09/15/05 18:17:46 (19 years ago)

added view cell stuff to the report

1 edited


  • trunk/VUT/doc/SciReport/mutual.tex

    r269 r272  
    1616This boundary it is based on the current view cell visibility 
    1717classifications. We assume that there is a defined connectivity 
    18 between the viewcells which is the case for both BSP-tree or kD-tree 
    19 based view cells. Then given a PVS consisting of visible viewcells 
     18between the view cells which is the case for both BSP-tree or kD-tree 
     19based view cells. Then given a PVS consisting of visible view cells 
    2020(with respect to an object) we can find all the neighbors of the 
    21 visible viewcells which are invisible. In order words a view cell 
     21visible view cells which are invisible. In order words a view cell 
    2222belongs to this boundary if it is classified invisible and has at 
    2323least one visible neighbor. If all view cells from this boundary are 
    24 proven invisible, no other viewcell (behind this boundary) can be 
     24proven invisible, no other view cell (behind this boundary) can be 
    2525visible. If the verification determines some view cells as visible, 
    2626the current invisible boundary is extended and the verification is 
    379379For the computation of the maximal error due to the current shaft we 
    380 assume that one tested region is a viewcell, whereas the other is an 
     380assume that one tested region is a view cell, whereas the other is an 
    381381object bounding box or cell of the spatial hierarchy. The threshold is 
    382382computed as follows: We first triangulate the farthest intersection 
    383383points in the shaft as seen from the view cell side of the shaft. Then 
    384 for each computed triangle we calculate a point in the viewcell which 
     384for each computed triangle we calculate a point in the view cell which 
    385385maximizes the projected area of the triangle. The conservative 
    386386estimate of the maximal error is then given by a sum of the computed 
    396396% The basic idea is the following: 
    398 % Use 2 plane parametrization for describing all lines intersecting the object and the viewcell. The line sets will be described by aligned rectangles on the two planes which allows to construct convex shafts bounded always by only 4 lines. After determing the initial rectangles bounding the whole line set perform recursive subdivsion as follows: 
     398% Use 2 plane parametrization for describing all lines intersecting the object and the view cell. The line sets will be described by aligned rectangles on the two planes which allows to construct convex shafts bounded always by only 4 lines. After determing the initial rectangles bounding the whole line set perform recursive subdivsion as follows: 
    400400% 1. Cast the 4 corner rays and deterine ALL intersections with the occluding objects 
    402 % 2. If any ray is unoccluded termite the whole test with VISIBLE and extend the PVS of the object with the new viecell (and possibly more if the rays goes further). Start the verification for the new viewcells in the occluded layer. 
     402% 2. If any ray is unoccluded termite the whole test with VISIBLE and extend the PVS of the object with the new view cell (and possibly more if the rays goes further). Start the verification for the new view cells in the occluded layer. 
    404404% 3. If all 4 rays pierce the same convex mesh, (or mesh triangle for non convex meshes) terminate this branch with INVISIBLE. Note the terminating mesh need not be the front most one. 
    407407% Note that here it would be the best to selected those intersections for the rays which have the most similar depths to better estimate the maximal error, i.e. the "depth triangles" need not be formed by the first visible layer. 
    409 % 5. If 4 does not terminate subdivide either the viewcell or the object rectangle depending on the sample depths and error computed. 
     409% 5. If 4 does not terminate subdivide either the view cell or the object rectangle depending on the sample depths and error computed. 
    411411% It is actually quite simple to create a conservative variant of the algorithm: subdivide only to a given depth and avoid test 4. Then the samples can only be terminated by a "STRONG occluder" which hides the whole shaft. This is similar to Dannys method, but here a hierarchical shaft subdivision is performed which should deliver much more accuracy. 
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