Ogre::_ConfigOption | Packages the details of a configuration option |
_find_search_t | |
_finddata_t | |
Ogre::Angle | Wrapper class which identifies a value as the currently default angle type, as defined by Math::setAngleUnit |
Ogre::AnimableObject | Defines an interface to classes which have one or more AnimableValue instances to expose |
Ogre::AnimableValue | Defines an object property which is animable, ie may be keyframed |
Ogre::Animation | An animation sequence |
Ogre::AnimationControllerFunction | Predefined controller function for dealing with animation |
Ogre::AnimationState | Represents the state of an animation and the weight of it's influence |
Ogre::AnimationStateControllerValue | ControllerValue wrapper class for AnimationState |
Ogre::AnimationStateSet | Class encapsulating a set of AnimationState objects |
Ogre::AnimationTrack | A 'track' in an animation sequence, ie a sequence of keyframes which affect a certain type of animable object |
Ogre::Any | Variant type that can hold Any other type |
Ogre::Any::holder< ValueType > | |
Ogre::Any::placeholder | |
Ogre::AnyNumeric | Specialised Any class which has built in arithmetic operators, but can hold only types which support operator +,-,* and / |
Ogre::AnyNumeric::numholder< ValueType > | |
Ogre::AnyNumeric::numplaceholder | |
OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject | This object is the base class for all discrete objects in the application |
OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::CollisionInfo | Contains information about a collision; used in the _notifyCollided call |
Ogre::Archive | Archive-handling class |
Ogre::ArchiveFactory | Abstract factory class, archive codec plugins can register concrete subclasses of this |
Ogre::ArchiveManager | This class manages the available ArchiveFactory plugins |
Ogre::AreaEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside an area (box, sphere, ellipsoid whatever subclasses choose to be) |
Ogre::AreaEmitter::CmdDepth | Command object for area emitter size (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::AreaEmitter::CmdHeight | Command object for area emitter size (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::AreaEmitter::CmdWidth | Command object for area emitter size (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::AutomaticGuardUnguard | Internal class |
Ogre::AutoParamDataSource | This utility class is used to hold the information used to generate the matrices and other information required to automatically populate GpuProgramParameters |
Ogre::AxisAlignedBox | A 3D box aligned with the x/y/z axes |
Ogre::AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within an axis aligned box |
OgreRefApp::Ball | |
OgreRefApp::BallJoint | Implementation of ball joint |
Ogre::Billboard | A billboard is a primitive which always faces the camera in every frame |
Ogre::BillboardChain | Allows the rendering of a chain of connected billboards |
Ogre::BillboardChain::ChainSegment | Simple struct defining a chain segment by referencing a subset of the preallocated buffer (which will be mMaxElementsPerChain * mChainCount long), by it's chain index, and a head and tail value which describe the current chain |
Ogre::BillboardChain::Element | Contains the data of an element of the BillboardChain |
Ogre::BillboardChainFactory | Factory object for creating BillboardChain instances |
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer | Specialisation of ParticleSystemRenderer to render particles using a BillboardSet |
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdAccurateFacing | Command object for accurate facing(see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdBillboardOrigin | Command object for billboard origin (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdBillboardRotationType | Command object for billboard rotation type (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdBillboardType | Command object for billboard type (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdCommonDirection | Command object for common direction (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdCommonUpVector | Command object for common up-vector (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdPointRendering | Command object for point rendering (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BillboardParticleRendererFactory | Factory class for BillboardParticleRenderer |
Ogre::BillboardSet | A collection of billboards (faces which are always facing the given direction) with the same (default) dimensions, material and which are fairly close proximity to each other |
Ogre::BillboardSet::SortByDirectionFunctor | Sort by direction functor |
Ogre::BillboardSet::SortByDistanceFunctor | Sort by distance functor |
Ogre::BillboardSetFactory | Factory object for creating BillboardSet instances |
Ogre::Bitwise | Class for manipulating bit patterns |
Ogre::Bone | A bone in a skeleton |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement | A specialisation of the PanelOverlayElement to provide a panel with a border |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CellUV | |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderBottomLeftUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderBottomRightUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderBottomUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderLeftUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderMaterial | Command object for specifying the Material for the border (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderRightUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderSize | Command object for specifying border sizes (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderTopLeftUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderTopRightUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderTopUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElementFactory | Factory for creating BorderPanelOverlayElement instances |
Ogre::BorderRenderable | Class for rendering the border of a BorderPanelOverlayElement |
Ogre::Box | Structure used to define a box in a 3-D integer space |
OgreRefApp::Box | |
Ogre::BoxEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a box |
Ogre::BoxEmitterFactory | Factory class for particle emitter of type "Box" |
bsp_brush_t | |
bsp_brushside_t | |
bsp_face_t | |
bsp_header_t | |
bsp_leaf_t | |
bsp_lump_entry_t | |
bsp_model_t | |
bsp_node_t | |
bsp_plane_t | |
bsp_shader_t | |
bsp_vertex_t | |
bsp_vis_t | |
Ogre::BspIntersectionSceneQuery | BSP specialisation of IntersectionSceneQuery |
Ogre::BspLevel | Holds all the data associated with a Binary Space Parition (BSP) based indoor level |
Ogre::BspLevel::BspVertex | Vertex format for fixed geometry |
Ogre::BspLevel::VisData | Internal lookup table to determine visibility between leaves |
Ogre::BspLevelPtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to BspLevelPtr |
Ogre::BspNode | Encapsulates a node in a BSP tree |
Ogre::BspNode::Brush | |
Ogre::BspRaySceneQuery | BSP specialisation of RaySceneQuery |
Ogre::BspResourceManager | Manages the locating and loading of BSP-based indoor levels |
Ogre::BspSceneManager | Specialisation of the SceneManager class to deal with indoor scenes based on a BSP tree |
Ogre::BspSceneManagerFactory | Factory for BspSceneManager |
Ogre::BspSceneNode | Specialisation of SceneNode for the BspSceneManager |
Ogre::Camera | A viewpoint from which the scene will be rendered |
Ogre::CgProgram | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for nVidia's CG language |
Ogre::CgProgram::CmdArgs | Command object for setting compilation arguments |
Ogre::CgProgram::CmdEntryPoint | Command object for setting entry point |
Ogre::CgProgram::CmdProfiles | Command object for setting profiles |
Ogre::CgProgramFactory | Factory class for Cg programs |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdAngle | Command object for ParticleEmitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdCaption | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdColour | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdColourRangeEnd | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdColourRangeStart | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdDirection | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdDuration | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdEmissionRate | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdHeight | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdHorizontalAlign | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdLeft | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdMaterial | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMaxDuration | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMaxRepeatDelay | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMaxTTL | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMaxVelocity | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdMetricsMode | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMinDuration | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMinRepeatDelay | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMinTTL | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdMinVelocity | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdPosition | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdRepeatDelay | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdTop | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdTTL | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::EmitterCommands::CmdVelocity | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdVerticalAlign | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdVisible | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::OverlayElementCommands::CmdWidth | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::Codec | Abstract class that defines a 'codec' |
Ogre::Codec::CodecData | |
OgreRefApp::CollideCamera | A camera which can interact with the world |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector | This plugin subclass of ParticleAffector allows you to alter the colour of particles |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector2 | This plugin subclass of ParticleAffector allows you to alter the colour of particles |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdAlphaAdjust1 | Command object for alpha adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdAlphaAdjust2 | Command object for alpha adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdBlueAdjust1 | Command object for blue adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdBlueAdjust2 | Command object for blue adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdGreenAdjust1 | Command object for green adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdGreenAdjust2 | Command object for green adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdRedAdjust1 | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdRedAdjust2 | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdStateChange | Command object for alpha adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector::CmdAlphaAdjust | Command object for alpha adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector::CmdBlueAdjust | Command object for blue adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector::CmdGreenAdjust | Command object for green adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffector::CmdRedAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffectorFactory | Factory class for ColourFaderAffector |
Ogre::ColourFaderAffectorFactory2 | Factory class for ColourFaderAffector |
Ogre::ColourImageAffector | |
Ogre::ColourImageAffector::CmdImageAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourImageAffectorFactory | Factory class for ColourImageAffector |
Ogre::ColourInterpolatorAffector | |
Ogre::ColourInterpolatorAffector::CmdColourAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourInterpolatorAffector::CmdTimeAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ColourInterpolatorAffectorFactory | Factory class for ColourInterpolatorAffector |
Ogre::ColourValue | Class representing colour |
Ogre::Compiler2Pass | Compiler2Pass is a generic 2 pass compiler/assembler |
Ogre::Compiler2Pass::LexemeTokenDef | Structure used to build lexeme Type library |
Ogre::Compiler2Pass::TokenInst | Structure for Token instructions that are constructed during first pass |
Ogre::Compiler2Pass::TokenRule | Structure used to build rule paths |
Ogre::Compiler2Pass::TokenState | |
Ogre::CompositionPass | Object representing one pass or operation in a composition sequence |
Ogre::CompositionTargetPass | Object representing one render to a RenderTarget or Viewport in the Ogre Composition framework |
Ogre::CompositionTechnique | Base composition technique, can be subclassed in plugins |
Ogre::CompositionTechnique::TextureDefinition | Local texture definition |
Ogre::Compositor | Class representing a Compositor object |
Ogre::CompositorChain | Chain of compositor effects applying to one viewport |
Ogre::CompositorChain::RQListener | Render queue listener used to set up rendering events |
Ogre::CompositorInstance | An instance of a Compositor object for one Viewport |
Ogre::CompositorInstance::Listener | Provides an interface to "listen in" to to render system operations executed by this CompositorInstance |
Ogre::CompositorInstance::RenderSystemOperation | Specific render system operation |
Ogre::CompositorInstance::TargetOperation | Operation setup for a RenderTarget (collected) |
Ogre::CompositorManager | Class for managing Compositor settings for Ogre |
Ogre::CompositorPtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to CompositorPtr |
Ogre::CompositorScriptCompiler | Compiler for parsing & lexing .compositor scripts |
Ogre::CompositorScriptCompiler::CompositorScriptContext | Struct for holding the script context while parsing |
Ogre::CompositorSerializer | Class for serializing Compositors to / from a .compositor script |
Ogre::ConfigDialog | Defines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog |
Ogre::ConfigFile | Class for quickly loading settings from a text file |
Ogre::ConstMapIterator< T > | Wraps iteration over a const map |
Ogre::ConstVectorIterator< T > | Wraps iteration over a const vector |
Ogre::Controller< T > | Instances of this class 'control' the value of another object in the system |
Ogre::ControllerFunction< T > | Subclasses of this class are responsible for performing a function on an input value for a Controller |
Ogre::ControllerManager | Class for managing Controller instances |
Ogre::ControllerValue< T > | Can either be used as an input or output value |
Ogre::Cursor | The Cursor is an non-visual object that contains a the XYZ values that are modified by a InputReader |
Ogre::CylinderEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a cylinder |
Ogre::CylinderEmitterFactory | Factory class for particle emitter of type "Cylinder" |
Ogre::D3D9Driver | |
Ogre::D3D9DriverList | |
Ogre::D3D9GpuFragmentProgram | Direct3D implementation of low-level fragment programs |
Ogre::D3D9GpuProgram | Direct3D implementation of a few things common to low-level vertex & fragment programs |
Ogre::D3D9GpuProgramManager | |
Ogre::D3D9GpuProgramPtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to D3D9GpuProgramPtr |
Ogre::D3D9GpuVertexProgram | Direct3D implementation of low-level vertex programs |
Ogre::D3D9HardwareBufferManager | Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for D3D9 |
Ogre::D3D9HardwareIndexBuffer | |
Ogre::D3D9HardwareOcclusionQuery | This is a class that is the DirectX9 implementation of hardware occlusion testing |
Ogre::D3D9HardwarePixelBuffer | |
Ogre::D3D9HardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for D3D9 |
Ogre::D3D9HLSLProgram | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for D3D9 High-Level Shader Language (HLSL) |
Ogre::D3D9HLSLProgram::CmdEntryPoint | Command object for setting entry point |
Ogre::D3D9HLSLProgram::CmdTarget | Command object for setting target assembler |
Ogre::D3D9HLSLProgramFactory | Factory class for D3D9 HLSL programs |
Ogre::D3D9Mappings | |
Ogre::D3D9MultiRenderTarget | |
Ogre::D3D9RenderSystem | Implementation of DirectX9 as a rendering system |
Ogre::D3D9RenderSystem::sD3DTextureStageDesc | Structure holding texture unit settings for every stage |
Ogre::D3D9RenderSystem::ZBufferRef | |
Ogre::D3D9RenderTexture | RenderTexture implementation for D3D9 |
Ogre::D3D9RenderWindow | |
Ogre::D3D9Texture | |
Ogre::D3D9TextureManager | |
Ogre::D3D9TexturePtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to D3D9TexturePtr |
Ogre::D3D9VertexDeclaration | Specialisation of VertexDeclaration for D3D9 |
Ogre::D3D9VideoMode | |
Ogre::D3D9VideoModeList | |
Ogre::DataStream | General purpose class used for encapsulating the reading of data |
Ogre::DefaultAxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery | Default implementation of AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery |
Ogre::DefaultHardwareBufferManager | Specialisation of HardwareBufferManager to emulate hardware buffers |
Ogre::DefaultHardwareIndexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareIndexBuffer for emulation |
Ogre::DefaultHardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for emulation |
Ogre::DefaultIntersectionSceneQuery | Default implementation of IntersectionSceneQuery |
Ogre::DefaultPlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery | Default implementation of PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery |
Ogre::DefaultRaySceneQuery | Default implementation of RaySceneQuery |
Ogre::DefaultSceneManager | Default scene manager |
Ogre::DefaultSceneManagerFactory | Factory for default scene manager |
Ogre::DefaultSphereSceneQuery | Default implementation of SphereSceneQuery |
Ogre::DeflectorPlaneAffector | This class defines a ParticleAffector which deflects particles |
Ogre::DeflectorPlaneAffector::CmdBounce | Command object for bounce (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::DeflectorPlaneAffector::CmdPlaneNormal | Command object for plane normal (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::DeflectorPlaneAffector::CmdPlanePoint | Command object for plane point (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::DeflectorPlaneAffectorFactory | Factory class for DeflectorPlaneAffector |
Ogre::Degree | Wrapper class which indicates a given angle value is in Degrees |
Ogre::DirectionRandomiserAffector | This class defines a ParticleAffector which applies randomness to the movement of the particles |
Ogre::DirectionRandomiserAffector::CmdKeepVelocity | Command object for keep_velocity (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::DirectionRandomiserAffector::CmdRandomness | Command object for randomness (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::DirectionRandomiserAffector::CmdScope | Command object for scope (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::DirectionRandomiserAffectorFactory | Factory class for DirectionRandomiserAffector |
Ogre::DynLib | Resource holding data about a dynamic library |
Ogre::DynLibManager | Manager for Dynamic-loading Libraries |
Ogre::EdgeData | This class contains the information required to describe the edge connectivity of a given set of vertices and indexes |
Ogre::EdgeData::Edge | Edge data |
Ogre::EdgeData::EdgeGroup | A group of edges sharing the same vertex data |
Ogre::EdgeData::Triangle | Basic triangle structure |
Ogre::EdgeListBuilder | General utility class for building edge lists for geometry |
Ogre::EdgeListBuilder::CommonVertex | A vertex can actually represent several vertices in the final model, because vertices along texture seams etc will have been duplicated |
Ogre::EdgeListBuilder::Geometry | A set of indexed geometry data |
Ogre::EdgeListBuilder::geometryLess | Comparator for sorting geometries by vertex set |
Ogre::EdgeListBuilder::vectorLess | Comparator for unique vertex list |
Ogre::EllipsoidEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside an ellipsoid |
Ogre::EllipsoidEmitterFactory | Factory class for particle emitter of type "Ellipsoid" |
Ogre::Entity | Defines an instance of a discrete, movable object based on a Mesh |
Ogre::Entity::EntityShadowRenderable | Nested class to allow entity shadows |
Ogre::EntityFactory | Factory object for creating Entity instances |
Ogre::ErrorDialog | Class for displaying the error dialog if Ogre fails badly |
Ogre::EventDispatcher | Handles the Dispatching of events to a EventTarget (mainly a PositionTarget for mouse moving) |
Ogre::EventListener | |
Ogre::EventProcessor | The EventProcessor controls getting events, storing them in a queue, and dispatching events |
Ogre::EventQueue | This class holds InputEvents given to it by the EventProcessor in a FIFO queue |
Ogre::EventTarget | This is an abstract class that is the base class of all consumers of InputEvent instances |
Ogre::Exception | When thrown, provides information about an error that has occurred inside the engine |
Ogre::EXRCodec | Codec specialized in loading OpenEXR high dynamic range images |
Ogre::ExternalTextureSource | IMPORTANT: **Plugins must override default dictionary name!** Base class that texture plugins derive from |
Ogre::ExternalTextureSource::CmdFPS | |
Ogre::ExternalTextureSource::CmdInputFileName | |
Ogre::ExternalTextureSource::CmdPlayMode | |
Ogre::ExternalTextureSource::CmdTecPassState | |
Ogre::ExternalTextureSourceManager | Singleton Class which handles the registering and control of texture plugins |
Ogre::FactoryObj< T > | Abstract factory class |
Ogre::FBConfigData | Class that acquires and stores properties of a frame buffer configuration |
Ogre::FileHandleDataStream | Common subclass of DataStream for handling data from C-style file handles |
Ogre::FileInfo | Information about a file/directory within the archive will be returned using a FileInfo struct |
Ogre::FileStreamDataStream | Common subclass of DataStream for handling data from std::basic_istream |
Ogre::FileSystemArchive | Specialisation of the Archive class to allow reading of files from filesystem folders / directories |
Ogre::FileSystemArchiveFactory | Specialisation of ArchiveFactory for FileSystem files |
OgreRefApp::FinitePlane | |
Ogre::FloatGpuParameterControllerValue | Predefined controller value for setting a single floating- point value in a constant paramter of a vertex or fragment program |
Ogre::Font | Class representing a font in the system |
Ogre::Font::CmdResolution | Command object for Font - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::Font::CmdSize | Command object for Font - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::Font::CmdSource | Command object for Font - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::Font::CmdType | Command object for Font - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::FontManager | Manages Font resources, parsing .fontdef files and generally organising them |
Ogre::FontPtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to FontPtr |
Ogre::FrameEvent | Struct containing information about a frame event |
Ogre::FrameListener | A interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of frame events |
Ogre::FrameTimeControllerValue | Predefined controller value for getting the latest frame time |
Ogre::Frustum | A frustum represents a pyramid, capped at the near and far end which is used to represent either a visible area or a projection area |
Ogre::GLArbGpuProgram | Specialisation of the GL low-level program for ARB programs |
Ogre::GLContext | Class that encapsulates an GL context |
Ogre::GLCopyingRenderTexture | |
Ogre::GLCopyingRTTManager | Simple, copying manager/factory for RenderTextures |
Ogre::GLDefaultHardwareBufferManager | Specialisation of HardwareBufferManager to emulate hardware buffers |
Ogre::GLDefaultHardwareIndexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareIndexBuffer for emulation |
Ogre::GLDefaultHardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for emulation |
Ogre::GLFBOManager | Factory for GL Frame Buffer Objects, and related things |
Ogre::GLFBOManager::FormatProperties | Frame Buffer Object properties for a certain texture format |
Ogre::GLFBOManager::FormatProperties::Mode | Allowed modes/properties for this pixel format |
Ogre::GLFBOManager::RBFormat | Stencil and depth renderbuffers of the same format are re-used between surfaces of the same size and format |
Ogre::GLFBOManager::RBRef | |
Ogre::GLFBOMultiRenderTarget | MultiRenderTarget for GL |
Ogre::GLFBORenderTexture | RenderTexture for GL FBO |
Ogre::GLFrameBufferObject | Frame Buffer Object abstraction |
Ogre::GLGpuNvparseProgram | |
Ogre::GLGpuProgram | Generalised low-level GL program, can be applied to multiple types (eg ARB and NV) |
Ogre::GLGpuProgramManager | |
Ogre::GLHardwareBufferManager | Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for OpenGL |
Ogre::GLHardwareIndexBuffer | |
Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery | This is a class that is the base class of the query class for hardware occlusion |
Ogre::GLHardwarePixelBuffer | |
Ogre::GLHardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for OpenGL |
Ogre::GLPBRenderTexture | |
Ogre::GLPBRTTManager | Manager for rendertextures and PBuffers (offscreen rendering contexts) |
Ogre::GLPBRTTManager::PBRef | Reference to a PBuffer, with refcount |
Ogre::GLPBuffer | An off-screen rendering context |
Ogre::GLPixelUtil | Class to do pixel format mapping between GL and OGRE |
Ogre::GLRenderBuffer | Renderbuffer surface |
Ogre::GLRenderSystem | Implementation of GL as a rendering system |
Ogre::GLRenderTexture | Base class for GL Render Textures |
Ogre::GLRTTManager | Manager/factory for RenderTextures |
Ogre::GLSLGpuProgram | GLSL low level compiled shader object - this class is used to get at the linked program object and provide an interface for GLRenderSystem calls |
Ogre::GLSLLinkProgram | C++ encapsulation of GLSL Program Object |
Ogre::GLSLLinkProgram::UniformReference | Structure used to keep track of named uniforms in the linked program object |
Ogre::GLSLLinkProgramManager | Ogre assumes that there are seperate vertex and fragment programs to deal with but GLSL has one program object that represents the active vertex and fragment shader objects during a rendering state |
Ogre::GLSLProgram | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL) |
Ogre::GLSLProgram::CmdAttach | Command object for attaching another GLSL Program |
Ogre::GLSLProgramFactory | Factory class for GLSL programs |
Ogre::GLSupport | |
Ogre::GLSurfaceDesc | GL surface descriptor |
Ogre::GLTexture | |
Ogre::GLTextureBuffer | Texture surface |
Ogre::GLTextureManager | GL-specific implementation of a TextureManager |
Ogre::GLTexturePtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to GLTexturePtr |
Ogre::GLXConfig | Simple CLI config |
Ogre::GLXContext | |
Ogre::GLXError | Simple CLI error output |
Ogre::GLXGLSupport | |
Ogre::GLXInput | |
Ogre::GLXPBuffer | |
Ogre::GLXTimer | |
Ogre::GLXUtils | |
Ogre::GLXWindow | |
Ogre::GLXWindowInterface | Interface that provides some GLX specific notification to an Ogre GLX window |
Ogre::GpuProgram | Defines a program which runs on the GPU such as a vertex or fragment program |
Ogre::GpuProgram::CmdSkeletal | |
Ogre::GpuProgram::CmdSyntax | |
Ogre::GpuProgram::CmdType | Command object - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::GpuProgramManager | |
Ogre::GpuProgramParameters | Collects together the program parameters used for a GpuProgram |
Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantDefinition | |
Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry | Structure recording the use of an automatic parameter |
Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::ConstantDefinition | Stucture used to keep track of attributes for a constant definition |
Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::IntConstantEntry | Int parameter entry; contains both a group of 4 values and an indicator to say if it's been set or not |
Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::RealConstantEntry | Real parameter entry; contains both a group of 4 values and an indicator to say if it's been set or not |
Ogre::GpuProgramPtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to GpuProgramPtr |
Ogre::GpuProgramUsage | This class makes the usage of a vertex and fragment programs (low-level or high-level), with a given set of parameters, explicit |
Ogre::GTKGLSupport | GL support in a GTK window |
Ogre::GTKWindow | |
Ogre::HardwareBuffer | Abstract class defining common features of hardware buffers |
Ogre::HardwareBufferLicensee | Abtract interface representing a 'licensee' of a hardware buffer copy |
Ogre::HardwareBufferManager | Abstract singleton class for managing hardware buffers, a concrete instance of this will be created by the RenderSystem |
Ogre::HardwareBufferManager::VertexBufferLicense | Struct holding details of a license to use a temporary shared buffer |
Ogre::HardwareIndexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for vertex index buffers, still abstract |
Ogre::HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr | Shared pointer implementation used to share index buffers |
Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery | This is a abstract class that that provides the interface for the query class for hardware occlusion |
Ogre::HardwarePixelBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for a pixel buffer |
Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr | Shared pointer implementation used to share pixel buffers |
Ogre::HardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for a vertex buffer |
Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr | Shared pointer implementation used to share index buffers |
Ogre::HeightmapTerrainPageSource | Specialisation of the TerrainPageSource class to provide tiles loaded from a 2D greyscale image |
Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgram | Abstract base class representing a high-level program (a vertex or fragment program) |
Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgramFactory | Interface definition for factories of HighLevelGpuProgram |
Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgramManager | This ResourceManager manages high-level vertex and fragment programs |
Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgramPtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to HighLevelGpuProgramPtr |
OgreRefApp::Hinge2Joint | Implementation of hinge2 joint |
OgreRefApp::HingeJoint | Implementation of hinge joint |
Ogre::HollowEllipsoidEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a hollow ellipsoid |
Ogre::HollowEllipsoidEmitter::CmdInnerX | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::HollowEllipsoidEmitter::CmdInnerY | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::HollowEllipsoidEmitter::CmdInnerZ | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::HollowEllipsoidEmitterFactory | Factory class for particle emitter of type "HollowEllipsoid" |
Ogre::ILCodecs | |
Ogre::ILImageCodec | Codec specialized in images loaded using DevIL |
Ogre::IlluminationPass | Struct recording a pass which can be used for a specific illumination stage |
Ogre::ILUtil | |
Ogre::ILUtil::ILFormat | Structure that encapsulates a devIL image format definition |
Ogre::Image | Class representing an image file |
Ogre::ImageCodec | Codec specialized in images |
Ogre::ImageCodec::ImageData | Codec return class for images |
Ogre::IndexData | Summary class collecting together index data source information |
Ogre::InputEvent | The root event class for all GuiElement-level input events |
Ogre::InputReader | Abstract class which allows input to be read from various controllers |
Ogre::IntersectionSceneQuery | Separate SceneQuery class to query for pairs of objects which are possibly intersecting one another |
Ogre::IntersectionSceneQueryListener | Alternative listener class for dealing with IntersectionSceneQuery |
Ogre::IntersectionSceneQueryResult | Holds the results of an intersection scene query (pair values) |
OgreRefApp::Joint | Represents a linkage between application objects or between them and the world, enforcing certain constraints |
Ogre::KeyEvent | |
Ogre::KeyFrame | A key frame in an animation sequence defined by an AnimationTrack |
Ogre::KeyListener | |
Ogre::KeyTarget | |
Ogre::LayerBlendModeEx | Class which manages blending of both colour and alpha components |
Ogre::Light | Representation of a dynamic light source in the scene |
Ogre::LightFactory | Factory object for creating Light instances |
Ogre::LinearForceAffector | This class defines a ParticleAffector which applies a linear force to particles in a system |
Ogre::LinearForceAffector::CmdForceApp | Command object for force application (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::LinearForceAffector::CmdForceVector | Command object for force vector (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::LinearForceAffectorFactory | Factory class for LinearForceAffector |
Ogre::LinearResampler | |
Ogre::LinearResampler_Byte< channels > | |
Ogre::LinearResampler_Float32 | |
Ogre::LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource | Link to another skeleton to share animations |
Ogre::Log | Log class for writing debug/log data to files |
Ogre::LogListener | The log listener is here to provide alternate means to write out log data |
Ogre::LogManager | The log manager handles the creation and retrieval of logs for the application |
Ogre::ManualObject | Class providing a much simplified interface to generating manual objects with custom geometry |
Ogre::ManualObject::ManualObjectSection | Built, renderable section of geometry |
Ogre::ManualObject::ManualObjectSectionShadowRenderable | Nested class to allow shadows |
Ogre::ManualObject::TempVertex | Temporary vertex structure |
Ogre::ManualObjectFactory | Factory object for creating ManualObject instances |
Ogre::ManualResourceLoader | Interface describing a manual resource loader |
Ogre::MapIterator< T > | Wraps iteration over a map |
Ogre::Material | Class encapsulates rendering properties of an object |
Ogre::MaterialManager | Class for managing Material settings for Ogre |
Ogre::MaterialPtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to MaterialPtr |
Ogre::MaterialScriptCompiler | |
Ogre::MaterialScriptCompiler::MaterialScriptContext | Struct for holding the script context while parsing |
Ogre::MaterialScriptCompiler::MaterialScriptProgramDefinition | Struct for holding a program definition which is in progress |
Ogre::MaterialScriptContext | Struct for holding the script context while parsing |
Ogre::MaterialScriptProgramDefinition | Struct for holding a program definition which is in progress |
Ogre::MaterialSerializer | Class for serializing Materials to / from a .material script |
Ogre::Math | Class to provide access to common mathematical functions |
Ogre::Matrix3 | A 3x3 matrix which can represent rotations around axes |
Ogre::Matrix4 | Class encapsulating a standard 4x4 homogenous matrix |
Ogre::MemoryDataStream | Common subclass of DataStream for handling data from chunks of memory |
Ogre::MemoryManager | See the The memory manager information page |
Ogre::Mesh | |
Ogre::MeshLodUsage | A way of recording the way each LODs is recorded this Mesh |
Ogre::MeshManager | Handles the management of mesh resources |
Ogre::MeshManager::MeshBuildParams | Saved parameters used to (re)build a manual mesh built by this class |
Ogre::MeshPtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to MeshPtr |
Ogre::MeshSerializer | Class for serialising mesh data to/from an OGRE .mesh file |
Ogre::MeshSerializerImpl | Internal implementation of Mesh reading / writing for the latest version of the .mesh format |
Ogre::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_1 | Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.1 of the .mesh format |
Ogre::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_2 | Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.2 of the .mesh format |
Ogre::MouseEvent | An event which indicates that a mouse action occurred in a MouseTarget (e.g |
Ogre::MouseListener | Specialised EventListener for discrete mouse events |
Ogre::MouseMotionListener | Specialised EventListener for mouse motion |
Ogre::MouseMotionTarget | Handles the adding and removing of MouseMotionListeners |
Ogre::MouseState | Structure representing a snapshot of the state of the mouse input controller |
Ogre::MouseTarget | Handles the adding and removing of MouseListeners |
Ogre::MovableObject | Abstract class definining a movable object in a scene |
Ogre::MovableObjectFactory | Interface definition for a factory class which produces a certain kind of MovableObject, and can be registered with Root in order to allow all clients to produce new instances of this object, integrated with the standard Ogre processing |
Ogre::MovablePlane | Definition of a Plane that may be attached to a node, and the derived details of it retrieved simply |
Ogre::MultiRenderTarget | This class represents a render target that renders to multiple RenderTextures at once |
Ogre::NearestResampler< elemsize > | |
Ogre::Node | Class representing a general-purpose node an articulated scene graph |
Ogre::Node::Listener | Listener which gets called back on Node events |
Ogre::NodeAnimationTrack | Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with node transforms |
Ogre::NumericAnimationTrack | Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with generic animable values |
Ogre::NumericKeyFrame | Specialised KeyFrame which stores any numeric value |
Ogre::Octree | Octree datastructure for managing scene nodes |
Ogre::OctreeAxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery | Octree implementation of AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery |
Ogre::OctreeCamera | Specialized viewpoint from which an Octree can be rendered |
Ogre::OctreeIntersectionSceneQuery | Octree implementation of IntersectionSceneQuery |
Ogre::OctreeNode | Specialized SceneNode that is customized for working within an Octree |
Ogre::OctreePlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery | Octree implementation of PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery |
Ogre::OctreeRaySceneQuery | Octree implementation of RaySceneQuery |
Ogre::OctreeSceneManager | Specialized SceneManager that divides the geometry into an octree in order to faciliate spatial queries |
Ogre::OctreeSceneManagerFactory | Factory for OctreeSceneManager |
Ogre::OctreeSphereSceneQuery | Octree implementation of SphereSceneQuery |
OgreRefApp::OgreHead | |
Ogre::OGREWidget | |
Ogre::Overlay | Represents a layer which is rendered on top of the 'normal' scene contents |
Ogre::OverlayContainer | A 2D element which contains other OverlayElement instances |
Ogre::OverlayElement | Abstract definition of a 2D element to be displayed in an Overlay |
Ogre::OverlayElementFactory | Defines the interface which all components wishing to supply OverlayElement subclasses must implement |
Ogre::OverlayManager | Manages Overlay objects, parsing them from .overlay files and storing a lookup library of them |
Ogre::PanelOverlayElement | OverlayElement representing a flat, single-material (or transparent) panel which can contain other elements |
Ogre::PanelOverlayElement::CmdTiling | Command object for specifying tiling (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::PanelOverlayElement::CmdTransparent | Command object for specifying transparency (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::PanelOverlayElement::CmdUVCoords | Command object for specifying UV coordinates (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::PanelOverlayElementFactory | Factory for creating PanelOverlayElement instances |
Ogre::ParamCommand | Abstract class which is command object which gets/sets parameters |
Ogre::ParamDictionary | Class to hold a dictionary of parameters for a single class |
Ogre::ParameterDef | Definition of a parameter supported by a StringInterface class, for introspection |
Ogre::Particle | Class representing a single particle instance |
Ogre::ParticleAffector | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle affectors |
Ogre::ParticleAffectorFactory | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleAffector subclasses |
Ogre::ParticleEmitter | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle emitters |
Ogre::ParticleEmitterFactory | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleEmitter subclasses |
Ogre::ParticleIterator | Convenience class to make it easy to step through all particles in a ParticleSystem |
Ogre::ParticleSystem | Class defining particle system based special effects |
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdCull | Command object for cull_each (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdHeight | Command object for particle_height (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdIterationInterval | Command object for iteration interval(see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdLocalSpace | Command object for local space (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdMaterial | Command object for material (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdNonvisibleTimeout | Command object for nonvisible timeout (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdQuota | Command object for quota (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdRenderer | Command object for renderer (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdSorted | Command object for sorting (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ParticleSystem::CmdWidth | Command object for particle_width (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ParticleSystem::SortByDirectionFunctor | Sort by direction functor |
Ogre::ParticleSystem::SortByDistanceFunctor | Sort by distance functor |
Ogre::ParticleSystemFactory | Factory object for creating ParticleSystem instances |
Ogre::ParticleSystemManager | Manages particle systems, particle system scripts (templates) and the available emitter & affector factories |
Ogre::ParticleSystemRenderer | Abstract class defining the interface required to be implemented by classes which provide rendering capability to ParticleSystem instances |
Ogre::ParticleSystemRendererFactory | Abstract class definition of a factory object for ParticleSystemRenderer |
Ogre::ParticleVisualData | Abstract class containing any additional data required to be associated with a particle to perform the required rendering |
Ogre::Pass | Class defining a single pass of a Technique (of a Material), ie a single rendering call |
Ogre::PassthroughControllerFunction | Predefined controller function which just passes through the original source directly to dest |
Ogre::PatchMesh | Patch specialisation of Mesh |
Ogre::PatchMeshPtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to PatchMeshPtr |
Ogre::PatchSurface | A surface which is defined by curves of some kind to form a patch, e.g |
Ogre::PixelBox | A primitive describing a volume (3D), image (2D) or line (1D) of pixels in memory |
Ogre::PixelUtil | Some utility functions for packing and unpacking pixel data |
Ogre::Plane | Defines a plane in 3D space |
Ogre::PlaneBoundedVolume | Represents a convex volume bounded by planes |
Ogre::PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within a plane-bounded volume |
Ogre::PlatformManager | Class which manages the platform settings Ogre runs on |
Ogre::PointEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles from a single point |
Ogre::PointEmitterFactory | Factory class for particle emitter of type "Point" |
Ogre::Pose | A pose is a linked set of vertex offsets applying to one set of vertex data |
Ogre::PositionTarget | |
Ogre::Profile | An individual profile that will be processed by the Profiler |
Ogre::Profiler | The profiler allows you to measure the performance of your code |
Ogre::Profiler::ProfileFrame | Represents the total timing information of a profile since profiles can be called more than once each frame |
Ogre::Profiler::ProfileHistory | Represents a history of each profile during the duration of the app |
Ogre::Profiler::ProfileInstance | Represents an individual profile call |
Ogre::ProgressiveMesh | This class reduces the complexity of the geometry it is given |
Ogre::ProgressiveMesh::PMFaceVertex | A vertex as used by a face |
Ogre::ProgressiveMesh::PMTriangle | A triangle in the progressive mesh, holds extra info like face normal |
Ogre::ProgressiveMesh::PMVertex | A vertex in the progressive mesh, holds info like collapse cost etc |
Ogre::ProgressiveMesh::PMWorkingData | Data used to calculate the collapse costs |
Ogre::Quake3Level | Support for loading and extracting data from a Quake3 level file |
Ogre::Quake3Shader | Class for recording Quake3 shaders |
Ogre::Quake3Shader::Pass | |
Ogre::Quake3ShaderManager | Class for managing Quake3 custom shaders |
Ogre::Quaternion | Implementation of a Quaternion, i.e |
Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollection | Lowest level collection of renderables |
Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollection::DepthSortDescendingLess | Comparator to order objects by descending camera distance |
Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollection::PassGroupLess | Comparator to order pass groups |
Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollection::RadixSortFunctorDistance | Functor for descending sort value 2 for radix sort (distance) |
Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollection::RadixSortFunctorPass | Functor for accessing sort value 1 for radix sort (Pass) |
Ogre::QueuedRenderableVisitor | Visitor interface for items in a QueuedRenderableCollection |
Ogre::Radian | Wrapper class which indicates a given angle value is in Radians |
Ogre::RadixSort< TContainer, TContainerValueType, TCompValueType > | Class for performing a radix sort (fast comparison-less sort based on byte value) on various standard STL containers |
Ogre::RadixSort< TContainer, TContainerValueType, TCompValueType >::SortEntry | |
Ogre::Ray | Representation of a ray in space, ie a line with an origin and direction |
Ogre::RaySceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying along a ray |
Ogre::RaySceneQueryListener | Alternative listener class for dealing with RaySceneQuery |
Ogre::RaySceneQueryResultEntry | This struct allows a single comparison of result data no matter what the type |
Ogre::Rectangle | |
Ogre::Rectangle2D | Allows the rendering of a simple 2D rectangle This class renders a simple 2D rectangle; this rectangle has no depth and therefore is best used with specific render queue and depth settings, like RENDER_QUEUE_BACKGROUND and 'depth_write off' for backdrops, and RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY and 'depth_check off' for fullscreen quads |
Ogre::RegionSceneQuery | Abstract class defining a query which returns single results from a region |
Ogre::Renderable | Abstract class defining the interface all renderable objects must implement |
Ogre::RenderablePass | Struct associating a single Pass with a single Renderable |
Ogre::RenderOperation | 'New' rendering operation using vertex buffers |
Ogre::RenderPriorityGroup | Collection of renderables by priority |
Ogre::RenderQueue | Class to manage the scene object rendering queue |
Ogre::RenderQueue::RenderableListener | Class to listen in on items being added to the render queue |
Ogre::RenderQueueGroup | A grouping level underneath RenderQueue which groups renderables to be issued at coarsely the same time to the renderer |
Ogre::RenderQueueInvocation | Class representing the invocation of queue groups in a RenderQueue |
Ogre::RenderQueueInvocationSequence | Class to hold a linear sequence of RenderQueueInvocation objects |
Ogre::RenderQueueListener | Abstract interface which classes must implement if they wish to receive events from the render queue |
Ogre::RenderSystem | Defines the functionality of a 3D API |
Ogre::RenderSystem::Listener | Defines a listener on the custom events that this render system can raise |
Ogre::RenderSystemCapabilities | Singleton class for storing the capabilities of the graphics card |
Ogre::RenderTarget | A 'canvas' which can receive the results of a rendering operation |
Ogre::RenderTarget::FrameStats | |
Ogre::RenderTarget::Impl | RenderSystem specific interface for a RenderTarget; this should be subclassed by RenderSystems |
Ogre::RenderTargetEvent | Struct containing information about a RenderTarget event |
Ogre::RenderTargetListener | A interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of RenderTarget events |
Ogre::RenderTargetViewportEvent | Struct containing information about a RenderTarget Viewport-specific event |
Ogre::RenderTexture | This class represents a RenderTarget that renders to a Texture |
Ogre::RenderWindow | Manages the target rendering window |
Ogre::Resource | Abstract class reprensenting a loadable resource (e.g |
Ogre::ResourceBackgroundQueue | This class is used to perform Resource operations in a background thread |
Ogre::ResourceBackgroundQueue::Request | Encapsulates a queued request for the background queue |
Ogre::ResourceBackgroundQueueListener | This abstract listener interface lets you get immediate notifications of completed background processes instead of having to check ticket statuses |
Ogre::ResourceGroupListener | This abstract class defines an interface which is called back during resource group loading to indicate the progress of the load |
Ogre::ResourceGroupManager | This singleton class manages the list of resource groups, and notifying the various resource managers of their obligations to load / unload resources in a group |
Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::ResourceDeclaration | Nested struct defining a resource declaration |
Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::ResourceGroup | Resource group entry |
Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::ResourceLocation | Resource location entry |
Ogre::ResourceManager | Defines a generic resource handler |
Ogre::RibbonTrail | Subclass of BillboardChain which automatically leaves a trail behind one or more Node instances |
Ogre::RibbonTrailFactory | Factory object for creating RibbonTrail instances |
Ogre::RingEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a ring (e.g |
Ogre::RingEmitter::CmdInnerX | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::RingEmitter::CmdInnerY | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::RingEmitterFactory | Factory class for particle emitter of type "Ring" |
Ogre::Root | The root class of the Ogre system |
Ogre::RotationAffector | This plugin subclass of ParticleAffector allows you to alter the rotation of particles |
Ogre::RotationAffector::CmdRotationRangeEnd | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::RotationAffector::CmdRotationRangeStart | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::RotationAffector::CmdRotationSpeedRangeEnd | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::RotationAffector::CmdRotationSpeedRangeStart | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
Ogre::RotationAffectorFactory | Factory class for RotationAffector |
Ogre::RotationalSpline | This class interpolates orientations (rotations) along a spline using derivatives of quaternions |
Ogre::ScaleAffector | This plugin subclass of ParticleAffector allows you to alter the scale of particles |
Ogre::ScaleAffector::CmdScaleAdjust | Command object for scale adjust (see ParamCommand) |
Ogre::ScaleAffectorFactory | Factory class for ScaleAffector |
Ogre::ScaleControllerFunction | Predefined controller function which simply scales an input to an output value |
Ogre::SceneManager | Manages the organisation and rendering of a 'scene' i.e |
Ogre::SceneManager::lightLess | Comparator for sorting lights relative to a point |
Ogre::SceneManager::materialLess | Comparator for material map, for sorting materials into render order (e.g |
Ogre::SceneManager::SceneMgrQueuedRenderableVisitor | Inner helper class to implement the visitor pattern for rendering objects in a queue |
Ogre::SceneManager::ShadowCasterSceneQueryListener | Inner class to use as callback for shadow caster scene query |
Ogre::SceneManager::SkyBoxGenParameters | |
Ogre::SceneManager::SkyDomeGenParameters | |
Ogre::SceneManager::SkyPlaneGenParameters | |
Ogre::SceneManagerEnumerator | Enumerates the SceneManager classes available to applications |
Ogre::SceneManagerFactory | Class which will create instances of a given SceneManager |
Ogre::SceneManagerMetaData | Structure containing information about a scene manager |
Ogre::SceneNode | Class representing a node in the scene graph |
Ogre::SceneQuery | A class for performing queries on a scene |
Ogre::SceneQuery::WorldFragment | Represents part of the world geometry that is a result of a SceneQuery |
Ogre::SceneQueryListener | This optional class allows you to receive per-result callbacks from SceneQuery executions instead of a single set of consolidated results |
Ogre::SceneQueryResult | Holds the results of a scene query |
Ogre::ScriptLoader | Abstract class defining the interface used by classes which wish to perform script loading to define instances of whatever they manage |
Ogre::SDLConfig | Simple CLI config |
Ogre::SDLConfig::ModelColumns | |
Ogre::SDLError | Simple CLI error output |
Ogre::SDLGLSupport | |
Ogre::SDLInput | |
Ogre::SDLTimer | |
Ogre::SDLWindow | |
Ogre::Serializer | Generic class for serialising data to / from binary stream-based files |
Ogre::ShadowCaster | This class defines the interface that must be implemented by shadow casters |
Ogre::ShadowListener | Interface definition for classes which can listen in on the process of rendering shadows, in order to implement custom behaviour |
Ogre::ShadowRenderable | Class which represents the renderable aspects of a set of shadow volume faces |
Ogre::ShadowVolumeExtrudeProgram | Static class containing source for vertex programs for extruding shadow volumes |
Ogre::SharedPtr< T > | Reference-counted shared pointer, used for objects where implicit destruction is required |
Ogre::SimpleRenderable | |
Ogre::SimpleSpline | A very simple spline class which implements the Catmull-Rom class of splines |
Ogre::Singleton< T > | Template class for creating single-instance global classes |
Ogre::Skeleton | A collection of Bone objects used to animate a skinned mesh |
Ogre::SkeletonInstance | A SkeletonInstance is a single instance of a Skeleton used by a world object |
Ogre::SkeletonManager | Handles the management of skeleton resources |
Ogre::SkeletonPtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to SkeletonPtr |
Ogre::SkeletonSerializer | Class for serialising skeleton data to/from an OGRE .skeleton file |
OgreRefApp::SliderJoint | Implementation of slider joint |
Ogre::Sphere | A sphere primitive, mostly used for bounds checking |
Ogre::SphereSceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within a sphere |
Ogre::StaticFaceGroup | Collectes a group of static ie immovable faces together which have common properties like the material they use, the plane they lie on |
Ogre::StaticGeometry | Pre-transforms and batches up meshes for efficient use as static geometry in a scene |
Ogre::StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket | A GeometryBucket is a the lowest level bucket where geometry with the same vertex & index format is stored |
Ogre::StaticGeometry::LODBucket | A LODBucket is a collection of smaller buckets with the same LOD |
Ogre::StaticGeometry::MaterialBucket | A MaterialBucket is a collection of smaller buckets with the same Material (and implicitly the same LOD) |
Ogre::StaticGeometry::OptimisedSubMeshGeometry | Struct holding geometry optimised per SubMesh / lod level, ready for copying to instances |
Ogre::StaticGeometry::QueuedGeometry | Structure recording a queued geometry for low level builds |
Ogre::StaticGeometry::QueuedSubMesh | Structure recording a queued submesh for the build |
Ogre::StaticGeometry::Region | The details of a topological region which is the highest level of partitioning for this class |
Ogre::StaticGeometry::Region::RegionShadowRenderable | Nested class to allow region shadows |
Ogre::StaticGeometry::SubMeshLodGeometryLink | Saved link between SubMesh at a LOD and vertex/index data May point to original or optimised geometry |
Ogre::StringConverter | Class for converting the core Ogre data types to/from Strings |
Ogre::StringInterface | Class defining the common interface which classes can use to present a reflection-style, self-defining parameter set to callers |
Ogre::StringUtil | Utility class for manipulating Strings |
Ogre::SubEntity | Utility class which defines the sub-parts of an Entity |
Ogre::SubMesh | Defines a part of a complete mesh |
Ogre::TagPoint | A tagged point on a skeleton, which can be used to attach entities to on specific other entities |
Ogre::TargetManager | An abstract interface, implemented by OverlayManager, to return a GuiElement at a given x,y position |
Ogre::Technique | Class representing an approach to rendering this particular Material |
Ogre::TempBlendedBufferInfo | Structure for recording the use of temporary blend buffers |
Ogre::TerrainBufferCache | A cache of TerrainIndexBuffers |
Ogre::TerrainOptions | A simple class for encapsulating parameters which are commonly needed by both TerrainSceneManager and TerrainRenderable |
Ogre::TerrainPage | Groups a number of TerrainRenderables (tiles) into a page, which is the unit of loading / unloading |
Ogre::TerrainPageSource | Abstract class which describes the interface which a source of terrain pages must implement |
Ogre::TerrainPageSourceListener | Abstract class which classes can override to receive notifications when a page is ready to be added to the terrain manager |
Ogre::TerrainPageSourceListenerManager | Simple manager class to hold onto a list of page source listeners across all sources |
Ogre::TerrainRaySceneQuery | Default implementation of RaySceneQuery |
Ogre::TerrainRenderable | Represents a terrain tile |
Ogre::TerrainSceneManager | This is a basic SceneManager for organizing TerrainRenderables into a total landscape |
Ogre::TerrainSceneManagerFactory | Factory for TerrainSceneManager |
Ogre::TerrainVertexProgram | |
Ogre::TexCoordModifierControllerValue | Predefined controller value for getting / setting a texture coordinate modifications (scales and translates) |
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement | OverlayElement representing a flat, single-material (or transparent) panel which can contain other elements |
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdAlignment | Command object for setting the alignment |
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdCaption | Command object for setting the caption |
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdCharHeight | Command object for setting the char height |
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdColour | Command object for setting the constant colour |
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdColourBottom | Command object for setting the bottom colour |
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdColourTop | Command object for setting the top colour |
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdFontName | Command object for setting the caption |
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdSpaceWidth | Command object for setting the width of a space |
Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElementFactory | Factory for creating TextAreaOverlayElement instances |
Ogre::Texture | Abstract class representing a Texture resource |
Ogre::TextureFrameControllerValue | Predefined controller value for getting / setting the frame number of a texture layer |
Ogre::TextureManager | Class for loading & managing textures |
Ogre::TexturePtr | Specialisation of SharedPtr to allow SharedPtr to be assigned to TexturePtr |
Ogre::TextureUnitState | Class representing the state of a single texture unit during a Pass of a Technique, of a Material |
Ogre::TextureUnitState::TextureEffect | Internal structure defining a texture effect |
Ogre::TextureUnitState::UVWAddressingMode | Texture addressing mode for each texture coordinate |
Ogre::Timer | Platform-independent Timer class |
Ogre::TransformKeyFrame | Specialised KeyFrame which stores a full transform |
Ogre::TRect< T > | |
OgreRefApp::UniversalJoint | Implementation of universal joint |
Ogre::UserDefinedObject | This class is designed to be subclassed by OGRE users, to allow them to associate their own application objects with MovableObject instances in the engine |
Ogre::Vector2 | Standard 2-dimensional vector |
Ogre::Vector3 | Standard 3-dimensional vector |
Ogre::Vector4 | 4-dimensional homogenous vector |
Ogre::VectorIterator< T > | Wraps iteration over a vector |
Ogre::VertexAnimationTrack | Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with changing vertex position information |
Ogre::VertexBoneAssignment_s | Records the assignment of a single vertex to a single bone with the corresponding weight |
Ogre::VertexBufferBinding | Records the state of all the vertex buffer bindings required to provide a vertex declaration with the input data it needs for the vertex elements |
Ogre::VertexCacheProfiler | Vertex cache profiler |
Ogre::VertexData | Summary class collecting together vertex source information |
Ogre::VertexData::HardwareAnimationData | Struct used to hold hardware morph / pose vertex data information |
Ogre::VertexDeclaration | This class declares the format of a set of vertex inputs, which can be issued to the rendering API through a RenderOperation |
Ogre::VertexElement | This class declares the usage of a single vertex buffer as a component of a complete VertexDeclaration |
Ogre::VertexMorphKeyFrame | Specialised KeyFrame which stores absolute vertex positions for a complete buffer, designed to be interpolated with other keys in the same track |
Ogre::VertexPoseKeyFrame | Specialised KeyFrame which references a Mesh::Pose at a certain influence level, which stores offsets for a subset of the vertices in a buffer to provide a blendable pose |
Ogre::VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRef | Reference to a pose at a given influence level |
Ogre::ViewPoint | Structure for holding a position & orientation pair |
Ogre::Viewport | An abstraction of a viewport, i.e |
Ogre::WaveformControllerFunction | Predefined controller function based on a waveform |
Ogre::Win32ConfigDialog | A Windows 95/98/NT platform version of the default engine configuration dialog |
Ogre::Win32Context | |
Ogre::Win32ErrorDialog | Windows-specific class for displaying the error dialog if Ogre fails badly! |
Ogre::Win32GLSupport | |
Ogre::Win32Input8 | Utility class for dealing with user input on a Win32 system |
Ogre::Win32PBuffer | |
Ogre::Win32Timer | |
Ogre::Win32Window | |
Ogre::WireBoundingBox | Allows the rendering of a wireframe bounding box |
OgreRefApp::World | |
Ogre::ZipArchive | Specialisation of the Archive class to allow reading of files from a zip format source archive |
Ogre::ZipArchiveFactory | Specialisation of ArchiveFactory for Zip files |
Ogre::ZipDataStream | Specialisation of DataStream to handle streaming data from zip archives |
Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:37:55 2006