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Ogre::SkeletonSerializer Class Reference

Class for serialising skeleton data to/from an OGRE .skeleton file. More...

#include <OgreSkeletonSerializer.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ogre::SkeletonSerializer:

Ogre::Serializer List of all members.

Public Types

 The endianness of written files. More...

Public Member Functions

 SkeletonSerializer ()
virtual ~SkeletonSerializer ()
void exportSkeleton (const Skeleton *pSkeleton, const String &filename, Endian endianMode=ENDIAN_NATIVE)
 Exports a skeleton to the file specified.

void importSkeleton (DataStreamPtr &stream, Skeleton *pDest)
 Imports Skeleton and animation data from a .skeleton file DataStream.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void writeFileHeader (void)
virtual void writeChunkHeader (uint16 id, uint32 size)
void writeFloats (const float *const pfloat, size_t count)
void writeFloats (const double *const pfloat, size_t count)
void writeShorts (const uint16 *const pShort, size_t count)
void writeInts (const uint32 *const pInt, size_t count)
void writeBools (const bool *const pLong, size_t count)
void writeObject (const Vector3 &vec)
void writeObject (const Quaternion &q)
void writeString (const String &string)
void writeData (const void *const buf, size_t size, size_t count)
virtual void readFileHeader (DataStreamPtr &stream)
virtual unsigned short readChunk (DataStreamPtr &stream)
void readBools (DataStreamPtr &stream, bool *pDest, size_t count)
void readFloats (DataStreamPtr &stream, float *pDest, size_t count)
void readFloats (DataStreamPtr &stream, double *pDest, size_t count)
void readShorts (DataStreamPtr &stream, uint16 *pDest, size_t count)
void readInts (DataStreamPtr &stream, uint32 *pDest, size_t count)
void readObject (DataStreamPtr &stream, Vector3 &pDest)
void readObject (DataStreamPtr &stream, Quaternion &pDest)
String readString (DataStreamPtr &stream)
String readString (DataStreamPtr &stream, size_t numChars)
virtual void flipToLittleEndian (void *pData, size_t size, size_t count=1)
virtual void flipFromLittleEndian (void *pData, size_t size, size_t count=1)
virtual void flipEndian (void *pData, size_t size, size_t count)
virtual void flipEndian (void *pData, size_t size)
virtual void determineEndianness (DataStreamPtr &stream)
 Determine the endianness of the incoming stream compared to native.

virtual void determineEndianness (Endian requestedEndian)
 Determine the endianness to write with based on option.

Protected Attributes

uint32 mCurrentstreamLen
FILE * mpfFile
String mVersion
bool mFlipEndian

Private Member Functions

void writeSkeleton (const Skeleton *pSkel)
void writeBone (const Skeleton *pSkel, const Bone *pBone)
void writeBoneParent (const Skeleton *pSkel, unsigned short boneId, unsigned short parentId)
void writeAnimation (const Skeleton *pSkel, const Animation *anim)
void writeAnimationTrack (const Skeleton *pSkel, const NodeAnimationTrack *track)
void writeKeyFrame (const Skeleton *pSkel, const TransformKeyFrame *key)
void writeSkeletonAnimationLink (const Skeleton *pSkel, const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource &link)
void readBone (DataStreamPtr &stream, Skeleton *pSkel)
void readBoneParent (DataStreamPtr &stream, Skeleton *pSkel)
void readAnimation (DataStreamPtr &stream, Skeleton *pSkel)
void readAnimationTrack (DataStreamPtr &stream, Animation *anim, Skeleton *pSkel)
void readKeyFrame (DataStreamPtr &stream, NodeAnimationTrack *track, Skeleton *pSkel)
void readSkeletonAnimationLink (DataStreamPtr &stream, Skeleton *pSkel)
size_t calcBoneSize (const Skeleton *pSkel, const Bone *pBone)
size_t calcBoneSizeWithoutScale (const Skeleton *pSkel, const Bone *pBone)
size_t calcBoneParentSize (const Skeleton *pSkel)
size_t calcAnimationSize (const Skeleton *pSkel, const Animation *pAnim)
size_t calcAnimationTrackSize (const Skeleton *pSkel, const NodeAnimationTrack *pTrack)
size_t calcKeyFrameSize (const Skeleton *pSkel, const TransformKeyFrame *pKey)
size_t calcKeyFrameSizeWithoutScale (const Skeleton *pSkel, const TransformKeyFrame *pKey)
size_t calcSkeletonAnimationLinkSize (const Skeleton *pSkel, const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource &link)

Detailed Description

Class for serialising skeleton data to/from an OGRE .skeleton file.

This class allows exporters to write OGRE .skeleton files easily, and allows the OGRE engine to import .skeleton files into instatiated OGRE Skeleton objects. Note that a .skeleton file includes not only the Skeleton, but also definitions of any Animations it uses.
To export a Skeleton:
  1. Create a Skeleton object and populate it using it's methods.
  2. Call the exportSkeleton method

Definition at line 47 of file OgreSkeletonSerializer.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Ogre::Serializer::Endian [inherited]

The endianness of written files.

Enumeration values:
ENDIAN_NATIVE  Use the platform native endian.
ENDIAN_BIG  Use big endian (0x1000 is serialised as 0x10 0x00).
ENDIAN_LITTLE  Use little endian (0x1000 is serialised as 0x00 0x10).

Definition at line 47 of file OgreSerializer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::SkeletonSerializer  ) 

virtual Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::~SkeletonSerializer  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

size_t Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::calcAnimationSize const Skeleton pSkel,
const Animation pAnim

size_t Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::calcAnimationTrackSize const Skeleton pSkel,
const NodeAnimationTrack pTrack

size_t Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::calcBoneParentSize const Skeleton pSkel  )  [private]

size_t Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::calcBoneSize const Skeleton pSkel,
const Bone pBone

size_t Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::calcBoneSizeWithoutScale const Skeleton pSkel,
const Bone pBone

size_t Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::calcKeyFrameSize const Skeleton pSkel,
const TransformKeyFrame pKey

size_t Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::calcKeyFrameSizeWithoutScale const Skeleton pSkel,
const TransformKeyFrame pKey

size_t Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::calcSkeletonAnimationLinkSize const Skeleton pSkel,
const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource link

virtual void Ogre::Serializer::determineEndianness Endian  requestedEndian  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Determine the endianness to write with based on option.

virtual void Ogre::Serializer::determineEndianness DataStreamPtr stream  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Determine the endianness of the incoming stream compared to native.

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::exportSkeleton const Skeleton pSkeleton,
const String filename,
Endian  endianMode = ENDIAN_NATIVE

Exports a skeleton to the file specified.

This method takes an externally created Skeleton object, and exports both it and animations it uses to a .skeleton file.
pSkeleton Weak reference to the Skeleton to export
filename The destination filename
endianMode The endian mode to write in

virtual void Ogre::Serializer::flipEndian void *  pData,
size_t  size
[protected, virtual, inherited]

virtual void Ogre::Serializer::flipEndian void *  pData,
size_t  size,
size_t  count
[protected, virtual, inherited]

virtual void Ogre::Serializer::flipFromLittleEndian void *  pData,
size_t  size,
size_t  count = 1
[protected, virtual, inherited]

virtual void Ogre::Serializer::flipToLittleEndian void *  pData,
size_t  size,
size_t  count = 1
[protected, virtual, inherited]

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::importSkeleton DataStreamPtr stream,
Skeleton pDest

Imports Skeleton and animation data from a .skeleton file DataStream.

This method imports data from a DataStream opened from a .skeleton file and places it's contents into the Skeleton object which is passed in.
stream The DataStream holding the .skeleton data. Must be initialised (pos at the start of the buffer).
pDest Weak reference to the Skeleton object which will receive the data. Should be blank already.

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::readAnimation DataStreamPtr stream,
Skeleton pSkel

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::readAnimationTrack DataStreamPtr stream,
Animation anim,
Skeleton pSkel

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::readBone DataStreamPtr stream,
Skeleton pSkel

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::readBoneParent DataStreamPtr stream,
Skeleton pSkel

void Ogre::Serializer::readBools DataStreamPtr stream,
bool *  pDest,
size_t  count
[protected, inherited]

virtual unsigned short Ogre::Serializer::readChunk DataStreamPtr stream  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

virtual void Ogre::Serializer::readFileHeader DataStreamPtr stream  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

void Ogre::Serializer::readFloats DataStreamPtr stream,
double *  pDest,
size_t  count
[protected, inherited]

void Ogre::Serializer::readFloats DataStreamPtr stream,
float *  pDest,
size_t  count
[protected, inherited]

void Ogre::Serializer::readInts DataStreamPtr stream,
uint32 pDest,
size_t  count
[protected, inherited]

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::readKeyFrame DataStreamPtr stream,
NodeAnimationTrack track,
Skeleton pSkel

void Ogre::Serializer::readObject DataStreamPtr stream,
Quaternion pDest
[protected, inherited]

void Ogre::Serializer::readObject DataStreamPtr stream,
Vector3 pDest
[protected, inherited]

void Ogre::Serializer::readShorts DataStreamPtr stream,
uint16 pDest,
size_t  count
[protected, inherited]

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::readSkeletonAnimationLink DataStreamPtr stream,
Skeleton pSkel

String Ogre::Serializer::readString DataStreamPtr stream,
size_t  numChars
[protected, inherited]

String Ogre::Serializer::readString DataStreamPtr stream  )  [protected, inherited]

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::writeAnimation const Skeleton pSkel,
const Animation anim

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::writeAnimationTrack const Skeleton pSkel,
const NodeAnimationTrack track

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::writeBone const Skeleton pSkel,
const Bone pBone

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::writeBoneParent const Skeleton pSkel,
unsigned short  boneId,
unsigned short  parentId

void Ogre::Serializer::writeBools const bool *const  pLong,
size_t  count
[protected, inherited]

virtual void Ogre::Serializer::writeChunkHeader uint16  id,
uint32  size
[protected, virtual, inherited]

void Ogre::Serializer::writeData const void *const  buf,
size_t  size,
size_t  count
[protected, inherited]

virtual void Ogre::Serializer::writeFileHeader void   )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

void Ogre::Serializer::writeFloats const double *const  pfloat,
size_t  count
[protected, inherited]

void Ogre::Serializer::writeFloats const float *const  pfloat,
size_t  count
[protected, inherited]

void Ogre::Serializer::writeInts const uint32 *const  pInt,
size_t  count
[protected, inherited]

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::writeKeyFrame const Skeleton pSkel,
const TransformKeyFrame key

void Ogre::Serializer::writeObject const Quaternion q  )  [protected, inherited]

void Ogre::Serializer::writeObject const Vector3 vec  )  [protected, inherited]

void Ogre::Serializer::writeShorts const uint16 *const  pShort,
size_t  count
[protected, inherited]

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::writeSkeleton const Skeleton pSkel  )  [private]

void Ogre::SkeletonSerializer::writeSkeletonAnimationLink const Skeleton pSkel,
const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource link

void Ogre::Serializer::writeString const String string  )  [protected, inherited]

Member Data Documentation

uint32 Ogre::Serializer::mCurrentstreamLen [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 60 of file OgreSerializer.h.

bool Ogre::Serializer::mFlipEndian [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 63 of file OgreSerializer.h.

FILE* Ogre::Serializer::mpfFile [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 61 of file OgreSerializer.h.

String Ogre::Serializer::mVersion [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 62 of file OgreSerializer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:44:35 2006