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Ogre::Animation Class Reference

An animation sequence. More...

#include <OgreAnimation.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::map< unsigned
short, NodeAnimationTrack * > 
typedef ConstMapIterator<
typedef std::map< unsigned
short, NumericAnimationTrack * > 
typedef ConstMapIterator<
typedef std::map< unsigned
short, VertexAnimationTrack * > 
typedef ConstMapIterator<
enum  InterpolationMode { IM_LINEAR, IM_SPLINE }
 The types of animation interpolation available. More...

enum  RotationInterpolationMode { RIM_LINEAR, RIM_SPHERICAL }
 The types of rotational interpolation available. More...

Public Member Functions

 Animation (const String &name, Real length)
 You should not use this constructor directly, use the parent object such as Skeleton instead.

virtual ~Animation ()
const StringgetName (void) const
 Gets the name of this animation.

Real getLength (void) const
 Gets the total length of the animation.

NodeAnimationTrackcreateNodeTrack (unsigned short handle)
 Creates a NodeAnimationTrack for animating a Node.

NumericAnimationTrackcreateNumericTrack (unsigned short handle)
 Creates a NumericAnimationTrack for animating any numeric value.

VertexAnimationTrackcreateVertexTrack (unsigned short handle, VertexAnimationType animType)
 Creates a VertexAnimationTrack for animating vertex position data.

NodeAnimationTrackcreateNodeTrack (unsigned short handle, Node *node)
 Creates a new AnimationTrack automatically associated with a Node.

NumericAnimationTrackcreateNumericTrack (unsigned short handle, const AnimableValuePtr &anim)
 Creates a NumericAnimationTrack and associates it with an animable.

VertexAnimationTrackcreateVertexTrack (unsigned short handle, VertexData *data, VertexAnimationType animType)
 Creates a VertexAnimationTrack and associates it with VertexData.

unsigned short getNumNodeTracks (void) const
 Gets the number of NodeAnimationTrack objects contained in this animation.

NodeAnimationTrackgetNodeTrack (unsigned short handle) const
 Gets a node track by it's handle.

bool hasNodeTrack (unsigned short handle) const
 Does a track exist with the given handle?

unsigned short getNumNumericTracks (void) const
 Gets the number of NumericAnimationTrack objects contained in this animation.

NumericAnimationTrackgetNumericTrack (unsigned short handle) const
 Gets a numeric track by it's handle.

bool hasNumericTrack (unsigned short handle) const
 Does a track exist with the given handle?

unsigned short getNumVertexTracks (void) const
 Gets the number of VertexAnimationTrack objects contained in this animation.

VertexAnimationTrackgetVertexTrack (unsigned short handle) const
 Gets a Vertex track by it's handle.

bool hasVertexTrack (unsigned short handle) const
 Does a track exist with the given handle?

void destroyNodeTrack (unsigned short handle)
 Destroys the node track with the given handle.

void destroyNumericTrack (unsigned short handle)
 Destroys the numeric track with the given handle.

void destroyVertexTrack (unsigned short handle)
 Destroys the Vertex track with the given handle.

void destroyAllTracks (void)
 Removes and destroys all tracks making up this animation.

void destroyAllNodeTracks (void)
 Removes and destroys all tracks making up this animation.

void destroyAllNumericTracks (void)
 Removes and destroys all tracks making up this animation.

void destroyAllVertexTracks (void)
 Removes and destroys all tracks making up this animation.

void apply (Real timePos, Real weight=1.0, bool accumulate=false, Real scale=1.0f)
 Applies an animation given a specific time point and weight.

void apply (Skeleton *skeleton, Real timePos, Real weight=1.0, bool accumulate=false, Real scale=1.0f)
 Applies all node tracks given a specific time point and weight to a given skeleton.

void apply (Entity *entity, Real timePos, Real weight, bool software, bool hardware)
 Applies all vertex tracks given a specific time point and weight to a given entity.

void setInterpolationMode (InterpolationMode im)
 Tells the animation how to interpolate between keyframes.

InterpolationMode getInterpolationMode (void) const
 Gets the current interpolation mode of this animation.

void setRotationInterpolationMode (RotationInterpolationMode im)
 Tells the animation how to interpolate rotations.

RotationInterpolationMode getRotationInterpolationMode (void) const
 Gets the current rotation interpolation mode of this animation.

const NodeTrackList_getNodeTrackList (void) const
 Fast access to NON-UPDATEABLE node track list.

NodeTrackIterator getNodeTrackIterator (void) const
 Get non-updateable iterator over node tracks.

const NumericTrackList_getNumericTrackList (void) const
 Fast access to NON-UPDATEABLE numeric track list.

NumericTrackIterator getNumericTrackIterator (void) const
 Get non-updateable iterator over node tracks.

const VertexTrackList_getVertexTrackList (void) const
 Fast access to NON-UPDATEABLE Vertex track list.

VertexTrackIterator getVertexTrackIterator (void) const
 Get non-updateable iterator over node tracks.

void optimise (void)
 Optimise an animation by removing unnecessary tracks and keyframes.

Static Public Member Functions

void setDefaultInterpolationMode (InterpolationMode im)
 Sets the default animation interpolation mode.

InterpolationMode getDefaultInterpolationMode (void)
 Gets the default interpolation mode for all animations.

void setDefaultRotationInterpolationMode (RotationInterpolationMode im)
 Sets the default rotation interpolation mode.

RotationInterpolationMode getDefaultRotationInterpolationMode (void)
 Gets the default rotation interpolation mode for all animations.

Protected Member Functions

void optimiseNodeTracks (void)
void optimiseVertexTracks (void)

Protected Attributes

NodeTrackList mNodeTrackList
 Node tracks, indexed by handle.

NumericTrackList mNumericTrackList
 Numeric tracks, indexed by handle.

VertexTrackList mVertexTrackList
 Vertex tracks, indexed by handle.

String mName
Real mLength
InterpolationMode mInterpolationMode
RotationInterpolationMode mRotationInterpolationMode

Static Protected Attributes

InterpolationMode msDefaultInterpolationMode
RotationInterpolationMode msDefaultRotationInterpolationMode

Detailed Description

An animation sequence.

This class defines the interface for a sequence of animation, whether that be animation of a mesh, a path along a spline, or possibly more than one type of animation in one. An animation is made up of many 'tracks', which are the more specific types of animation.
You should not create these animations directly. They will be created via a parent object which owns the animation, e.g. Skeleton.

Definition at line 48 of file OgreAnimation.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef ConstMapIterator<NodeTrackList> Ogre::Animation::NodeTrackIterator

Definition at line 279 of file OgreAnimation.h.

Referenced by getNodeTrackIterator().

typedef std::map<unsigned short, NodeAnimationTrack*> Ogre::Animation::NodeTrackList

Definition at line 278 of file OgreAnimation.h.

typedef ConstMapIterator<NumericTrackList> Ogre::Animation::NumericTrackIterator

Definition at line 282 of file OgreAnimation.h.

Referenced by getNumericTrackIterator().

typedef std::map<unsigned short, NumericAnimationTrack*> Ogre::Animation::NumericTrackList

Definition at line 281 of file OgreAnimation.h.

typedef ConstMapIterator<VertexTrackList> Ogre::Animation::VertexTrackIterator

Definition at line 285 of file OgreAnimation.h.

Referenced by getVertexTrackIterator().

typedef std::map<unsigned short, VertexAnimationTrack*> Ogre::Animation::VertexTrackList

Definition at line 284 of file OgreAnimation.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Ogre::Animation::InterpolationMode

The types of animation interpolation available.

Enumeration values:
IM_LINEAR  Values are interpolated along straight lines.
IM_SPLINE  Values are interpolated along a spline, resulting in smoother changes in direction.

Definition at line 53 of file OgreAnimation.h.

enum Ogre::Animation::RotationInterpolationMode

The types of rotational interpolation available.

Enumeration values:
RIM_LINEAR  Values are interpolated linearly.

This is faster but does not necessarily give a completely accurate result.

RIM_SPHERICAL  Values are interpolated spherically.

This is more accurate but has a higher cost.

Definition at line 62 of file OgreAnimation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::Animation::Animation const String name,
Real  length

You should not use this constructor directly, use the parent object such as Skeleton instead.

name The name of the animation, should be unique within it's parent (e.g. Skeleton)
length The length of the animation in seconds.

virtual Ogre::Animation::~Animation  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

const NodeTrackList& Ogre::Animation::_getNodeTrackList void   )  const

Fast access to NON-UPDATEABLE node track list.

const NumericTrackList& Ogre::Animation::_getNumericTrackList void   )  const

Fast access to NON-UPDATEABLE numeric track list.

const VertexTrackList& Ogre::Animation::_getVertexTrackList void   )  const

Fast access to NON-UPDATEABLE Vertex track list.

void Ogre::Animation::apply Entity entity,
Real  timePos,
Real  weight,
bool  software,
bool  hardware

Applies all vertex tracks given a specific time point and weight to a given entity.

entity The Entity to which this animation should be applied
timePos The time position in the animation to apply.
weight The weight at which the animation should be applied (only affects pose animation)
software Whether to populate the software morph vertex data
hardware Whether to populate the hardware morph vertex data

void Ogre::Animation::apply Skeleton skeleton,
Real  timePos,
Real  weight = 1.0,
bool  accumulate = false,
Real  scale = 1.0f

Applies all node tracks given a specific time point and weight to a given skeleton.

Where you have associated animation tracks with Node objects, you can eaily apply an animation to those nodes by calling this method.
timePos The time position in the animation to apply.
weight The influence to give to this track, 1.0 for full influence, less to blend with other animations.
scale The scale to apply to translations and scalings, useful for adapting an animation to a different size target.

void Ogre::Animation::apply Real  timePos,
Real  weight = 1.0,
bool  accumulate = false,
Real  scale = 1.0f

Applies an animation given a specific time point and weight.

Where you have associated animation tracks with objects, you can eaily apply an animation to those objects by calling this method.
timePos The time position in the animation to apply.
weight The influence to give to this track, 1.0 for full influence, less to blend with other animations.
scale The scale to apply to translations and scalings, useful for adapting an animation to a different size target.

NodeAnimationTrack* Ogre::Animation::createNodeTrack unsigned short  handle,
Node node

Creates a new AnimationTrack automatically associated with a Node.

This method creates a standard AnimationTrack, but also associates it with a target Node which will receive all keyframe effects.
handle Numeric handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later. Must be unique within this Animation.
node A pointer to the Node object which will be affected by this track

NodeAnimationTrack* Ogre::Animation::createNodeTrack unsigned short  handle  ) 

Creates a NodeAnimationTrack for animating a Node.

handle Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later. Must be unique within this Animation.

NumericAnimationTrack* Ogre::Animation::createNumericTrack unsigned short  handle,
const AnimableValuePtr anim

Creates a NumericAnimationTrack and associates it with an animable.

handle Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later.
anim Animable object link Must be unique within this Animation.

NumericAnimationTrack* Ogre::Animation::createNumericTrack unsigned short  handle  ) 

Creates a NumericAnimationTrack for animating any numeric value.

handle Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later. Must be unique within this Animation.

VertexAnimationTrack* Ogre::Animation::createVertexTrack unsigned short  handle,
VertexData data,
VertexAnimationType  animType

Creates a VertexAnimationTrack and associates it with VertexData.

handle Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later.
data VertexData object link
animType The animation type Must be unique within this Animation.

VertexAnimationTrack* Ogre::Animation::createVertexTrack unsigned short  handle,
VertexAnimationType  animType

Creates a VertexAnimationTrack for animating vertex position data.

handle Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later. Must be unique within this Animation, and is used to identify the target. For example when applied to a Mesh, the handle must reference the index of the geometry being modified; 0 for the shared geometry, and 1+ for SubMesh geometry with the same index-1.
animType Either morph or pose animation,

void Ogre::Animation::destroyAllNodeTracks void   ) 

Removes and destroys all tracks making up this animation.

void Ogre::Animation::destroyAllNumericTracks void   ) 

Removes and destroys all tracks making up this animation.

void Ogre::Animation::destroyAllTracks void   ) 

Removes and destroys all tracks making up this animation.

void Ogre::Animation::destroyAllVertexTracks void   ) 

Removes and destroys all tracks making up this animation.

void Ogre::Animation::destroyNodeTrack unsigned short  handle  ) 

Destroys the node track with the given handle.

void Ogre::Animation::destroyNumericTrack unsigned short  handle  ) 

Destroys the numeric track with the given handle.

void Ogre::Animation::destroyVertexTrack unsigned short  handle  ) 

Destroys the Vertex track with the given handle.

InterpolationMode Ogre::Animation::getDefaultInterpolationMode void   )  [static]

Gets the default interpolation mode for all animations.

RotationInterpolationMode Ogre::Animation::getDefaultRotationInterpolationMode void   )  [static]

Gets the default rotation interpolation mode for all animations.

InterpolationMode Ogre::Animation::getInterpolationMode void   )  const

Gets the current interpolation mode of this animation.

See setInterpolationMode for more info.

Real Ogre::Animation::getLength void   )  const

Gets the total length of the animation.

const String& Ogre::Animation::getName void   )  const

Gets the name of this animation.

NodeAnimationTrack* Ogre::Animation::getNodeTrack unsigned short  handle  )  const

Gets a node track by it's handle.

NodeTrackIterator Ogre::Animation::getNodeTrackIterator void   )  const

Get non-updateable iterator over node tracks.

Definition at line 291 of file OgreAnimation.h.

References NodeTrackIterator.

NumericAnimationTrack* Ogre::Animation::getNumericTrack unsigned short  handle  )  const

Gets a numeric track by it's handle.

NumericTrackIterator Ogre::Animation::getNumericTrackIterator void   )  const

Get non-updateable iterator over node tracks.

Definition at line 298 of file OgreAnimation.h.

References NumericTrackIterator.

unsigned short Ogre::Animation::getNumNodeTracks void   )  const

Gets the number of NodeAnimationTrack objects contained in this animation.

unsigned short Ogre::Animation::getNumNumericTracks void   )  const

Gets the number of NumericAnimationTrack objects contained in this animation.

unsigned short Ogre::Animation::getNumVertexTracks void   )  const

Gets the number of VertexAnimationTrack objects contained in this animation.

RotationInterpolationMode Ogre::Animation::getRotationInterpolationMode void   )  const

Gets the current rotation interpolation mode of this animation.

See setRotationInterpolationMode for more info.

VertexAnimationTrack* Ogre::Animation::getVertexTrack unsigned short  handle  )  const

Gets a Vertex track by it's handle.

VertexTrackIterator Ogre::Animation::getVertexTrackIterator void   )  const

Get non-updateable iterator over node tracks.

Definition at line 305 of file OgreAnimation.h.

References VertexTrackIterator.

bool Ogre::Animation::hasNodeTrack unsigned short  handle  )  const

Does a track exist with the given handle?

bool Ogre::Animation::hasNumericTrack unsigned short  handle  )  const

Does a track exist with the given handle?

bool Ogre::Animation::hasVertexTrack unsigned short  handle  )  const

Does a track exist with the given handle?

void Ogre::Animation::optimise void   ) 

Optimise an animation by removing unnecessary tracks and keyframes.

When you export an animation, it is possible that certain tracks have been keyfamed but actually don't include anything useful - the keyframes include no transformation. These tracks can be completely eliminated from the animation and thus speed up the animation. In addition, if several keyframes in a row have the same value, then they are just adding overhead and can be removed.

void Ogre::Animation::optimiseNodeTracks void   )  [protected]

void Ogre::Animation::optimiseVertexTracks void   )  [protected]

void Ogre::Animation::setDefaultInterpolationMode InterpolationMode  im  )  [static]

Sets the default animation interpolation mode.

Every animation created after this option is set will have the new interpolation mode specified. You can also change the mode per animation by calling the setInterpolationMode method on the instance in question.

void Ogre::Animation::setDefaultRotationInterpolationMode RotationInterpolationMode  im  )  [static]

Sets the default rotation interpolation mode.

Every animation created after this option is set will have the new interpolation mode specified. You can also change the mode per animation by calling the setInterpolationMode method on the instance in question.

void Ogre::Animation::setInterpolationMode InterpolationMode  im  ) 

Tells the animation how to interpolate between keyframes.

By default, animations normally interpolate linearly between keyframes. This is fast, but when animations include quick changes in direction it can look a little unnatural because directions change instantly at keyframes. An alternative is to tell the animation to interpolate along a spline, which is more expensive in terms of calculation time, but looks smoother because major changes in direction are distributed around the keyframes rather than just at the keyframe.
You can also change the default animation behaviour by calling Animation::setDefaultInterpolationMode.

void Ogre::Animation::setRotationInterpolationMode RotationInterpolationMode  im  ) 

Tells the animation how to interpolate rotations.

By default, animations interpolate lieanrly between rotations. This is fast but not necessarily completely accurate. If you want more accurate interpolation, use spherical interpolation, but be aware that it will incur a higher cost.
You can also change the default rotation behaviour by calling Animation::setDefaultRotationInterpolationMode.

Member Data Documentation

InterpolationMode Ogre::Animation::mInterpolationMode [protected]

Definition at line 332 of file OgreAnimation.h.

Real Ogre::Animation::mLength [protected]

Definition at line 330 of file OgreAnimation.h.

String Ogre::Animation::mName [protected]

Definition at line 328 of file OgreAnimation.h.

NodeTrackList Ogre::Animation::mNodeTrackList [protected]

Node tracks, indexed by handle.

Definition at line 323 of file OgreAnimation.h.

NumericTrackList Ogre::Animation::mNumericTrackList [protected]

Numeric tracks, indexed by handle.

Definition at line 325 of file OgreAnimation.h.

RotationInterpolationMode Ogre::Animation::mRotationInterpolationMode [protected]

Definition at line 333 of file OgreAnimation.h.

InterpolationMode Ogre::Animation::msDefaultInterpolationMode [static, protected]

Definition at line 335 of file OgreAnimation.h.

RotationInterpolationMode Ogre::Animation::msDefaultRotationInterpolationMode [static, protected]

Definition at line 336 of file OgreAnimation.h.

VertexTrackList Ogre::Animation::mVertexTrackList [protected]

Vertex tracks, indexed by handle.

Definition at line 327 of file OgreAnimation.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:38:04 2006