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8.2 Animation State

When an entity containing animation of any type is created, it is given an 'animation state' object per animation to allow you to specify the animation state of that single entity (you can animate multiple entities using the same animation definitions, OGRE sorts the reuse out internally).

You can retrieve a pointer to the AnimationState object by calling Entity::getAnimationState. You can then call methods on this returned object to update the animation, probably in the frameStarted event. Each AnimationState needs to be enabled using the setEnabled method before the animation it refers to will take effect, and you can set both the weight and the time position (where appropriate) to affect the application of the animation using correlating methods. AnimationState also has a very simple method 'addTime' which allows you to alter the animation position incrementally, and it will automatically loop for you. addTime can take positive or negative values (so you can reverse the animation if you want).

This document was generated by Steve Streeting on , 12 2006 using texi2html