KDTree Class Reference

List of all members.

Private Member Functions

void deleteLeaves (unsigned int nodeID)
void build (unsigned int nodeID, unsigned int *boundsArray, unsigned int nObjects, BoundingBox &limits, unsigned char axisNmask)
 recursive algorithm to build the tree bits 1,0 identify cut axis to be used
void quickSort (unsigned int *lo0, unsigned int *hi0, unsigned char axis)
 qSort an array segment of object extremes
bool compare (unsigned int aIndex, unsigned int bIndex, unsigned char axis)
 compare two object extrema according to the coordinate specified
float getBoundValue (unsigned int *extremeIndex, unsigned char axis)
 return the value of the object extreme referenced
unsigned int * findBound (unsigned int *extremeArrayStart, unsigned int nBounds, float loc, unsigned char axis)
 binary search: finds the position of value 'loc' in a sorted array partition
bool isLeaf (unsigned int xnode)
 tell if a node is a leaf
bool followChildren (unsigned int &parent, unsigned int &leftChild, unsigned int &rightChild)
bool getFreeNodes (unsigned int parent, unsigned int &leftFree, unsigned int &rightFree)
void createBoundingBox (Intersectable **iObjects, int nObjects)
 accumulate object extrema
unsigned int makePointer (unsigned int originalNode)

Private Attributes

unsigned int nCacheLines
 cache line sized memory segments used
unsigned int maxNCacheLines
 nodes per cache line
unsigned int nCacheLineNodes
 nodes per cache line
unsigned int nCacheLineBytes
 bytes per cache line
BoundingBox boundingBox
 bounding box containing all objects
float * poolNodeTable
 memory allocated for nodes
float * nodeTable
 array aligned on cache lines
unsigned int nObjects
Intersectable ** objects
 array objects
Heap< unsigned int > * freeNodes
 minimum heap to store indices of free nodes during the build
 stack to implement the recursive traversal algorithm


struct  TraverseStack
 stack to implement the recursive traversal algorithm More...

Detailed Description

This class implements a kd-tree. Splitting, termination and cutting of empty space is based on cost estimation. Memory representation uses cache-line sized sub-trees and mapping of an unbalanced tree into an array.

Member Function Documentation

void KDTree::build unsigned int  nodeID,
unsigned int *  boundsArray,
unsigned int  nObjects,
BoundingBox &  limits,
unsigned char  axisNmask

recursive algorithm to build the tree bits 1,0 identify cut axis to be used

bits 5,4,3 indicate z,y,x failed cut attempts

nodeID  node index of kd-tree node to be created
boundsArray  array of duplicated object indices, first bit tells mimima and maxima apart
nObjects  objects (boundsArray's size is 2*nObjects)
limits  kd-tree node volume

bool KDTree::compare unsigned int  aIndex,
unsigned int  bIndex,
unsigned char  axis
[inline, private]

compare two object extrema according to the coordinate specified

this is more complicated then one would predict. rules are:

  • if values are significantly different, no problem
  • the minimum of a patch is smaller than its maximum
  • if a maximum and a minimum are near, the other extrema of the patches decide
  • if all four extrema are near, the 2 ends of a patch have to be simultaneusly smaller or bigger than the other two ends

void KDTree::deleteLeaves unsigned int  nodeID  )  [private]

traces the tree defined by root node index 'nodeID', and frees the memory occupied by the object lists

bool KDTree::followChildren unsigned int &  parent,
unsigned int &  leftChild,
unsigned int &  rightChild
[inline, private]

retrieve the node indices corresponding to the children of the specified node return false if the node is a leaf

bool KDTree::getFreeNodes unsigned int  parent,
unsigned int &  leftFree,
unsigned int &  rightFree
[inline, private]

retrieve the node indices corresponding to the children of the specified node if they are not suitable to be the root of a free sub-tree, return false

unsigned int KDTree::makePointer unsigned int  originalNode  )  [inline, private]

If the node referenced by oNode is on the last level of a cache-line sized sub-tree, a pointer to a free node is placed, and the index of this free node is returned. Else, originalNode is returned.

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Generated on Thu Apr 27 17:17:42 2006 for Path Map Module by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO