18 years |
mattausch |
added mechanism for histogram on certain MB in hierarchymanager
no more …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
implemented pvs correction (debug version)
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
added support for pvs correction (warning: does not yet compile)
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
remopved bug when choosing bvh heuristics
18 years |
mattausch |
removed unneccesary mailing
18 years |
mattausch |
fixed bug in priority computation of object space
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
added kd pvs as option to view cells manager to avoid errors when updating …
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
experiments with different contribution computations
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
removed bug in sampling strategy
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
mattausch |
added avg ray contrib
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
18 years |
bittner |
combined preprocessor
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
removed possible bug in mixtedstrategy
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
bittner |
temporary version, rss preprocessor not functional
18 years |
bittner |
mixture distribution initial coding
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
bittner |
sampling updates
18 years |
bittner |
halton generator updates
18 years |
bittner |
added mailable - not functional yet
18 years |
bittner |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
bittner |
merge, global lines, rss sampling updates
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
gumbau |
Improved materials for the LodTree? demo
18 years |
gumbau |
Improved materials for the LodTree? demo
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
improved object pvs
18 years |
mattausch |
implemented object space compression
18 years |
mattausch |
warning! changed pvs output because of paper hack
18 years |
mattausch |
fixed compress
18 years |
mattausch |
removed bug in initial subdivision
18 years |
gumbau |
Added shadows to the terrain
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
bittner |
gl render updates - separate gl viewer widget
18 years |
bittner |
gl render updates - separate gl viewer widget
18 years |
szirmay |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
ray caster bug fix
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
mattausch |
18 years |
bittner |
global lines support
18 years |
mattausch |
changed occlusion culling scene manager
the configuration goes to the …
18 years |
gumbau |
18 years |
gumbau |
Some textures added to the LodTrees? demo
18 years |
gumbau |
Added some textures to the LodTrees? demo
18 years |
gumbau |
18 years |
gumbau |
Added some trees for the LodTrees? demo