use this function if they can use their own image loading functions.

images Vector of pointers to Images. If there is only one image in this vector, the faces of that image will be used. If there are multiple images in the vector each image will be loaded as a face.

void Ogre::Resource::_notifyOrigin const String origin  )  [inherited]

Notify this resource of it's origin.

Definition at line 223 of file OgreResource.h.

References Ogre::String.

size_t Ogre::Texture::calculateSize void   )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Implements Ogre::Resource.

void Ogre::Resource::changeGroupOwnership const String newGroup  )  [inherited]

Change the resource group ownership of a Resource.

This method is generally reserved for internal use, although if you really know what you're doing you can use it to move this resource from one group to another.
newGroup Name of the new group

void Ogre::StringInterface::cleanupDictionary  )  [static, inherited]

Cleans up the static 'msDictionary' required to reset Ogre, otherwise the containers are left with invalid pointers, which will lead to a crash as soon as one of the ResourceManager implementers (e.g.

MaterialManager) initializes.

virtual void Ogre::StringInterface::copyParametersTo StringInterface dest  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Method for copying this object's parameters to another object.

This method takes the values of all the object's parameters and tries to set the same values on the destination object. This provides a completely type independent way to copy parameters to other objects. Note that because of the String manipulation involved, this should not be regarded as an efficient process and should be saved for times outside of the rendering loop.
Any unrecognised parameters will be ignored as with setParameter method.
dest Pointer to object to have it's parameters set the same as this object.

Definition at line 296 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

References Ogre::ParamDictionary::mParamDefs, and Ogre::StringInterface::setParameter().

virtual void Ogre::Texture::copyToTexture TexturePtr target  )  [virtual, inherited]

Copies (and maybe scales to fit) the contents of this texture to another texture.

Reimplemented in Ogre::D3D9Texture.

virtual void Ogre::Texture::createInternalResources void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Creates the internal texture resources for this texture.

This method creates the internal texture resources (pixel buffers, texture surfaces etc) required to begin using this texture. You do not need to call this method directly unless you are manually creating a texture, in which case something must call it, after having set the size and format of the texture (e.g. the ManualResourceLoader might be the best one to call it). If you are not defining a manual texture, or if you use one of the self-contained load...() methods, then it will be called for you.

void Ogre::GLTexture::createInternalResourcesImpl void   )  [protected, virtual]

Implements Ogre::Texture.

bool Ogre::StringInterface::createParamDictionary const String className  )  [protected, inherited]

Internal method for creating a parameter dictionary for the class, if it does not already exist.

This method will check to see if a parameter dictionary exist for this class yet, and if not will create one. NB you must supply the name of the class (RTTI is not used or performance).
className the name of the class using the dictionary
true if a new dictionary was created, false if it was already there

Definition at line 172 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

References Ogre::String.

void Ogre::GLTexture::createRenderTexture  ) 

virtual void Ogre::Texture::enable32Bit bool  setting = true  )  [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 213 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual void Ogre::Texture::freeInternalResources void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Frees internal texture resources for this texture.

void Ogre::GLTexture::freeInternalResourcesImpl void   )  [protected, virtual]

Implements Ogre::Texture.

HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr Ogre::GLTexture::getBuffer size_t  face,
size_t  mipmap

This buffer can then be used to copy data from and to a particular level of the texture.

face Face number, in case of a cubemap texture. Must be 0 for other types of textures. For cubemaps, this is one of +X (0), -X (1), +Y (2), -Y (3), +Z (4), -Z (5)
mipmap Mipmap level. This goes from 0 for the first, largest mipmap level to getNumMipmaps()-1 for the smallest.
A shared pointer to a hardware pixel buffer
The buffer is invalidated when the resource is unloaded or destroyed. Do not use it after the lifetime of the containing texture.

Implements Ogre::Texture.

ResourceManager* Ogre::Resource::getCreator void   )  [inherited]

Gets the manager which created this resource.

Definition at line 214 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual unsigned int Ogre::Texture::getDepth void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the depth of the texture (only applicable for 3D textures).

Definition at line 140 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual PixelFormat Ogre::Texture::getFormat  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the pixel format for the texture surface.

Definition at line 219 of file OgreTexture.h.

References Ogre::PixelFormat.

virtual float Ogre::Texture::getGamma void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the gamma adjustment factor applied to this texture.

Definition at line 122 of file OgreTexture.h.

GLuint Ogre::GLTexture::getGLID  )  const

Definition at line 57 of file OgreGLTexture.h.

GLenum Ogre::GLTexture::getGLTextureTarget void   )  const

const String& Ogre::Resource::getGroup void   )  [inherited]

Gets the group which this resource is a member of.

Definition at line 202 of file OgreResource.h.

References Ogre::String.

ResourceHandle Ogre::Resource::getHandle void   )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 188 of file OgreResource.h.

References Ogre::ResourceHandle.

virtual unsigned int Ogre::Texture::getHeight void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the height of the texture.

Definition at line 132 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Texture::getMipmapsHardwareGenerated void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Are mipmaps hardware generated?

Will only be accurate after texture load, or createInternalResources

Definition at line 118 of file OgreTexture.h.

const String& Ogre::Resource::getName void   )  const [inherited]

Gets resource name.

Definition at line 183 of file OgreResource.h.

References Ogre::String.

virtual size_t Ogre::Texture::getNumFaces  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Return the number of faces this texture has.

This will be 6 for a cubemap texture and 1 for a 1D, 2D or 3D one.

virtual size_t Ogre::Texture::getNumMipmaps void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets the number of mipmaps to be used for this texture.

Definition at line 106 of file OgreTexture.h.

const String& Ogre::Resource::getOrigin void   )  const [inherited]

Get the origin of this resource, e.g.

a script file name.

This property will only contain something if the creator of this resource chose to populate it. Script loaders are advised to populate it.

Definition at line 221 of file OgreResource.h.

References Ogre::String.

const ParamDictionary* Ogre::StringInterface::getParamDictionary void   )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 209 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

ParamDictionary* Ogre::StringInterface::getParamDictionary void   )  [inherited]

Retrieves the parameter dictionary for this class.

Only valid to call this after createParamDictionary.
Pointer to ParamDictionary shared by all instances of this class which you can add parameters to, retrieve parameters etc.

Definition at line 196 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

virtual String Ogre::StringInterface::getParameter const String name  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Generic parameter retrieval method.

Call this method with the name of a parameter to retrieve a string-format value of the parameter in question. If in doubt, check the parameter definition in the list returned from getParameters for the type of this parameter. If you like you can use StringConverter to convert this string back into a native type.
name The name of the parameter to get
String value of parameter, blank if not found

Definition at line 265 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

References Ogre::ParamCommand::doGet(), Ogre::ParamDictionary::getParamCommand(), and Ogre::String.

const ParameterList& Ogre::StringInterface::getParameters void   )  const [inherited]

Retrieves a list of parameters valid for this object.

A reference to a static list of ParameterDef objects.

size_t Ogre::Resource::getSize void   )  const [inherited]

Retrieves info about the size of the resource.

Definition at line 172 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual unsigned int Ogre::Texture::getSrcDepth void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the original depth of the input texture (only applicable for 3D textures).

Definition at line 152 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual unsigned int Ogre::Texture::getSrcHeight void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the height of the original input texture (may differ due to hardware requirements).

Definition at line 144 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual unsigned int Ogre::Texture::getSrcWidth void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the width of the original input texture (may differ due to hardware requirements).

Definition at line 148 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual TextureType Ogre::Texture::getTextureType void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets the type of texture.

Definition at line 102 of file OgreTexture.h.

References Ogre::TextureType.

virtual int Ogre::Texture::getUsage void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the TextureUsage indentifier for this Texture.

Definition at line 169 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual unsigned int Ogre::Texture::getWidth void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the width of the texture.

Definition at line 136 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Texture::hasAlpha void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true if the texture has an alpha layer.

Definition at line 228 of file OgreTexture.h.

bool Ogre::Resource::isLoaded void   )  const [inherited]

Returns true if the Resource has been loaded, false otherwise.

Definition at line 195 of file OgreResource.h.


bool Ogre::Resource::isManuallyLoaded void   )  const [inherited]

Is this resource manually loaded?

Definition at line 160 of file OgreResource.h.

bool Ogre::Resource::isReloadable void   )  const [inherited]

Returns true if the Resource is reloadable, false otherwise.

Definition at line 153 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::load void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Loads the resource, if it is not already.

If the resource is loaded from a file, loading is automatic. If not, if for example this resource gained it's data from procedural calls rather than loading from a file, then this resource will not reload on it's own

Reimplemented in Ogre::Mesh, and Ogre::GLSLGpuProgram.

void Ogre::GLTexture::loadImage const Image img  )  [virtual]

Loads the data from an image.

Implements Ogre::Texture.

void Ogre::GLTexture::loadImpl void   )  [protected, virtual]

Implements Ogre::Resource.

virtual void Ogre::Texture::loadRawData DataStreamPtr stream,
ushort  uWidth,
ushort  uHeight,
PixelFormat  eFormat
[virtual, inherited]

Loads the data from a raw stream.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::reload void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Reloads the resource, if it is already loaded.

Calls unload() and then load() again, if the resource is already loaded. If it is not loaded already, then nothing happens.

virtual void Ogre::Texture::setDepth unsigned int  d  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the depth of the texture (only applicable for 3D textures); ; can only do this before load();.

Definition at line 165 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual void Ogre::Texture::setFormat PixelFormat  pf  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the pixel format for the texture surface; can only be set before load().

virtual void Ogre::Texture::setGamma float  g  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the gamma adjustment factor applied to this texture.

Must be called before any 'load' method.

Definition at line 128 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual void Ogre::Texture::setHeight unsigned int  h  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the height of the texture; can only do this before load();.

Definition at line 156 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual void Ogre::Texture::setNumMipmaps size_t  num  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the number of mipmaps to be used for this texture.

Must be set before calling any 'load' method.

Definition at line 112 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual bool Ogre::StringInterface::setParameter const String name,
const String value
[virtual, inherited]

Generic parameter setting method.

Call this method with the name of a parameter and a string version of the value to set. The implementor will convert the string to a native type internally. If in doubt, check the parameter definition in the list returned from StringInterface::getParameters.
name The name of the parameter to set
value String value. Must be in the right format for the type specified in the parameter definition. See the StringConverter class for more information.
true if set was successful, false otherwise (NB no exceptions thrown - tolerant method)

Referenced by Ogre::StringInterface::copyParametersTo().

virtual void Ogre::StringInterface::setParameterList const NameValuePairList paramList  )  [virtual, inherited]

Generic multiple parameter setting method.

Call this method with a list of name / value pairs to set. The implementor will convert the string to a native type internally. If in doubt, check the parameter definition in the list returned from StringInterface::getParameters.
paramList Name/value pair list

virtual void Ogre::Texture::setTextureType TextureType  ttype  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the type of texture; can only be changed before load().

Definition at line 98 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual void Ogre::Texture::setUsage int  u  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the TextureUsage indentifier for this Texture; only useful before load().

u is a combination of TU_STATIC, TU_DYNAMIC, TU_WRITE_ONLY TU_AUTOMIPMAP and TU_RENDERTARGET (see TextureUsage enum). You are strongly advised to use HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY wherever possible, if you need to update regularly, consider HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY.

Definition at line 181 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual void Ogre::Texture::setWidth unsigned int  w  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the width of the texture; can only do this before load();.

Definition at line 160 of file OgreTexture.h.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::touch void   )  [virtual, inherited]

'Touches' the resource to indicate it has been used.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Material.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::unload void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Unloads the resource; this is not permanent, the resource can be reloaded later if required.

Reimplemented in Ogre::GLSLGpuProgram.

void Ogre::Texture::unloadImpl void   )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Default implementation of unload which calls freeInternalResources.

Implements Ogre::Resource.

Member Data Documentation

ResourceManager* Ogre::Resource::mCreator [protected, inherited]


Definition at line 73 of file OgreResource.h.

unsigned long Ogre::Texture::mDepth [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 255 of file OgreTexture.h.

unsigned short Ogre::Texture::mFinalBpp [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 268 of file OgreTexture.h.

PixelFormat Ogre::Texture::mFormat [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 263 of file OgreTexture.h.

float Ogre::Texture::mGamma [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 260 of file OgreTexture.h.

GLSupport& Ogre::GLTexture::mGLSupport [private]

Definition at line 76 of file OgreGLTexture.h.

String Ogre::Resource::mGroup [protected, inherited]

The name of the resource group.

Definition at line 77 of file OgreResource.h.

ResourceHandle Ogre::Resource::mHandle [protected, inherited]

Numeric handle for more efficient look up than name.

Definition at line 79 of file OgreResource.h.

bool Ogre::Texture::mHasAlpha [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 269 of file OgreTexture.h.

unsigned long Ogre::Texture::mHeight [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 253 of file OgreTexture.h.

bool Ogre::Texture::mInternalResourcesCreated [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 271 of file OgreTexture.h.

bool Ogre::Resource::mIsLoaded [protected, inherited]

Is the resource currently loaded?

Definition at line 81 of file OgreResource.h.

bool Ogre::Resource::mIsManual [protected, inherited]

Is this file manually loaded?

Definition at line 85 of file OgreResource.h.

ManualResourceLoader* Ogre::Resource::mLoader [protected, inherited]

Optional manual loader; if provided, data is loaded from here instead of a file.

Definition at line 89 of file OgreResource.h.

bool Ogre::Texture::mMipmapsHardwareGenerated [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 259 of file OgreTexture.h.

String Ogre::Resource::mName [protected, inherited]

Unique name of the resource.

Definition at line 75 of file OgreResource.h.

size_t Ogre::Texture::mNumMipmaps [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 258 of file OgreTexture.h.

size_t Ogre::Texture::mNumRequestedMipmaps [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 257 of file OgreTexture.h.

String Ogre::Resource::mOrigin [protected, inherited]

Origin of this resource (e.g. script name) - optional.

Definition at line 87 of file OgreResource.h.

String Ogre::StringInterface::mParamDictName [protected, inherited]

Class name for this instance to be used as a lookup (must be initialised by subclasses).

Definition at line 160 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

ParamDictionaryMap Ogre::StringInterface::msDictionary [static, protected, inherited]

Dictionary of parameters.

Definition at line 157 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

size_t Ogre::Resource::mSize [protected, inherited]

The size of the resource in bytes.

Definition at line 83 of file OgreResource.h.

unsigned short Ogre::Texture::mSrcBpp [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 266 of file OgreTexture.h.

unsigned long Ogre::Texture::mSrcDepth [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 267 of file OgreTexture.h.

unsigned long Ogre::Texture::mSrcHeight [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 267 of file OgreTexture.h.

unsigned long Ogre::Texture::mSrcWidth [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 267 of file OgreTexture.h.

SurfaceList Ogre::GLTexture::mSurfaceList [private]

Definition at line 80 of file OgreGLTexture.h.

GLuint Ogre::GLTexture::mTextureID [private]

Definition at line 75 of file OgreGLTexture.h.

TextureType Ogre::Texture::mTextureType [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 262 of file OgreTexture.h.

int Ogre::Texture::mUsage [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 264 of file OgreTexture.h.

unsigned long Ogre::Texture::mWidth [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 254 of file OgreTexture.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:53:36 2006