RainFrameListener Class Reference

#include <RainFrameListener.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

RainFrameListener class processes keyboard and mouse events, and performs all computations needed for each frame

Public Member Functions

 RainFrameListener (RenderWindow *win, Camera *cam, SceneNode *ViewNode, SceneNode *CameraNode, CloseDropsParticles *syst)
bool frameStarted (const FrameEvent &evt)
bool frameEnded (const FrameEvent &evt)

Protected Member Functions

void updateStats (void)
void displayMessage (String text)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RainFrameListener::RainFrameListener RenderWindow *  win,
Camera *  cam,
SceneNode *  ViewNode,
SceneNode *  CameraNode,
CloseDropsParticles syst

standard constructor

  • the renderWindow and camera are needed for reglar initialization of the frame listener
  • view node will only be translated (position of the observer and particle system)
  • cameranode, which must be attached to viewNode, will be rotated to look in any direction
  • syst is the particle system itself, which will need to be updated with user input, time since last frame...

Member Function Documentation

void RainFrameListener::displayMessage String  text  )  [protected]

function to set a specific text on the stats overlay

bool RainFrameListener::frameEnded const FrameEvent &  evt  ) 

this function is called just after a frame gets rendered

bool RainFrameListener::frameStarted const FrameEvent &  evt  ) 

this function is called just before a frame gets rendered Contains reactions to user input (keyboard, mouse), and calls for particle system update

void RainFrameListener::updateStats void   )  [protected]

function to update the text of the overlay with fps stats

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Wed May 17 16:55:30 2006 for gametools-rain by  doxygen 1.4.6