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Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement Class Reference

OverlayElement representing a flat, single-material (or transparent) panel which can contain other elements. More...

#include <OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement:

Ogre::OverlayElement Ogre::StringInterface Ogre::Renderable List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Alignment { Left, Right, Center }

Public Member Functions

 TextAreaOverlayElement (const String &name)

virtual ~TextAreaOverlayElement ()
virtual void initialise (void)
 Initialise gui element.

void setCaption (const String &caption)
 Sets the caption on elements that support it.

const StringgetCaption () const
 Gets the caption for this element.

void setCharHeight (Real height)
Real getCharHeight () const
void setSpaceWidth (Real width)
Real getSpaceWidth () const
void setFontName (const String &font)
const StringgetFontName () const
virtual const StringgetTypeName (void) const
 See OverlayElement.

void getRenderOperation (RenderOperation &op)
 See Renderable.

void setMaterialName (const String &matName)
 Overridden from OverlayElement.

void setColour (const ColourValue &col)
 Sets the colour of the text.

const ColourValuegetColour (void) const
 Gets the colour of the text.

void setColourBottom (const ColourValue &col)
 Sets the colour of the bottom of the letters.

const ColourValuegetColourBottom (void) const
 Gets the colour of the bottom of the letters.

void setColourTop (const ColourValue &col)
 Sets the colour of the top of the letters.

const ColourValuegetColourTop (void) const
 Gets the colour of the top of the letters.

void setAlignment (Alignment a)
Alignment getAlignment () const
void setMetricsMode (GuiMetricsMode gmm)
 Overridden from OverlayElement.

void _update (void)
 Overridden from OverlayElement.

const StringgetName (void) const
 Gets the name of this overlay.

virtual void show (void)
 Shows this element if it was hidden.

virtual void hide (void)
 Hides this element if it was visible.

bool isVisible (void) const
 Returns whether or not the element is visible.

bool isEnabled () const
virtual void setEnabled (bool b)
void setDimensions (Real width, Real height)
 Sets the dimensions of this element in relation to the screen (1.0 = screen width/height).

void setPosition (Real left, Real top)
 Sets the position of the top-left corner of the element, relative to the screen size (1.0 = screen width / height).

void setWidth (Real width)
 Sets the width of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

Real getWidth (void) const
 Gets the width of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

void setHeight (Real height)
 Sets the height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen height).

Real getHeight (void) const
 Gets the height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen height).

void setLeft (Real left)
 Sets the left of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = far left, 1.0 = far right).

Real getLeft (void) const
 Gets the left of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = far left, 1.0 = far right).

void setTop (Real Top)
 Sets the top of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = top, 1.0 = bottom).

Real getTop (void) const
 Gets the top of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = top, 1.0 = bottom).

Real _getLeft (void) const
 Gets the left of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = far left, 1.0 = far right).

Real _getTop (void) const
 Gets the top of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = far left, 1.0 = far right).

Real _getWidth (void) const
 Gets the width of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

Real _getHeight (void) const
 Gets the height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen height).

void _setLeft (Real left)
 Sets the left of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

void _setTop (Real top)
 Sets the top of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

void _setWidth (Real width)
 Sets the width of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

void _setHeight (Real height)
 Sets the height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

void _setPosition (Real left, Real top)
 Sets the left and top of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

void _setDimensions (Real width, Real height)
 Sets the width and height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

virtual const StringgetMaterialName (void) const
 Gets the name of the material this element uses.

const MaterialPtrgetMaterial (void) const
 See Renderable.

void getWorldTransforms (Matrix4 *xform) const
 See Renderable.

const QuaterniongetWorldOrientation (void) const

const Vector3getWorldPosition (void) const

bool useIdentityProjection (void) const
 See Renderable.

bool useIdentityView (void) const
 See Renderable.

virtual void _positionsOutOfDate (void)
 Tell the object to recalculate.

virtual void _updateFromParent (void)
 Updates this elements transform based on it's parent.

virtual void _notifyParent (OverlayContainer *parent, Overlay *overlay)
 Internal method for notifying the gui element of it's parent and ultimate overlay.

virtual Real _getDerivedLeft (void)
 Gets the 'left' position as derived from own left and that of parents.

virtual Real _getDerivedTop (void)
 Gets the 'top' position as derived from own left and that of parents.

virtual void _getClippingRegion (Rectangle &clippingRegion)
 Gets the clipping region of the element.

virtual void _notifyZOrder (ushort newZOrder)
 Internal method to notify the element when Zorder of parent overlay has changed.

virtual void _notifyWorldTransforms (const Matrix4 &xform)
 Internal method to notify the element when it's world transform of parent overlay has changed.

virtual void _notifyViewport ()
 Internal method to notify the element when the viewport of parent overlay has changed.

virtual void _updateRenderQueue (RenderQueue *queue)
 Internal method to put the contents onto the render queue.

virtual GuiMetricsMode getMetricsMode (void) const
 Retrieves the current settings of how the element metrics are interpreted.

virtual void setHorizontalAlignment (GuiHorizontalAlignment gha)
 Sets the horizontal origin for this element.

virtual GuiHorizontalAlignment getHorizontalAlignment (void) const
 Gets the horizontal alignment for this element.

virtual void setVerticalAlignment (GuiVerticalAlignment gva)
 Sets the vertical origin for this element.

virtual GuiVerticalAlignment getVerticalAlignment (void) const
 Gets the vertical alignment for this element.

virtual bool contains (Real x, Real y) const
 Returns true if xy is within the constraints of the component.

virtual OverlayElementfindElementAt (Real x, Real y)
 Returns true if xy is within the constraints of the component.

virtual bool isContainer () const
 returns false as this class is not a container type

virtual bool isKeyEnabled () const
virtual bool isCloneable () const
virtual void setCloneable (bool c)
OverlayContainergetParent ()
 Returns the parent container.

void _setParent (OverlayContainer *parent)
ushort getZOrder () const
 Returns the zOrder of the element.

Real getSquaredViewDepth (const Camera *cam) const
 Overridden from Renderable.

const LightListgetLights (void) const
Directional lights, which have no position, will always be first on this list.

void copyFromTemplate (OverlayElement *templateOverlay)
virtual OverlayElementclone (const String &instanceName)
const OverlayElementgetSourceTemplate () const
ParamDictionarygetParamDictionary (void)
 Retrieves the parameter dictionary for this class.

const ParamDictionarygetParamDictionary (void) const
const ParameterListgetParameters (void) const
 Retrieves a list of parameters valid for this object.

virtual bool setParameter (const String &name, const String &value)
 Generic parameter setting method.

virtual void setParameterList (const NameValuePairList &paramList)
 Generic multiple parameter setting method.

virtual String getParameter (const String &name) const
 Generic parameter retrieval method.

virtual void copyParametersTo (StringInterface *dest) const
 Method for copying this object's parameters to another object.

virtual TechniquegetTechnique (void) const
 Retrieves a pointer to the Material Technique this renderable object uses.

virtual unsigned short getNumWorldTransforms (void) const
 Returns the number of world transform matrices this renderable requires.

virtual bool getNormaliseNormals (void) const
 Returns whether or not this Renderable wishes the hardware to normalise normals.

virtual const PlaneListgetClipPlanes () const
virtual bool getCastsShadows (void) const
 Method which reports whether this renderable would normally cast a shadow.

void setCustomParameter (size_t index, const Vector4 &value)
 Sets a custom parameter for this Renderable, which may be used to drive calculations for this specific Renderable, like GPU program parameters.

const Vector4getCustomParameter (size_t index) const
 Gets the custom value associated with this Renderable at the given index.

virtual void _updateCustomGpuParameter (const GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry &constantEntry, GpuProgramParameters *params) const
 Update a custom GpuProgramParameters constant which is derived from information only this Renderable knows.

virtual void setPolygonModeOverrideable (bool override)
 Sets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting.

virtual bool getPolygonModeOverrideable (void) const
 Gets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting.

Static Public Member Functions

void cleanupDictionary ()
 Cleans up the static 'msDictionary' required to reset Ogre, otherwise the containers are left with invalid pointers, which will lead to a crash as soon as one of the ResourceManager implementers (e.g.

Protected Types

typedef std::map< size_t,

Protected Member Functions

void addBaseParameters (void)
 Method for setting up base parameters for this class.

void checkMemoryAllocation (size_t numChars)
 Internal method to allocate memory, only reallocates when necessary.

virtual void updatePositionGeometry ()
 Inherited function.

virtual void updateTextureGeometry ()
 Inherited function.

virtual void updateColours (void)
 Updates vertex colours.

bool createParamDictionary (const String &className)
 Internal method for creating a parameter dictionary for the class, if it does not already exist.

Protected Attributes

Alignment mAlignment
 The text alignment.

bool mTransparent
 Flag indicating if this panel should be visual or just group things.

RenderOperation mRenderOp
 Render operation.

FontPtr mpFont
Real mCharHeight
ushort mPixelCharHeight
Real mSpaceWidth
ushort mPixelSpaceWidth
size_t mAllocSize
Real mViewportAspectCoef
ColourValue mColourBottom
 Colours to use for the vertices.

ColourValue mColourTop
bool mColoursChanged
String mName
bool mVisible
bool mCloneable
Real mLeft
Real mTop
Real mWidth
Real mHeight
String mMaterialName
MaterialPtr mpMaterial
String mCaption
ColourValue mColour
Rectangle mClippingRegion
GuiMetricsMode mMetricsMode
GuiHorizontalAlignment mHorzAlign
GuiVerticalAlignment mVertAlign
Real mPixelTop
Real mPixelLeft
Real mPixelWidth
Real mPixelHeight
Real mPixelScaleX
Real mPixelScaleY
Real mDerivedLeft
Real mDerivedTop
bool mDerivedOutOfDate
bool mGeomPositionsOutOfDate
 Flag indicating if the vertex positons need recalculating.

bool mGeomUVsOutOfDate
 Flag indicating if the vertex uvs need recalculating.

ushort mZOrder
Matrix4 mXForm
bool mEnabled
bool mInitialised
String mParamDictName
 Class name for this instance to be used as a lookup (must be initialised by subclasses).

CustomParameterMap mCustomParameters
bool mPolygonModeOverrideable

Static Protected Attributes

String msTypeName
CmdCharHeight msCmdCharHeight
CmdSpaceWidth msCmdSpaceWidth
CmdFontName msCmdFontName
CmdColour msCmdColour
CmdColourTop msCmdColourTop
CmdColourBottom msCmdColourBottom
CmdAlignment msCmdAlignment
OverlayElementCommands::CmdLeft msLeftCmd
OverlayElementCommands::CmdTop msTopCmd
OverlayElementCommands::CmdWidth msWidthCmd
OverlayElementCommands::CmdHeight msHeightCmd
OverlayElementCommands::CmdMaterial msMaterialCmd
OverlayElementCommands::CmdCaption msCaptionCmd
OverlayElementCommands::CmdMetricsMode msMetricsModeCmd
OverlayElementCommands::CmdHorizontalAlign msHorizontalAlignCmd
OverlayElementCommands::CmdVerticalAlign msVerticalAlignCmd
OverlayElementCommands::CmdVisible msVisibleCmd
ParamDictionaryMap msDictionary
 Dictionary of parameters.

const PlaneList msDummyPlaneList

Detailed Description

OverlayElement representing a flat, single-material (or transparent) panel which can contain other elements.

This class subclasses OverlayContainer because it can contain other elements. Like other containers, if hidden it's contents are also hidden, if moved it's contents also move etc. The panel itself is a 2D rectangle which is either completely transparent, or is rendered with a single material. The texture(s) on the panel can be tiled depending on your requirements.
This component is suitable for backgrounds and grouping other elements. Note that because it has a single repeating material it cannot have a discrete border (unless the texture has one and the texture is tiled only once). For a bordered panel, see it's subclass BorderTextAreaOverlayElement.
Note that the material can have all the usual effects applied to it like multiple texture layers, scrolling / animated textures etc. For multiple texture layers, you have to set the tiling level for each layer.

Definition at line 49 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<size_t, Vector4> Ogre::Renderable::CustomParameterMap [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 247 of file OgreRenderable.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::Alignment

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 52 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::TextAreaOverlayElement const String name  ) 


virtual Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::~TextAreaOverlayElement  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::_getClippingRegion Rectangle clippingRegion  )  [virtual, inherited]

Gets the clipping region of the element.

virtual Real Ogre::OverlayElement::_getDerivedLeft void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Gets the 'left' position as derived from own left and that of parents.

virtual Real Ogre::OverlayElement::_getDerivedTop void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Gets the 'top' position as derived from own left and that of parents.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::_getHeight void   )  const [inherited]

Gets the height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen height).

Definition at line 247 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

References Ogre::Real.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::_getLeft void   )  const [inherited]

Gets the left of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = far left, 1.0 = far right).

Definition at line 241 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

References Ogre::Real.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::_getTop void   )  const [inherited]

Gets the top of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = far left, 1.0 = far right).

Definition at line 243 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

References Ogre::Real.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::_getWidth void   )  const [inherited]

Gets the width of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

Definition at line 245 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

References Ogre::Real.

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::_notifyParent OverlayContainer parent,
Overlay overlay
[virtual, inherited]

Internal method for notifying the gui element of it's parent and ultimate overlay.

Reimplemented in Ogre::OverlayContainer.

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::_notifyViewport  )  [virtual, inherited]

Internal method to notify the element when the viewport of parent overlay has changed.

Reimplemented in Ogre::OverlayContainer.

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::_notifyWorldTransforms const Matrix4 xform  )  [virtual, inherited]

Internal method to notify the element when it's world transform of parent overlay has changed.

Reimplemented in Ogre::OverlayContainer.

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::_notifyZOrder ushort  newZOrder  )  [virtual, inherited]

Internal method to notify the element when Zorder of parent overlay has changed.

Overlays have explicit Z orders. OverlayElements do not, they inherit the ZOrder of the overlay, and the Zorder is incremented for every container nested within this to ensure that containers are displayed behind contained items. This method is used internally to notify the element of a change in final zorder which is used to render the element.

Reimplemented in Ogre::OverlayContainer.

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::_positionsOutOfDate void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Tell the object to recalculate.

Reimplemented in Ogre::OverlayContainer.

void Ogre::OverlayElement::_setDimensions Real  width,
Real  height

Sets the width and height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

void Ogre::OverlayElement::_setHeight Real  height  )  [inherited]

Sets the height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

void Ogre::OverlayElement::_setLeft Real  left  )  [inherited]

Sets the left of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

void Ogre::OverlayElement::_setParent OverlayContainer parent  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 444 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

void Ogre::OverlayElement::_setPosition Real  left,
Real  top

Sets the left and top of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

void Ogre::OverlayElement::_setTop Real  top  )  [inherited]

Sets the top of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

void Ogre::OverlayElement::_setWidth Real  width  )  [inherited]

Sets the width of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::_update void   )  [virtual]

Overridden from OverlayElement.

Reimplemented from Ogre::OverlayElement.

virtual void Ogre::Renderable::_updateCustomGpuParameter const GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry constantEntry,
GpuProgramParameters params
const [virtual, inherited]

Update a custom GpuProgramParameters constant which is derived from information only this Renderable knows.

This method allows a Renderable to map in a custom GPU program parameter based on it's own data. This is represented by a GPU auto parameter of ACT_CUSTOM, and to allow there to be more than one of these per Renderable, the 'data' field on the auto parameter will identify which parameter is being updated. The implementation of this method must identify the parameter being updated, and call a 'setConstant' method on the passed in GpuProgramParameters object, using the details provided in the incoming auto constant setting to identify the index at which to set the parameter.
You do not need to override this method if you're using the standard sets of data associated with the Renderable as provided by setCustomParameter and getCustomParameter. By default, the implementation will map from the value indexed by the '' parameter to a value previously set by setCustomParameter. But custom Renderables are free to override this if they want, in any case.
constantEntry The auto constant entry referring to the parameter being updated
params The parameters object which this method should call to set the updated parameters.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SubEntity, and Ogre::TerrainRenderable.

Definition at line 215 of file OgreRenderable.h.

References Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry::data, Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry::index, and Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::setConstant().

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::_updateFromParent void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Updates this elements transform based on it's parent.

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::_updateRenderQueue RenderQueue queue  )  [virtual, inherited]

Internal method to put the contents onto the render queue.

Reimplemented in Ogre::BorderPanelOverlayElement, Ogre::OverlayContainer, and Ogre::PanelOverlayElement.

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::addBaseParameters void   )  [protected, virtual]

Method for setting up base parameters for this class.

Reimplemented from Ogre::OverlayElement.

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::checkMemoryAllocation size_t  numChars  )  [protected]

Internal method to allocate memory, only reallocates when necessary.

void Ogre::StringInterface::cleanupDictionary  )  [static, inherited]

Cleans up the static 'msDictionary' required to reset Ogre, otherwise the containers are left with invalid pointers, which will lead to a crash as soon as one of the ResourceManager implementers (e.g.

MaterialManager) initializes.

virtual OverlayElement* Ogre::OverlayElement::clone const String instanceName  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in Ogre::OverlayContainer.

virtual bool Ogre::OverlayElement::contains Real  x,
Real  y
const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true if xy is within the constraints of the component.

void Ogre::OverlayElement::copyFromTemplate OverlayElement templateOverlay  )  [inherited]

Reimplemented in Ogre::OverlayContainer.

virtual void Ogre::StringInterface::copyParametersTo StringInterface dest  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Method for copying this object's parameters to another object.

This method takes the values of all the object's parameters and tries to set the same values on the destination object. This provides a completely type independent way to copy parameters to other objects. Note that because of the String manipulation involved, this should not be regarded as an efficient process and should be saved for times outside of the rendering loop.
Any unrecognised parameters will be ignored as with setParameter method.
dest Pointer to object to have it's parameters set the same as this object.

Definition at line 296 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

References Ogre::ParamDictionary::mParamDefs, and Ogre::StringInterface::setParameter().

bool Ogre::StringInterface::createParamDictionary const String className  )  [protected, inherited]

Internal method for creating a parameter dictionary for the class, if it does not already exist.

This method will check to see if a parameter dictionary exist for this class yet, and if not will create one. NB you must supply the name of the class (RTTI is not used or performance).
className the name of the class using the dictionary
true if a new dictionary was created, false if it was already there

Definition at line 172 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

References Ogre::String.

virtual OverlayElement* Ogre::OverlayElement::findElementAt Real  x,
Real  y
[virtual, inherited]

Returns true if xy is within the constraints of the component.

Reimplemented in Ogre::OverlayContainer.

Alignment Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::getAlignment  )  const

Definition at line 118 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

const String& Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::getCaption  )  const [virtual]

Gets the caption for this element.

Reimplemented from Ogre::OverlayElement.

virtual bool Ogre::Renderable::getCastsShadows void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Method which reports whether this renderable would normally cast a shadow.

Subclasses should override this if they could have been used to generate a shadow.

Reimplemented in Ogre::StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket, and Ogre::SubEntity.

Definition at line 150 of file OgreRenderable.h.

Real Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::getCharHeight  )  const

virtual const PlaneList& Ogre::Renderable::getClipPlanes  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 142 of file OgreRenderable.h.

References Ogre::PlaneList.

const ColourValue& Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::getColour void   )  const [virtual]

Gets the colour of the text.

Reimplemented from Ogre::OverlayElement.

const ColourValue& Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::getColourBottom void   )  const

Gets the colour of the bottom of the letters.

const ColourValue& Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::getColourTop void   )  const

Gets the colour of the top of the letters.

const Vector4& Ogre::Renderable::getCustomParameter size_t  index  )  const [inherited]

Gets the custom value associated with this Renderable at the given index.

@see setCustomParaemter for full details.

Definition at line 176 of file OgreRenderable.h.

References OGRE_EXCEPT.

const String& Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::getFontName  )  const

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::getHeight void   )  const [inherited]

Gets the height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen height).

virtual GuiHorizontalAlignment Ogre::OverlayElement::getHorizontalAlignment void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets the horizontal alignment for this element.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::getLeft void   )  const [inherited]

Gets the left of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = far left, 1.0 = far right).

const LightList& Ogre::OverlayElement::getLights void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Directional lights, which have no position, will always be first on this list.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

Definition at line 459 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

References Ogre::LightList.

const MaterialPtr& Ogre::OverlayElement::getMaterial void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

See Renderable.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

virtual const String& Ogre::OverlayElement::getMaterialName void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets the name of the material this element uses.

virtual GuiMetricsMode Ogre::OverlayElement::getMetricsMode void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Retrieves the current settings of how the element metrics are interpreted.

const String& Ogre::OverlayElement::getName void   )  const [inherited]

Gets the name of this overlay.

Referenced by Ogre::OverlayContainer::_removeChild().

virtual bool Ogre::Renderable::getNormaliseNormals void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns whether or not this Renderable wishes the hardware to normalise normals.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SubEntity.

Definition at line 134 of file OgreRenderable.h.

virtual unsigned short Ogre::Renderable::getNumWorldTransforms void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the number of world transform matrices this renderable requires.

When a renderable uses vertex blending, it uses multiple world matrices instead of a single one. Each vertex sent to the pipeline can reference one or more matrices in this list with given weights. If a renderable does not use vertex blending this method returns 1, which is the default for simplicity.

Reimplemented in Ogre::BorderRenderable, and Ogre::SubEntity.

Definition at line 104 of file OgreRenderable.h.

const ParamDictionary* Ogre::StringInterface::getParamDictionary void   )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 209 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

ParamDictionary* Ogre::StringInterface::getParamDictionary void   )  [inherited]

Retrieves the parameter dictionary for this class.

Only valid to call this after createParamDictionary.
Pointer to ParamDictionary shared by all instances of this class which you can add parameters to, retrieve parameters etc.

Definition at line 196 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

virtual String Ogre::StringInterface::getParameter const String name  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Generic parameter retrieval method.

Call this method with the name of a parameter to retrieve a string-format value of the parameter in question. If in doubt, check the parameter definition in the list returned from getParameters for the type of this parameter. If you like you can use StringConverter to convert this string back into a native type.
name The name of the parameter to get
String value of parameter, blank if not found

Definition at line 265 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

References Ogre::ParamCommand::doGet(), Ogre::ParamDictionary::getParamCommand(), and Ogre::String.

const ParameterList& Ogre::StringInterface::getParameters void   )  const [inherited]

Retrieves a list of parameters valid for this object.

A reference to a static list of ParameterDef objects.

OverlayContainer* Ogre::OverlayElement::getParent  )  [inherited]

Returns the parent container.

virtual bool Ogre::Renderable::getPolygonModeOverrideable void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting.

Reimplemented in Ogre::BorderRenderable.

Definition at line 239 of file OgreRenderable.h.

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::getRenderOperation RenderOperation op  )  [virtual]

See Renderable.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

const OverlayElement* Ogre::OverlayElement::getSourceTemplate  )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 470 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::getSpaceWidth  )  const

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::getSquaredViewDepth const Camera cam  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Overridden from Renderable.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

Definition at line 453 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

References Ogre::Real.

virtual Technique* Ogre::Renderable::getTechnique void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Retrieves a pointer to the Material Technique this renderable object uses.

This is to allow Renderables to use a chosen Technique if they wish, otherwise they will use the best Technique available for the Material they are using.

Reimplemented in Ogre::StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket, and Ogre::SubEntity.

Definition at line 69 of file OgreRenderable.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::getTop void   )  const [inherited]

Gets the top of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = top, 1.0 = bottom).

virtual const String& Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::getTypeName void   )  const [virtual]

See OverlayElement.

Implements Ogre::OverlayElement.

virtual GuiVerticalAlignment Ogre::OverlayElement::getVerticalAlignment void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets the vertical alignment for this element.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::getWidth void   )  const [inherited]

Gets the width of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

const Quaternion& Ogre::OverlayElement::getWorldOrientation void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

const Vector3& Ogre::OverlayElement::getWorldPosition void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

void Ogre::OverlayElement::getWorldTransforms Matrix4 xform  )  const [virtual, inherited]

See Renderable.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

ushort Ogre::OverlayElement::getZOrder void   )  const [inherited]

Returns the zOrder of the element.

Definition at line 449 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

References Ogre::ushort.

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::hide void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Hides this element if it was visible.

virtual void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::initialise void   )  [virtual]

Initialise gui element.

Implements Ogre::OverlayElement.

virtual bool Ogre::OverlayElement::isCloneable  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 434 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

virtual bool Ogre::OverlayElement::isContainer  )  const [virtual, inherited]

returns false as this class is not a container type

Reimplemented in Ogre::OverlayContainer.

Definition at line 428 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

bool Ogre::OverlayElement::isEnabled  )  const [inherited]

virtual bool Ogre::OverlayElement::isKeyEnabled  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 431 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

bool Ogre::OverlayElement::isVisible void   )  const [inherited]

Returns whether or not the element is visible.

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::setAlignment Alignment  a  ) 

Definition at line 113 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::setCaption const String caption  )  [virtual]

Sets the caption on elements that support it.

This property doesn't do something on all elements, just those that support it. However, being a common requirement it is in the top-level interface to avoid having to set it via the StringInterface all the time.

Reimplemented from Ogre::OverlayElement.

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::setCharHeight Real  height  ) 

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::setCloneable bool  c  )  [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 437 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::setColour const ColourValue col  )  [virtual]

Sets the colour of the text.

This method establishes a constant colour for the entire text. Also see setColourBottom and setColourTop which allow you to set a colour gradient.

Reimplemented from Ogre::OverlayElement.

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::setColourBottom const ColourValue col  ) 

Sets the colour of the bottom of the letters.

By setting a separate top and bottom colour, you can create a text area which has a graduated colour effect to it.

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::setColourTop const ColourValue col  ) 

Sets the colour of the top of the letters.

By setting a separate top and bottom colour, you can create a text area which has a graduated colour effect to it.

void Ogre::Renderable::setCustomParameter size_t  index,
const Vector4 value

Sets a custom parameter for this Renderable, which may be used to drive calculations for this specific Renderable, like GPU program parameters.

Calling this method simply associates a numeric index with a 4-dimensional value for this specific Renderable. This is most useful if the material which this Renderable uses a vertex or fragment program, and has an ACT_CUSTOM parameter entry. This parameter entry can refer to the index you specify as part of this call, thereby mapping a custom parameter for this renderable to a program parameter.
index The index with which to associate the value. Note that this does not have to start at 0, and can include gaps. It also has no direct correlation with a GPU program parameter index - the mapping between the two is performed by the ACT_CUSTOM entry, if that is used.
value The value to associate.

Definition at line 167 of file OgreRenderable.h.

void Ogre::OverlayElement::setDimensions Real  width,
Real  height

Sets the dimensions of this element in relation to the screen (1.0 = screen width/height).

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::setEnabled bool  b  )  [virtual, inherited]

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::setFontName const String font  ) 

void Ogre::OverlayElement::setHeight Real  height  )  [inherited]

Sets the height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen height).

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::setHorizontalAlignment GuiHorizontalAlignment  gha  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the horizontal origin for this element.

By default, the horizontal origin for a OverlayElement is the left edge of the parent container (or the screen if this is a root element). You can alter this by calling this method, which is especially useful when you want to use pixel-based metrics (see setMetricsMode) since in this mode you can't use relative positioning.
For example, if you were using GMM_PIXELS metrics mode, and you wanted to place a 30x30 pixel crosshair in the center of the screen, you would use GHA_CENTER with a 'left' property of -15.
Note that neither GHA_CENTER or GHA_RIGHT alter the position of the element based on it's width, you have to alter the 'left' to a negative number to do that; all this does is establish the origin. This is because this way you can align multiple things in the center and right with different 'left' offsets for maximum flexibility.

void Ogre::OverlayElement::setLeft Real  left  )  [inherited]

Sets the left of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = far left, 1.0 = far right).

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::setMaterialName const String matName  )  [virtual]

Overridden from OverlayElement.

Reimplemented from Ogre::OverlayElement.

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::setMetricsMode GuiMetricsMode  gmm  )  [virtual]

Overridden from OverlayElement.

Reimplemented from Ogre::OverlayElement.

virtual bool Ogre::StringInterface::setParameter const String name,
const String value
[virtual, inherited]

Generic parameter setting method.

Call this method with the name of a parameter and a string version of the value to set. The implementor will convert the string to a native type internally. If in doubt, check the parameter definition in the list returned from StringInterface::getParameters.
name The name of the parameter to set
value String value. Must be in the right format for the type specified in the parameter definition. See the StringConverter class for more information.
true if set was successful, false otherwise (NB no exceptions thrown - tolerant method)

Referenced by Ogre::StringInterface::copyParametersTo().

virtual void Ogre::StringInterface::setParameterList const NameValuePairList paramList  )  [virtual, inherited]

Generic multiple parameter setting method.

Call this method with a list of name / value pairs to set. The implementor will convert the string to a native type internally. If in doubt, check the parameter definition in the list returned from StringInterface::getParameters.
paramList Name/value pair list

virtual void Ogre::Renderable::setPolygonModeOverrideable bool  override  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting.

override true means that a lower camera detail will override this renderables detail level, false means it won't.

Definition at line 231 of file OgreRenderable.h.

void Ogre::OverlayElement::setPosition Real  left,
Real  top

Sets the position of the top-left corner of the element, relative to the screen size (1.0 = screen width / height).

void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::setSpaceWidth Real  width  ) 

void Ogre::OverlayElement::setTop Real  Top  )  [inherited]

Sets the top of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = top, 1.0 = bottom).

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::setVerticalAlignment GuiVerticalAlignment  gva  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the vertical origin for this element.

By default, the vertical origin for a OverlayElement is the top edge of the parent container (or the screen if this is a root element). You can alter this by calling this method, which is especially useful when you want to use pixel-based metrics (see setMetricsMode) since in this mode you can't use relative positioning.
For example, if you were using GMM_PIXELS metrics mode, and you wanted to place a 30x30 pixel crosshair in the center of the screen, you would use GHA_CENTER with a 'top' property of -15.
Note that neither GVA_CENTER or GVA_BOTTOM alter the position of the element based on it's height, you have to alter the 'top' to a negative number to do that; all this does is establish the origin. This is because this way you can align multiple things in the center and bottom with different 'top' offsets for maximum flexibility.

void Ogre::OverlayElement::setWidth Real  width  )  [inherited]

Sets the width of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width).

virtual void Ogre::OverlayElement::show void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Shows this element if it was hidden.

virtual void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::updateColours void   )  [protected, virtual]

Updates vertex colours.

virtual void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::updatePositionGeometry  )  [protected, virtual]

Inherited function.

Implements Ogre::OverlayElement.

virtual void Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::updateTextureGeometry  )  [protected, virtual]

Inherited function.

Implements Ogre::OverlayElement.

bool Ogre::OverlayElement::useIdentityProjection void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

See Renderable.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Renderable.

bool Ogre::OverlayElement::useIdentityView void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

See Renderable.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Renderable.

Member Data Documentation

Alignment Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mAlignment [protected]

The text alignment.

Definition at line 212 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

size_t Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mAllocSize [protected]

Definition at line 240 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

String Ogre::OverlayElement::mCaption [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 120 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mCharHeight [protected]

Definition at line 236 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

Rectangle Ogre::OverlayElement::mClippingRegion [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 122 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

bool Ogre::OverlayElement::mCloneable [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 113 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

ColourValue Ogre::OverlayElement::mColour [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 121 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

ColourValue Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mColourBottom [protected]

Colours to use for the vertices.

Definition at line 244 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

bool Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mColoursChanged [protected]

Definition at line 246 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

ColourValue Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mColourTop [protected]

Definition at line 245 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

CustomParameterMap Ogre::Renderable::mCustomParameters [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 248 of file OgreRenderable.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::mDerivedLeft [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 142 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

bool Ogre::OverlayElement::mDerivedOutOfDate [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 144 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::mDerivedTop [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 143 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

bool Ogre::OverlayElement::mEnabled [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 159 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

bool Ogre::OverlayElement::mGeomPositionsOutOfDate [protected, inherited]

Flag indicating if the vertex positons need recalculating.

Definition at line 147 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

bool Ogre::OverlayElement::mGeomUVsOutOfDate [protected, inherited]

Flag indicating if the vertex uvs need recalculating.

Definition at line 149 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::mHeight [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 117 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

GuiHorizontalAlignment Ogre::OverlayElement::mHorzAlign [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 125 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

bool Ogre::OverlayElement::mInitialised [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 162 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::mLeft [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 114 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

String Ogre::OverlayElement::mMaterialName [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 118 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

GuiMetricsMode Ogre::OverlayElement::mMetricsMode [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 124 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

String Ogre::OverlayElement::mName [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 111 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Overlay* Ogre::OverlayElement::mOverlay [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 139 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

String Ogre::StringInterface::mParamDictName [protected, inherited]

Class name for this instance to be used as a lookup (must be initialised by subclasses).

Definition at line 160 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

OverlayContainer* Ogre::OverlayElement::mParent [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 137 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

FontPtr Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mpFont [protected]

Definition at line 235 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

ushort Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mPixelCharHeight [protected]

Definition at line 237 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::mPixelHeight [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 132 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::mPixelLeft [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 130 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::mPixelScaleX [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 133 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::mPixelScaleY [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 134 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

ushort Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mPixelSpaceWidth [protected]

Definition at line 239 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::mPixelTop [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 129 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::mPixelWidth [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 131 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

MaterialPtr Ogre::OverlayElement::mpMaterial [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 119 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

bool Ogre::Renderable::mPolygonModeOverrideable [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 249 of file OgreRenderable.h.

RenderOperation Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mRenderOp [protected]

Render operation.

Definition at line 218 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

OverlayElementCommands::CmdCaption Ogre::OverlayElement::msCaptionCmd [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 104 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

CmdAlignment Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::msCmdAlignment [static, protected]

Definition at line 232 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

CmdCharHeight Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::msCmdCharHeight [static, protected]

Definition at line 226 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

CmdColour Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::msCmdColour [static, protected]

Definition at line 229 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

CmdColourBottom Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::msCmdColourBottom [static, protected]

Definition at line 231 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

CmdColourTop Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::msCmdColourTop [static, protected]

Definition at line 230 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

CmdFontName Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::msCmdFontName [static, protected]

Definition at line 228 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

CmdSpaceWidth Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::msCmdSpaceWidth [static, protected]

Definition at line 227 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

ParamDictionaryMap Ogre::StringInterface::msDictionary [static, protected, inherited]

Dictionary of parameters.

Definition at line 157 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

const PlaneList Ogre::Renderable::msDummyPlaneList [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 246 of file OgreRenderable.h.

OverlayElementCommands::CmdHeight Ogre::OverlayElement::msHeightCmd [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 102 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

OverlayElementCommands::CmdHorizontalAlign Ogre::OverlayElement::msHorizontalAlignCmd [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 106 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

OverlayElementCommands::CmdLeft Ogre::OverlayElement::msLeftCmd [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 99 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

OverlayElementCommands::CmdMaterial Ogre::OverlayElement::msMaterialCmd [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 103 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

OverlayElementCommands::CmdMetricsMode Ogre::OverlayElement::msMetricsModeCmd [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 105 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

OverlayElement* Ogre::OverlayElement::mSourceTemplate [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 165 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mSpaceWidth [protected]

Definition at line 238 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

OverlayElementCommands::CmdTop Ogre::OverlayElement::msTopCmd [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 100 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

String Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::msTypeName [static, protected]

Definition at line 223 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

OverlayElementCommands::CmdVerticalAlign Ogre::OverlayElement::msVerticalAlignCmd [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 107 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

OverlayElementCommands::CmdVisible Ogre::OverlayElement::msVisibleCmd [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 108 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

OverlayElementCommands::CmdWidth Ogre::OverlayElement::msWidthCmd [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 101 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::mTop [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 115 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

bool Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mTransparent [protected]

Flag indicating if this panel should be visual or just group things.

Definition at line 215 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

GuiVerticalAlignment Ogre::OverlayElement::mVertAlign [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 126 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::TextAreaOverlayElement::mViewportAspectCoef [protected]

Definition at line 241 of file OgreTextAreaOverlayElement.h.

bool Ogre::OverlayElement::mVisible [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 112 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Real Ogre::OverlayElement::mWidth [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 116 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::OverlayElement::mXForm [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 156 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

ushort Ogre::OverlayElement::mZOrder [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 153 of file OgreOverlayElement.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:45:28 2006