#include <OgreSceneNode.h>
Inheritance diagram for Ogre::SceneNode:
Public Types | |
typedef HashMap< String, MovableObject * > | ObjectMap |
typedef MapIterator< ObjectMap > | ObjectIterator |
typedef ConstMapIterator< ObjectMap > | ConstObjectIterator |
typedef HashMap< String, Node * > | ChildNodeMap |
typedef MapIterator< ChildNodeMap > | ChildNodeIterator |
typedef ConstMapIterator< ChildNodeMap > | ConstChildNodeIterator |
enum | TransformSpace { TS_LOCAL, TS_PARENT, TS_WORLD } |
Enumeration denoting the spaces which a transform can be relative to. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
SceneNode (SceneManager *creator) | |
Constructor, only to be called by the creator SceneManager. | |
SceneNode (SceneManager *creator, const String &name) | |
Constructor, only to be called by the creator SceneManager. | |
~SceneNode () | |
virtual void | attachObject (MovableObject *obj) |
Adds an instance of a scene object to this node. | |
virtual unsigned short | numAttachedObjects (void) const |
Reports the number of objects attached to this node. | |
virtual MovableObject * | getAttachedObject (unsigned short index) |
Retrieves a pointer to an attached object. | |
virtual MovableObject * | getAttachedObject (const String &name) |
Retrieves a pointer to an attached object. | |
virtual MovableObject * | detachObject (unsigned short index) |
Detaches the indexed object from this scene node. | |
virtual void | detachObject (MovableObject *obj) |
Detaches an object by pointer. | |
virtual MovableObject * | detachObject (const String &name) |
Detaches the named object from this node and returns a pointer to it. | |
virtual void | detachAllObjects (void) |
Detaches all objects attached to this node. | |
virtual bool | isInSceneGraph (void) const |
Determines whether this node is in the scene graph, ie whether it's ulitimate ancestor is the root scene node. | |
virtual void | _notifyRootNode (void) |
Notifies this SceneNode that it is the root scene node. | |
virtual void | _update (bool updateChildren, bool parentHasChanged) |
Internal method to update the Node. | |
virtual void | _findVisibleObjects (Camera *cam, RenderQueue *queue, bool includeChildren=true, bool displayNodes=false, bool onlyShadowCasters=false) |
Internal method which locates any visible objects attached to this node and adds them to the passed in queue. | |
virtual AxisAlignedBox | _getWorldAABB (void) const |
Gets the axis-aligned bounding box of this node (and hence all subnodes). | |
virtual ObjectIterator | getAttachedObjectIterator (void) |
Retrieves an iterator which can be used to efficiently step through the objects attached to this node. | |
virtual ConstObjectIterator | getAttachedObjectIterator (void) const |
Retrieves an iterator which can be used to efficiently step through the objects attached to this node. | |
SceneManager * | getCreator (void) const |
Gets the creator of this scene node. | |
virtual void | removeAndDestroyChild (const String &name) |
This method removes and destroys the named child and all of its children. | |
virtual void | removeAndDestroyChild (unsigned short index) |
This method removes and destroys the child and all of its children. | |
virtual void | removeAndDestroyAllChildren (void) |
Removes and destroys all children of this node. | |
virtual void | showBoundingBox (bool bShow) |
Allows the showing of the node's bounding box. | |
virtual void | _addBoundingBoxToQueue (RenderQueue *queue) |
Add the bounding box to the rendering queue. | |
virtual bool | getShowBoundingBox () const |
This allows scene managers to determine if the node's bounding box should be added to the rendering queue. | |
virtual SceneNode * | createChildSceneNode (const Vector3 &translate=Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion &rotate=Quaternion::IDENTITY) |
Creates an unnamed new SceneNode as a child of this node. | |
virtual SceneNode * | createChildSceneNode (const String &name, const Vector3 &translate=Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion &rotate=Quaternion::IDENTITY) |
Creates a new named SceneNode as a child of this node. | |
const LightList & | findLights (Real radius) const |
Allows retrieval of the nearest lights to the centre of this SceneNode. | |
void | setFixedYawAxis (bool useFixed, const Vector3 &fixedAxis=Vector3::UNIT_Y) |
Tells the node whether to yaw around it's own local Y axis or a fixed axis of choice. | |
virtual void | yaw (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL) |
Rotate the node around the Y-axis. | |
void | setDirection (Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL, const Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) |
Sets the node's direction vector ie it's local -z. | |
void | setDirection (const Vector3 &vec, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL, const Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) |
Sets the node's direction vector ie it's local -z. | |
void | lookAt (const Vector3 &targetPoint, TransformSpace relativeTo, const Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) |
Points the local -Z direction of this node at a point in space. | |
void | setAutoTracking (bool enabled, SceneNode *target=0, const Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z, const Vector3 &offset=Vector3::ZERO) |
Enables / disables automatic tracking of another SceneNode. | |
SceneNode * | getAutoTrackTarget (void) |
Get the auto tracking target for this node, if any. | |
const Vector3 & | getAutoTrackOffset (void) |
Get the auto tracking offset for this node, if the node is auto tracking. | |
const Vector3 & | getAutoTrackLocalDirection (void) |
Get the auto tracking local direction for this node, if it is auto tracking. | |
void | _autoTrack (void) |
Internal method used by OGRE to update auto-tracking cameras. | |
SceneNode * | getParentSceneNode (void) const |
Gets the parent of this SceneNode. | |
void | setVisible (bool visible, bool cascade=true) |
Makes all objects attached to this node become visible / invisble. | |
void | flipVisibility (bool cascade=true) |
Inverts the visibility of all objects attached to this node. | |
const String & | getName (void) const |
Returns the name of the node. | |
virtual Node * | getParent (void) const |
Gets this node's parent (NULL if this is the root). | |
virtual const Quaternion & | getOrientation () const |
Returns a quaternion representing the nodes orientation. | |
virtual void | setOrientation (const Quaternion &q) |
Sets the orientation of this node via a quaternion. | |
virtual void | setOrientation (Real w, Real x, Real y, Real z) |
Sets the orientation of this node via quaternion parameters. | |
virtual void | resetOrientation (void) |
Resets the nodes orientation (local axes as world axes, no rotation). | |
virtual void | setPosition (const Vector3 &pos) |
Sets the position of the node relative to it's parent. | |
virtual void | setPosition (Real x, Real y, Real z) |
Sets the position of the node relative to it's parent. | |
virtual const Vector3 & | getPosition (void) const |
Gets the position of the node relative to it's parent. | |
virtual void | setScale (const Vector3 &scale) |
Sets the scaling factor applied to this node. | |
virtual void | setScale (Real x, Real y, Real z) |
Sets the scaling factor applied to this node. | |
virtual const Vector3 & | getScale (void) const |
Gets the scaling factor of this node. | |
virtual void | setInheritScale (bool inherit) |
Tells the node whether it should inherit scaling factors from it's parent node. | |
virtual bool | getInheritScale (void) const |
Returns true if this node is affected by scaling factors applied to the parent node. | |
virtual void | scale (const Vector3 &scale) |
Scales the node, combining it's current scale with the passed in scaling factor. | |
virtual void | scale (Real x, Real y, Real z) |
Scales the node, combining it's current scale with the passed in scaling factor. | |
virtual void | translate (const Vector3 &d, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT) |
Moves the node along the cartesian axes. | |
virtual void | translate (Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT) |
Moves the node along the cartesian axes. | |
virtual void | translate (const Matrix3 &axes, const Vector3 &move, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT) |
Moves the node along arbitrary axes. | |
virtual void | translate (const Matrix3 &axes, Real x, Real y, Real z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_PARENT) |
Moves the node along arbitrary axes. | |
virtual void | roll (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL) |
Rotate the node around the Z-axis. | |
virtual void | pitch (const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL) |
Rotate the node around the X-axis. | |
virtual void | rotate (const Vector3 &axis, const Radian &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL) |
Rotate the node around an arbitrary axis. | |
virtual void | rotate (const Quaternion &q, TransformSpace relativeTo=TS_LOCAL) |
Rotate the node around an aritrary axis using a Quarternion. | |
virtual Matrix3 | getLocalAxes (void) const |
Gets a matrix whose columns are the local axes based on the nodes orientation relative to it's parent. | |
virtual Node * | createChild (const Vector3 &translate=Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion &rotate=Quaternion::IDENTITY) |
Creates an unnamed new Node as a child of this node. | |
virtual Node * | createChild (const String &name, const Vector3 &translate=Vector3::ZERO, const Quaternion &rotate=Quaternion::IDENTITY) |
Creates a new named Node as a child of this node. | |
virtual void | addChild (Node *child) |
Adds a (precreated) child scene node to this node. | |
virtual unsigned short | numChildren (void) const |
Reports the number of child nodes under this one. | |
virtual Node * | getChild (unsigned short index) const |
Gets a pointer to a child node. | |
virtual Node * | getChild (const String &name) const |
Gets a pointer to a named child node. | |
virtual ChildNodeIterator | getChildIterator (void) |
Retrieves an iterator for efficiently looping through all children of this node. | |
virtual ConstChildNodeIterator | getChildIterator (void) const |
Retrieves an iterator for efficiently looping through all children of this node. | |
virtual Node * | removeChild (unsigned short index) |
Drops the specified child from this node. | |
virtual Node * | removeChild (Node *child) |
Drops the specified child from this node. | |
virtual Node * | removeChild (const String &name) |
Drops the named child from this node. | |
virtual void | removeAllChildren (void) |
Removes all child Nodes attached to this node. | |
virtual const Quaternion & | _getDerivedOrientation (void) const |
Gets the orientation of the node as derived from all parents. | |
virtual const Vector3 & | _getDerivedPosition (void) const |
Gets the position of the node as derived from all parents. | |
virtual const Vector3 & | _getDerivedScale (void) const |
Gets the scaling factor of the node as derived from all parents. | |
virtual Matrix4 | _getFullTransform (void) const |
Gets the full transformation matrix for this node. | |
const MaterialPtr & | getMaterial (void) const |
Overridden from Renderable. | |
void | getRenderOperation (RenderOperation &op) |
Overridden from Renderable. | |
void | getWorldTransforms (Matrix4 *xform) const |
Overridden from Renderable. | |
const Quaternion & | getWorldOrientation (void) const |
| |
const Vector3 & | getWorldPosition (void) const |
| |
virtual void | setInitialState (void) |
Sets the current transform of this node to be the 'initial state' ie that position / orientation / scale to be used as a basis for delta values used in keyframe animation. | |
virtual void | resetToInitialState (void) |
Resets the position / orientation / scale of this node to it's initial state, see setInitialState for more info. | |
virtual const Vector3 & | getInitialPosition (void) const |
Gets the initial position of this node, see setInitialState for more info. | |
virtual const Quaternion & | getInitialOrientation (void) const |
Gets the initial orientation of this node, see setInitialState for more info. | |
virtual const Vector3 & | getInitialScale (void) const |
Gets the initial position of this node, see setInitialState for more info. | |
virtual void | _weightedTransform (Real weight, const Vector3 &translate, const Quaternion &rotate, const Vector3 &scale) |
Internal weighted transform method. | |
Real | getSquaredViewDepth (const Camera *cam) const |
Overridden, see Renderable. | |
virtual void | needUpdate () |
To be called in the event of transform changes to this node that require it's recalculation. | |
virtual void | requestUpdate (Node *child) |
Called by children to notify their parent that they need an update. | |
virtual void | cancelUpdate (Node *child) |
Called by children to notify their parent that they no longer need an update. | |
const LightList & | getLights (void) const |
| |
virtual Technique * | getTechnique (void) const |
Retrieves a pointer to the Material Technique this renderable object uses. | |
virtual unsigned short | getNumWorldTransforms (void) const |
Returns the number of world transform matrices this renderable requires. | |
virtual bool | useIdentityProjection (void) const |
Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection. | |
virtual bool | useIdentityView (void) const |
Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection. | |
virtual SceneDetailLevel | getRenderDetail () const |
Returns the preferred rasterisation mode of this renderable. | |
virtual bool | getNormaliseNormals (void) const |
Returns whether or not this Renderable wishes the hardware to normalise normals. | |
virtual const PlaneList & | getClipPlanes () const |
virtual bool | getCastsShadows (void) const |
Method which reports whether this renderable would normally cast a shadow. | |
void | setCustomParameter (size_t index, const Vector4 &value) |
Sets a custom parameter for this Renderable, which may be used to drive calculations for this specific Renderable, like GPU program parameters. | |
const Vector4 & | getCustomParameter (size_t index) const |
Gets the custom value associated with this Renderable at the given index. | |
virtual void | _updateCustomGpuParameter (const GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry &constantEntry, GpuProgramParameters *params) const |
Update a custom GpuProgramParameters constant which is derived from information only this Renderable knows. | |
virtual void | setRenderDetailOverrideable (bool override) |
Sets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting. | |
virtual bool | getRenderDetailOverrideable (void) const |
Gets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting. | |
Protected Types | |
typedef std::set< Node * > | ChildUpdateSet |
typedef std::map< size_t, Vector4 > | CustomParameterMap |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | _updateBounds (void) |
Tells the SceneNode to update the world bound info it stores. | |
Node * | createChildImpl (void) |
See Node. | |
Node * | createChildImpl (const String &name) |
See Node. | |
void | setParent (Node *parent) |
See Node. | |
void | setInSceneGraph (bool inGraph) |
Internal method for setting whether the node is in the scene graph. | |
virtual void | _updateFromParent (void) const |
Triggers the node to update it's combined transforms. | |
void | makeTransform (const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &scale, const Quaternion &orientation, Matrix4 &destMatrix) const |
Internal method for building a Matrix4 from orientation / scale / position. | |
void | makeInverseTransform (const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &scale, const Quaternion &orientation, Matrix4 &destMatrix) |
Internal method for building an inverse Matrix4 from orientation / scale / position. | |
Protected Attributes | |
ObjectMap | mObjectsByName |
LightList | mLightList |
bool | mLightListDirty |
WireBoundingBox * | mWireBoundingBox |
Pointer to a Wire Bounding Box for this Node. | |
bool | mShowBoundingBox |
Flag that determines if the bounding box of the node should be displayed. | |
SceneManager * | mCreator |
SceneManager which created this node. | |
AxisAlignedBox | mWorldAABB |
World-Axis aligned bounding box, updated only through _update. | |
bool | mYawFixed |
Whether to yaw around a fixed axis. | |
Vector3 | mYawFixedAxis |
Fixed axis to yaw around. | |
SceneNode * | mAutoTrackTarget |
Auto tracking target. | |
Vector3 | mAutoTrackOffset |
Tracking offset for fine tuning. | |
Vector3 | mAutoTrackLocalDirection |
Local 'normal' direction vector. | |
bool | mIsInSceneGraph |
Is this node a current part of the scene graph? | |
Node * | mParent |
Pointer to parent node. | |
ChildNodeMap | mChildren |
Collection of pointers to direct children; hashmap for efficiency. | |
ChildUpdateSet | mChildrenToUpdate |
List of children which need updating, used if self is not out of date but children are. | |
bool | mNeedParentUpdate |
Flag to indicate own transform from parent is out of date. | |
bool | mNeedChildUpdate |
Flag indicating that all children need to be updated. | |
bool | mParentNotified |
Flag indicating that parent has been notified about update request. | |
String | mName |
Friendly name of this node, can be automatically generated if you don't care. | |
Quaternion | mOrientation |
Stores the orientation of the node relative to it's parent. | |
Vector3 | mPosition |
Stores the position/translation of the node relative to its parent. | |
Vector3 | mScale |
Stores the scaling factor applied to this node. | |
bool | mInheritScale |
Stores whether this node inherits scale from it's parent. | |
MaterialPtr | mpMaterial |
Material pointer should this node be rendered. | |
Quaternion | mDerivedOrientation |
Cached combined orientation. | |
Vector3 | mDerivedPosition |
Cached combined position. | |
Vector3 | mDerivedScale |
Cached combined scale. | |
Vector3 | mInitialPosition |
The position to use as a base for keyframe animation. | |
Quaternion | mInitialOrientation |
The orientation to use as a base for keyframe animation. | |
Vector3 | mInitialScale |
The scale to use as a base for keyframe animation. | |
Real | mAccumAnimWeight |
Vector3 | mTransFromInitial |
Quaternion | mRotFromInitial |
Vector3 | mScaleFromInitial |
Matrix4 | mCachedTransform |
Cached derived transform as a 4x4 matrix. | |
bool | mCachedTransformOutOfDate |
CustomParameterMap | mCustomParameters |
bool | mRenderDetailOverrideable |
Static Protected Attributes | |
unsigned long | msNextGeneratedNameExt |
Incremented count for next name extension. | |
const PlaneList | msDummyPlaneList |
Definition at line 45 of file OgreSceneNode.h.
Definition at line 65 of file OgreNode.h. |
Definition at line 64 of file OgreNode.h. |
Definition at line 74 of file OgreNode.h. |
Definition at line 66 of file OgreNode.h. |
Definition at line 50 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Definition at line 251 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Definition at line 49 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Definition at line 48 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Enumeration denoting the spaces which a transform can be relative to.
Definition at line 55 of file OgreNode.h. |
Constructor, only to be called by the creator SceneManager.
Constructor, only to be called by the creator SceneManager.
Add the bounding box to the rendering queue.
Internal method used by OGRE to update auto-tracking cameras.
Internal method which locates any visible objects attached to this node and adds them to the passed in queue.
Gets the orientation of the node as derived from all parents.
Gets the position of the node as derived from all parents.
Gets the scaling factor of the node as derived from all parents.
Gets the full transformation matrix for this node.
Gets the axis-aligned bounding box of this node (and hence all subnodes).
Notifies this SceneNode that it is the root scene node.
Definition at line 159 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Internal method to update the Node.
Reimplemented from Ogre::Node. Reimplemented in Ogre::BspSceneNode. |
Tells the SceneNode to update the world bound info it stores.
Reimplemented in Ogre::OctreeNode. |
Update a custom GpuProgramParameters constant which is derived from information only this Renderable knows.
Reimplemented in Ogre::TerrainRenderable. Definition at line 219 of file OgreRenderable.h. References Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry::data, Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry::index, and params. |
Triggers the node to update it's combined transforms.
Reimplemented in Ogre::TagPoint. |
Internal weighted transform method.
Adds a (precreated) child scene node to this node. If it is attached to another node, it must be detached first.
Adds an instance of a scene object to this node.
Called by children to notify their parent that they no longer need an update.
Creates a new named Node as a child of this node.
Creates an unnamed new Node as a child of this node.
See Node.
Implements Ogre::Node. |
See Node.
Implements Ogre::Node. |
Creates a new named SceneNode as a child of this node.
Creates an unnamed new SceneNode as a child of this node.
Detaches all objects attached to this node.
Reimplemented in Ogre::BspSceneNode. |
Detaches the named object from this node and returns a pointer to it.
Reimplemented in Ogre::BspSceneNode. |
Detaches an object by pointer.
Detaches the indexed object from this scene node.
Reimplemented in Ogre::BspSceneNode. |
Allows retrieval of the nearest lights to the centre of this SceneNode.
Inverts the visibility of all objects attached to this node.
Retrieves a pointer to an attached object.
Retrieves a pointer to an attached object.
Retrieves an iterator which can be used to efficiently step through the objects attached to this node.
Retrieves an iterator which can be used to efficiently step through the objects attached to this node.
Get the auto tracking local direction for this node, if it is auto tracking.
Definition at line 399 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Get the auto tracking offset for this node, if the node is auto tracking.
Definition at line 397 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Get the auto tracking target for this node, if any.
Definition at line 395 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Method which reports whether this renderable would normally cast a shadow.
Reimplemented in Ogre::StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket, and Ogre::SubEntity. Definition at line 154 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Gets a pointer to a named child node.
Gets a pointer to a child node.
Retrieves an iterator for efficiently looping through all children of this node.
Retrieves an iterator for efficiently looping through all children of this node.
Definition at line 146 of file OgreRenderable.h. References Ogre::PlaneList. |
Gets the creator of this scene node.
Gets the custom value associated with this Renderable at the given index.
Definition at line 180 of file OgreRenderable.h. References OGRE_EXCEPT. |
Returns true if this node is affected by scaling factors applied to the parent node.
Gets the initial orientation of this node, see setInitialState for more info.
Gets the initial position of this node, see setInitialState for more info.
Gets the initial position of this node, see setInitialState for more info.
Implements Ogre::Renderable. Reimplemented in Ogre::TagPoint. |
Gets a matrix whose columns are the local axes based on the nodes orientation relative to it's parent.
Overridden from Renderable.
Implements Ogre::Renderable. |
Returns the name of the node.
Returns whether or not this Renderable wishes the hardware to normalise normals.
Reimplemented in Ogre::SubEntity. Definition at line 138 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Returns the number of world transform matrices this renderable requires.
Reimplemented in Ogre::BorderRenderable, and Ogre::SubEntity. Definition at line 104 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Returns a quaternion representing the nodes orientation.
Gets this node's parent (NULL if this is the root).
Gets the parent of this SceneNode.
Gets the position of the node relative to it's parent.
Returns the preferred rasterisation mode of this renderable.
Reimplemented in Ogre::SubEntity. Definition at line 135 of file OgreRenderable.h. References Ogre::SceneDetailLevel, and Ogre::SDL_SOLID. |
Gets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting.
Reimplemented in Ogre::BorderRenderable. Definition at line 243 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Overridden from Renderable.
Implements Ogre::Renderable. Reimplemented in Ogre::OctreeNode. |
Gets the scaling factor of this node.
This allows scene managers to determine if the node's bounding box should be added to the rendering queue.
Overridden, see Renderable.
Implements Ogre::Renderable. |
Retrieves a pointer to the Material Technique this renderable object uses.
Reimplemented in Ogre::StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket, and Ogre::SubEntity. Definition at line 69 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Implements Ogre::Renderable. |
Implements Ogre::Renderable. |
Overridden from Renderable.
Implements Ogre::Renderable. |
Determines whether this node is in the scene graph, ie whether it's ulitimate ancestor is the root scene node.
Definition at line 153 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Points the local -Z direction of this node at a point in space.
Internal method for building an inverse Matrix4 from orientation / scale / position.
Internal method for building a Matrix4 from orientation / scale / position.
To be called in the event of transform changes to this node that require it's recalculation.
Reimplemented in Ogre::TagPoint. |
Reports the number of objects attached to this node.
Reports the number of child nodes under this one.
Rotate the node around the X-axis.
Removes all child Nodes attached to this node. Does not delete the nodes, just detaches them from this parent, potentially to be reattached elsewhere. |
Removes and destroys all children of this node.
This method removes and destroys the child and all of its children.
This method removes and destroys the named child and all of its children.
Drops the named child from this node.
Reimplemented in Ogre::OctreeNode. |
Drops the specified child from this node.
Reimplemented in Ogre::OctreeNode. |
Drops the specified child from this node.
Reimplemented in Ogre::OctreeNode. |
Called by children to notify their parent that they need an update.
Resets the nodes orientation (local axes as world axes, no rotation).
Resets the position / orientation / scale of this node to it's initial state, see setInitialState for more info.
Rotate the node around the Z-axis.
Rotate the node around an aritrary axis using a Quarternion.
Rotate the node around an arbitrary axis.
Scales the node, combining it's current scale with the passed in scaling factor.
Scales the node, combining it's current scale with the passed in scaling factor.
Enables / disables automatic tracking of another SceneNode.
Sets a custom parameter for this Renderable, which may be used to drive calculations for this specific Renderable, like GPU program parameters.
Definition at line 171 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Sets the node's direction vector ie it's local -z.
Sets the node's direction vector ie it's local -z.
Tells the node whether to yaw around it's own local Y axis or a fixed axis of choice.
Tells the node whether it should inherit scaling factors from it's parent node.
Sets the current transform of this node to be the 'initial state' ie that position / orientation / scale to be used as a basis for delta values used in keyframe animation.
Internal method for setting whether the node is in the scene graph.
Reimplemented in Ogre::BspSceneNode. |
Sets the orientation of this node via quaternion parameters.
Sets the orientation of this node via a quaternion.
See Node.
Reimplemented from Ogre::Node. |
Sets the position of the node relative to it's parent.
Sets the position of the node relative to it's parent.
Sets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting.
Definition at line 235 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Sets the scaling factor applied to this node.
Sets the scaling factor applied to this node.
Makes all objects attached to this node become visible / invisble.
Allows the showing of the node's bounding box.
Moves the node along arbitrary axes.
Moves the node along arbitrary axes.
Moves the node along the cartesian axes.
Moves the node along the cartesian axes.
Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection.
Reimplemented in Ogre::BorderRenderable, Ogre::OverlayElement, and Ogre::Rectangle2D. Definition at line 114 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection.
Reimplemented in Ogre::BorderRenderable, Ogre::OverlayElement, and Ogre::Rectangle2D. Definition at line 124 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Rotate the node around the Y-axis.
Reimplemented from Ogre::Node. |
Definition at line 180 of file OgreNode.h. |
Local 'normal' direction vector.
Definition at line 96 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Tracking offset for fine tuning.
Definition at line 94 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Auto tracking target.
Definition at line 92 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Cached derived transform as a 4x4 matrix.
Definition at line 189 of file OgreNode.h. |
Definition at line 190 of file OgreNode.h. |
Collection of pointers to direct children; hashmap for efficiency.
Definition at line 72 of file OgreNode.h. |
List of children which need updating, used if self is not out of date but children are.
Definition at line 76 of file OgreNode.h. |
SceneManager which created this node.
Definition at line 63 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Definition at line 252 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Cached combined orientation.
Definition at line 115 of file OgreNode.h. |
Cached combined position.
Definition at line 124 of file OgreNode.h. |
Cached combined scale.
Definition at line 133 of file OgreNode.h. |
Stores whether this node inherits scale from it's parent.
Definition at line 100 of file OgreNode.h. |
The orientation to use as a base for keyframe animation.
Definition at line 175 of file OgreNode.h. |
The position to use as a base for keyframe animation.
Definition at line 173 of file OgreNode.h. |
The scale to use as a base for keyframe animation.
Definition at line 177 of file OgreNode.h. |
Is this node a current part of the scene graph?
Definition at line 98 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Definition at line 54 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Definition at line 55 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Friendly name of this node, can be automatically generated if you don't care.
Definition at line 85 of file OgreNode.h. |
Flag indicating that all children need to be updated.
Definition at line 80 of file OgreNode.h. |
Flag to indicate own transform from parent is out of date.
Definition at line 78 of file OgreNode.h. |
Definition at line 53 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Stores the orientation of the node relative to it's parent.
Definition at line 91 of file OgreNode.h. |
Pointer to parent node.
Definition at line 70 of file OgreNode.h. |
Flag indicating that parent has been notified about update request.
Definition at line 82 of file OgreNode.h. |
Material pointer should this node be rendered.
Definition at line 103 of file OgreNode.h. |
Stores the position/translation of the node relative to its parent.
Definition at line 94 of file OgreNode.h. |
Definition at line 253 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Definition at line 184 of file OgreNode.h. |
Stores the scaling factor applied to this node.
Definition at line 97 of file OgreNode.h. |
Definition at line 186 of file OgreNode.h. |
Definition at line 250 of file OgreRenderable.h. |
Flag that determines if the bounding box of the node should be displayed.
Definition at line 60 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Incremented count for next name extension.
Definition at line 88 of file OgreNode.h. |
Definition at line 182 of file OgreNode.h. |
Pointer to a Wire Bounding Box for this Node.
Definition at line 58 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
World-Axis aligned bounding box, updated only through _update.
Definition at line 66 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Whether to yaw around a fixed axis.
Definition at line 87 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Fixed axis to yaw around.
Definition at line 89 of file OgreSceneNode.h. |
Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Feb 12 13:03:21 2006