FMath/FMArray.h File Reference

The file contains the vector class, which improves on the standard C++ vector class. More...

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class  vector< T >
 A dynamically-sized array. More...


template<typename T>
bool IsEquivalent (const vector< T > &dl, const T *cl, size_t count)
 Returns whether a dynamically-sized array is equivalent to a constant-sized array.

Detailed Description

The file contains the vector class, which improves on the standard C++ vector class.

Function Documentation

template<typename T>
bool IsEquivalent const vector< T > &  dl,
const T *  cl,
size_t  count

Returns whether a dynamically-sized array is equivalent to a constant-sized array.

dl A dynamically-sized array.
cl A constant-sized array.
count The size of the constant-sized array.
Whether the two arrays are equivalent.

Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:40 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO