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OgreRefApp::OgreHead Class Reference

#include <OgreRefAppOgreHead.h>

Inheritance diagram for OgreRefApp::OgreHead:

OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject Ogre::UserDefinedObject List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 OgreHead (const String &name)
 ~OgreHead ()
virtual void setPosition (const Vector3 &vec)
 Sets the position of this object.

virtual void setPosition (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Sets the position of this object.

virtual void setOrientation (const Quaternion &orientation)
 Sets the orientation of this object.

virtual const Vector3getPosition (void)
 Gets the current position of this object.

virtual const QuaterniongetOrientation (void)
 Gets the current orientation of this object.

virtual void _updateFromDynamics (void)
 Updates the position of this game object from the simulation.

virtual bool isCollisionEnabled (void)
 Returns whether or not this object is considered for collision.

virtual bool isDynamicsEnabled (void)
 Returns whether or not this object is physically simulated.

virtual void setDynamicsDisableThreshold (Real linearSq, Real angularSq, Real overTime)
 Sets the linear and angular velocity thresholds, below which the object will have it's dynamics automatically disabled for performance.

virtual void setCollisionEnabled (bool enabled)
virtual void setDynamicsEnabled (bool enabled, bool reEnableOnInteraction=false)
 Sets whether or not this object is physically simulated at this time.

virtual void setBounceParameters (Real restitutionValue, Real velocityThreshold)
 Sets the 'bounciness' of this object.

virtual Real getBounceRestitutionValue (void)
 Gets the cefficient of restitution (bounciness) for this object.

virtual Real getBounceVelocityThreshold (void)
 Gets the bounce velocity threshold for this object.

virtual void setSoftness (Real softness)
 Sets the softness of this object, which determines how much it is allowed to penetrate other objects.

virtual Real getSoftness (void)
 Gets the softness factor of this object.

virtual void setFriction (Real friction)
 Sets the Coulomb frictional coefficient for this object.

virtual Real getFriction (void)
 Gets the Coulomb frictional coefficient for this object.

virtual void addForce (const Vector3 &direction, const Vector3 &atPosition=Vector3::ZERO)
 Adds a linear force to this object, in object space, at the position indicated.

virtual void addForce (Real dir_x, Real dir_y, Real dir_z, Real pos_x=0, Real pos_y=0, Real pos_z=0)
 Adds a linear force to this object, in object space, at the position indicated.

virtual void addForceWorldSpace (const Vector3 &direction, const Vector3 &atPosition=Vector3::ZERO)
 Adds a linear force to this object, in world space, at the position indicated.

virtual void addForceWorldSpace (Real dir_x, Real dir_y, Real dir_z, Real pos_x, Real pos_y, Real pos_z)
 Adds a linear force to this object, in world space, at the position indicated.

virtual void addTorque (const Vector3 &direction)
 Adds rotational force to this object, in object space.

virtual void addTorque (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Adds rotational force to this object, in object space.

virtual void addTorqueWorldSpace (const Vector3 &direction)
 Adds rotational force to this object, in world space.

virtual void addTorqueWorldSpace (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Adds rotational force to this object, in world space.

virtual bool testCollide (ApplicationObject *otherObj)
 Tests to see if there is a detailed collision between this object and the object passed in.

virtual bool testCollide (SceneQuery::WorldFragment *wf)
 Tests to see if there is a detailed collision between this object and the world fragment passed in.

virtual void _notifyCollided (ApplicationObject *otherObj, const CollisionInfo &info)
 This method is called automatically if testCollide indicates a real collision.

virtual void _notifyCollided (SceneQuery::WorldFragment *wf, const CollisionInfo &info)
 This method is called automatically if testCollide indicates a real collision.

SceneNodegetSceneNode (void)
 Gets the SceneNode which is being used to represent this object's position in the OGRE world.

EntitygetEntity (void)
 Gets the Entity which is being used to represent this object in the OGRE world.

dBody * getOdeBody (void)
 Gets the ODE body used to represent this object's mass and current velocity.

void setMassSphere (Real density, Real radius)
 Set the mass parameters of this object to represent a sphere.

void setMassBox (Real density, const Vector3 &dimensions, const Quaternion &orientation=Quaternion::IDENTITY)
 Set the mass parameters of this object to represent a box.

void setMassCappedCylinder (Real density, Real length, Real width, const Quaternion &orientation=Quaternion::IDENTITY)
 Set the mass parameters of this object to represent a capped cylinder.

void setMassExpert (Real mass, const Vector3 center, const Matrix3 inertia)
 Sets the mass parameters manually, use only if you know how!

const dMass * getOdeMass (void)
 Gets the ODE mass parameters for this object.

void setLinearVelocity (const Vector3 &vel)
 Sets the current linear velocity of this object.

void setLinearVelocity (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Sets the current linear velocity of this object.

const Vector3getLinearVelocity (void)
 Gets the current linear velocity of this object.

const Vector3getAngularVelocity (void)
 Gets the current angular velocity of this object.

void setAngularVelocity (const Vector3 &vel)
 Sets the current angular velocity of this object.

void setAngularVelocity (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Sets the current angular velocity of this object.

virtual void translate (const Vector3 &d)
 Moves the object along it's local axes.

virtual void translate (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Moves the object along it's local axes.

virtual void translateWorldSpace (const Vector3 &d)
 Moves the object along the world axes.

virtual void translateWorldSpace (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Moves the object along the world axes.

virtual void roll (const Radian &angle)
 Rotate the object around the local Z-axis.

void roll (Real angleunits)
virtual void pitch (const Radian &angle)
 Rotate the object around the local X-axis.

void pitch (Real angleunits)
virtual void yaw (const Radian &angle)
 Rotate the object around the local Y-axis.

void yaw (Real angleunits)
virtual void rotate (const Vector3 &axis, const Radian &angle)
 Rotate the object around an arbitrary axis.

void rotate (const Vector3 &axis, Real angleunits)
virtual void rotate (const Quaternion &q)
 Rotate the object around an aritrary axis using a Quarternion.

virtual long getTypeID (void) const
 Return a number identifying the type of user defined object.

virtual const StringgetTypeName (void) const
 Return a string identifying the type of user defined object.

Protected Types

typedef std::list< dGeom * > CollisionProxyList
 Collision proxies, must be set up if collision enabled.

Protected Member Functions

void setUp (const String &name)
virtual void updateCollisionProxies (void)
 Internal method for updating the state of the collision proxies.

virtual bool testCollidePlaneBounds (SceneQuery::WorldFragment *wf)
 Internal method for testing the plane bounded region WorldFragment type.

virtual void setEntityQueryFlags (void)
 Internal method for updating the query mask.

Protected Attributes

dBody * mOdeBody
 Dynamics properties, must be set up by subclasses if dynamics enabled.

dMass mMass
 Mass parameters.

CollisionProxyList mCollisionProxies
bool mDynamicsEnabled
bool mReenableIfInteractedWith
bool mCollisionEnabled
Real mBounceCoeffRestitution
Real mBounceVelocityThreshold
Real mSoftness
Real mFriction
Real mLinearVelDisableThreshold
Real mAngularVelDisableThreshold
Real mDisableTime
Real mDisableTimeEnd

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::list<dGeom*> OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::CollisionProxyList [protected, inherited]

Collision proxies, must be set up if collision enabled.

Definition at line 56 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OgreRefApp::OgreHead::OgreHead const String name  ) 

OgreRefApp::OgreHead::~OgreHead  ) 

Member Function Documentation

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::_notifyCollided SceneQuery::WorldFragment wf,
const CollisionInfo info
[virtual, inherited]

This method is called automatically if testCollide indicates a real collision.

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::_notifyCollided ApplicationObject otherObj,
const CollisionInfo info
[virtual, inherited]

This method is called automatically if testCollide indicates a real collision.

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::Box.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::_updateFromDynamics void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Updates the position of this game object from the simulation.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::addForce Real  dir_x,
Real  dir_y,
Real  dir_z,
Real  pos_x = 0,
Real  pos_y = 0,
Real  pos_z = 0
[virtual, inherited]

Adds a linear force to this object, in object space, at the position indicated.

All forces are applied, then reset after World::applyDynamics is called.
dir_x,dir_y,dir_z The force direction in object coordinates.
pos_x,pos_y,pos_z The position at which the force is to be applied, in object coordinates.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::addForce const Vector3 direction,
const Vector3 atPosition = Vector3::ZERO
[virtual, inherited]

Adds a linear force to this object, in object space, at the position indicated.

All forces are applied, then reset after World::applyDynamics is called.
direction The force direction in object coordinates.
atPosition The position at which the force is to be applied, in object coordinates.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::addForceWorldSpace Real  dir_x,
Real  dir_y,
Real  dir_z,
Real  pos_x,
Real  pos_y,
Real  pos_z
[virtual, inherited]

Adds a linear force to this object, in world space, at the position indicated.

All forces are applied, then reset after World::applyDynamics is called.
dir_x,dir_y,dir_z The force direction in world coordinates.
pos_x,pos_y,pos_z The position at which the force is to be applied, in world coordinates.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::addForceWorldSpace const Vector3 direction,
const Vector3 atPosition = Vector3::ZERO
[virtual, inherited]

Adds a linear force to this object, in world space, at the position indicated.

All forces are applied, then reset after World::applyDynamics is called.
direction The force direction in world coordinates.
atPosition The position at which the force is to be applied, in world coordinates.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::addTorque Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z
[virtual, inherited]

Adds rotational force to this object, in object space.

All forces are applied, then reset after World::applyDynamics is called.
x,y,z The direction of the torque to apply, in object space.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::addTorque const Vector3 direction  )  [virtual, inherited]

Adds rotational force to this object, in object space.

All forces are applied, then reset after World::applyDynamics is called.
direction The direction of the torque to apply, in object space.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::addTorqueWorldSpace Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z
[virtual, inherited]

Adds rotational force to this object, in world space.

All forces are applied, then reset after World::applyDynamics is called.
x,y,z The direction of the torque to apply, in world space.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::addTorqueWorldSpace const Vector3 direction  )  [virtual, inherited]

Adds rotational force to this object, in world space.

All forces are applied, then reset after World::applyDynamics is called.
direction The direction of the torque to apply, in world space.

const Vector3& OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::getAngularVelocity void   )  [inherited]

Gets the current angular velocity of this object.

Only applicable if dynamics are enabled for this object.
Vector3 representing the angular velocity in units per second around each axis.

virtual Real OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::getBounceRestitutionValue void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Gets the cefficient of restitution (bounciness) for this object.

virtual Real OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::getBounceVelocityThreshold void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Gets the bounce velocity threshold for this object.

Entity* OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::getEntity void   )  [inherited]

Gets the Entity which is being used to represent this object in the OGRE world.

virtual Real OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::getFriction void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Gets the Coulomb frictional coefficient for this object.

const Vector3& OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::getLinearVelocity void   )  [inherited]

Gets the current linear velocity of this object.

Only applicable if dynamics are enabled for this object.
Vector3 representing the velocity in units per second.

dBody* OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::getOdeBody void   )  [inherited]

Gets the ODE body used to represent this object's mass and current velocity.

const dMass* OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::getOdeMass void   )  [inherited]

Gets the ODE mass parameters for this object.

virtual const Quaternion& OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::getOrientation void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Gets the current orientation of this object.

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

virtual const Vector3& OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::getPosition void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Gets the current position of this object.

SceneNode* OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::getSceneNode void   )  [inherited]

Gets the SceneNode which is being used to represent this object's position in the OGRE world.

virtual Real OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::getSoftness void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Gets the softness factor of this object.

virtual long Ogre::UserDefinedObject::getTypeID void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Return a number identifying the type of user defined object.

Can be used to differentiate between different types of object which you attach to OGRE MovableObject instances. Recommend you override this in your classes if you use more than one type of object.
Alternatively, you can override the getTypeName method and use that instead; that version is a litle more friendly and easier to scope, but obviously slightly less efficient. You choose which you prefer.

virtual const String& Ogre::UserDefinedObject::getTypeName void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Return a string identifying the type of user defined object.

Can be used to differentiate between different types of object which you attach to OGRE MovableObject instances. Recommend you override this in your classes if you use more than one type of object.
Alternatively, you can override the getTypeID method and use that instead; that version is a litle more efficient, but obviously slightly less easy to read. You choose which you prefer.

virtual bool OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::isCollisionEnabled void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Returns whether or not this object is considered for collision.

virtual bool OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::isDynamicsEnabled void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Returns whether or not this object is physically simulated.

Objects which are not physically simulated only move when their SceneNode is manually altered.

void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::pitch Real  angleunits  )  [inherited]

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

Definition at line 418 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::pitch const Radian angle  )  [virtual, inherited]

Rotate the object around the local X-axis.

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::roll Real  angleunits  )  [inherited]

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

Definition at line 409 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::roll const Radian angle  )  [virtual, inherited]

Rotate the object around the local Z-axis.

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::rotate const Quaternion q  )  [virtual, inherited]

Rotate the object around an aritrary axis using a Quarternion.

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::rotate const Vector3 axis,
Real  angleunits

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

Definition at line 436 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::rotate const Vector3 axis,
const Radian angle
[virtual, inherited]

Rotate the object around an arbitrary axis.

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setAngularVelocity Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z

Sets the current angular velocity of this object.

Only applicable if dynamics are enabled for this object. This method is useful for starting an object off rather than applying forces to get it there.

void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setAngularVelocity const Vector3 vel  )  [inherited]

Sets the current angular velocity of this object.

Only applicable if dynamics are enabled for this object. This method is useful for starting an object off rather than applying forces to get it there.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setBounceParameters Real  restitutionValue,
Real  velocityThreshold
[virtual, inherited]

Sets the 'bounciness' of this object.

Only applies if this object has both collision and dynamics enabled. When 2 movable objects collide, the greatest bounce parameters from both objects apply, so even a non-bouncy object can bounce if it hits a bouncy surface.
restitutionValue Coeeficient of restitution (0 for no bounce, 1 for perfect bounciness)
velocityThreshold Velocity below which no bounce will occur; this is a dampening value to ensure small velocities do not cause bounce.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setCollisionEnabled bool  enabled  )  [virtual, inherited]

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setDynamicsDisableThreshold Real  linearSq,
Real  angularSq,
Real  overTime
[virtual, inherited]

Sets the linear and angular velocity thresholds, below which the object will have it's dynamics automatically disabled for performance.

These thresholds are used to speed up the simulation and to make it more stable, by turning off dynamics for objects that appear to be at rest. Otherwise, objects which are supposedly stationary can jitter when involved in large stacks, and can consume unnecessary CPU time. Note that if another object interacts with the disabled object, it will automatically reenable itself.
If you never want to disable dynamics automatically for this object, just set all the values to 0.
linearSq The squared linear velocity magnitude threshold
angularSq The squared angular velocity magnitude threshold
overTime The number of seconds over which the values must continue to be under this threshold for the dynamics to be disabled. This is to catch cases where the object almost stops moving because of a boundary condition, but would speed up again later (e.g. box teetering on an edge).

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setDynamicsEnabled bool  enabled,
bool  reEnableOnInteraction = false
[virtual, inherited]

Sets whether or not this object is physically simulated at this time.

Objects which are not physically simulated only move when their SceneNode is manually altered. Objects which are physically simulated must set up an ODE body as part of their setUp method.
You can also use this to temporarily turn off simulation on an object, such that it is not simulated until some other object which IS simulated comes in contact with it, or is attached to it with a joint.
enabled Specifies whether dynamics is enabled
reEnableOnInteraction If set to true, this object will reenable if some other dynamically simulated object interacts with it

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setEntityQueryFlags void   )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Internal method for updating the query mask.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setFriction Real  friction  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the Coulomb frictional coefficient for this object.

This coefficient affects how much an object will slip when it comes into contact with another object.
friction The Coulomb friction coefficient, valid from 0 to Math::POS_INFINITY. 0 means no friction, Math::POS_INFINITY means infinite friction ie no slippage. Note that friction between these 2 bounds is more CPU intensive so use with caution.

void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setLinearVelocity Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z

Sets the current linear velocity of this object.

Only applicable if dynamics are enabled for this object. This method is useful for starting an object off at a particular speed rather than applying forces to get it there.

void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setLinearVelocity const Vector3 vel  )  [inherited]

Sets the current linear velocity of this object.

Only applicable if dynamics are enabled for this object. This method is useful for starting an object off at a particular speed rather than applying forces to get it there.

void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setMassBox Real  density,
const Vector3 dimensions,
const Quaternion orientation = Quaternion::IDENTITY

Set the mass parameters of this object to represent a box.

This method sets the mass and inertia properties of this object such that it is like a box.
density Density of the box in Kg/m^3
dimensions Width, height and depth of the box.
orientation Optional orientation of the box.

void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setMassCappedCylinder Real  density,
Real  length,
Real  width,
const Quaternion orientation = Quaternion::IDENTITY

Set the mass parameters of this object to represent a capped cylinder.

This method sets the mass and inertia properties of this object such that it is like a capped cylinder, by default lying along the Z-axis.
density Density of the cylinder in Kg/m^3
length Length of the cylinder
width Width of the cylinder
orientation Optional orientation if you wish the cylinder to lay along a different axis from Z.

void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setMassExpert Real  mass,
const Vector3  center,
const Matrix3  inertia

Sets the mass parameters manually, use only if you know how!

mass Mass in Kg
center The center of gravity
inertia The inertia matrix describing distribution of the mass around the body.

void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setMassSphere Real  density,
Real  radius

Set the mass parameters of this object to represent a sphere.

This method sets the mass and inertia properties of this object such that it is like a sphere, ie center of gravity at the origin and an even distribution of mass in all directions.
density Density of the sphere in Kg/m^3
radius of the sphere mass

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setOrientation const Quaternion orientation  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the orientation of this object.

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setPosition Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z
[virtual, inherited]

Sets the position of this object.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setPosition const Vector3 vec  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the position of this object.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::setSoftness Real  softness  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the softness of this object, which determines how much it is allowed to penetrate other objects.

This parameter only has meaning if collision and dynamics are enabled for this object.
softness Softness factor (0 is completely hard). Softness will be combined from both objects involved in a collision to determine how much they will penetrate.

void OgreRefApp::OgreHead::setUp const String name  )  [protected, virtual]

Implements OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject.

virtual bool OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::testCollide SceneQuery::WorldFragment wf  )  [virtual, inherited]

Tests to see if there is a detailed collision between this object and the world fragment passed in.

If there is a collision, the object will be notified and if dynamics are enabled on this object, physics will be applied automatically.
true if collision occurred

virtual bool OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::testCollide ApplicationObject otherObj  )  [virtual, inherited]

Tests to see if there is a detailed collision between this object and the object passed in.

If there is a collision, both objects will be notified and if dynamics are enabled on these objects, physics will be applied automatically.
true if collision occurred

virtual bool OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::testCollidePlaneBounds SceneQuery::WorldFragment wf  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Internal method for testing the plane bounded region WorldFragment type.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::translate Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z
[virtual, inherited]

Moves the object along it's local axes.

This method moves the object by the supplied vector along the local axes of the obect.
x,y z Real x, y and z values representing the translation.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::translate const Vector3 d  )  [virtual, inherited]

Moves the object along it's local axes.

This method moves the object by the supplied vector along the local axes of the obect.
d Vector with x,y,z values representing the translation.

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::translateWorldSpace Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z
[virtual, inherited]

Moves the object along the world axes.

This method moves the object by the supplied vector along the local axes of the obect.
x,y z Real x, y and z values representing the translation.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::translateWorldSpace const Vector3 d  )  [virtual, inherited]

Moves the object along the world axes.

This method moves the object by the supplied vector along the world axes.
d Vector with x,y,z values representing the translation.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::updateCollisionProxies void   )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Internal method for updating the state of the collision proxies.

void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::yaw Real  angleunits  )  [inherited]

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

Definition at line 427 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

virtual void OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::yaw const Radian angle  )  [virtual, inherited]

Rotate the object around the local Y-axis.

Reimplemented in OgreRefApp::CollideCamera.

Member Data Documentation

Real OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mAngularVelDisableThreshold [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 69 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

Real OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mBounceCoeffRestitution [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 64 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

Real OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mBounceVelocityThreshold [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 65 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

bool OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mCollisionEnabled [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 62 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

CollisionProxyList OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mCollisionProxies [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 57 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

Real OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mDisableTime [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 70 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

Real OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mDisableTimeEnd [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 71 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

bool OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mDynamicsEnabled [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 60 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

Entity* OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mEntity [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 47 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

Real OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mFriction [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 67 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

Real OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mLinearVelDisableThreshold [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 68 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

dMass OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mMass [protected, inherited]

Mass parameters.

Definition at line 52 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

dBody* OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mOdeBody [protected, inherited]

Dynamics properties, must be set up by subclasses if dynamics enabled.

Definition at line 50 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

bool OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mReenableIfInteractedWith [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 61 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

SceneNode* OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mSceneNode [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 46 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

Real OgreRefApp::ApplicationObject::mSoftness [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 66 of file OgreRefAppApplicationObject.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:55:14 2006