FMath/FMMatrix33.h File Reference

The file containing the class and global functions for 3x3 matrices. More...

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class  FMMatrix33
 A 3x3 matrix: use to represent 2D transformations. More...


FMMatrix33 FCOLLADA_EXPORT operator * (const FMMatrix33 &m1, const FMMatrix33 &m2)
 Matrix multiplication with two FMMatrix33.

Detailed Description

The file containing the class and global functions for 3x3 matrices.

Function Documentation

FMMatrix33 FCOLLADA_EXPORT operator * const FMMatrix33 m1,
const FMMatrix33 m2

Matrix multiplication with two FMMatrix33.

m1 The first matrix.
m2 The second matrix.
The FMMatrix44 representation of the resulting matrix.

Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:40 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO