09/14/05 18:33:00 (19 years ago)

did bsp stuff

1 edited


  • trunk/VUT/doc/SciReport/mutual.tex

    r266 r269  
    1818between the viewcells which is the case for both BSP-tree or kD-tree 
    1919based view cells. Then given a PVS consisting of visible viewcells 
    20 (with repsect to an object) we can find all the neighbors of the 
     20(with respect to an object) we can find all the neighbors of the 
    2121visible viewcells which are invisible. In order words a view cell 
    22 belongs to this boundary if it is vlassified invisible and has at 
     22belongs to this boundary if it is classified invisible and has at 
    2323least one visible neighbor. If all view cells from this boundary are 
    24 proven invisible, not other viewcell (behind this boundary) can be 
     24proven invisible, no other viewcell (behind this boundary) can be 
    2525visible. If the verification determines some view cells as visible, 
    2626the current invisible boundary is extended and the verification is 
    343343the strong occlusion algorithm of Cohen-Or et 
    344344al.~\cite{cohen-egc-98}. In particular our verfier refines the search 
    345 for a strong occluder by using a hiearrchical subdivision of space of 
     345for a strong occluder by using a hierarchical subdivision of space of 
    346346lines connecting the two regions tested for mutual 
    347347visibility. Initially the shaft bounding the the tested regions is 
    380380assume that one tested region is a viewcell, whereas the other is an 
    381381object bounding box or cell of the spatial hierarchy. The threshold is 
    382 computed as follows: We first triangulate the farthest intesection 
     382computed as follows: We first triangulate the farthest intersection 
    383383points in the shaft as seen from the view cell side of the shaft. Then 
    384384for each computed triangle we calculate a point in the viewcell which 
    427  This chapter presented a mutuaql visibility tool, which determines 
     427 This chapter presented a mutual visibility tool, which determines 
    428428 whether two regions in the scene are visible. 
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