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Ogre::GTKWindow Class Reference

#include <OgreGTKWindow.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ogre::GTKWindow:

Ogre::RenderWindow Ogre::RenderTarget List of all members.

Public Types

enum  StatFlags {
  SF_NONE = 0, SF_FPS = 1, SF_AVG_FPS = 2, SF_BEST_FPS = 4,

Public Member Functions

 GTKWindow ()
 ~GTKWindow ()
bool pump_events ()
 Pump the main loop to actually generate events.

OGREWidgetget_ogre_widget ()
 Get the actual widget that is housing OGRE's GL view.

void create (const String &name, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int colourDepth, bool fullScreen, int left, int top, bool depthBuffer, void *miscParam,...)
void destroy (void)
 Destroys the window.

bool isActive (void) const
 Overridden from RenderTarget, flags invisible windows as inactive.

bool isClosed (void) const
 Indicates whether the window has been closed by the user.

void reposition (int left, int top)
 Reposition the window.

void resize (unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
 Alter the size of the window.

void swapBuffers (bool waitForVSync)
 Swaps the frame buffers to display the next frame.

void writeContentsToFile (const String &filename)
 Writes the current contents of the render target to the named file.

bool requiresTextureFlipping () const
void getCustomAttribute (const String &name, void *pData)
 Get a custom, GTK specific attribute.

virtual void create (const String &name, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool fullScreen, const NameValuePairList *miscParams)=0
 Creates & displays the new window.

virtual void windowMovedOrResized ()
 Notify that the window has been resized externally.

virtual bool isVisible (void) const
 Indicates whether the window is visible (not minimized or obscured).

virtual bool isPrimary (void) const
 Indicates wether the window is the primary window.

virtual void update (void)
If OGRE is not running in an automatic rendering loop (started using Root::startRendering), the user of the library is responsible for asking each render target to refresh. This is the method used to do this. It automatically re-renders the contents of the target using whatever cameras have been pointed at it (using Camera::setRenderTarget).
This allows OGRE to be used in multi-windowed utilities and for contents to be refreshed only when required, rather than constantly as with the automatic rendering loop.

virtual void update (bool swapBuffers)
 Updates the window contents.

virtual bool isFullScreen (void) const
 Returns true if window is running in fullscreen mode.

virtual void getMetrics (unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height, unsigned int &colourDepth, int &left, int &top)
 Overloaded version of getMetrics from RenderTarget, including extra details specific to windowing systems.

virtual void getMetrics (unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height, unsigned int &colourDepth)
 Retrieve information about the render target.

virtual const StringgetName (void) const
 Retrieve target's name.

virtual unsigned int getWidth (void) const
virtual unsigned int getHeight (void) const
virtual unsigned int getColourDepth (void) const
virtual ViewportaddViewport (Camera *cam, int ZOrder=0, float left=0.0f, float top=0.0f, float width=1.0f, float height=1.0f)
 Adds a viewport to the rendering target.

virtual unsigned short getNumViewports (void) const
 Returns the number of viewports attached to this target.

virtual ViewportgetViewport (unsigned short index)
 Retrieves a pointer to the viewport with the given index.

virtual void removeViewport (int ZOrder)
 Removes a viewport at a given ZOrder.

virtual void removeAllViewports (void)
 Removes all viewports on this target.

virtual void getStatistics (float &lastFPS, float &avgFPS, float &bestFPS, float &worstFPS) const
 Retieves details of current rendering performance.

virtual const FrameStats & getStatistics (void) const
virtual float getLastFPS () const
 Individual stats access - gets the number of frames per second (FPS) based on the last frame rendered.

virtual float getAverageFPS () const
 Individual stats access - gets the average frames per second (FPS) since call to Root::startRendering.

virtual float getBestFPS () const
 Individual stats access - gets the best frames per second (FPS) since call to Root::startRendering.

virtual float getWorstFPS () const
 Individual stats access - gets the worst frames per second (FPS) since call to Root::startRendering.

virtual float getBestFrameTime () const
 Individual stats access - gets the best frame time.

virtual float getWorstFrameTime () const
 Individual stats access - gets the worst frame time.

virtual void resetStatistics (void)
 Resets saved frame-rate statistices.

virtual void setDebugText (const String &text)
 Adds debug text to this window.

const StringgetDebugText () const
 Returns the debug text.

virtual void addListener (RenderTargetListener *listener)
 Add a listener to this RenderTarget which will be called back before & after rendering.

virtual void removeListener (RenderTargetListener *listener)
 Removes a RenderTargetListener previously registered using addListener.

virtual void removeAllListeners (void)
 Removes all listeners from this instance.

virtual void setPriority (uchar priority)
 Sets the priority of this render target in relation to the others.

virtual uchar getPriority () const
 Gets the priority of a render target.

virtual void setActive (bool state)
 Used to set the active state of the render target.

virtual void setAutoUpdated (bool autoupdate)
 Sets whether this target should be automatically updated if Ogre's rendering loop or Root::_updateAllRenderTargets is being used.

virtual bool isAutoUpdated (void) const
 Gets whether this target is automatically updated if Ogre's rendering loop or Root::_updateAllRenderTargets is being used.

virtual String writeContentsToTimestampedFile (const String &filenamePrefix, const String &filenameSuffix)
 Writes the current contents of the render target to the (PREFIX)(time-stamp)(SUFFIX) file.

virtual size_t getTriangleCount (void) const
 Gets the number of triangles rendered in the last update() call.

virtual void _notifyCameraRemoved (const Camera *cam)
 Utility method to notify a render target that a camera has been removed, incase it was referring to it as a viewer.

virtual Impl * _getImpl ()
 Get rendersystem specific interface for this RenderTarget.

Protected Types

typedef std::map< int, Viewport *,
std::less< int > > 
typedef std::vector< RenderTargetListener * > RenderTargetListenerList

Protected Member Functions

bool on_delete_event (GdkEventAny *event)
bool on_expose_event (GdkEventExpose *event)
void _setPrimary ()
 Indicates that this is the primary window.

void updateStats (void)
virtual void firePreUpdate (void)
 internal method for firing events

virtual void firePostUpdate (void)
 internal method for firing events

virtual void fireViewportPreUpdate (Viewport *vp)
 internal method for firing events

virtual void fireViewportPostUpdate (Viewport *vp)
 internal method for firing events

virtual void fireViewportAdded (Viewport *vp)
 internal method for firing events

virtual void fireViewportRemoved (Viewport *vp)
 internal method for firing events

Protected Attributes

bool mIsFullScreen
bool mIsPrimary
int mLeft
int mTop
String mName
 The name of this target.

uchar mPriority
 The priority of the render target.

unsigned int mWidth
unsigned int mHeight
unsigned int mColourDepth
bool mIsDepthBuffered
FrameStats mStats
String mDebugText
unsigned long mLastSecond
unsigned long mLastTime
size_t mFrameCount
bool mActive
bool mAutoUpdate
ViewportList mViewportList
 List of viewports, map on Z-order.

RenderTargetListenerList mListeners

Private Attributes

Gtk::Window * mGtkWindow


class Root

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<RenderTargetListener*> Ogre::RenderTarget::RenderTargetListenerList [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 339 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

typedef std::map<int, Viewport*, std::less<int> > Ogre::RenderTarget::ViewportList [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 335 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Ogre::RenderTarget::StatFlags [inherited]

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 58 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::GTKWindow::GTKWindow  ) 

Ogre::GTKWindow::~GTKWindow  ) 

Member Function Documentation

virtual Impl* Ogre::RenderTarget::_getImpl  )  [virtual, inherited]

Get rendersystem specific interface for this RenderTarget.

This is used by the RenderSystem to (un)bind this target, and to get specific information like surfaces and framebuffer objects.

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::_notifyCameraRemoved const Camera cam  )  [virtual, inherited]

Utility method to notify a render target that a camera has been removed, incase it was referring to it as a viewer.

void Ogre::RenderWindow::_setPrimary  )  [protected, inherited]

Indicates that this is the primary window.

Only to be called by Ogre::Root

Definition at line 186 of file OgreRenderWindow.h.

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::addListener RenderTargetListener listener  )  [virtual, inherited]

Add a listener to this RenderTarget which will be called back before & after rendering.

If you want notifications before and after a target is updated by the system, use this method to register your own custom RenderTargetListener class. This is useful for potentially adding your own manual rendering commands before and after the 'normal' system rendering.
NB this should not be used for frame-based scene updates, use Root::addFrameListener for that.

virtual Viewport* Ogre::RenderTarget::addViewport Camera cam,
int  ZOrder = 0,
float  left = 0.0f,
float  top = 0.0f,
float  width = 1.0f,
float  height = 1.0f
[virtual, inherited]

Adds a viewport to the rendering target.

A viewport is the rectangle into which redering output is sent. This method adds a viewport to the render target, rendering from the supplied camera. The rest of the parameters are only required if you wish to add more than one viewport to a single rendering target. Note that size information passed to this method is passed as a parametric, i.e. it is relative rather than absolute. This is to allow viewports to automatically resize along with the target.
cam The camera from which the viewport contents will be rendered (mandatory)
ZOrder The relative order of the viewport with others on the target (allows overlapping viewports i.e. picture-in-picture). Higher ZOrders are on top of lower ones. The actual number is irrelevant, only the relative ZOrder matters (you can leave gaps in the numbering)
left The relative position of the left of the viewport on the target, as a value between 0 and 1.
top The relative position of the top of the viewport on the target, as a value between 0 and 1.
width The relative width of the viewport on the target, as a value between 0 and 1.
height The relative height of the viewport on the target, as a value between 0 and 1.

virtual void Ogre::RenderWindow::create const String name,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
bool  fullScreen,
const NameValuePairList miscParams
[pure virtual, inherited]

Creates & displays the new window.

width The width of the window in pixels.
height The height of the window in pixels.
colourDepth The colour depth in bits. Ignored if fullScreen is false since the desktop depth is used.
fullScreen If true, the window fills the screen, with no title bar or border.
left The x-position of the window. Ignored if fullScreen = true.
top The y-position of the window. Ignored if fullScreen = true.
depthBuffer Specify true to include a depth-buffer.
miscParam A variable number of pointers to platform-specific arguments. The actual requirements must be defined by the implementing subclasses.

Implemented in Ogre::D3D9RenderWindow, Ogre::GLXWindow, Ogre::SDLWindow, and Ogre::Win32Window.

void Ogre::GTKWindow::create const String name,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned int  colourDepth,
bool  fullScreen,
int  left,
int  top,
bool  depthBuffer,
void *  miscParam,

void Ogre::GTKWindow::destroy void   )  [virtual]

Destroys the window.

Implements Ogre::RenderWindow.

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::firePostUpdate void   )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

internal method for firing events

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::firePreUpdate void   )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

internal method for firing events

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::fireViewportAdded Viewport vp  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

internal method for firing events

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::fireViewportPostUpdate Viewport vp  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

internal method for firing events

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::fireViewportPreUpdate Viewport vp  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

internal method for firing events

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::fireViewportRemoved Viewport vp  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

internal method for firing events

OGREWidget* Ogre::GTKWindow::get_ogre_widget  ) 

Get the actual widget that is housing OGRE's GL view.

virtual float Ogre::RenderTarget::getAverageFPS  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Individual stats access - gets the average frames per second (FPS) since call to Root::startRendering.

virtual float Ogre::RenderTarget::getBestFPS  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Individual stats access - gets the best frames per second (FPS) since call to Root::startRendering.

virtual float Ogre::RenderTarget::getBestFrameTime  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Individual stats access - gets the best frame time.

virtual unsigned int Ogre::RenderTarget::getColourDepth void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

void Ogre::GTKWindow::getCustomAttribute const String name,
void *  pData

Get a custom, GTK specific attribute.

The specific attributes are: GTKMMWINDOW The Gtk::Window instance (Rendering window) GTKGLMMWIDGET The Gtk::GL::DrawingArea instance (Ogre widget)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderTarget.

const String& Ogre::RenderTarget::getDebugText  )  const [inherited]

Returns the debug text.

virtual unsigned int Ogre::RenderTarget::getHeight void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

virtual float Ogre::RenderTarget::getLastFPS  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Individual stats access - gets the number of frames per second (FPS) based on the last frame rendered.

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::getMetrics unsigned int &  width,
unsigned int &  height,
unsigned int &  colourDepth
[virtual, inherited]

Retrieve information about the render target.

virtual void Ogre::RenderWindow::getMetrics unsigned int &  width,
unsigned int &  height,
unsigned int &  colourDepth,
int &  left,
int &  top
[virtual, inherited]

Overloaded version of getMetrics from RenderTarget, including extra details specific to windowing systems.

virtual const String& Ogre::RenderTarget::getName void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Retrieve target's name.

virtual unsigned short Ogre::RenderTarget::getNumViewports void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the number of viewports attached to this target.

virtual uchar Ogre::RenderTarget::getPriority  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets the priority of a render target.

Definition at line 239 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

References Ogre::uchar.

virtual const FrameStats& Ogre::RenderTarget::getStatistics void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::getStatistics float &  lastFPS,
float &  avgFPS,
float &  bestFPS,
float &  worstFPS
const [virtual, inherited]

Retieves details of current rendering performance.

If the user application wishes to do it's own performance display, or use performance for some other means, this method allows it to retrieve the statistics.
lastFPS Pointer to a float to receive the number of frames per second (FPS) based on the last frame rendered.
avgFPS Pointer to a float to receive the FPS rating based on an average of all the frames rendered since rendering began (the call to Root::startRendering).
bestFPS Pointer to a float to receive the best FPS rating that has been achieved since rendering began.
worstFPS Pointer to a float to receive the worst FPS rating seen so far.

virtual size_t Ogre::RenderTarget::getTriangleCount void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets the number of triangles rendered in the last update() call.

virtual Viewport* Ogre::RenderTarget::getViewport unsigned short  index  )  [virtual, inherited]

Retrieves a pointer to the viewport with the given index.

virtual unsigned int Ogre::RenderTarget::getWidth void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

virtual float Ogre::RenderTarget::getWorstFPS  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Individual stats access - gets the worst frames per second (FPS) since call to Root::startRendering.

virtual float Ogre::RenderTarget::getWorstFrameTime  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Individual stats access - gets the worst frame time.

bool Ogre::GTKWindow::isActive void   )  const [virtual]

Overridden from RenderTarget, flags invisible windows as inactive.

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderWindow.

virtual bool Ogre::RenderTarget::isAutoUpdated void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets whether this target is automatically updated if Ogre's rendering loop or Root::_updateAllRenderTargets is being used.

bool Ogre::GTKWindow::isClosed void   )  const [virtual]

Indicates whether the window has been closed by the user.

Implements Ogre::RenderWindow.

virtual bool Ogre::RenderWindow::isFullScreen void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true if window is running in fullscreen mode.

virtual bool Ogre::RenderWindow::isPrimary void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Indicates wether the window is the primary window.

The primary window is special in that it is destroyed when ogre is shut down, and cannot be destroyed directly. This is the case because it holds the context for vertex, index buffers and textures.

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderTarget.

virtual bool Ogre::RenderWindow::isVisible void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Indicates whether the window is visible (not minimized or obscured).

Reimplemented in Ogre::D3D9RenderWindow, and Ogre::Win32Window.

Definition at line 109 of file OgreRenderWindow.h.

bool Ogre::GTKWindow::on_delete_event GdkEventAny *  event  )  [protected]

bool Ogre::GTKWindow::on_expose_event GdkEventExpose *  event  )  [protected]

bool Ogre::GTKWindow::pump_events  ) 

Pump the main loop to actually generate events.

false when there are no events left to pump

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::removeAllListeners void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Removes all listeners from this instance.

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::removeAllViewports void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Removes all viewports on this target.

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::removeListener RenderTargetListener listener  )  [virtual, inherited]

Removes a RenderTargetListener previously registered using addListener.

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::removeViewport int  ZOrder  )  [virtual, inherited]

Removes a viewport at a given ZOrder.

void Ogre::GTKWindow::reposition int  left,
int  top

Reposition the window.

Implements Ogre::RenderWindow.

bool Ogre::GTKWindow::requiresTextureFlipping  )  const [virtual]

Implements Ogre::RenderTarget.

Definition at line 74 of file OgreGTKWindow.h.

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::resetStatistics void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Resets saved frame-rate statistices.

void Ogre::GTKWindow::resize unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height

Alter the size of the window.

Implements Ogre::RenderWindow.

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::setActive bool  state  )  [virtual, inherited]

Used to set the active state of the render target.

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::setAutoUpdated bool  autoupdate  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets whether this target should be automatically updated if Ogre's rendering loop or Root::_updateAllRenderTargets is being used.

By default, if you use Ogre's own rendering loop (Root::startRendering) or call Root::_updateAllRenderTargets, all render targets are updated automatically. This method allows you to control that behaviour, if for example you have a render target which you only want to update periodically.
autoupdate If true, the render target is updated during the automatic render loop or when Root::_updateAllRenderTargets is called. If false, the target is only updated when its update() method is called explicitly.

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::setDebugText const String text  )  [virtual, inherited]

Adds debug text to this window.

virtual void Ogre::RenderTarget::setPriority uchar  priority  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the priority of this render target in relation to the others.

This can be used in order to schedule render target updates. Lower priorities will be rendered first. Note that the priority must be set at the time the render target is attached to the render system, changes afterwards will not affect the ordering.

Definition at line 237 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

References Ogre::uchar.

void Ogre::GTKWindow::swapBuffers bool  waitForVSync  )  [virtual]

Swaps the frame buffers to display the next frame.

All render windows are double-buffered so that no 'in-progress' versions of the scene are displayed during rendering. Once rendering has completed (to an off-screen version of the window) the buffers are swapped to display the new frame.
waitForVSync If true, the system waits for the next vertical blank period (when the CRT beam turns off as it travels from bottom-right to top-left at the end of the pass) before flipping. If false, flipping occurs no matter what the beam position. Waiting for a vertical blank can be slower (and limits the framerate to the monitor refresh rate) but results in a steadier image with no 'tearing' (a flicker resulting from flipping buffers when the beam is in the progress of drawing the last frame).

Implements Ogre::RenderWindow.

virtual void Ogre::RenderWindow::update bool  swapBuffers  )  [virtual, inherited]

Updates the window contents.

The window is updated by telling each camera which is supposed to render into this window to render it's view, and then the window buffers are swapped via swapBuffers() if requested
swapBuffers If set to true, the window will immediately swap it's buffers after update. Otherwise, the buffers are not swapped, and you have to call swapBuffers yourself sometime later. You might want to do this on some rendersystems which pause for queued rendering commands to complete before accepting swap buffers calls - so you could do other CPU tasks whilst the queued commands complete. Or, you might do this if you want custom control over your windows, such as for externally created windows.

Reimplemented in Ogre::D3D9RenderWindow.

virtual void Ogre::RenderWindow::update void   )  [virtual, inherited]

If OGRE is not running in an automatic rendering loop (started using Root::startRendering), the user of the library is responsible for asking each render target to refresh. This is the method used to do this. It automatically re-renders the contents of the target using whatever cameras have been pointed at it (using Camera::setRenderTarget).
This allows OGRE to be used in multi-windowed utilities and for contents to be refreshed only when required, rather than constantly as with the automatic rendering loop.

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderTarget.

void Ogre::RenderTarget::updateStats void   )  [protected, inherited]

virtual void Ogre::RenderWindow::windowMovedOrResized void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Notify that the window has been resized externally.

You don't need to call this unless you created the window externally.

Reimplemented in Ogre::D3D9RenderWindow, and Ogre::Win32Window.

Definition at line 101 of file OgreRenderWindow.h.

void Ogre::GTKWindow::writeContentsToFile const String filename  )  [virtual]

Writes the current contents of the render target to the named file.

Implements Ogre::RenderTarget.

virtual String Ogre::RenderTarget::writeContentsToTimestampedFile const String filenamePrefix,
const String filenameSuffix
[virtual, inherited]

Writes the current contents of the render target to the (PREFIX)(time-stamp)(SUFFIX) file.

the name of the file used.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Root [friend, inherited]

Definition at line 188 of file OgreRenderWindow.h.

Member Data Documentation

bool Ogre::RenderTarget::mActive [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented in Ogre::SDLWindow.

Definition at line 330 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

bool Ogre::RenderTarget::mAutoUpdate [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 331 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

unsigned int Ogre::RenderTarget::mColourDepth [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 318 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

String Ogre::RenderTarget::mDebugText [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 325 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

size_t Ogre::RenderTarget::mFrameCount [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 328 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

Gtk::Window* Ogre::GTKWindow::mGtkWindow [private]

Definition at line 90 of file OgreGTKWindow.h.

unsigned int Ogre::RenderTarget::mHeight [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 317 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

bool Ogre::RenderTarget::mIsDepthBuffered [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 319 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

bool Ogre::RenderWindow::mIsFullScreen [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 178 of file OgreRenderWindow.h.

bool Ogre::RenderWindow::mIsPrimary [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 179 of file OgreRenderWindow.h.

unsigned long Ogre::RenderTarget::mLastSecond [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 326 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

unsigned long Ogre::RenderTarget::mLastTime [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 327 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

int Ogre::RenderWindow::mLeft [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 180 of file OgreRenderWindow.h.

RenderTargetListenerList Ogre::RenderTarget::mListeners [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 340 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

String Ogre::RenderTarget::mName [protected, inherited]

The name of this target.

Definition at line 312 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

uchar Ogre::RenderTarget::mPriority [protected, inherited]

The priority of the render target.

Definition at line 314 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

FrameStats Ogre::RenderTarget::mStats [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 322 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

Timer* Ogre::RenderTarget::mTimer [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 324 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

int Ogre::RenderWindow::mTop [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 181 of file OgreRenderWindow.h.

ViewportList Ogre::RenderTarget::mViewportList [protected, inherited]

List of viewports, map on Z-order.

Definition at line 337 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

unsigned int Ogre::RenderTarget::mWidth [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 316 of file OgreRenderTarget.h.

OGREWidget* Ogre::GTKWindow::ogre [private]

Definition at line 91 of file OgreGTKWindow.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:51:50 2006