03/19/07 13:02:58 (18 years ago)
9 edited


  • GTP/trunk/Lib/Illum/IllumModule/OgreIllumModule/include/RenderingRuns/OgreDepthShadowMapRenderingRun.h

    r2251 r2264  
    4949        void refreshLight(unsigned long frameNum); 
    5050        /** 
    51                 @brief retuns the view matrix of the camera from which the depth shadow map was created 
     51                @brief Retuns the view matrix of the camera from which the depth shadow map was created. 
    5252        */ 
    5353        Matrix4 getLightViewMatrix(); 
    5454        /** 
    55                 @brief retuns the concatenation of the view and projection matrices of the camera from which the depth shadow map was created 
     55                @brief Retuns the concatenation of the view and projection matrices of the camera from which the depth shadow map was created. 
    5656        */ 
    5757        Matrix4 getLightViewProjMatrix(); 
     58        /** 
     59                @brief Retuns the far plane of the light projection. 
     60        */ 
    5861        Real getLightFarPlane(){return lightFarPlane;} 
    6164        /** 
    62                 @brief the light source this depth shadow map belongs to 
     65                @brief The light source this depth shadow map belongs to. 
    6366        */ 
    6467        Light* light; 
    6568        /** 
    66                 @brief pointer to the camera of the lightsource 
     69                @brief Pointer to the camera of the lightsource. 
    6770        */ 
    6871        Camera* depthMapCamera; 
    6972        /** 
    70                 @brief the name of the material to be used when rendering the depth shadow map 
     73                @brief The name of the material to be used when rendering the depth shadow map. 
    7174        */ 
    7275        String materialName; 
    7376        /** 
    74                 @brief a pointer to the OgreSharedRuns this run belongs to 
     77                @brief A pointer to the OgreSharedRuns this run belongs to. 
    7578        */ 
    7679        OgreSharedRuns* sharedRuns; 
    7780        /** 
    78                 @brief the name of the depth shadow map texture that was created by this run 
     81                @brief The name of the depth shadow map texture that was created by this run. 
    7982        */ 
    8083        String name; 
     84        /** 
     85                @brief The name of the blurred depth shadow map texture that was created by this run. 
     86        */ 
    8187        String blurredname; 
    8288        /** 
    83                 @brief a pointer to the depth shadow texture that was created by this run 
     89                @brief A pointer to the depth shadow texture that was created by this run. 
    8490        */ 
    8591        Texture* depthMapTexture; 
     92        /** 
     93                @brief A pointer to the blurred depth shadow texture that was created by this run. 
     94        */ 
    8695        Texture* blurredDepthMapTexture; 
    8796        Real lightFarPlane; 
  • GTP/trunk/Lib/Illum/IllumModule/OgreIllumModule/include/RenderingRuns/OgreFocusingMapRenderingRun.h

    r2251 r2264  
    2323        /** 
    2424                @brief Constructor. 
     25                @param name                             the name of the focusing map texture to be created 
     26                @param lightMatrix      the light matrix to be focused 
     27                @param focusingMapSize  size of the focusing map                 
    2728        */       
    2829        OgreFocusingMapRenderingRun(String name, 
    3334        */ 
    3435        String getFocusingTextureName(){return name;} 
     36        /** 
     37                @brief gets the boundig box min-max points 
     39                These values are given in light space and can be used to adjust the light matrices to focuse on important objects only. 
     40        */ 
    3541        void getMinMax(Vector3& min, Vector3& max); 
     42        /** 
     43                @brief Sets the light matrix that should be  focused. 
     44        */ 
    3645        void setLightMatrix(Matrix4 &m){this->lightMatrix = m;} 
     46        /** 
     47                @brief Sets the player camera matrices.          
     48        */ 
    3749        void setCameraMatrices(const Matrix4 &view, const Matrix4 &projection); 
    4052        /** 
    41                 @brief pointer to the player's viewport  
     53                @brief light matrix to be focused        
    4254        */ 
    4355        Matrix4 lightMatrix; 
    4456        /** 
    45                 @brief pointer to the player's camera    
     57                @brief fosusing map camera       
    4658        */ 
    4759        Camera* camera; 
    5567        */ 
    5668        Texture* focusingTexture; 
     69        /** 
     70                @brief the size of the focusing map 
     71        */ 
    5772        unsigned int focusingMapSize; 
    5974        //inherited 
    6075        void updateFrame(unsigned long frameNum);        
     76        /** 
     77                @brief creates the focusing map texture 
     78        */ 
    6279        inline void createFocusingMap(); 
     80        //inherited 
    6481        bool needUpdate(unsigned long frameNum ) 
    6582        { 
  • GTP/trunk/Lib/Illum/IllumModule/OgreIllumModule/include/RenderingRuns/OgreLightVolumeRenderingRun.h

    r2041 r2264  
    16         @brief ColorCubeMapRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. 
     16        @brief LightVolumeRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. 
    1818class OgreLightVolumeRenderingRun : public OgreRenderingRun, 
    2626                @param sharedRuns                       a pointer to the OgreSharedRuns this run belongs to 
    27                 @param name                                     the name of the texture to be created 
     27                @param name                                     the name of the light volume texture to be created 
    2828                @param startFrame                       adds an offset to the current frame number to help evenly distribute updates between frames 
    2929                @param updateInterval           update frequency 
    30                 @param resolution                       color cubemap resolution 
    31                 @param materialName                     the name of the material should be used when rendering the choton hit map 
     30                @param resolution                       light volume texture resolution 
     31                @param materialName                     the name of the material should be used when rendering the light volume 
    3232        */       
    3333        OgreLightVolumeRenderingRun(OgreSharedRuns* sharedRuns, 
    3939                                                                String materialName); 
    4040        /** 
    41                 @brief returns the name of the resulting photon hit map 
     41                @brief returns the name of the resulting light volume texture 
    4242        */ 
    4343        String getLightVolumeTextureName() 
    5252        */ 
    5353        void refreshLight(); 
     54        /** 
     55                @brief Returns the light matrix used while rendering the light volume. 
     56        */ 
    5557        Matrix4 getLightViewProjectionMatrix() 
    5658        { 
    6971        /** 
    70                 @brief the name of the material should be used when rendering the choton hit map 
     72                @brief the name of the material should be used when rendering the light volume 
    7173        */ 
    7274        String materialName; 
    7375        /** 
    74                 @brief pointer to the nearest light source from the caster object 
     76                @brief pointer to the nearest light source to the particle system 
    7577        */ 
    7678        Light* light; 
    7779        /** 
    78                 @brief the created photon hit map texture 
     80                @brief pointer to the camera used while rendering the light volume 
    7981        */ 
    8082        Camera* lightVolumeCamera; 
    8486        OgreSharedRuns* sharedRuns; 
    8587        /** 
    86                 @brief the name of the photonmap texture that was created by this run 
     88                @brief the name of the light volume texture that was created by this run 
    8789        */ 
    8890        String name; 
    89         /** 
    90                 @brief a pointer to the photonmap texture that was created by this run 
    91         */ 
    9292        Texture* lightVolumeTexture; 
    9393        Texture* lightVolumeTexture2; 
    9494        Texture* lightVolumeTextureThis; 
    9595        Texture* lightVolumeTextureLast; 
     97        Texture* lightVolumeTexture3D; 
     99        unsigned char* volumeBuffer; 
    96100        /** 
    97                 @brief a pointer to the photonmap texture that was created by this run 
     101                @brief the radius of the particle system 
    98102        */ 
    99         Texture* lightVolumeTexture3D; 
    100         unsigned char* volumeBuffer; 
    101103        float systemRadius;      
    103104        void createVolumeBuffer(); 
  • GTP/trunk/Lib/Illum/IllumModule/OgreIllumModule/include/RenderingRuns/OgrePMEntryPointMapRenderingRun.h

    r2200 r2264  
    15         @brief ColorCubeMapRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. 
     15        @brief Entry point map computing run. 
     17        This map is used in the pathmap technique. It stores entry point positions and normals.  
     18        This texture will be used to determine the amount of incoming light to an entry point. @see OgrePMWeightComputeRenderingRun 
    1720class OgrePMEntryPointMapRenderingRun : public OgreRenderingRun                                                                  
    2225                @brief Constructor. 
     27                @param name the name of the entry point texture created ny this run 
    2528        */       
    2629        OgrePMEntryPointMapRenderingRun(String name); 
    2730        /** 
    28                 @brief returns the name of the camera depth texture 
     31                @brief returns the name of the entry point texture 
    2932        */ 
    3033        String getEntryPointTextureName(){return name;} 
     34        /** 
     35                @brief returns the name of the cluster length texture. 
     37                This texture stores the size (number of entripoints) of each entry point cluster. 
     38        */ 
    3139        String getClusterLengthTextureName(){return clusterLengthTexture->getName();} 
    3443        /** 
    3544                @brief the name of the entry point texture that was created by this run 
    3746        String name; 
    3847        /** 
    39                 @brief a pointer to the scene depth texture that was created by this run 
     48                @brief a pointer to the entry point texture that was created by this run 
    4049        */ 
    4150        Texture* entryPointTexture; 
     51        /** 
     52                @brief a pointer to the cluster length texture that was created by this run 
     54                This texture stores the size (number of entripoints) of each entry point cluster. 
     55        */ 
    4256        Texture* clusterLengthTexture; 
    4458        //inherited 
    4559        void updateFrame(unsigned long frameNum);        
     60        /** 
     61                @brief Creates and fills the entry point and the cluster length texture. 
     62        */ 
    4763        inline void createEntryPointMap(); 
     64        //inherited 
    4965        bool needUpdate(unsigned long frameNum ) 
    5066        { 
  • GTP/trunk/Lib/Illum/IllumModule/OgreIllumModule/include/RenderingRuns/OgrePMWeightComputeRenderingRun.h

    r2200 r2264  
    15         @brief ColorCubeMapRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. 
     15        @brief Weight computing rendering run. 
     17        This run is used in the pathmap technique.  
     18        It creates a texture for a light source that stores the weights that should be used for each cluster of entry points. 
    1720class OgrePMWeightComputeRenderingRun : public OgreRenderingRun                                                                  
    2225                @brief Constructor. 
     27        @param name the name of the weight texture to be created 
     28                @param LightName the name of the light source to use 
    2529        */       
    2630        OgrePMWeightComputeRenderingRun(String name, String LightName); 
    2731        /** 
    28                 @brief returns the name of the camera depth texture 
     32                @brief returns the name of the weight texture 
    2933        */ 
    3034        String getPMWeightTetureName(){return weightTexture->getName();} 
     35        //not used 
    3136        float* getWeights(){return weights;} 
    3439        /** 
    35                 @brief pointer to the player's viewport  
     40                @brief light view-projection matrix 
    3641        */ 
    3742        Matrix4 lightMatrix; 
     43        /** 
     44                @brief light view matrix 
     45        */ 
    3846        Matrix4 lightViewMatrix; 
    3947        /** 
    4250        String name; 
    4351        /** 
    44                 @brief a pointer to the scene depth texture that was created by this run 
     52                @brief a pointer to the weight texture that was created by this run 
    4553        */ 
    4654        Texture* weightTexture; 
     55        /** 
     56                @brief A pointer to a texture that stores weights for all the entry point. 
     58                This texture will be used to determine the weights of the clusters. 
     59        */ 
    4760        Texture* allWeightsTexture; 
     61        /** 
     62                @brief A pointer to the light source. 
     63        */ 
    4964        Light* light; 
     65        //not used 
    5166        float* weights; 
    5367        //inherited 
    5468        void updateFrame(unsigned long frameNum);        
     69        /** 
     70                @brief Creates the weight texture. 
     72                It also creates the texture storing all weights. @see allWeightsTexture 
     73        */ 
    5674        inline void createWeightMap(); 
  • GTP/trunk/Lib/Illum/IllumModule/OgreIllumModule/include/RenderingRuns/OgrePhaseTextureRenderingRun.h

    r1425 r2264  
    16         @brief ColorCubeMapRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. 
     16        @brief PhaseTextureRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. 
    1818class OgrePhaseTextureRenderingRun : public OgreRenderingRun, 
    2424                @brief Constructor. 
    26                 @param sharedRuns                       a pointer to the OgreSharedRuns this run belongs to 
    27                 @param name                                     the name of the depth map texture to be created 
    28                 @param light                            the light source this depth shadow map belongs to 
    29                 @param resolutionX                      the resolution width of the depth shadow map 
    30                 @param resolutionY                      the resolution height of the depth shadow map 
    31                 @param materialName                     the name of the material to be used when rendering the depth shadow map 
     26                @param name                                     the name of the phase texture to be created 
     27                @param resolutionX                      the resolution width of the phase texture 
     28                @param resolutionY                      the resolution height of the phase texture 
     29                @param materialName                     the name of the material to be used when rendering the phase texture 
    3230        */       
    3331        OgrePhaseTextureRenderingRun(           String name, 
    3836        /** 
    39                 @brief returns the depth shadow map texture created by this run 
     37                @brief returns the name of thew phase texture created by this run 
    4038        */ 
    4139        String getPhaseTextureName(){return name;} 
    5452        */ 
    5553        Texture* phaseTexture; 
     54        /** 
     55                @brief a pointer to the camera that was used while rendering the phase texture 
     56        */ 
    5657        Camera* phaseCamera; 
    5859        //inherited 
    5960        void updateFrame(unsigned long frameNum); 
     61        /** 
     62                @brief Creates the phase texture. 
     63        */ 
    6064        inline void createPhaseTexture(); 
  • GTP/trunk/Lib/Illum/IllumModule/OgreIllumModule/include/RenderingRuns/OgrePhotonMapRenderingRun.h

    r1722 r2264  
    16         @brief ColorCubeMapRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. 
     16        @brief PhotonMapRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. 
    1818class OgrePhotonMapRenderingRun : public OgreRenderingRun, 
    2828                @param startFrame                       adds an offset to the current frame number to help evenly distribute updates between frames 
    2929                @param updateInterval           update frequency 
    30                 @param resolution                       color cubemap resolution 
    31                 @param materialName                     the name of the material should be used when rendering the choton hit map 
     30                @param resolution                       photon map resolution 
     31                @param materialName                     the name of the material should be used when rendering the photon hit map 
    3232                @param useDistance                      tells if a distance cubemap impostor should be used in photon hit calculation (recommended) 
    3333        */       
    4040                                                                bool useDistance); 
    4141        /** 
    42                 @brief returns the name of the resulting photon hit map 
     42                @brief returns the name of the resulting photon hit map texture 
    4343        */ 
    4444        String getPhotonMapTextureName(){return name;} 
    4747        */ 
    4848        void refreshLight(); 
     49        //inherited 
    5050        bool canJoin(RenderingRun* run) 
    5151        { 
    5555                return false; 
    5656        } 
     57        //inherited 
    5758        void distanceCubeMapChanged(RenderingRun* run); 
     59        //inherited      
    5960        void distanceCubeMapUpdated(RenderingRun* run); 
    6263        /** 
    63                 @brief the name of the material should be used when rendering the choton hit map 
     64                @brief the name of the material should be used when rendering the photon hit map 
    6465        */ 
    6566        String materialName; 
    6970        Light* light; 
    7071        /** 
    71                 @brief the created photon hit map texture 
     72                @brief the camera used while rendering the photon hit map 
    7273        */ 
    7374        Camera* photonMapCamera; 
    8182        OgreSharedRuns* sharedRuns; 
    8283        /** 
    83                 @brief the name of the photonmap texture that was created by this run 
     84                @brief the name of the photon map texture that was created by this run 
    8485        */ 
    8586        String name; 
    8687        /** 
    87                 @brief a pointer to the photonmap texture that was created by this run 
     88                @brief a pointer to the photon map texture that was created by this run 
    8889        */ 
    8990        Texture* photonMapTexture; 
  • GTP/trunk/Lib/Illum/IllumModule/OgreIllumModule/include/RenderingRuns/OgreReducedCubeMapRenderingRun.h

    r790 r2264  
    16         @brief ColorCubeMapRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. 
     16        @brief ReducedCubeMapRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. 
    1818class OgreReducedCubeMapRenderingRun : public OgreRenderingRun, 
    4848        /** 
    49                 @brief returns the name of the resulting reduced sized color cubemap texture 
     49                @brief returns the name of the resulting downsampled color cubemap texture 
    5050        */ 
    5151        String& getReducedCubeMapTextureName(){return name;} 
    6060        OgreSharedRuns* sharedRuns; 
    6161        /** 
    62                 @brief the name of the cubemap texture that was created by this run 
     62                @brief the name of the downsampled cubemap texture that was created by this run 
    6363        */ 
    6464        String name; 
    6565        /** 
    66                 @brief a pointer to the cubemap texture that was created by this run 
     66                @brief a pointer to the downsampled cubemap texture that was created by this run 
    6767        */ 
    6868        Texture* reducedCubemapTexture; 
  • GTP/trunk/Lib/Illum/IllumModule/OgreIllumModule/include/RenderingRuns/OgreSceneCameraDepthRenderingRun.h

    r790 r2264  
    16         @brief ColorCubeMapRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. 
     16        @brief SceneCameraDepthRenderingRun used in an OGRE environment. 
    1818class OgreSceneCameraDepthRenderingRun : public OgreRenderingRun, 
    2626                @param sharedRuns               a pointer to the OgreSharedRuns this run belongs to 
    27                 @param name                             the name of the scene depth texture to be created 
     27                @param name                             the name of the depth texture to be created 
    2828                @param playerView               pointer to the player's viewport         
    2929        */       
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.