Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Object Orientation - more than just a buzzword
1.2 Multi-everything
2. The Core Objects
2.1 The Root object
2.2 The RenderSystem object
2.3 The SceneManager object
2.4 The ResourceManager Objects
2.5 The Mesh Object
2.6 Entities
2.7 Materials
2.8 Overlays
2.9 Skeletal Animation
3. Scripts
3.1 Material Scripts
3.1.1 Techniques
3.1.2 Passes
3.1.3 Texture Units
3.1.4 Declaring Vertex and Fragment Programs
3.1.5 Using Vertex and Fragment Programs in a Pass
3.2 Particle Scripts
3.2.1 Particle System Attributes
3.2.2 Particle Emitters
3.2.3 Particle Emitter Attributes
3.2.4 Standard Particle Emitters
3.2.5 Particle Affectors
3.2.6 Standard Particle Affectors
3.3 Overlay Scripts
3.3.1 OverlayElement Attributes
3.3.2 Standard OverlayElements
3.4 Font Definition Scripts
4. Mesh Tools
4.1 Exporters
4.2 XmlConverter
4.3 MeshUpgrader
5. Hardware Buffers
5.1 The Hardware Buffer Manager
5.2 Buffer Usage
5.3 Shadow Buffers
5.4 Locking buffers
5.5 Practical Buffer Tips
5.6 Hardware Vertex Buffers
5.6.1 The VertexData class
5.6.2 Vertex Declarations
5.6.3 Vertex Buffer Bindings
5.6.4 Updating Vertex Buffers
5.7 Hardware Index Buffers
5.7.1 The IndexData class
5.7.2 Updating Index Buffers
5.8 Hardware Pixel Buffers
5.8.1 Textures
5.8.2 Updating Pixel Buffers
5.8.3 Texture Types
5.8.4 Pixel Formats
5.8.5 Pixel boxes
6. External Texture Sources
7. Shadows
7.1 Stencil Shadows
7.2 Texture-based Shadows
7.3 Modulative Shadows
7.4 Additive Light Masking
This document was generated by
Steve Streeting
, 12 2006