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Ogre::Matrix3 Member List

This is the complete list of members for Ogre::Matrix3, including all inherited members.
Bidiagonalize(Matrix3 &kA, Matrix3 &kL, Matrix3 &kR)Ogre::Matrix3 [protected, static]
Determinant() const Ogre::Matrix3
EigenSolveSymmetric(Real afEigenvalue[3], Vector3 akEigenvector[3]) const Ogre::Matrix3
EPSILONOgre::Matrix3 [static]
FromAxes(const Vector3 &xAxis, const Vector3 &yAxis, const Vector3 &zAxis)Ogre::Matrix3
FromAxisAngle(const Vector3 &rkAxis, const Radian &fRadians)Ogre::Matrix3
FromEulerAnglesXYZ(const Radian &fYAngle, const Radian &fPAngle, const Radian &fRAngle)Ogre::Matrix3
FromEulerAnglesXZY(const Radian &fYAngle, const Radian &fPAngle, const Radian &fRAngle)Ogre::Matrix3
FromEulerAnglesYXZ(const Radian &fYAngle, const Radian &fPAngle, const Radian &fRAngle)Ogre::Matrix3
FromEulerAnglesYZX(const Radian &fYAngle, const Radian &fPAngle, const Radian &fRAngle)Ogre::Matrix3
FromEulerAnglesZXY(const Radian &fYAngle, const Radian &fPAngle, const Radian &fRAngle)Ogre::Matrix3
FromEulerAnglesZYX(const Radian &fYAngle, const Radian &fPAngle, const Radian &fRAngle)Ogre::Matrix3
GetColumn(size_t iCol) const Ogre::Matrix3
GolubKahanStep(Matrix3 &kA, Matrix3 &kL, Matrix3 &kR)Ogre::Matrix3 [protected, static]
IDENTITYOgre::Matrix3 [static]
Inverse(Matrix3 &rkInverse, Real fTolerance=1e-06) const Ogre::Matrix3
Inverse(Real fTolerance=1e-06) const Ogre::Matrix3
mOgre::Matrix3 [protected]
Matrix3(const Real arr[3][3])Ogre::Matrix3 [explicit]
Matrix3(const Matrix3 &rkMatrix)Ogre::Matrix3
Matrix3(Real fEntry00, Real fEntry01, Real fEntry02, Real fEntry10, Real fEntry11, Real fEntry12, Real fEntry20, Real fEntry21, Real fEntry22)Ogre::Matrix3
Matrix4 classOgre::Matrix3 [friend]
MaxCubicRoot(Real afCoeff[3])Ogre::Matrix3 [protected, static]
ms_fSvdEpsilonOgre::Matrix3 [protected, static]
ms_iSvdMaxIterationsOgre::Matrix3 [protected, static]
operator *(const Matrix3 &rkMatrix) const Ogre::Matrix3
operator *(const Vector3 &rkVector) const Ogre::Matrix3
operator *(const Vector3 &rkVector, const Matrix3 &rkMatrix)Ogre::Matrix3 [friend]
operator *(Real fScalar) const Ogre::Matrix3
operator *(Real fScalar, const Matrix3 &rkMatrix)Ogre::Matrix3 [friend]
operator!=(const Matrix3 &rkMatrix) const Ogre::Matrix3
operator+(const Matrix3 &rkMatrix) const Ogre::Matrix3
operator-(const Matrix3 &rkMatrix) const Ogre::Matrix3
operator-() const Ogre::Matrix3
operator=(const Matrix3 &rkMatrix)Ogre::Matrix3
operator==(const Matrix3 &rkMatrix) const Ogre::Matrix3
operator[](size_t iRow) const Ogre::Matrix3
QDUDecomposition(Matrix3 &rkQ, Vector3 &rkD, Vector3 &rkU) const Ogre::Matrix3
QLAlgorithm(Real afDiag[3], Real afSubDiag[3])Ogre::Matrix3 [protected]
SetColumn(size_t iCol, const Vector3 &vec)Ogre::Matrix3
SingularValueComposition(const Matrix3 &rkL, const Vector3 &rkS, const Matrix3 &rkR)Ogre::Matrix3
SingularValueDecomposition(Matrix3 &rkL, Vector3 &rkS, Matrix3 &rkR) const Ogre::Matrix3
SpectralNorm() const Ogre::Matrix3
TensorProduct(const Vector3 &rkU, const Vector3 &rkV, Matrix3 &rkProduct)Ogre::Matrix3 [static]
ToAxisAngle(Vector3 &rkAxis, Radian &rfAngle) const Ogre::Matrix3
ToAxisAngle(Vector3 &rkAxis, Degree &rfAngle) const Ogre::Matrix3
ToEulerAnglesXYZ(Radian &rfYAngle, Radian &rfPAngle, Radian &rfRAngle) const Ogre::Matrix3
ToEulerAnglesXZY(Radian &rfYAngle, Radian &rfPAngle, Radian &rfRAngle) const Ogre::Matrix3
ToEulerAnglesYXZ(Radian &rfYAngle, Radian &rfPAngle, Radian &rfRAngle) const Ogre::Matrix3
ToEulerAnglesYZX(Radian &rfYAngle, Radian &rfPAngle, Radian &rfRAngle) const Ogre::Matrix3
ToEulerAnglesZXY(Radian &rfYAngle, Radian &rfPAngle, Radian &rfRAngle) const Ogre::Matrix3
ToEulerAnglesZYX(Radian &rfYAngle, Radian &rfPAngle, Radian &rfRAngle) const Ogre::Matrix3
Transpose() const Ogre::Matrix3
Tridiagonal(Real afDiag[3], Real afSubDiag[3])Ogre::Matrix3 [protected]
ZEROOgre::Matrix3 [static]

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Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:40:02 2006