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Ogre::MaterialSerializer Class Reference

Class for serializing Materials to / from a .material script. More...

#include <OgreMaterialSerializer.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MaterialSerializer ()
 default constructor

virtual ~MaterialSerializer ()
 default destructor

void queueForExport (const MaterialPtr &pMat, bool clearQueued=false, bool exportDefaults=false)
 Queue an in-memory Material to the internal buffer for export.

void exportQueued (const String &filename, const bool includeProgDef=false, const String &programFilename="")
 Exports queued material(s) to a named material script file.

void exportMaterial (const MaterialPtr &pMat, const String &filename, bool exportDefaults=false, const bool includeProgDef=false, const String &programFilename="")
 Exports a single in-memory Material to the named material script file.

const StringgetQueuedAsString () const
 Returns a string representing the parsed material(s).

void clearQueue ()
 Clears the internal buffer.

void parseScript (DataStreamPtr &stream, const String &groupName)
 Parses a Material script file passed as a stream.

Protected Types

typedef std::map< String,
 Keyword-mapped attribute parsers.

typedef std::multimap< TextureUnitState::TextureEffectType,

Protected Member Functions

bool parseScriptLine (String &line)
 internal method for parsing a material

bool invokeParser (String &line, AttribParserList &parsers)
 internal method for finding & invoking an attribute parser.

void finishProgramDefinition (void)
 Internal method for saving a program definition which has been built up.

void writeMaterial (const MaterialPtr &pMat)
void writeTechnique (const Technique *pTech)
void writePass (const Pass *pPass)
void writeVertexProgramRef (const Pass *pPass)
void writeShadowCasterVertexProgramRef (const Pass *pPass)
void writeShadowReceiverVertexProgramRef (const Pass *pPass)
void writeShadowReceiverFragmentProgramRef (const Pass *pPass)
void writeFragmentProgramRef (const Pass *pPass)
void writeGpuProgramRef (const String &attrib, const GpuProgramPtr &program, const GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr &params)
void writeGpuPrograms (void)
void writeGPUProgramParameters (const GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr &params, GpuProgramParameters *defaultParams, const int level=4, const bool useMainBuffer=true)
void writeTextureUnit (const TextureUnitState *pTex)
void writeSceneBlendFactor (const SceneBlendFactor sbf_src, const SceneBlendFactor sbf_dest)
void writeSceneBlendFactor (const SceneBlendFactor sbf)
void writeCompareFunction (const CompareFunction cf)
void writeColourValue (const ColourValue &colour, bool writeAlpha=false)
void writeLayerBlendOperationEx (const LayerBlendOperationEx op)
void writeLayerBlendSource (const LayerBlendSource lbs)
void writeRotationEffect (const TextureUnitState::TextureEffect &effect, const TextureUnitState *pTex)
void writeTransformEffect (const TextureUnitState::TextureEffect &effect, const TextureUnitState *pTex)
void writeScrollEffect (const TextureUnitState::TextureEffect &effect, const TextureUnitState *pTex)
void writeEnvironmentMapEffect (const TextureUnitState::TextureEffect &effect, const TextureUnitState *pTex)
String convertFiltering (FilterOptions fo)

Protected Attributes

MaterialScriptContext mScriptContext
AttribParserList mRootAttribParsers
 Parsers for the root of the material script.

AttribParserList mMaterialAttribParsers
 Parsers for the material section of a script.

AttribParserList mTechniqueAttribParsers
 Parsers for the technique section of a script.

AttribParserList mPassAttribParsers
 Parsers for the pass section of a script.

AttribParserList mTextureUnitAttribParsers
 Parsers for the texture unit section of a script.

AttribParserList mProgramRefAttribParsers
 Parsers for the program reference section of a script.

AttribParserList mProgramAttribParsers
 Parsers for the program definition section of a script.

AttribParserList mProgramDefaultParamAttribParsers
 Parsers for the program definition section of a script.

Private Types

typedef std::set< StringGpuProgramDefinitionContainer
typedef GpuProgramDefinitionContainer::iterator GpuProgramDefIterator

Private Member Functions

void beginSection (unsigned short level, const bool useMainBuffer=true)
void endSection (unsigned short level, const bool useMainBuffer=true)
void writeAttribute (unsigned short level, const String &att, const bool useMainBuffer=true)
void writeValue (const String &val, const bool useMainBuffer=true)
void writeComment (unsigned short level, const String &comment, const bool useMainBuffer=true)

Private Attributes

String mBuffer
String mGpuProgramBuffer
GpuProgramDefinitionContainer mGpuProgramDefinitionContainer
bool mDefaults

Detailed Description

Class for serializing Materials to / from a .material script.

Definition at line 94 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<String, ATTRIBUTE_PARSER> Ogre::MaterialSerializer::AttribParserList [protected]

Keyword-mapped attribute parsers.

Definition at line 98 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

typedef std::multimap<TextureUnitState::TextureEffectType, TextureUnitState::TextureEffect> Ogre::MaterialSerializer::EffectMap [protected]

Definition at line 150 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

typedef std::set<String> Ogre::MaterialSerializer::GpuProgramDefinitionContainer [private]

Definition at line 207 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

typedef GpuProgramDefinitionContainer::iterator Ogre::MaterialSerializer::GpuProgramDefIterator [private]

Definition at line 208 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::MaterialSerializer::MaterialSerializer  ) 

default constructor

virtual Ogre::MaterialSerializer::~MaterialSerializer  )  [virtual]

default destructor

Definition at line 162 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

Member Function Documentation

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::beginSection unsigned short  level,
const bool  useMainBuffer = true

Definition at line 212 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

References Ogre::String.

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::clearQueue  ) 

Clears the internal buffer.

String Ogre::MaterialSerializer::convertFiltering FilterOptions  fo  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::endSection unsigned short  level,
const bool  useMainBuffer = true

Definition at line 222 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

References Ogre::String.

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::exportMaterial const MaterialPtr pMat,
const String filename,
bool  exportDefaults = false,
const bool  includeProgDef = false,
const String programFilename = ""

Exports a single in-memory Material to the named material script file.

exportDefaults if true then exports all values including defaults
includeProgDef if true includes Gpu shader program definitions in the export material script otherwise if false then program definitions will be exported to a seperate file with name programFilename if programFilename is not empty
programFilename the file name of the vertex / fragment program script to be exported. This is only used if includeProgDef is false.

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::exportQueued const String filename,
const bool  includeProgDef = false,
const String programFilename = ""

Exports queued material(s) to a named material script file.

filename the file name of the material script to be exported
includeProgDef If true, vertex program and fragment program definitions will be written at the top of the material script
programFilename the file name of the vertex / fragment program script to be exported. This is only used if there are program definitions to be exported and includeProgDef is false when calling queueForExport.

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::finishProgramDefinition void   )  [protected]

Internal method for saving a program definition which has been built up.

const String& Ogre::MaterialSerializer::getQueuedAsString  )  const

Returns a string representing the parsed material(s).

bool Ogre::MaterialSerializer::invokeParser String line,
AttribParserList parsers

internal method for finding & invoking an attribute parser.

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::parseScript DataStreamPtr stream,
const String groupName

Parses a Material script file passed as a stream.

bool Ogre::MaterialSerializer::parseScriptLine String line  )  [protected]

internal method for parsing a material

true if it expects the next line to be a {

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::queueForExport const MaterialPtr pMat,
bool  clearQueued = false,
bool  exportDefaults = false

Queue an in-memory Material to the internal buffer for export.

pMat Material pointer
clearQueued If true, any materials already queued will be removed
exportDefaults If true, attributes which are defaulted will be included in the script exported, otherwise they will be omitted

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeAttribute unsigned short  level,
const String att,
const bool  useMainBuffer = true

Definition at line 233 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

References Ogre::String.

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeColourValue const ColourValue colour,
bool  writeAlpha = false

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeComment unsigned short  level,
const String comment,
const bool  useMainBuffer = true

Definition at line 250 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

References Ogre::String.

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeCompareFunction const CompareFunction  cf  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeEnvironmentMapEffect const TextureUnitState::TextureEffect effect,
const TextureUnitState pTex

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeFragmentProgramRef const Pass pPass  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeGPUProgramParameters const GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params,
GpuProgramParameters defaultParams,
const int  level = 4,
const bool  useMainBuffer = true

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeGpuProgramRef const String attrib,
const GpuProgramPtr program,
const GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeGpuPrograms void   )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeLayerBlendOperationEx const LayerBlendOperationEx  op  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeLayerBlendSource const LayerBlendSource  lbs  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeMaterial const MaterialPtr pMat  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writePass const Pass pPass  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeRotationEffect const TextureUnitState::TextureEffect effect,
const TextureUnitState pTex

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeSceneBlendFactor const SceneBlendFactor  sbf  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeSceneBlendFactor const SceneBlendFactor  sbf_src,
const SceneBlendFactor  sbf_dest

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeScrollEffect const TextureUnitState::TextureEffect effect,
const TextureUnitState pTex

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeShadowCasterVertexProgramRef const Pass pPass  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeShadowReceiverFragmentProgramRef const Pass pPass  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeShadowReceiverVertexProgramRef const Pass pPass  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeTechnique const Technique pTech  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeTextureUnit const TextureUnitState pTex  )  [protected]

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeTransformEffect const TextureUnitState::TextureEffect effect,
const TextureUnitState pTex

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeValue const String val,
const bool  useMainBuffer = true

Definition at line 244 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

References Ogre::String.

void Ogre::MaterialSerializer::writeVertexProgramRef const Pass pPass  )  [protected]

Member Data Documentation

String Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mBuffer [private]

Definition at line 205 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

bool Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mDefaults [private]

Definition at line 210 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

String Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mGpuProgramBuffer [private]

Definition at line 206 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

GpuProgramDefinitionContainer Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mGpuProgramDefinitionContainer [private]

Definition at line 209 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

AttribParserList Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mMaterialAttribParsers [protected]

Parsers for the material section of a script.

Definition at line 115 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

AttribParserList Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mPassAttribParsers [protected]

Parsers for the pass section of a script.

Definition at line 119 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

AttribParserList Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mProgramAttribParsers [protected]

Parsers for the program definition section of a script.

Definition at line 125 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

AttribParserList Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mProgramDefaultParamAttribParsers [protected]

Parsers for the program definition section of a script.

Definition at line 127 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

AttribParserList Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mProgramRefAttribParsers [protected]

Parsers for the program reference section of a script.

Definition at line 123 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

AttribParserList Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mRootAttribParsers [protected]

Parsers for the root of the material script.

Definition at line 113 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

MaterialScriptContext Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mScriptContext [protected]

Definition at line 100 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

AttribParserList Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mTechniqueAttribParsers [protected]

Parsers for the technique section of a script.

Definition at line 117 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

AttribParserList Ogre::MaterialSerializer::mTextureUnitAttribParsers [protected]

Parsers for the texture unit section of a script.

Definition at line 121 of file OgreMaterialSerializer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:39:57 2006