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Ogre::Image Class Reference

Class representing an image file. More...

#include <OgreImage.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef Ogre::Box Box
typedef Ogre::Rect Rect
enum  Filter {

Public Member Functions

 Image ()
 Standard constructor.

 Image (const Image &img)
 Copy-constructor - copies all the data from the target image.

virtual ~Image ()
 Standard destructor.

Imageoperator= (const Image &img)
 Assignment operator - copies all the data from the target image.

ImageflipAroundY ()
 Flips (mirrors) the image around the Y-axis.

ImageflipAroundX ()
 Flips (mirrors) the image around the X-axis.

ImageloadDynamicImage (uchar *pData, size_t uWidth, size_t uHeight, size_t depth, PixelFormat eFormat, bool autoDelete=false, size_t numFaces=1, size_t numMipMaps=0)
 Stores a pointer to raw data in memory.

ImageloadDynamicImage (uchar *pData, size_t uWidth, size_t uHeight, PixelFormat eFormat)
 Stores a pointer to raw data in memory.

ImageloadRawData (DataStreamPtr &stream, size_t uWidth, size_t uHeight, size_t uDepth, PixelFormat eFormat, size_t numFaces=1, size_t numMipMaps=0)
 Loads raw data from a stream.

ImageloadRawData (DataStreamPtr &stream, size_t uWidth, size_t uHeight, PixelFormat eFormat)
 Loads raw data from a stream.

Imageload (const String &strFileName, const String &groupName)
 Loads an image file.

Imageload (DataStreamPtr &stream, const String &type)
 Loads an image file from a stream.

void save (const String &filename)
 Save the image as a file.

uchargetData (void)
 Returns a pointer to the internal image buffer.

const uchargetData () const
 Returns a const pointer to the internal image buffer.

size_t getSize () const
 Returns the size of the data buffer.

size_t getNumMipmaps () const
 Returns the number of mipmaps contained in the image.

bool hasFlag (const ImageFlags imgFlag) const
 Returns true if the image has the appropriate flag set.

size_t getWidth (void) const
 Gets the width of the image in pixels.

size_t getHeight (void) const
 Gets the height of the image in pixels.

size_t getDepth (void) const
 Gets the depth of the image.

size_t getNumFaces (void) const
 Get the numer of faces of the image.

size_t getRowSpan (void) const
 Gets the physical width in bytes of each row of pixels.

PixelFormat getFormat () const
 Returns the image format.

uchar getBPP () const
 Returns the number of bits per pixel.

bool getHasAlpha () const
 Returns true if the image has an alpha component.

ColourValue getColourAt (int x, int y, int z)
 Get colour value from a certain location in the image.

PixelBox getPixelBox (size_t face=0, size_t mipmap=0) const
 Get a PixelBox encapsulating the image data of a mipmap.

void resize (ushort width, ushort height, Filter filter=FILTER_BILINEAR)
 Resize a 2D image, applying the appropriate filter.

Static Public Member Functions

void applyGamma (uchar *buffer, Real gamma, size_t size, uchar bpp)
 Does gamma adjustment.

void scale (const PixelBox &src, const PixelBox &dst, Filter filter=FILTER_BILINEAR)
 Scale a 1D, 2D or 3D image volume.

size_t calculateSize (size_t mipmaps, size_t faces, size_t width, size_t height, size_t depth, PixelFormat format)

Private Attributes

size_t m_uWidth
size_t m_uHeight
size_t m_uDepth
size_t m_uSize
size_t m_uNumMipmaps
int m_uFlags
PixelFormat m_eFormat
uchar m_ucPixelSize
bool m_bAutoDelete

Detailed Description

Class representing an image file.

The Image class usually holds uncompressed image data and is the only object that can be loaded in a texture. Image objects handle image data decoding themselves by the means of locating the correct Codec object for each data type.
Typically, you would want to use an Image object to load a texture when extra processing needs to be done on an image before it is loaded or when you want to blit to an existing texture.

Definition at line 52 of file OgreImage.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef Ogre::Box Ogre::Image::Box

Definition at line 55 of file OgreImage.h.

typedef Ogre::Rect Ogre::Image::Rect

Definition at line 56 of file OgreImage.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Ogre::Image::Filter

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 300 of file OgreImage.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::Image::Image  ) 

Standard constructor.

Ogre::Image::Image const Image img  ) 

Copy-constructor - copies all the data from the target image.

virtual Ogre::Image::~Image  )  [virtual]

Standard destructor.

Member Function Documentation

void Ogre::Image::applyGamma uchar buffer,
Real  gamma,
size_t  size,
uchar  bpp

Does gamma adjustment.

Basic algo taken from Titan Engine, copyright (c) 2000 Ignacio Castano Iguado

size_t Ogre::Image::calculateSize size_t  mipmaps,
size_t  faces,
size_t  width,
size_t  height,
size_t  depth,
PixelFormat  format

Image& Ogre::Image::flipAroundX  ) 

Flips (mirrors) the image around the X-axis.

An example of an original and flipped image:
flip axis | originalimg|gmilanigiro 00000000000|00000000000 00000000000|00000000000 00000000000|00000000000 00000000000|00000000000 00000000000|00000000000

Image& Ogre::Image::flipAroundY  ) 

Flips (mirrors) the image around the Y-axis.

An example of an original and flipped image:
originalimg 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 ------------> flip axis 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 originalimg

uchar Ogre::Image::getBPP  )  const

Returns the number of bits per pixel.

ColourValue Ogre::Image::getColourAt int  x,
int  y,
int  z

Get colour value from a certain location in the image.

The z coordinate is only valid for cubemaps and volume textures. This uses the first (largest) mipmap.

const uchar* Ogre::Image::getData  )  const

Returns a const pointer to the internal image buffer.

uchar* Ogre::Image::getData void   ) 

Returns a pointer to the internal image buffer.

size_t Ogre::Image::getDepth void   )  const

Gets the depth of the image.

PixelFormat Ogre::Image::getFormat  )  const

Returns the image format.

bool Ogre::Image::getHasAlpha  )  const

Returns true if the image has an alpha component.

size_t Ogre::Image::getHeight void   )  const

Gets the height of the image in pixels.

size_t Ogre::Image::getNumFaces void   )  const

Get the numer of faces of the image.

This is usually 6 for a cubemap, and 1 for a normal image.

size_t Ogre::Image::getNumMipmaps  )  const

Returns the number of mipmaps contained in the image.

PixelBox Ogre::Image::getPixelBox size_t  face = 0,
size_t  mipmap = 0

Get a PixelBox encapsulating the image data of a mipmap.

size_t Ogre::Image::getRowSpan void   )  const

Gets the physical width in bytes of each row of pixels.

size_t Ogre::Image::getSize  )  const

Returns the size of the data buffer.

size_t Ogre::Image::getWidth void   )  const

Gets the width of the image in pixels.

bool Ogre::Image::hasFlag const ImageFlags  imgFlag  )  const

Returns true if the image has the appropriate flag set.

Image& Ogre::Image::load DataStreamPtr stream,
const String type

Loads an image file from a stream.

This method works in the same way as the filename-based load method except it loads the image from a DataStream object. This DataStream is expected to contain the encoded data as it would be held in a file.
stream The source data.
type The type of the image. Used to decide what decompression codec to use.
See also:
Image::load( const String& strFileName )

Image& Ogre::Image::load const String strFileName,
const String groupName

Loads an image file.

This method loads an image into memory held in the object. The pixel format will be either greyscale or RGB with an optional Alpha component. The type can be determined by calling getFormat().
strFileName Name of a file file to load.
groupName Name of the resource group to search for the image
The memory associated with this buffer is destroyed with the Image object.

Image& Ogre::Image::loadDynamicImage uchar pData,
size_t  uWidth,
size_t  uHeight,
PixelFormat  eFormat

Stores a pointer to raw data in memory.

The pixel format has to be specified.

This method loads an image into memory held in the object. The pixel format will be either greyscale or RGB with an optional Alpha component. The type can be determined by calling getFormat().
The data pointer
Width of image
Height of image
Pixel Format
The memory associated with this buffer is NOT destroyed with the Image object.
This function is deprecated; one should really use the Image::loadDynamicImage(pData, width, height, depth, format, ...) to be compatible with future Ogre versions.

Definition at line 165 of file OgreImage.h.

References Ogre::uchar.

Image& Ogre::Image::loadDynamicImage uchar pData,
size_t  uWidth,
size_t  uHeight,
size_t  depth,
PixelFormat  eFormat,
bool  autoDelete = false,
size_t  numFaces = 1,
size_t  numMipMaps = 0

Stores a pointer to raw data in memory.

The pixel format has to be specified.

This method loads an image into memory held in the object. The pixel format will be either greyscale or RGB with an optional Alpha component. The type can be determined by calling getFormat().
The data pointer
Width of image
Height of image
Image Depth (in 3d images, numbers of layers, otherwhise 1)
Pixel Format
if memory associated with this buffer is to be destroyed with the Image object.
the number of faces the image data has inside (6 for cubemaps, 1 otherwise)
the number of mipmaps the image data has inside
The memory associated with this buffer is NOT destroyed with the Image object, unless autoDelete is set to true.
The size of the buffer must be numFaces*PixelUtil::getMemorySize(width, height, depth, format)

Image& Ogre::Image::loadRawData DataStreamPtr stream,
size_t  uWidth,
size_t  uHeight,
PixelFormat  eFormat

Loads raw data from a stream.

The pixel format has to be specified.

This function is deprecated; one should really use the Image::loadRawData(stream, width, height, depth, format, ...) to be compatible with future Ogre versions.

Definition at line 185 of file OgreImage.h.

References Ogre::DataStreamPtr.

Image& Ogre::Image::loadRawData DataStreamPtr stream,
size_t  uWidth,
size_t  uHeight,
size_t  uDepth,
PixelFormat  eFormat,
size_t  numFaces = 1,
size_t  numMipMaps = 0

Loads raw data from a stream.

See the function loadDynamicImage for a description of the parameters.

The size of the buffer must be numFaces*PixelUtil::getMemorySize(width, height, depth, format)

Image& Ogre::Image::operator= const Image img  ) 

Assignment operator - copies all the data from the target image.

void Ogre::Image::resize ushort  width,
ushort  height,
Filter  filter = FILTER_BILINEAR

Resize a 2D image, applying the appropriate filter.

void Ogre::Image::save const String filename  ) 

Save the image as a file.

void Ogre::Image::scale const PixelBox src,
const PixelBox dst,
Filter  filter = FILTER_BILINEAR

Scale a 1D, 2D or 3D image volume.

src PixelBox containing the source pointer, dimensions and format
dst PixelBox containing the destination pointer, dimensions and format
filter Which filter to use
This function can do pixel format conversion in the process.
dst and src can point to the same PixelBox object without any problem

Member Data Documentation

bool Ogre::Image::m_bAutoDelete [private]

Definition at line 345 of file OgreImage.h.

PixelFormat Ogre::Image::m_eFormat [private]

Definition at line 338 of file OgreImage.h.

uchar* Ogre::Image::m_pBuffer [private]

Definition at line 342 of file OgreImage.h.

uchar Ogre::Image::m_ucPixelSize [private]

Definition at line 341 of file OgreImage.h.

size_t Ogre::Image::m_uDepth [private]

Definition at line 329 of file OgreImage.h.

int Ogre::Image::m_uFlags [private]

Definition at line 335 of file OgreImage.h.

size_t Ogre::Image::m_uHeight [private]

Definition at line 327 of file OgreImage.h.

size_t Ogre::Image::m_uNumMipmaps [private]

Definition at line 333 of file OgreImage.h.

size_t Ogre::Image::m_uSize [private]

Definition at line 331 of file OgreImage.h.

size_t Ogre::Image::m_uWidth [private]

Definition at line 325 of file OgreImage.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:39:23 2006