18 years |
bittner |
temporary version, rss preprocessor not functional
18 years |
bittner |
mixture distribution initial coding
18 years |
bittner |
merge, global lines, rss sampling updates
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
global lines support
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
merge, filter update, renderebuffer made functional
18 years |
mattausch |
warning: this version contains bugs!!
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
merge, preparing sampling strategy support for mixed distributions, filter …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
pvs updates
18 years |
mattausch |
removed bug from exportviewcells
18 years |
bittner |
merge with new pvs
18 years |
mattausch |
exchanged pvs implementation: using vectors instead of maps
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
new visibility filter support
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
removed memory leaks
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
changed priority computation:
taking ratio render cost decrease / pvs size …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
added ratio for rc / storage
18 years |
mattausch |
implemented obj dump for fast loading
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
multiple path support for kd
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on gradient method for vsposp
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
added kd tree loading
18 years |
bittner |
kd-tree hack active
18 years |
bittner |
vsp osp tests
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
renderer changes
18 years |
bittner |
functional ray casting - fixed computeinvdir issue
18 years |
bittner |
ViewcellsManager? issue solved
18 years |
bittner |
Qtglwidget changes - second view + trackball - ray casting seems not …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
fixed bug with view space box
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on gvs
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
moved raycasting out of preprocessor into specific ray casting interface
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on guided visibility sampling
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
fixed kd tree loading / exporting
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
debugging after merge
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
fixed sah for objeect partition
loader for single triangles also for x3d
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on global object sorting
18 years |
mattausch |
worked on triangle processing. logical units will be created by grouping …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
intel ray caster updates
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
implemented bv hierarchy
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
mlrt tests
18 years |
bittner |
mlrt 16 ray tracing support
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
mlrta configuration changes
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
added intel ray tracing
18 years |
mattausch |
added loader for osp trees
18 years |
bittner |
code merge
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
19 years |
mattausch |
vsposp debug version
19 years |
mattausch |
19 years |
mattausch |
worked on vsp osp tree
19 years |
mattausch |
uaing rays for osp
19 years |
bittner |
Merge with Olivers code
19 years |
mattausch |
19 years |
mattausch |
added view cells manager for vsposptree
19 years |
mattausch |
worked on view-object space partition
fixed some loading bugs
fixeds some …
19 years |
mattausch |
started viewspace-objectspace subdivision
removed memory leaks
19 years |
mattausch |
environment as a singleton
19 years |
mattausch |
debug run: fixing memory holes
19 years |
mattausch |
added mesh instance support
improved support for occlusion queries + other …
19 years |
mattausch |
fixed bug for histogram
improved samplerenderer
todo: difference …
19 years |
mattausch |
19 years |
mattausch |