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Ogre::D3D9Mappings Class Reference

#include <OgreD3D9Mappings.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

 enum identifying D3D9 tex. types More...

 enum identifying D3D9 filter usage type More...

Static Public Member Functions

DWORD get (ShadeOptions so)
 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre ShadeOptions value

D3DLIGHTTYPE get (Ogre::Light::LightTypes lightType)
 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre LightTypes value

DWORD get (TexCoordCalcMethod m, const D3DCAPS9 &caps)
 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre TexCoordCalsMethod value

D3DTEXTUREADDRESS get (TextureUnitState::TextureAddressingMode tam)
 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre TextureAddressingMode value

 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre LayerBlendType value

DWORD get (LayerBlendOperationEx lbo, const D3DCAPS9 &devCaps)
 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre LayerBlendOperationEx value

DWORD get (LayerBlendSource lbs)
 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre LayerBlendSource value

D3DBLEND get (SceneBlendFactor sbf)
 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre SceneBlendFactor value

DWORD get (CompareFunction cf)
 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre CompareFunction value

DWORD get (CullingMode cm, bool flip)
 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre CillingMode value

D3DFOGMODE get (FogMode fm)
 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre FogMode value

D3DFILLMODE get (SceneDetailLevel level)
 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre SceneDetailLevel value

DWORD get (StencilOperation op, bool invert=false)
 return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre StencilOperation value

 return a D3D9 state type for Ogre FilterType value

DWORD get (FilterType ft, FilterOptions fo, const D3DCAPS9 &devCaps, eD3DTexType texType)
 return a D3D9 filter option for Ogre FilterType & FilterOption value

eD3DTexType get (TextureType ogreTexType)
 return the D3DtexType equivalent of a Ogre tex. type

DWORD get (HardwareBuffer::Usage usage)
 return the combination of D3DUSAGE values for Ogre buffer usage

DWORD get (HardwareBuffer::LockOptions options, HardwareBuffer::Usage usage)
 Get lock options.

D3DFORMAT get (HardwareIndexBuffer::IndexType itype)
 Get index type.

D3DDECLTYPE get (VertexElementType vType)
 Get vertex data type.

D3DDECLUSAGE get (VertexElementSemantic sem)
 Get vertex semantic.

D3DXMATRIX makeD3DXMatrix (const Matrix4 &mat)
Matrix4 D3D9Mappings::convertD3DXMatrix (const D3DXMATRIX &mat)

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Ogre::D3D9Mappings::eD3DFilterUsage

enum identifying D3D9 filter usage type

Enumeration values:
D3D_FUSAGE_MIN  min filter
D3D_FUSAGE_MAG  mag filter
D3D_FUSAGE_MIP  mip filter

Definition at line 61 of file OgreD3D9Mappings.h.

enum Ogre::D3D9Mappings::eD3DTexType

enum identifying D3D9 tex. types

Enumeration values:
D3D_TEX_TYPE_NORMAL  standard texture
D3D_TEX_TYPE_CUBE  cube texture
D3D_TEX_TYPE_VOLUME  volume texture
D3D_TEX_TYPE_NONE  just to have it...

Definition at line 48 of file OgreD3D9Mappings.h.

Member Function Documentation

Matrix4 Ogre::D3D9Mappings::D3D9Mappings::convertD3DXMatrix const D3DXMATRIX &  mat  )  [static]

D3DDECLUSAGE Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get VertexElementSemantic  sem  )  [static]

Get vertex semantic.

D3DDECLTYPE Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get VertexElementType  vType  )  [static]

Get vertex data type.

D3DFORMAT Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get HardwareIndexBuffer::IndexType  itype  )  [static]

Get index type.

DWORD Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get HardwareBuffer::LockOptions  options,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  usage

Get lock options.

DWORD Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get HardwareBuffer::Usage  usage  )  [static]

return the combination of D3DUSAGE values for Ogre buffer usage

eD3DTexType Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get TextureType  ogreTexType  )  [static]

return the D3DtexType equivalent of a Ogre tex. type

DWORD Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get FilterType  ft,
FilterOptions  fo,
const D3DCAPS9 &  devCaps,
eD3DTexType  texType

return a D3D9 filter option for Ogre FilterType & FilterOption value

D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get FilterType  ft  )  [static]

return a D3D9 state type for Ogre FilterType value

DWORD Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get StencilOperation  op,
bool  invert = false

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre StencilOperation value

D3DFILLMODE Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get SceneDetailLevel  level  )  [static]

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre SceneDetailLevel value

D3DFOGMODE Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get FogMode  fm  )  [static]

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre FogMode value

DWORD Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get CullingMode  cm,
bool  flip

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre CillingMode value

DWORD Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get CompareFunction  cf  )  [static]

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre CompareFunction value

D3DBLEND Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get SceneBlendFactor  sbf  )  [static]

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre SceneBlendFactor value

DWORD Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get LayerBlendSource  lbs  )  [static]

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre LayerBlendSource value

DWORD Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get LayerBlendOperationEx  lbo,
const D3DCAPS9 &  devCaps

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre LayerBlendOperationEx value

D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get LayerBlendType  lbt  )  [static]

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre LayerBlendType value

D3DTEXTUREADDRESS Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get TextureUnitState::TextureAddressingMode  tam  )  [static]

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre TextureAddressingMode value

DWORD Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get TexCoordCalcMethod  m,
const D3DCAPS9 &  caps

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre TexCoordCalsMethod value

D3DLIGHTTYPE Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get Ogre::Light::LightTypes  lightType  )  [static]

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre LightTypes value

DWORD Ogre::D3D9Mappings::get ShadeOptions  so  )  [static]

return a D3D9 equivalent for a Ogre ShadeOptions value

D3DXMATRIX Ogre::D3D9Mappings::makeD3DXMatrix const Matrix4 mat  )  [static]

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Feb 12 13:08:55 2006