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Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery Class Reference

This is a class that is the base class of the query class for hardware occlusion. More...

#include <OgreGLHardwareOcclusionQuery.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery:

Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GLHardwareOcclusionQuery ()
 Default object constructor.

 ~GLHardwareOcclusionQuery ()
 Object destructor.

void beginOcclusionQuery ()
 Starts the hardware occlusion query Simple usage: Create one or more OcclusionQuery object one per outstanding query or one per tested object OcclusionQuery* m_pOcclusionQuery; createOcclusionQuery( &m_pOcclusionQuery ); In the rendering loop: Draw all occluders m_pOcclusionQuery->startOcclusionQuery(); Draw the polygons to be tested m_pOcclusionQuery->endOcclusionQuery();.

void endOcclusionQuery ()
 Ends the hardware occlusion test.

bool pullOcclusionQuery (unsigned int *NumOfFragments, const HW_OCCLUSIONQUERY flag)
 Pulls the hardware occlusion query too see if there is a result.

unsigned int getLastQuerysPixelcount ()
 Let's you get the last pixel count with out doing the hardware occlusion test.

bool isStillOutstanding (void)
void setSkipRate (int skip)
 Remarks This function allows you to set how often the hardware occlusion really sent to the driver if you set it to 0 every hardware occlusion test is actually made.

int getSkipRate ()
virtual bool HardwareOcclusionQuery::isStillOutstanding (void)=0
 Lets you know when query is done, or still be processed by the Hardware.

Protected Attributes

unsigned int mPixelCount
GLuint mQueryID
bool m_bOcclusionQuery
int mSkipCounter
int mSkipInterval
bool mHasOcclusionSupport

Detailed Description

This is a class that is the base class of the query class for hardware occlusion.

Lee Sandberg email: Updated on 4/8/2005 by Tuan Kuranes email:

Definition at line 69 of file OgreGLHardwareOcclusionQuery.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery  ) 

Default object constructor.

Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::~GLHardwareOcclusionQuery  ) 

Object destructor.

Member Function Documentation

void Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::beginOcclusionQuery  )  [virtual]

Starts the hardware occlusion query Simple usage: Create one or more OcclusionQuery object one per outstanding query or one per tested object OcclusionQuery* m_pOcclusionQuery; createOcclusionQuery( &m_pOcclusionQuery ); In the rendering loop: Draw all occluders m_pOcclusionQuery->startOcclusionQuery(); Draw the polygons to be tested m_pOcclusionQuery->endOcclusionQuery();.

Results must be pulled using: UINT m_uintNumberOfPixelsVisable; pullOcclusionQuery( &m_dwNumberOfPixelsVisable ); You may not get the result directly after the first pass or frame. Objects not visible must be tested every frame, visible objects may be tested less frequently.

Implements Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery.

void Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::endOcclusionQuery  )  [virtual]

Ends the hardware occlusion test.

Implements Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery.

unsigned int Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::getLastQuerysPixelcount  )  [virtual]

Let's you get the last pixel count with out doing the hardware occlusion test.

The last fragment count from the last test. Remarks This function won't give you new values, just the old value.

Implements Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery.

Definition at line 92 of file OgreGLHardwareOcclusionQuery.h.

int Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::getSkipRate  )  [virtual]

Implements Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery.

Definition at line 111 of file OgreGLHardwareOcclusionQuery.h.

virtual bool Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery::HardwareOcclusionQuery::isStillOutstanding void   )  [pure virtual, inherited]

Lets you know when query is done, or still be processed by the Hardware.

true if query isn't finished.

bool Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::isStillOutstanding void   ) 

bool Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::pullOcclusionQuery unsigned int *  NumOfFragments,

Pulls the hardware occlusion query too see if there is a result.

Return values:
NumOfFragments will get the resulting number of fragments.
True if success or false if not. In DX9 mode specifying OCCLUSIONQUERY_FLUSH as the flag, will case the driver to flush whatever API calls are batched. In OpenGL mode it makes no difference if you specify OCCLUSIONQUERY_FLUSH or OCCLUSIONQUERY_NOFLUSH.

Implements Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery.

void Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::setSkipRate int  skip  )  [virtual]

Remarks This function allows you to set how often the hardware occlusion really sent to the driver if you set it to 0 every hardware occlusion test is actually made.

If you set it to 2 only 50% of your queries are sent. for all visible objects. 3 will result in 33% of all queries to actually be sent and so on. New and none visible objects will be tested all the time. This functionality is here because this class can keep track on visible and none visible objects for you. Once you you set the SkipRate for any hardware occlusion instance it effects all others.

Implements Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery.

Definition at line 110 of file OgreGLHardwareOcclusionQuery.h.

Member Data Documentation

bool Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::m_bOcclusionQuery [protected]

Definition at line 121 of file OgreGLHardwareOcclusionQuery.h.

bool Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::mHasOcclusionSupport [protected]

Definition at line 124 of file OgreGLHardwareOcclusionQuery.h.

unsigned int Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::mPixelCount [protected]

Definition at line 119 of file OgreGLHardwareOcclusionQuery.h.

GLuint Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::mQueryID [protected]

Definition at line 120 of file OgreGLHardwareOcclusionQuery.h.

int Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::mSkipCounter [protected]

Definition at line 122 of file OgreGLHardwareOcclusionQuery.h.

int Ogre::GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::mSkipInterval [protected]

Definition at line 123 of file OgreGLHardwareOcclusionQuery.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Feb 12 13:10:12 2006