PreIllumSystem Class Reference

This class represents a particle system that uses the Illumination Networks technique. More...

#include <PreIllumSystem.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void SetEyeCamera (Camera *theCam)
void Init (int particlecount, int directioncount)
 Initializator function.
void Display ()
 Render the particle system.
void Refresh (Vector lightpos, Vector lightpos2, Vector lightcolor, Vector lightcolor2)
 Refreshes the system in a frame.
char * DisplayTexture (int tex)
 Displays one of the textures used by the system.
void getNearest (Vector *positions)
void IncreaseOpacity ()
void DecreaseOpacity ()
void IncreaseAlbedo ()
void DecreaseAlbedo ()
float getAlbedo ()
float getOpacity ()
void ResetIllumTexture ()
void setSkyColor (Vector skyC)

Public Attributes

ParticleSystem m_System
 a system that stores particle positions and can render them as sprites
int m_DirectionCount
 the number of directions the technique should use
int m_ParticleCount
 the number of particles in the system
float m_Albedo
 the albedo of one particle
float m_Opacity
 the desirer opacity of the medium
float m_Symmetry
 the symmetry of scattering used in the phase function
int m_LightWindowSize
 resolution of the lightsources viewports
int m_IterateCount
 number of iterations in a frame

Private Member Functions

void CreateGivenDirections ()
 generates directions equally along the unit sphere
void CreateRandomDirections (bool fillarray)
 generates random directions
void Calculate_Up_Right_Vector (Vector viewdir, Vector &UpVector, Vector &RightVector)
float Phase (Vector diri, Vector dirj, float symmetry)
 calculates the scattering phase function value for two directions and a symmetry value
 GetNearestDirection (Vector LightPosition)
 searches the stored directions and returns the one closest to a given direction
void InitSystem (int particlecount, int directioncount)
 Initializator function.
void CreateVisibilityTexture ()
 Creates a texture that stores the visibility information of the particles.
void CreateNearestDirectionTexture ()
 Creates a texture that stores.
void CreatePhaseTexture ()
 Creates a look-up texture to speed up phase function calculation.
void CreateLVisMap ()
 Creates a texture that can be used to determine which particles are visible from the lightsource.
void CreateTauTexture ()
 Creates a texture tha stores the tau value for each particle.
void RefreshDirectIllumTexture ()
 Refreshes the texture that stores direct illumination information.
void Iterate ()
 Updates the illumination texture.
void CreateEyeRadTexture ()
 Updates the eye radiance texture.
void FindVisiblesWithRendering (Vector LightPosition, int row)
 Finds the visible particles from a point of view.
void RenderToImpostor ()
 not used

Private Attributes

Vector m_SkyColor
 color of the sky
Impostor m_ScreenQuad
 used for fullscreen quad rendering
Impostor m_CameraImpostor
Impostor m_LightImpostor
Camera * m_EyeCamera
 view camera
Camera m_TempCamera
Vector m_LightPosition
 position of the first lightsource
Vector m_LightColor
 color of the first lightsource
Vector m_LightPosition2
 position of the second lightsource
Vector m_LightColor2
 color of the second lightsource
int m_NearestDir
 the closest direction from the predefined directions to the light's direction
int m_NearestDir2
 the second closest direction from the predefined directions to the light's direction
float m_Weight1
 weight of m_NearestDir
float m_Weight2
 weight of m_NearestDir2
Particle * m_ParticleArray
float * m_PositionArray
float * m_DirectionData
Vector * m_Directions
float * m_DirectionArray
unsigned char * m_LVisMap
unsigned char * m_LRendVisMap
float * m_Pixels
GLuint m_VisibilityTexID
 stores the visibility information of the particles
GLuint m_DirectionsTexID
 stores predefined directions to use
GLuint m_PhaseTextureID
 a look-up texture to speed up phase function calculation
GLuint m_LVisMapID
 a texture that can be used to determine which particles are visible from the lightsource
GLuint m_RenderedVisID
 used when determining licible particles
GLuint m_TauTextureID
 stores tau value for each particle
CgProgram m_TexRectPrograms
CgProgram m_LightIllumPrograms
CgProgram m_IllumIteratePrograms
CgProgram m_EyeRadPrograms
CgProgram m_LVisPrograms
CgProgram m_FinalRenderPrograms
RenderTexture m_DirectIlumTexture
RenderTexture m_IllumTexture
RenderTexture m_IllumTexture2
RenderTexture * m_IllumColorTex
RenderTexture * m_IllumRenderTex
RenderTexture m_EyeRadTexture
RenderTexture m_Target
Texture m_BillboardTexture
Texture m_Bbtex
RenderTexture m_ImpostorTexture

Detailed Description

This class represents a particle system that uses the Illumination Networks technique.

This particle system can be lit with two dinamic directional light sources and a sky light color. The direction and color of the light sources can freely change.

Member Function Documentation

void PreIllumSystem::CreateEyeRadTexture  )  [private]

Updates the eye radiance texture.

The eye radiance texture stores the amount of light headig from each particle to the eye.

void PreIllumSystem::CreateTauTexture  )  [private]

Creates a texture tha stores the tau value for each particle.

The tau values are calculated from the given desired opacity and the size of the particle.

void PreIllumSystem::CreateVisibilityTexture  )  [private]

Creates a texture that stores the visibility information of the particles.

For each particle for each direction the first visible (from that direction) particle's id is stored.

char * PreIllumSystem::DisplayTexture int  tex  ) 

Displays one of the textures used by the system.

Used for debugging and presentation.

void PreIllumSystem::FindVisiblesWithRendering Vector  LightPosition,
int  row

Finds the visible particles from a point of view.

The light visibility texture stores the id of the visible particles (with occlusion) from the light sources. The param "row" means the id of the lightsource ( 0 or 1).

The visibility is calculated with rendering the particles from the lightsource. Each particle has a color corresponding it's id. The resulting image is read back, and the pixels are counted. If the number of pixels with a particle's id found is greather than some limit, the particle is visible.

void PreIllumSystem::Refresh Vector  lightpos,
Vector  lightpos2,
Vector  lightcolor,
Vector  lightcolor2

Refreshes the system in a frame.

The actual light positions and colors should be passed.

void PreIllumSystem::RefreshDirectIllumTexture  )  [private]

Refreshes the texture that stores direct illumination information.

Direct illumination is the amount of light coming directly from the lightsource.

Member Data Documentation

int PreIllumSystem::m_IterateCount

number of iterations in a frame

As the result of the last frame is used, this should be set to one.

GLuint PreIllumSystem::m_RenderedVisID [private]

used when determining licible particles

See also:

GLuint PreIllumSystem::m_VisibilityTexID [private]

stores the visibility information of the particles

For each particle for each direction the first visible (from that direction) particle's id is stored.

float PreIllumSystem::m_Weight1 [private]

weight of m_NearestDir

m_NearestDir and m_NearestDir2 will be interpolated

float PreIllumSystem::m_Weight2 [private]

weight of m_NearestDir2

m_NearestDir and m_NearestDir2 will be interpolated

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Generated on Thu Apr 27 15:31:11 2006 for Illumination Networks Demo by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO