FCDGeometryInstance Class Reference

A COLLADA geometry instance. More...

#include <FCDGeometryInstance.h>

Inheritance diagram for FCDGeometryInstance:

FCDEntityInstance FCDObject FUObject List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FCDGeometryInstance (FCDocument *document, FCDEntity *entity)
virtual Type GetType () const
 Retrieves the entity instance class type.
FCDMaterialInstanceFindMaterialInstance (const fchar *semantic)
FCDMaterialInstanceFindMaterialInstance (const fstring &semantic)
const FCDMaterialInstanceFindMaterialInstance (const fchar *semantic) const
const FCDMaterialInstanceFindMaterialInstance (const fstring &semantic) const
FCDMaterialInstanceListGetMaterialInstanceList ()
const FCDMaterialInstanceListGetMaterialInstanceList () const
FCDMaterialInstanceAddMaterialInstance ()
FCDMaterialInstanceAddMaterialInstance (FCDMaterial *material, FCDGeometryPolygons *polygons)
FCDMaterialInstanceAddMaterialInstance (FCDMaterial *material, const fchar *semantic)
FCDMaterialInstanceAddMaterialInstance (FCDMaterial *material, const fstring &semantic)
void ReleaseMaterialInstance (FCDMaterialInstance *instance)
virtual FUStatus LoadFromXML (xmlNode *instanceNode)
virtual xmlNode * WriteToXML (xmlNode *parentNode) const
 [INTERNAL] Writes out the entity instance to the given COLLADA XML tree node.

Detailed Description

A COLLADA geometry instance.

It is during the instantiation of geometries that the mesh polygons are attached to actual materials.

Member Function Documentation

virtual Type FCDGeometryInstance::GetType  )  const [inline, virtual]

Retrieves the entity instance class type.

This is used to determine the up-class for the entity instance object.

The class type: SIMPLE for entity instances with no up-class.

Reimplemented from FCDEntityInstance.

virtual xmlNode* FCDGeometryInstance::WriteToXML xmlNode *  parentNode  )  const [virtual]

[INTERNAL] Writes out the entity instance to the given COLLADA XML tree node.

parentNode The COLLADA XML parent node in which to insert the node.
The created XML tree node.

Reimplemented from FCDEntityInstance.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:42 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO