OgreRenderTechnique Class Reference

Class of RenderTechniques used in an OGRE environment. More...

Inheritance diagram for OgreRenderTechnique:

RenderTechnique OgreCausticCasterRenderTechnique OgreCausticRecieverRenderTechnique OgreConvolvedCubeMapRenderTechnique OgreCubeMapRenderTechnique OgreDepthShadowRecieverRenderTechnique OgreDistanceCubeMapRenderTechnique OgreSBBRenderTechnique List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 OgreRenderTechnique (Pass *pass, OgreRenderable *parentRenderable, OgreTechniqueGroup *parentTechniqueGroup)
virtual OgreRenderTechniqueasOgreRenderTechnique ()
 Conversion to OgreRenderTechnique.

Protected Attributes

 a OgreRenderable pointer to the renderable this technique operates on.
 a OgreTechniqueGroup pointer to the TechniqueGroup this technique is attached to.
Pass * pass
 a pointer to the pass this technique operates on.

Detailed Description

Class of RenderTechniques used in an OGRE environment.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OgreRenderTechnique::OgreRenderTechnique Pass *  pass,
OgreRenderable parentRenderable,
OgreTechniqueGroup parentTechniqueGroup


the pass to operate on
parentRenderable the object to operate on
parentTechniqueGroup the TechniqueGroup this RenderedTechnique is attached to

Member Function Documentation

virtual OgreRenderTechnique* OgreRenderTechnique::asOgreRenderTechnique  )  [inline, virtual]

Conversion to OgreRenderTechnique.

This function is needed because of virtual inheritance.

Reimplemented from RenderTechnique.

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