FUtils/FUString.h File Reference

This file includes FUStringBuilder.h and FUStringConversion.h and defines important string-related macros and inline functions. More...

#include "FUtils/FUStringBuilder.h"
#include "FUtils/FUStringConversion.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define FS(a)   fstring(FC(a))
 A Unicode string from a constant 8-bit string.
#define TO_FSTRING(a)   FUStringConversion::ToFString(a)
 A Unicode string from any convertable value: string, vector-type or simple numeric.
#define TO_STRING(a)   FUStringConversion::ToString(a)
 An 8-bit string from any convertable value: Unicode string, vector-type or simple numeric.


typedef vector< fstring > FStringList
 A dynamically-sized array of Unicode strings.
typedef vector< string > StringList
 A dynamically-sized array of simple strings.


bool IsEquivalent (const char *sz1, const char *sz2)
 Returns whether two 8-bit strings are equivalent.
bool IsEquivalent (const string &sz1, const char *sz2)
 See above.
bool IsEquivalent (const char *sz1, const string &sz2)
 See above.
bool IsEquivalent (const string &sz1, const string &sz2)
 See above.
bool operator== (const string &sz1, const char *sz2)
 Returns whether two 8-bit strings are equivalent.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT string operator+ (const string &sz1, int32 i)
 Appends a signed integer to an 8-bit string.
bool IsEquivalent (const fchar *sz1, const fchar *sz2)
 Returns whether two Unicode strings are equivalent.
bool IsEquivalent (const fstring &sz1, const fchar *sz2)
 See above.
bool IsEquivalent (const fchar *sz1, const fstring &sz2)
 See above.
bool IsEquivalent (const fstring &sz1, const fstring &sz2)
 See above.
bool operator== (const fstring &sz1, const fchar *sz2)
 Returns whether two Unicode strings are equivalent.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT fstring operator+ (const fstring &sz1, int32 i)
 Appends a signed integer to a Unicode string.
bool IsEquivalent (FUSStringBuilder &builder, const char *sz)
 Returns whether a string builder and a string are equivalent.
bool IsEquivalent (FUSStringBuilder &builder, const string &sz)
 See above.
bool IsEquivalent (FUStringBuilder &builder, const fchar *sz)
 See above.
bool IsEquivalent (FUStringBuilder &builder, const fstring &sz)
 See above.


FCOLLADA_EXPORT const string emptyString
 An empty UTF-8 string.
FCOLLADA_EXPORT const fstring emptyFString
 An empty Unicode string.

Detailed Description

This file includes FUStringBuilder.h and FUStringConversion.h and defines important string-related macros and inline functions.

Function Documentation

bool IsEquivalent FUSStringBuilder builder,
const char *  sz

Returns whether a string builder and a string are equivalent.

This is a case-sensitive comparison.

builder The string builder to compare.
sz The string to compare.
Whether the two strings are equivalent.

bool IsEquivalent const fchar *  sz1,
const fchar *  sz2

Returns whether two Unicode strings are equivalent.

This is a case-sensitive comparison.

sz1 The first Unicode string to compare.
sz2 The second Unicode string to compare.
Whether the two Unicode strings are equivalent.

bool IsEquivalent const char *  sz1,
const char *  sz2

Returns whether two 8-bit strings are equivalent.

This is a case-sensitive comparison.

sz1 The first 8-bit string to compare.
sz2 The second 8-bit string to compare.
Whether the two 8-bit strings are equivalent.

FCOLLADA_EXPORT fstring operator+ const fstring &  sz1,
int32  i

Appends a signed integer to a Unicode string.

This function is meant for debugging purposes. Use the FUStringBuilder class instead.

sz1 The Unicode string prefix.
i The signed integer to convert and append.
The final Unicode string.

FCOLLADA_EXPORT string operator+ const string &  sz1,
int32  i

Appends a signed integer to an 8-bit string.

This function is meant for debugging purposes. Use the FUStringBuilder class instead.

sz1 The 8-bit string prefix.
i The signed integer to convert and append.
The final 8-bit string.

bool operator== const fstring &  sz1,
const fchar *  sz2

Returns whether two Unicode strings are equivalent.

This is a case-sensitive comparison.

sz1 The first Unicode string to compare.
sz2 The second Unicode string to compare.
Whether the two Unicode strings are equivalent.

bool operator== const string &  sz1,
const char *  sz2

Returns whether two 8-bit strings are equivalent.

This is a case-sensitive comparison.

sz1 The first 8-bit string to compare.
sz2 The second 8-bit string to compare.
Whether the two 8-bit strings are equivalent.

Variable Documentation

FCOLLADA_EXPORT const fstring emptyFString

An empty Unicode string.

This string is returned in many functions when there is an error.

FCOLLADA_EXPORT const string emptyString

An empty UTF-8 string.

This string is returned in many functions when there is an error.

Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:40 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO